Tag Archives: Social Sciences

Case Study Research

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr. Kamil Marcinkiewicz (University of Hamburg)

Date: Monday, 29/09/14 – Wednesday, 01/10/14 from 14.30-18.00 h

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English


The case study research is frequently applied in the social sciences. It is particularly popular among political scientists, especially those specializing in area studies. The ubiquity of the case study research contrasts with the scarcity of theoretical reflection on its core methodological aspects. Also the benefits of comparative analyses are often underestimated. In this course participants will have an opportunity to learn more about what the case study research is, what are its weakness and strengths and how should we go about the core question in designing a case study: selection of cases. The course combines lectures with practical exercises and discussion of students’ projects.

Recommended literature and pre-readings:

  • Gerring, J. (2007). Case Study Research: Principles and Practices (pp. 17-63). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • George, A. L., & Bennett, A. (2005). Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences (pp. 1-34). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Rueschemeyer, D. (2003). Can One or a Few Cases Yield Theoretical Gains? In J. Mahoney and D. Rueschemeyer (Eds.), Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences (pp. 305-337) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hall, P.A. (2008). Systematic Process Analysis: When and How to Use it. European Political Science, 7(3), 304-317.

You have to register for the 8th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

University of Alberta: Assistant Professor in Business Administration

Assistant Professor – Business
Augustana Faculty- University of Alberta
Competition No. – A105620465
Closing Date – September 1, 2013

This position is located in Camrose, Alberta.

The Augustana Faculty of the University of Alberta enrols approximately 1000 undergraduate students in baccalaureate degree programs on a picturesque residential campus in the city of Camrose, 90 kilometers southeast of Edmonton. The Faculty is committed to building on its reputation for academic rigour, high-quality teaching in the tradition of the liberal arts and sciences, and extensive opportunities for students in the areas of community service learning, undergraduate research, and international study. Augustana provides a distinctive undergraduate experience characterized by close student-faculty relationships and numerous opportunities for student participation in athletics, clubs, and campus organizations. Students benefit from the advantages of a small campus while earning a degree from one of Canada’s leading universities.

The Faculty seeks to attract promising scholars who will share its enthusiasm for teaching in a small-campus environment, participate actively in a collegial culture of inquiry and public engagement, and flourish as researchers in an undergraduate, interdisciplinary, and rural milieu.

The Department of Social Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track position at the assistant professor level in Business, with a preference for a specialization in one of the following areas: corporate social responsibility, sustainability, international business, rural business, and entrepreneurship. The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary department of more than twenty faculty members and will teach in the Bachelors of Management program with a stream in Business Economics. Applicants should possess (or be near completion of) an earned doctorate in Business or a related field.

Applicants should be interested in the continuing development of a teaching-oriented Management program and must possess a strong record of scholarly research and publications or demonstrate evidence of potential in these areas (e.g. a stream of work-in-progress that has the potential to yield publications in refereed journals). The successful candidate will maintain a strong research program in core management areas and will have experience/expertise to teach undergraduate courses in these aforementioned areas.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a sample of scholarly work, a statement of teaching philosophy, teaching evaluations and the names of three references. Electronic applications are required. Your application and supporting documents should be submitted online through the University of Alberta’s job website @ University of Alberta’s job website @ http://www.careers.ualberta.ca/Competition/A105620465/.

Questions about this position or the Management degree program at Augustana should be directed to Dr. William Foster, Associate Professor, Management via e-mail at wfoster@ualberta.ca or Dr. Jeremy Mouat, Chair of Social Sciences, via email at jeremy.mouat@ualberta.ca or by phone at 780 679-1633.

Review of applications will begin on September 1, 2013 and continue until the position is filled. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. For information about Augustana and particular programs, please consult the Faculty webpage at www.augustana.ualberta.ca.

