Oregon State University: Assistant Professor in Organizational Behavior/Leadership

Position summary. The College of Business at Oregon State University invites applications from qualified candidates for a full-time, tenure-track position in Organizational Behavior beginning Fall Quarter, 2014, at the Assistant Professor level. Teaching interest and/or expertise in Leadership is required for this position.

Job requirements. A Ph.D. from an accredited (AACSB) University, or ABD with the expectation for completion by the start date, is required. Successful candidates will have a demonstrated ability to conduct independent research in Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management resulting in high quality publications, as well as the potential to deliver high-quality courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Preferred qualifications include interest in leadership, innovation & creativity, or group performance; demonstrated ability to collaborate in scholarly pursuits with colleagues located both locally and remotely; relevant professional non-academic work experience and the ability to develop strong linkages with the business community; and a demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity.

About the College: The College of Business at OSU is growing rapidly, and will move in to our new $50 million LEED-certified building in the Fall of 2014. The College offers competitive salary, excellent benefits, and a vibrant and inclusive culture. The University is on a “quarters” system, generally allowing faculty to devote one quarter during the academic year exclusively to research. Oregon State University is one of only two Universities in the country recognized as a land-grant, sun-grant, sea-grant, and space-grant institution, and offers the innovative environment of a PAC-12 University.

About Corvallis: Situated in the beautiful Willamette Valley and against the Coastal mountain range, Corvallis offers close access to numerous outdoor activities including fishing, hiking, biking, surfing, and skiing. Less than an hour’s drive away from Eugene and an hour and a half to Portland, Corvallis boasts one of the highest education levels in the country, excellent public schools, bike lanes throughout the city, local farmer’s markets, and a plethora of award-winning wineries nearby.

To apply, applications must be submitted using the university’s on-line application process located at http://oregonstate.edu/jobs Posting No. 0010769. Applications must be received no later than 9/15/2013 for full consideration. Candidates should submit: (1) letter of interest that clearly indicates the applicant’s interest in Leadership and/or Organizational Behavior, (2) a vita, (3) names and contact information for three professional references, (4) summary information on courses taught and student evaluations, and (5) a brief statement that describes research interests and teaching philosophy.

Oregon State University is an affirmative action, equal-opportunity employer, dedicated to maintaining diversity and multiculturalism. OSU faculty members engage in teaching, research, and service.

Martha and Spencer Love School of Business: HR Assistant or Associate Professor (Tenure-Track)

The Martha and Spencer Love School of Business (LSB) invites applications for a tenure-track, assistant or associate professor in human resource management for Fall 2014. The individual selected will guide the development of a strong human resource management career track for the school and will also teach in a secondary area in the management discipline. The successful applicant will seek to personify Elon’s teacher/scholar model by being an effective undergraduate teacher who values mentoring students, and by having a well-established research agenda. Faculty members in the LSB are also expected to teach in the MBA program and Elon’s General Studies Program. Previous industry experience is desirable. Preference will be given to candidates who possess an earned doctorate in human resource management from an AACSB-accredited university.

About Elon University: Elon is a dynamic private, co-educational, comprehensive institution that is a national model for actively engaging faculty and students in teaching and learning. U.S. News & World Report ranks Elon second among southern master’s-level universities and #1 among schools “focused on their undergraduates,” and the Fiske Guide to Colleges ranks Elon one of the 21 “best buy” private universities. The AACSB-accredited Martha and Spencer Love School of Business is ranked #42 on the 2013 Bloomberg Businessweek ranking of undergraduate programs, and #1 on their ranking of part-time MBA programs. The undergraduate program is also ranked #9 for marketing by Bloomberg Businessweek.

To Apply: To learn more about Elon, please visit the University web site at www.elon.edu. We will be interviewing at the August Academy of Management meeting in Orlando, FL so please let us know if you will be available to speak with us there about the position. Review of candidates will begin immediately and continue until filled; applications received prior to October 1, 2013, will receive full consideration. To apply, email a letter of interest, curriculum vita, and a list of three references to: buschair@elon.edu.

SOEPnewsletter 101 published

The SOEPnewsletter 101 / July 2013 is now available.

