ESCP Europe; wiss. Mitarbeiter/in (Human Resource Management)

Am neu eingerichteten Lehrstuhl für Human Resource Management (Prof. Dr. Erk P. Piening) der ESCP Europe ist ab 1. Januar 2014 eine Stelle als

Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter(in)

mit 50% der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit zu besetzen.

Ihr Aufgabengebiet umfasst die Mitarbeit in Forschung, Lehre und Lehrstuhlmanagement. Außerdem wird davon ausgegangen, dass Sie sich an der Profilierung der Hochschule aktiv und engagiert beteiligen. Die Gelegenheit zur Teilnahme am Promotionsprogramm sowie zur Promotion (Dr. rer. pol.) wird geboten.

Bewerbungen werden bis zum 31.08.2013 erbeten.

Weitere Informationen

Universität Konstanz: Post-Doc und wiss. Mitarbeiter/in (Strategie und Führung)

An der Universität Konstanz, Lehrstuhl für Management, insbesondere Strategie und Führung, ist zum 01.10.2013 eine

(100% / Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)

bzw. zwei Stellen als

Akademische Mitarbeiterin / Akademischer Mitarbeiter
(50% /Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L)

zunächst befristet für die Dauer von 3 Jahren zu besetzen.


  • Mitarbeit an empirischen Forschungsprojekten des Lehrstuhls
  • Mitwirkung an der Einwerbung von Drittmitteln
  • Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen (auch in englischer Sprache)
  • Betreuung und Beratung von Studierenden
  • Unterstützung bei administrativen Aufgaben

Bewerbungen werden bis zum 09.08.2013 erbeten.

Weitere Informationen

Universität Hamburg: wiss. Mitarbeiter/in am Zentrum für Personalforschung

An der Universität Hamburg, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Fachbereich Sozialökonomie/Zentrum für Personalforschung ist ab 1. Oktober 2013 die Stelle als

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

in Mutterschutz- und Elternzeitvertretung zu besetzen. Die Vergütung erfolgt nach der Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L. Die wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 19,5 Stunden.

Zu den Aufgaben einer wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/eines wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiters gehören wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen vorrangig in der Forschung und der Lehre. Außerhalb der Dienstaufgaben besteht Gelegenheit zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung, insbesondere zur Anfertigung einer Dissertation. Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören auch die Mitarbeit an Konzeption, Durchführung und Auswertung aktueller Forschungsaktivitäten.

Bewerbungen werden bis zum 15.08.2013 erbeten.

Weitere Informationen

University College Dublin: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Social Media and Healthcare)

The Dynamics Lab at University College Dublin seeks applications for a Post-doctoral position. The position will provide salary and benefits for 16 months, but potentially longer contingent upon performance and funding availability. This is an academic research role, where you will conduct a specified programme of research supported by research training and development under the supervision and direction of a Principal Investigator.

The postdoc will be expected to work primarily on the UCD Strategic and Major Initiative research project “Social Media and Healthcare”. The postdoc will be expected to be able to collect and analyse large scale data sets drawn from various social media platforms and including facebook, twitter, blogs and others. The postdoc will join an interdisciplinary project team to develop innovative and new insights in how communication and interaction on social media impacts on individual behavioural choices with regard to own healthcare management.

It is hoped that this position can commence on 23rd September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Salary range: €33,975 per annum

For more information, please go to and look for Reference 006056

Closing date: 16th August 2013

University of Washington Bothell: Assistant Professor in Organizational Behavior

The School of Business, University of Washington Bothell (UWB) invites applications for two full-time, nine month, tenure-track positions at the Assistant Professor level in (1) Organizational Behavior (Leadership) and (2) Organization Theory / Technology & Innovation Management. These appointments will become effective in September 2014.

A Ph.D. degree in organizational behavior (position #1), organization theory (position #2) or a related discipline is required. We welcome candidates who are near completion of the degree as well as those with more experience. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate and MBA-level courses. The candidate must have an active research program with demonstrated potential for publication in leading academic journals. University of Washington faculty are expected to engage in research, teaching and service. Successful candidates must be committed to working with diverse student and community populations.

Our faculty are active scholars whose work has been published in leading journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Strategic Management Journal, Personnel Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, among other leading outlets.

We are located 15 miles northeast of downtown Seattle in the center of the Pacific Northwest’s exciting high-technology corridor (between Microsoft and Boeing). We work closely with industry leaders as well as the smaller, innovative, and rapidly growing companies in software, electronic commerce, medical equipment, biotechnology, and aerospace.

A decade ago, UW Bothell became the first school in the Puget Sound region to offer an MBA program focused on technology management. In 2009, we started offering a Leadership MBA program in Bellevue, at the Eastside Leadership Center to meet the needs of professionals and businesses in the Bellevue-Redmond and adjoining areas. In a recent ranking of part-time MBA programs across the nation, our program was ranked 51st in the nation and 3rd in the Pacific Northwest.

The University of Washington Bothell was established in 1990 as an upper-division and graduate campus. Freshmen were admitted for the first time in 2006. Today there are over 4100 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled. We have a new, expanding, state of the art high-tech campus. As part of the University of Washington, faculty and students have full access to the computing and library resources of the University of Washington system.