Universität Köln: Assistant Professorship in Personnel Economics and/or Human Resource Management

The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne seeks to appoint

Two Assistant Professorships (W1) in
Personnel Economics and/or Human Resource Management

Applicants should have a strong focus in quantitative research but also an interest in developing practical applications. Research can be based on various methodological approaches such as field or laboratory experiments, the analysis of field data, or formal economic models. We also welcome applicants from other related fields such as labor economics, applied
econometrics, (behavioral) microeconomics, organizational behavior, or psychology, who have a strong background in one of the research methods and show a convincing willingness to work on topics of personnel economics and HRM in the future.

Deadline for applications is 14th June 2013.

Further Information

Universität Tübingen: Professorship in Sociology (W3 with tenure; Chair)

The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Tuebingen (Department of Sociology) welcomes applications for a

Professorship in Sociology (W3 with tenure; Chair)

to be filled as of 01 October 2013.

The incumbent will represent micro-sociological issues in research and teaching. The Department is interested in candidates with expertise in the areas of gender and stratification, as well as in households and living arrangements, inter-generational relationships, and/or diversity. Candidates are expected to have a significant record of publications in internationally recognized journals, a history of high quality empirical research, educational suitability, and commitment to collaboration with existing research activity. The candidate should have advanced academic qualifications in the field of Sociology.

Disabled applicants will be given preference in the case of equal qualifications.

The University intends to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching positions and therefore encourages applications from female scientists.

The deadline for applications is 03 March 2013.

Applications are to be submitted with the usual supporting documentation as well as with three publications (preferably electronic version) to the

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Prof. Dr. Josef Schmid
Nauklerstr. 48, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany

Cologne Graduate School: 3 Postdoc Fellowships

Supported by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung , the Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences awards three post-doctoral fellowships . Applicants from all fields of Economics, Management and Social Sciences who have finished their PhD are invited to apply.

We invite applications with a strong research background who work in a field related to one of the existing key research areas at our Faculty; please consult www.wiso.uni-koeln.de. In particular, we encourage applications from researchers interested in doing interdisciplinary research at the boundaries between Economics, Management and/or Social Sciences. Candidates should also have a clear idea of potential research partners within our Faculty.

The two-year fellowship includes a monthly fellowship of EUR 1.700 plus allowances for international travel, experiments, etc. Office space and administrative support will be provided by CGS.

Applicants should submit a statement outlining their research project and their motivation for joining the UoC, a detailed curriculum vitae, and a list of publications in electronic form to weiler@wiso.uni-koeln.de. Two recommendations need to be sent directly to the above mentioned email. Application deadline is: April, 30, 2013.

GESIS international Workshop: Introduction to Research Data Management for Social Scientists

Good research data management practice minimizes the risk of data loss, ensures research integrity and facilitates replication; it enhances data security, research efficiency and reliability, and over the long-term, saves time and resources. Moreover, data management planning and data re-use is increasingly a requirement of funding organizations. The workshop sessions include a basic conception of data management, advice on writing a data management plan, licensing data for reuse or to reuse, consent and ethics for data reuse, file formats, documentation and metadata, data storage, back-up and security, data management in collaborative research, and archiving your data. The workshop promotes an interactive hands-on approach to looking after your research data and encourages discussion amongst participants on sharing problems and experiences.

Target groups: social science researchers working with qualitative or quantitative data (principal Investigators, researchers parts of project teams, individual researchers, and PhD students)

Language: English

Fee: Regular: 180 EUR, PhD Students: 120 EUR

Deadline: 3 February. Early applications are encouraged, there are only 20 available seats.

Further details and application form available here.

GESIS: Introduction to Research Data Management for Social Scientists (20.-22.03.2013)

Introduction to Research Data Management for Social Scientists

Instructors: Dr. Alexia Katsanidou, Laurence Horton, Dr. Sergiu Gherghina

March 20 (2pm) – March 22 (1pm), 2013

Target groups

Social science researchers working with qualitative or quantitative data (principal Investigators, researchers who are parts of project teams, individual researchers, and PhD students)


Are any of these questions relevant to you?