We inform you about (selection):

  • The Future SOEP Metadata Portal: DDI on Rails
  • New Download Option to Be Provided with Upcoming SOEP Data Release
  • SOEP-IS 2011 Data Release
  • Use SOEP-IS for New Research Questions
  • IAB-SOEP Migration Sample
  • SOEP Wave Report 2012
  • SOEP Timeline Series “30 Years of the SOEP”
  • Updated SOEP and CNEF data Shipped
  • Some Events, especially the SOEP Anniversary
  • Personell

… and much more.

Iowa State University: Open Rank Faculty Position in Human Resource Management

The Department of Management in the College of Business at Iowa State University is inviting applications for an open rank faculty position in Human Resource Management, to start in August 2014. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Management or a closely-related field, conduct scholarly research targeted at high-impact publications in top-tier management journals, and be able to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Preference will be given to candidates with several years of experience. Salary will be competitive and commensurate with qualifications.

The College of Business is in the heart of a beautifully landscape in the state-of-the-art Gerdin Business Building. The College is accredited by AACSB International and has an enrollment of approximately 3,200 undergraduate (BS) and 300 graduate (MAcc, MBA, MSIS, and PhD) students. A Ph.D. program in Business and Technology was launched in 2008.

Iowa State University is a land-grant university with an enrollment of approximately 32,000 and is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities representing 61 major research universities in the US and Canada. It is located in Ames, Iowa, a community of approximately 55,000 people located 35 miles from Des Moines, the state capital and largest city in Iowa. Iowa State University (ISU) is in a campus that was rated one of America’s 25 most beautiful in the book “The Campus as a Work of Art.” The ISU Research Park is a rapidly growing technology community of more than 50 companies, which offers great opportunities for research.

The college town of Ames is a paradise for families, with a low cost of living, a safe environment, and a friendly and hospitable community. Ames is served by the Mary Greeley Medical Center, a 220-bed regional referral hospital which is adjacent to McFarland Clinic PC, central Iowa’s largest physician-owned multi-specialty clinic, and also Iowa Heart Center.

We recommend applying before July 27th so that we can schedule interviews at the Academy of Management meetings in Florida in August. We will begin formal review of applications on September 1st and applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Candidates are required to submit their applications using our online system at https://www.iastatejobs.com/applicants/jsp/shared/Welcome_css.jsp

Any inquiries or nominations may be sent to:

Marc H. Anderson, Search Committee Chair
Department of Management
College of Business
2350 Gerdin Business Building
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-1350
Telephone: 515-520-2217

Iowa State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and strongly encourages women and minority candidates to apply.

[wochenbericht] DIW Berlin: Investitionen für mehr Wachstum – eine Zukunftsagenda für Deutschland

Deutschland muss mehr in seine Zukunft investieren
S. Bach, G. Baldi, K. Bernoth, J. Blazejczak, B. Bremer, J. Diekmann, D. Edler, B. Farkas, F. Fichtner, M. Fratzscher, M. Gornig, C. Kemfert, U. Kunert, H. Link, K. Neuhoff, W.-P. Schill, C. K. Spieß

Kurz vor der Bundestagswahl 2013 schwimmt Deutschland in den Augen der Ökonomen auf einer Welle der Euphorie: Kaum ein anderes Euroland hat die Finanz- und Schuldenkrise so gut gemeistert. Das deutsche Bruttoinlandsprodukt ist seit 2009 um mehr als acht Prozent gewachsen, es entstanden rund 1,2 Millionen neue Arbeitsplätze. Die öffentlichen Haushalte wurden konsolidiert, im Jahr 2012 gab es einen fiskalischen Überschuss von 0,2 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Eine glänzende Bilanz für ein Land, das vor zehn Jahren noch als der “kranke Mann Europas” galt – aber auch eine einseitige. Setzt man andere Vergleichsgrößen an, trübt sich das Bild erheblich ein: Seit 1999 hat Deutschland im Vergleich zum Euroraum ein niedrigeres Wirtschaftswachstum erzielt. Die Reallöhne sind seit 1999 kaum gestiegen, und die realen Konsumausgaben haben im Eurozonen-Durchschnitt deutlich kräftiger zugenommen als in Deutschland. Stark geschrumpft ist das deutsche Staatsvermögen: Lag es 1999 noch bei etwa 20 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts, so ist es bis 2011 auf 0,5 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts zusammengeschmolzen und steht damit für künftige Generationen nicht mehr zur Verfügung. In vielen Bereichen ist Deutschland nicht wirklich vorangekommen, in einigen deutlich hinter andere Länder zurückgefallen. Diese Rückstände sind durch die zuletzt gute Entwicklung nicht wieder aufgeholt worden.
DIW Wochenbericht 80(2013) Heft 26 ; S. 3-5

