Tag Archives: Summer School

Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences

Linking Theory and Empirical Research

Berlin, July 15-27, 2012

The Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences – Linking Theory and Empirical Research aims at promoting young researchers by strengthening their methodological understan- ding in linking theory and empirical research.

In a first step, we tackle the key methodological challenges of concept-building, causati- on and micro-macro-linkage that occur in all research efforts and aim at a clarification of the epistemological implic tions underlying methodological paradigms. In a second step, we apply these methodological considerations by looking at how central empirical fields of research in political science and sociology have dealt with these challenges and – by referring to selected empirical studies – what solutions have been found to over- come them. Furthermore, participants are provided with hands-on research advice and have the opportunity to present their own work and approaches to these issues.

The Berlin Summer School is a joint endeavor of two of Germany’s leading social science institutions, the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).

The two-week summer school both attracts internationally renowned scholars and draws on Berlin-based faculty. Among the confirmed international lecturers are Delia Baldassarri (Princeton University), Peter Bearman (Columbia University), Mark Bevir (UC Berkeley), Craig Calhoun (NYU/LSE), Donatella Della Porta (EUI), Ronald Inglehart (University of Michigan), and Klaus von Beyme (Universität Heidelberg).

The international summer school is open to thirty PhD candidates. Due to generous funding by the BGSS and the WZB, there will be no tuition fee. We have applied for additional funding and thus might be able to cover travel and accommodation costs for all participants. A decision is expected soon. Five ECTS Credit Points can be granted upon successful completion.

The call for applications has opened. Applications can be submitted online via the application form until March 31, 2012.

For additional information, please visit our webpage at www.berlinsummerschool.de or contact directly Andreas Schäfer

Call for Applications

GESIS Summer School Application now open

We are happy to announce that application for summer school participation is now open. If you have already selected the course(s) you wish to apply for, you may go straight to the summer school application and registration system to set up a user account and apply for the various courses. Later on, you will be able log on again to edit your information, access payment details and print your invoice.

Otherwise, have a look at our main website first, where you find detailed information on all courses on offer. We have also prepared a pdf brochure – check it out!

We’re now on Facebook, too. We have entered the Summer School 2012 as an event where you can indicate to other people if you intend to participate. We hope this will allow you to connect with each other already before the summer school starts, e.g. to organise room sharing. Let us know what you think!

Please get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions. We’d also be grateful if you could spread the information to your friends and colleagues.

Best wishes,
Silke Schneider
& the GESIS Summer School team

GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology

The first GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology will take place at the University of Cologne between August 9 and 25, 2012. It is a joint venture of GESIS and the University of Mannheim.

The GESIS Summer School offers high quality training in state of the art techniques and methods of survey research. It aims to equip participants with essential skills in the design, planning, execution, documentation and quality assurance of surveys of households, individuals or organisations.

In this first year, three two-day refresher courses, seven two-week and six one-week main courses are on offer. The one-week courses can be booked as a two-week theme or independently. The courses cover themes related to survey methodology reflecting the whole survey life-cycle as well as different research designs, e.g. questionnaire design, mail and web surveys, sampling, mixed methods, vignette studies and cross-national surveys.

The Summer School is designed for advanced graduate and PhD students as well as post-docs and junior researchers interested in improving their knowledge and skills in survey methodology from all relevant fields.

Further Information

Das Programm der 1. GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology ist jetzt online

Die GESIS Summer School wird vom 9. bis 25. August 2012 an der Universität zu Köln stattfinden. Dieses neue Angebot richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler, die selbst eine Umfrage durchführen oder das Zustandekommen und die Qualität von vorhandenen Umfragedaten besser verstehen möchten.

Das Kursangebot beinhaltet:

  1. Fragebogendesign
  2. Komplexe Stichprobenverfahren
  3. Mess-, Interview- und Datenqualität
  4. Postalische Umfragen
  5. Web-basierte Umfragen
  6. “Mixed Methods”
  7. Faktorielle Umfragen/Vignettenanalyse
  8. Stichproben- und Antwortausfälle (Nonresponse)
  9. International vergleichende Umfragen
  10. Übersetzung und Harmonisierung für internationale Umfragen

Außerdem wird es Auffrischungskurse, ein anregendes Abendprogramm sowie ein kulturelles Rahmenprogramm geben.

Die Onlinebewerbung ist ab November/Dezember 2011 möglich.

Details finden Sie hier.

GESIS-Summer School Survey Methodology

GESIS-Summer School Survey Methodology

9-25 August 2012, Cologne, Germany


Surveys are the main method of systematic data collection in the Social Sciences. Surveys provide empirical data for researchers to analyse, and are an important source of information for business, charities and policy makers. There are numerous types of surveys suited for different purposes. Given the variety and complexity of survey research, designing and conducting a survey that effectively and efficiently serves a specific purpose requires specialised expertise and skill (as well as a good team). The GESIS Summer School offers high quality training in state of the art techniques and methods of survey research. It aims to equip participants with essential skills in the design, planning, execution, documentation and quality assurance of surveys of households, individuals or organisations.

Further Information