  • Ever lost research data?
  • Do you know if your research data is securely stored and backed-up?
  • Had troubles with coding and documentation of data?
  • Are you confident you would be able to understand your data sometime in the future?
  • Considered sharing your research data to increase the visibility of your work?
  • Thought, why would anyone be interested in my research data?
  • What to do with your research data after a project?
  • Encountered problems working in a collaborative setting (teams, co-authors etc)?
  • Need arguments to persuade your institution about the necessity of research data management?

If so, this workshop will be useful. Designed to address the needs of social science researchers, it discusses ways to maintain the security and integrity of research data.

Good research data management practice minimizes the risk of data loss, ensures research integrity and facilitates replication; it enhances data security, research efficiency and reliability, and over the long-term, saves time and resources. Moreover, data management planning and data re-use is increasingly a requirement of funding organizations.

Workshop sessions include a basic conception of data management, advice on writing a data management plan, licensing data for reuse or to reuse, consent and ethics for data reuse, file formats, documentation and metadata, data storage, back-up and security, data management in collaborative research, and archiving your data.

The workshop promotes an interactive hands-on approach to looking after your research data and encourages discussion amongst participants on sharing problems and experiences.

Learning objectives

  • Gain a basic understanding of research data management in social science research (e.g. general rules, tools, role, benefits)
  • Learn how to write and implement a research data management plan
  • Illustrate roles and responsibilities for research staff regarding research data management within the larger data lifecycle
  • Gain awareness of data re-use in the social sciences and ways to enhance your own research.

Participants are expected to be advanced students or researchers of any level in the social sciences. A good command of English is required.

Number of Participants: 20

Further Information and Registration

6th International Research Workshop “Methods for PhD” near Flensburg, September 30-October 5, 2012

Empirical research is seeking through methodological processes to discover, hopefully, nontrivial facts and insights. Beside choosing a topic and grounding an idea in theory, empirical research consists of gathering and analysing data as well as presenting results in scientific contexts in order to contribute new issues to the body of acquired knowledge – not only to someone‘s own but also to that of others.

Our workshop tackles these steps of your research project:

  • Gathering data via (un)structured interviews and analysing standardized survey data,
  • using the computer for qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

These steps will strengthen the cooperation in empirical research to boost and streamline ones project.

The regular workshop fee is 395 Euro (including meals and accommodation at Sankelmark). The workshop fee is 245 Euro without accomodation at Sankelmark (only meals are included).

It is possible to get a certificate on the credit points (according to the European Credit Transfer System).

In detail the following courses will be offered:

Quantitative Methods:

  • Analysing Panel Data
  • Structural Equation Modelling with Amos
  • Data Analysis with Stata – Beginners
  • Data Analysis with Stata – Intermediates
  • Data Analysis with R
  • Sequential Analysis
  • Introduction to the SOEP
  • Network Analysis
  • Questionnaire Design

Qualitative Methods:

  • Qualitative (Expert) Interviews
  • Qualitative Inquiry and Content Analysis with MAXQDA
  • From Words to Networks: Information and Relation Extraction from Text Data and Analysis of Socio-technical Networks
  • Case Study Research
  • Introduction to MAXQDA for Case Studies
  • Grounded Theory

PLEASE notice that every course has just a certain amount of participants and that some courses are offered in German only!

For further information, especially lecturers, program, organizers and registration visit our website at: http://www.phd-network.eu/

For any questions don’t hesitate to contact the workshop coordinator Dr. Simon Fietze.

The International Research Workshop is organised by Prof. Dr. Wenzel Matiaske, Professor for Business Studies, particularly Leadership and Labour Relations at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of Federal Armed Forces and Research Professor at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin).