Wege zu einem höheren Wachstumspfad
Stefan Bach, Guido Baldi, Kerstin Bernoth, Björn Bremer, Beatrice Farkas, Ferdinand Fichtner, Marcel Fratzscher, Martin Gornig

Während manche Länder in der Europäischen Währungsunion aufgrund von Schulden- und Strukturkrisen tief in der Rezession stecken, steht die deutsche Wirtschaft derzeit glänzend da. Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist auf den niedrigsten Stand seit der Wiedervereinigung gefallen, die Wirtschaftsleistung ist seit 2009 um mehr als acht Prozent gewachsen und die öffentlichen Haushalte wurden konsolidiert und erwirtschafteten im Jahr 2012 einen Überschuss. Dies ist jedoch keineswegs ein Grund zu Euphorie, im Gegenteil: Betrachtet man die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Deutschlands aus einer längerfristigeren Perspektive, so zeigt sich, dass das Land im Vergleich zu den meisten EU-Ländern und vielen Euroländern in einigen Bereichen zurückgeblieben ist. Seit 1999 haben die Euroländer im Durchschnitt mehr Wirtschaftswachstum erzielt als Deutschland, und ein großer Teil der erstarkten Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ist auf Lohnzurückhaltung anstatt auf Produktivitätszuwächse zurückzuführen. Die Investitionsquote war längere Zeit rückläufig und ist im internationalen Vergleich niedrig. Die Berechnungen in dieser Studie zeigen, dass Deutschland im Durchschnitt der Jahre 1999 bis 2012 eine Investitionslücke von jährlich drei Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts aufgewiesen hat. Das heißt, es fehlten rund 75 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr. Deutschland hat also einen hohen Investitionsbedarf, um den in den letzten Jahren aufgestauten Investitionsrückstand abzubauen und auch, um langfristig Wachstum und Wohlstand zu sichern. Gleichzeitig ist die gesamtwirtschaftliche Sparquote in Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich mit am höchsten. Wie sich an den ernormen Leistungsbilanzüberschüssen von bis zu sieben Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts ablesen lässt, floss das Ersparte jedoch zu großen Teilen ins Ausland, anstatt in Deutschland investiert zu werden. Insgesamt hat Deutschland damit erhebliche Wachstumschancen verpasst. Seit 1999 haben deutsche Investoren rund 400 Milliarden Euro auf ihr Auslandsvermögen verloren, was etwa 15 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts entspricht. Allein im Zeitraum 2006 bis 2012 waren es 600 Milliarden Euro, beziehungsweise 22 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Berechnungen des DIW Berlin in dieser Studie zeigen, dass das deutsche Pro-Kopf-Wirtschaftswachstum unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen jährlich um fast einen Prozentpunkt höher gewesen wäre, wenn die Investitionsquote in den vergangenen 15 Jahren dem Durchschnitt im Euroraum entsprochen hätte. Deutschland ist zudem stark auf forschungsintensive Industrien und wissensintensive Dienstleistungen spezialisiert. Diese Bereiche stellen hohe Anforderungen an Humankapital, Ressourcenschonung und Mobilität und weisen somit einen besonders hohen Investitionsbedarf auf. Simulationen zeigen, dass ein Anstieg der Investitionsquote auf den langjährigen OECD-Durchschnitt zu deutlich höherem Wirtschaftswachstum in Deutschland führen würde. Das Potentialwachstum könnte 2017 um 0,6 Prozentpunkte höher sein; statt bei rund einem Prozent läge es bei 1,6 Prozent. Und auch die Reallöhne dürften durch eine kräftigere Investitionstätigkeit ansteigen. Angesichts günstiger Finanzierungsbedingungen und entlasteter öffentlicher Finanzen in den kommenden Jahren sind die finanziellen Spielräume für private und öffentliche Investitionen derzeit äußerst günstig und sollten jetzt genutzt werden.
DIW Wochenbericht 80(2013) Heft 26 ; S. 6-17

Energiewende erfordert hohe Investitionen
Jürgen Blazejczak, Jochen Diekmann, Dietmar Edler, Claudia Kemfert, Karsten Neuhoff, Wolf-Peter Schill

Um die Ziele des Energiekonzepts der Bundesregierung von 2010 und des beschleunigten Ausstiegs aus der Kernenergie zu erreichen, bedarf es erheblicher Investitionen zum Umbau der Energieversorgung. Dazu gehören insbesondere Investitionen in Anlagen zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien im Strom- und Wärmebereich und des Weiteren in Infrastruktur, wie zum Beispiel die Stromnetze. Zudem sind umfangreiche Investitionen zur Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz erforderlich, beispielsweise durch Wärmedämmung von Gebäuden. Modellrechnungen des DIW Berlin zeigen, dass sich der Umbau der Energieversorgung dauerhaft positiv auf die Wertschöpfung in Deutschland auswirken kann. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen diese Investitionen eine erhebliche Einsparung fossiler Primärenergieträger. Damit verbunden ist auch die Senkung energiebedingter Treibhausgasemissionen. Die bestehenden Rahmenbedingungen für Investitionen in erneuerbare Stromerzeugung und Stromnetze sind weitgehend angemessen und sollten in nächster Zeit grundsätzlich beibehalten werden. Die Beschleunigung der energetischen Gebäudesanierung erfordert dagegen zusätzliche Anreize.
DIW Wochenbericht 80(2013) Heft 26 ; S. 19-30

Verkehrsinfrastruktur: Substanzerhaltung erfordert deutlich höhere Investitionen
Uwe Kunert, Heike Link

Eine quantitativ und qualitativ leistungsfähige Verkehrsinfrastruktur ist für die deutsche Volkswirtschaft mit ihrem hohen Grad an Arbeitsteilung, ihren vielfältigen Austauschbeziehungen und ihrer zentraleuropäischen Lage eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für wirtschaftlichen Erfolg und Wohlstand. Die Verkehrsinfrastruktur repräsentiert mit einem Bruttoanlagevermögen von 778 Milliarden Euro einen beachtlichen volkswirtschaftlichen Kapitalstock. Dies sind sechs Prozent des Bruttoanlagevermögens aller Wirtschaftsbereiche in Deutschland. Dieser Bedeutung steht eine substantielle Vernachlässigung der Investitionen in die Erhaltung und Qualitätssicherung der Verkehrsinfrastruktur gegenüber. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde für diesen Wochenbericht eine Kurzexpertise zum Verkehrssektor erarbeitet, die auf einem Ex-post-Vergleich zwischen Ersatzbedarf und getätigten Ersatzinvestitionen für den Zeitraum von 2006 bis 2011 basiert. Die Analyse zeigt, dass in der Vergangenheit jährlich knapp vier Milliarden Euro zu wenig für die Substanzerhaltung der Verkehrsinfrastruktur aufgewendet wurden. Geht man von mindestens dieser Investitionslücke für die Substanzerhaltung der Verkehrsinfrastruktur auch in den kommenden Jahren aus und berücksichtigt man darüber hinaus den aufgrund der jahrelangen Vernachlässigung aufgelaufenen Nachholbedarf, so dürfte der zusätzliche jährliche Investitionsbedarf bei mindestens 6,5 Milliarden Euro liegen. Hinzu kommen schwerer abschätzbare zusätzliche Investitionserfordernisse in Fahrzeuge sowie punktuelle Netz- und Kapazitätserweiterungen.
DIW Wochenbericht 80(2013) Heft 26 ; S. 32-38

Investitionen in Bildung: frühkindlicher Bereich hat großes Potential
C. Katharina Spieß

Investitionen in Bildung sind für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Volkswirtschaft von großer Bedeutung. Vor allem frühkindliche Bildungsangebote versprechen eine hohe Rendite – weil Kinder davon noch Jahre später profitieren können und sich beim Lernen neuer Fähigkeiten leichter tun. Darauf weisen die Ergebnisse bildungsökonomischer Forschung der letzten Jahre hin, zumindest wenn es sich bei den untersuchten Angeboten um qualitativ hochwertige Bildung und Betreuung handelt. Diese Erkenntnisse spiegeln sich jedoch nicht zwingend in den Ausgaben öffentlicher Haushalte für die unterschiedlichen Bildungsbereiche wider – vielmehr wird vergleichsweise wenig in junge Kinder investiert. Bedarf für weitere Bildungsinvestitionen – insbesondere in eine hohe Qualität der Angebote – gibt es aber nicht nur im frühkindlichen Bereich. Auch beim Ausbau von Ganztagsschulen sollte vermehrt auch in die Qualität der Angebote investiert werden. Im Hochschulbereich sind Anstrengungen nötig, die den Anteil bildungsferner Gruppen und damit die intergenerationale Mobilität erhöhen. All diese Maßnahmen könnten eine effektivere und effizientere Nutzung des Humanvermögens erlauben – auch vor dem Hintergrund des künftig erwarteten Rückgangs des Erwerbspersonenpotentials und prognostizierten Fachkräftemangels ist dies von besonderer Bedeutung.
DIW Wochenbericht 80(2013) Heft 26 ; S. 40-47