The workshop is supported by

  • Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
  • the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) at the DIW Berlin
  • University of Southern Denmark Campus Soenderborg, Department of Border Region Studies
  • University of Flensburg
  • University of Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • University of Hamburg, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Human Movement
  • Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Economics, Behavioural Sciences and Law

The International Research Workshop on the internet:
Facebook Page
Google Page
XING Group
LinkedIn Group

Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences

Linking Theory and Empirical Research

Berlin, July 15-27, 2012

The Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences – Linking Theory and Empirical Research aims at promoting young researchers by strengthening their methodological understan- ding in linking theory and empirical research.

In a first step, we tackle the key methodological challenges of concept-building, causati- on and micro-macro-linkage that occur in all research efforts and aim at a clarification of the epistemological implic tions underlying methodological paradigms. In a second step, we apply these methodological considerations by looking at how central empirical fields of research in political science and sociology have dealt with these challenges and – by referring to selected empirical studies – what solutions have been found to over- come them. Furthermore, participants are provided with hands-on research advice and have the opportunity to present their own work and approaches to these issues.

The Berlin Summer School is a joint endeavor of two of Germany’s leading social science institutions, the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).

The two-week summer school both attracts internationally renowned scholars and draws on Berlin-based faculty. Among the confirmed international lecturers are Delia Baldassarri (Princeton University), Peter Bearman (Columbia University), Mark Bevir (UC Berkeley), Craig Calhoun (NYU/LSE), Donatella Della Porta (EUI), Ronald Inglehart (University of Michigan), and Klaus von Beyme (Universität Heidelberg).

The international summer school is open to thirty PhD candidates. Due to generous funding by the BGSS and the WZB, there will be no tuition fee. We have applied for additional funding and thus might be able to cover travel and accommodation costs for all participants. A decision is expected soon. Five ECTS Credit Points can be granted upon successful completion.

The call for applications has opened. Applications can be submitted online via the application form until March 31, 2012.

For additional information, please visit our webpage at www.berlinsummerschool.de or contact directly Andreas Schäfer

Call for Applications

Master of Social Science in European Studies

The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
University of Southern Denmark, campus Sønderborg


“Europe of Regions” has become an increasingly fashionable way to describe European integration, but politicians, businesses and civil society usually do not have a clear picture of what “Europe of Regions” actually means. The aim of the Sønderborg profile in the European Studies program offered in cooperation with the University of Flensburg is to make the students familiar with ‘regions’ in the broadest sense, using historical, cultural, political, administrative and economical approaches to the term ‘region’ and illustrate the concept within European integration. The program includes a sophisticated course of qualitative social science methods. A special focus will be put on borders and border regions. Borders still represent barriers to integration, and border regions are laboratories of European integration.

A special feature of the study program is the opportunity to take electives at the University of Flensburg in the third semester, including the possibility to earn a dual degree. Other options are to specialize by taking electives within the other master programs offered at the Department of Border Region Studies in Sønderborg, or take a company/institution internship or study abroad.

The master programme European Studies (two years) is offered in co-operation with the University of Flensburg. All classes are taught in English. In the first year, you have to choose between two tracks: a track offered in Sønderborg focussing on the popular concept of the “Europe of Regions”, where you will be introduced to regions in an interdisciplinary program with a special focus on borders and border regions as laboratories of European integration. A track offered at the University of Flensburg focuses on more general aspects of European integration. In the third semester, students choose electives from either campus to specialise according to their interests. The master thesis is written at SDU in the fourth semester.

Career opportunities

The study program intends to provide the students with broad and specialized knowledge within political, economic and cultural aspects of the “Europe of Regions”, along with the ability to use scientific methods. This offers a broad range of qualified career opportunities with leadership potential:

  • Senior officers in EU institutions
  • Senior officers/European consultants at institutions on the level of national, regional, local and cross-border governance (regional offices, euro regions, municipalities Senior positions in private enterprises and the media European consultants
  • Senior positions in private enterprises and the media
  • European consultants
  • Academia

MSc. European Studies