Der Link zum Heft (pdf)

Wright State University: Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management

The Department of Management and International Business in the Raj Soin College of Business at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, seeks to hire a new colleague. The tenure track faculty position in Human Resource Management at the rank of Assistant Professor will begin August, 2014. Salary and benefits for this tenure-track position are highly competitive.

Applicants will be expected to teach courses as assigned, participate in research and scholarly activities, engage in service to the university and community, and participate in department, college, and university committee work. The normal teaching load is five, 3 semester-hour courses per academic year (i.e., 3-2 or 2-3). Summer teaching for additional compensation may be available during a compressed six-week summer session.

Wright State University

Wright State University is one of 13 state universities in Ohio and serves approximately 18,000 students, offering more than 100 undergraduate and 80 Ph.D., graduate, and professional degrees. Wright State University is quickly maturing in its orientation toward research, ranking 3rd in funded research among Ohio State public universities. New faculty will find opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from many departments across the university. The Dayton, Ohio region is also home to many international organizations, especially in areas of defense, healthcare, and science. The region has been known for an entrepreneurial spirit and is the birthplace of many significant inventions and innovations.

The Raj Soin College of Business is one of eight colleges within the University. It is AACSB accredited and enrolls approximately 1,200 undergraduate students and 500 graduate students, offering a comprehensive business program to a diverse student body. The college has enjoyed national honors and awards – see http://business.wright.edu/about#tab=national-rankings and http://business.wright.edu/about/points-of-pride#tab=points-of-pride for further details. The Department of Management and International Business offers majors in Human Resource Management, Management, and International Business, as well as minors in Management and International Business. The campus is located in a beautiful 557-acre wooded setting. Dayton is a very livable, affordable cost of living city with numerous arts and cultural opportunities (e.g., http://www.cultureworks.org ; http://www.activedayton.com/).

Application Procedure:

Application materials will be submitted electronically via Wright State University’s online website at a later time. Required materials will be: a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research sample, evidence of teaching effectiveness (including a summary of student teaching evaluations), and the names and contact information (including title, affiliation, address, email, and telephone) of three professional references (references will not be contacted without the applicant’s permission and letters of recommendation will be requested later in the selection process). To receive first consideration for an informational interview at the AOM meeting in Orlando, please submit a letter of interest and curriculum vitae via email to mib.wright.state@gmail.com by Monday, July 29. If candidates will not be attending AOM, but wish to be considered for an informational interview via phone or skype, please submit a letter of interest and curriculum vitae via email to mib.wright.state@gmail.com by Monday, July 29.

Job Requirements:

Required Qualifications: Candidates will have an earned Ph.D. in management from an AACSB accredited institution, or earned Ph.D. in a discipline closely related to management (e.g., I/O Psychology), received by hire date of August 1, 2014. Candidates must have the potential for excellence in teaching at the graduate and/or undergraduate levels.

Preferred Qualifications: The preferred candidate will have prior college-level teaching experience with strong teaching evaluations – particularly in HR-related courses, a record of HR-related research and scholarly publication in refereed academic journals, the potential for high quality department, university and/or community service, and a commitment to collegial academic interaction with a focus on student learning. Expertise/training and ability to teach in related areas such as organizational behavior, organizational change and development, business ethics, sustainability, social responsibility, project management, or international management will be considered an asset.

West Texas A&M University: Assistant Professor of Management

The College of Business at West Texas A&M University invites applications for two vacant positions at the rank of assistant professor of management available August 2014. West Texas A&M University is located on a 170-acre campus in Canyon, Texas with two additional support center facilities in neighboring Amarillo, Texas. University enrollment is approximately 8,000 students, which includes approximately 1,000 undergraduate and 350 graduate students in the AACSB-Accredited College of Business.

The tenure-track position includes teaching, research, and service responsibilities. Typical teaching load is three courses (two preparations) per semester with additional compensation possible for summer teaching. Salary is competitive with other AACSB business programs with a mission focus that balances both teaching and research.

Doctorate degree in management or a closely related field by August 2014 is required. The desired candidate should have a teaching field in one or more of the following: Strategic Management, Project Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Conflict Management, or Leadership. The successful candidate must demonstrate commitment to quality teaching and scholarly activity consistent with AACSB accreditation. Candidates should have strong leadership and interpersonal skills, initiative, and the ability to work in a student-centered environment. Teaching responsibilities support both the undergraduate and graduate business programs.

A complete application must include a curriculum vita listing three references. Transcripts of all academic work are required for finalists and requested of applicants. Interviews with select applicants will be conducted at the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting in Orlando in August 2013. To be considered for an interview at the meeting, application materials should be submitted by July 22, 2013. We will continue to accept applications until the position is filled, but fullest consideration will be given to applications submitted by July 22, 2013.

Send materials via e-mail.

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile): Faculty Positions – Organizational Behavior/Human Resources Management and Strategy/International Business

The School of Business at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) seeks candidates for full-time faculty positions in the areas of Strategy/International Business and Organizational Behavior/Human Resources Management starting March or July 2014. Rank is open. The positions are based in Santiago or Viña del Mar, Chile.

Requirements: Candidates must have been granted or nearly completed a PhD in Management or a related field. Applicants must demonstrate excellent research and teaching skills. Proficiency in both English and Spanish is recommended. More senior candidates should have teaching experience and a competitive research record that must include publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Institution: Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez’s Business School (http://www.uai.cl/negocios) is the oldest business school in Latin America. Its academic programs are consistently ranked among the best in the region. In 2011 and 2012, América Economía ranked UAI’s MBA program as #1 in Latin America (http://www.americaeconomia.com). The Business School has a full time faculty of 70 professors with expertise in areas such as: strategy, marketing, finance, economics, operations research, OB, accounting, innovation and entrepreneurship, leadership, and general management. The global mindset of our school is also reflected in the fact that 30% of our faculty comes from abroad. UAI has four campuses, equipped with state of the art technology. Two of them are located in Santiago. Another one is in Chile’s coastal city of Viña del Mar, which is close to the port of Valparaíso. The fourth campus is in Miami, Florida. UAI’s Business School provides management education to more than 5,000 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs. In 2006, UAI became the first Latin American university to open a business school in the U.S., offering a Multinational MBA (http://www.adolfoibanez.com) program for top executives from Latin America. In 2008, it created Chile’s first Ph.D. Program in Management. More recently, UAI’s Business School teamed up with UCLA to offer a dual degree Global Executive MBA (http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/x32927.xml) with residential sessions in Los Angeles, Miami, Santiago and São Paulo. UAI’s Business School is accredited by AACSB International and the Association of MBAs (AMBA).

Application process: Candidates should submit a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, publications, and a job market paper (identified as such). Applications should be sent to esteban.koberg@uai.cl. Recommenders may submit letters directly. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.

McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas: All Ranks in the Areas of Organizational Behavior, Organization Theory, and Strategic Management

The Management Department at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin is hiring tenure-track faculty members to join our department in the fall of 2014. We welcome applications from all ranks in the areas of organizational behavior, organization theory, and strategic management.

Current members of the Management Department are Professors Jim Fredrickson (Department Chair), John Butler, Janet Dukerich, Dave Harrison, and Violina Rindova; Associate Professors Caroline Bartel, Ethan Burris, Melissa Graebner, Andy Henderson, Kyle Lewis, Luis Martins, and Francisco Polidoro; and Assistant Professors Emily Amanatullah, Sekou Bermiss, Ram Ranganathan, and Jennifer Whitson.

The Management Department is housed in the McCombs School of Business, which was named following a generous gift from Red McCombs as part of The University of Texas’s $1 billion capital campaign. The department also is home to the Herb Kelleher Center for Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Renewal, an endowed, multidisciplinary research center dedicated to research on emerging companies, innovation, and creativity. In addition, during the past year the Management Department assumed responsibility for the School’s one-year long Master of Science in Technology Commercialization (MSTC) program.

The school’s location in Austin is particularly attractive to researchers interested in technology, entrepreneurship, human capital development, and a variety of related issues. Moreover, Fortune recently named Austin the nation’s #1 city for business, and a number of other publications have reported similar ratings. In addition, our AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center, which opened in 2008, is a world-class facility that enhances the executive education offerings of the school (see http://www.meetattexas.com/). For more details on the school and the department, please visit www.mccombs.utexas.edu. Finally, Austin is a wonderful place to live! See http://www.austintexas.org/visitors/plan_your_trip/ for some of the great things available in Austin.


The ideal candidates for our faculty positions have the ability to do high quality research that will have a major impact on the field of management and are also able to teach successfully at the MBA and/or executive level. Senior candidates must have commensurately outstanding records and potential.

We would like to move as quickly as possible to identify candidates who both meet our needs and are interested in joining us. Experienced faculty should submit a current curriculum vitae and copies of forthcoming articles or working papers; Ph.D. candidates should provide the same information, including a dissertation proposal, recent course/instructor evaluations, and three letters of recommendation.

Applicants should send materials to Administrative Manager Jeanie Brown, by no later than September 30, 2013. E-mail submissions are encouraged.

Jeanie Brown
Administrative Manager
The University of Texas at Austin
McCombs School of Business
2110 Speedway STOP B6300
Austin, Texas 78712-1282
(512) 471-5945

A background check will be conducted on applicants selected.

The University of Texas at Austin is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Drexel University: Assistant or Associate Professor Organizational Behavior

The Department of Management at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business invites applications for a tenure track / tenure faculty position at the assistant or associate professor level in the area of Organizational Behavior for the academic year 2014-15. An active research program in any area of organizational behavior is welcome, although we have a particular interest in a scholar who conducts research in leadership processes broadly defined. The successful candidate will have demonstrated excellence (or in the case of a junior scholar the potential for excellence) in research and teaching, and will have earned (or will earn by September 2014) a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior or related field. The Department expects faculty research leading to publications in top tier journals thereby actively contributing to its research mission. Salary, teaching loads, and other types of research support are competitive with other research universities.

The Department of Management has many outstanding faculty colleagues with research and teaching interests that span different areas of Management including Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management, Technology-Entrepreneurship, and Management Information Systems. Our faculty members have published in top journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, MIS Quarterly, and Information Systems Research. They serve as associate editors and editorial board members of top journals in their disciplines. In terms of teaching, the faculty strive to effectively translate their own research and the research of their colleagues to classroom settings at the undergraduate, masters, and PhD levels. The department and the college are committed to building these teaching skills in newly hired faculty.

The LeBow College of Business offers AACSB accredited undergraduate, Masters (MBA and MS) and executive programs. The part-time MBA and online MBA programs offered by LeBow College have been ranked among the top 10 in the nation. The college offers a PhD in Business with five specializations, one of which, organization and strategy, is housed within the Department of Management. The college also hosts research centers, such as The Institute for Strategic Leadership, which foster university-wide interdisciplinary research and bridge academic research with the practice of management.

Drexel University was ranked the third most up-and-coming university nationally for making the most promising and innovative changes in the areas of academics, faculty, and student life by the U.S. News & World Report. The university has launched many innovative university-wide research initiatives involving the LeBow College of Business in areas such as entrepreneurship, organizational neuroscience, sustainability, and energy.

The city of Philadelphia provides an excellent setting for someone with interests in organizational behavior with many Fortune 500 companies headquartered in the metropolitan area along with a number of regional headquarters, a large number of regional, national and global enterprises, and a vibrant entrepreneurial community. Drexel University has strong ties with the Philadelphia business community.

Applicants should send (1) a cover letter summarizing the applicant’s qualifications, (2) a CV, (3) representative publications, (4) research statement, (5) teaching statement, and (6) three letters of recommendation to Dr. Jonathan Ziegert at objob@drexel.edu by September 30, 2013 in order to be given full consideration. Applicants should also upload these materials to Drexel Human Resources at www.drexeljobs.com (position requisition # 5425).

For candidates interested in discussing the position at the Academy of Management meeting in Orlando, please send a CV to objob@drexel.edu by July 24, 2013 to schedule a possible interview at the conference.

Drexel University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and encourages applications from women, members of minority groups, disabled individuals, and veterans.

Jonathan Ziegert
Department of Management
LeBow College of Business
Drexel University