To Apply: Submit the following documents: (a) a letter describing your qualifications, research interests and teaching philosophy, (b) your curriculum vitae, (c) evidence of teaching effectiveness (if available), and (d) one paper that best represents your research capabilities. Three letters of reference will be required to officially complete the application package. Open until filled, although complete applications received by November 15, 2013 will receive priority consideration.

We prefer that you send all materials in electronic form (Adobe or MS Word) to: Co-Chairs, M & O Search Committee at

If you are unable to send the material electronically, our mailing address is:

Co-Chairs, M & O Search Committee
School of Business
University of Washington Bothell
Box 358533, 18115 Campus Way NE
Bothell, Washington 98011-8246
Phone: 425.352.5394 / fax: 425.352.5277

For additional information, please see our website at

The University of Washington, an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, is building a culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications from women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and covered veterans.

Georgia State University: Multiple Tenure Track Faculty Positions in the area of Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management

Faculty Search Announcement
Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management
Department of Managerial Sciences
Robinson College of Business
Georgia State University
Atlanta, Georgia

The Robinson College of Business seeks applications and nominations for multiple tenure track faculty positions at multiple ranks in the area of Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management. At least one position will be filled at the level of Associate or Full Professor. Successful candidates will begin employment in August, 2014.

These positions offer an exceptional opportunity to qualified candidates. The Department of Managerial Sciences has many outstanding faculty colleagues with research and teaching interests that represent the different facets of Management including Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Business Analysis, and Operations Management. The Department is also affiliated with the Beebe Institute of Personnel and Employment Relations, a multidisciplinary institute dedicated to supporting research and education in the area of People at Work and to promoting outreach to the local professional community. Our faculty members are enthusiastically engaged in research and regularly publish in the top journals in their disciplines, hold leadership positions in professional associations and sit on the editorial boards of top journals. They are also engaged with colleagues in other units of the College, the University, and neighboring universities in the Atlanta area in a variety of professional activities to form an involved community of scholars The city of Atlanta provides an excellent setting for someone with interests in Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management with 13 Fortune 500 companies headquartered in the metropolitan area along with a number of regional headquarters, a large number of regional, national and global enterprises, and a vibrant entrepreneurial community. Georgia State has strong ties with the Atlanta business community, many of whom are alumni of the College.

Candidates must have an earned doctorate in a relevant field from an AACSB accredited university and a current record of scholarly publications consistent with rank, as well as a demonstrated ability or high potential for teaching within Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management. Individuals applying for a senior level position are expected to be eminent scholars with an international scholarly reputation; willingness and ability to mentor junior faculty members and PhD students are expected as well, and interest in and capability to contribute to executive programs is a plus. The College expects and strongly supports faculty research leading to publication in top tier journals. Collegiality and a demonstrated ability to develop and work with others to define and conduct research are important at all ranks. The positions include teaching at the graduate and/or undergraduate levels in the College’s academic programs. Salary, teaching loads, and other types of support are competitive with other research universities. These positions are contingent upon final budget approval by the University.

The Robinson College of Business, accredited by the AACSB, is one of the largest in the country with approximately 6,000 undergraduate, 1,500 master’s and 100 Ph.D. students. Our MBA program for working professionals is ranked among the best by Bloomberg Businessweek and U.S. News & World Report, and the Executive MBA is on the Financial Times list of the world’s best EMBA programs.

Application review will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. To apply, email a letter of application, vita and, for junior candidates, a writing sample to: Dr. Lisa Schurer Lambert at: If necessary, applications may be sent by mail to Dr. Lambert at the following address: Department of Managerial Sciences, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 4014, Atlanta, GA 30302-4014.

Deutscher Studienpreis für Promovierte

Für Beiträge junger Forschung von herausragender gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung vergibt die Körber-Stiftung jährlich Preise im Gesamtwert von über 100.000 Euro, darunter drei Spitzenpreise à 30.000 Euro.

Die Ausschreibung richtet sich an Promovierte aller wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, die mit magna oder summa cum laude promoviert haben. Es gibt keine Altersbeschränkung. Einzureichen ist ein Text von maximal 40.000 Zeichen, in dem Sie die zentralen Forschungsergebnisse Ihrer Dissertation und deren gesellschaftliche Bedeutung spannend und verständlich darstellen.

Der Deutsche Studienpreis wird jährlich ausgeschrieben und richtet sich jeweils an alle Promovierte eines Jahrgangs.

Einsendeschluss ist immer der 1. März des Folgejahres, also für den Deutschen Studienpreis 2014 der 1. März 2014.

Weitere Informationen

Sun Yat-Sen University: International PhD (IPHD) in International Management


Established in 1985, Sun Yat-Sen Business School (SYSBS) was the first business school in mainland China instituted by an overseas foundation. As one of the oldest and leading business schools in mainland China, SYSBS has been accredited by AMBA in 2010, EQUIS by EFMD in 2011 (it has also passed AACSB on-site peer review in June 2013). In 2012, its EMBA was ranked #11 and Master’s in Management #58 worldwide by FT. In 2013, its business administration programs at undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels was tied with Tsinghua U. for the second best nationwide awarded by the central government.

SYSBS is located in Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong Province, China, also adjacent to Hong Kong and Macau. Guangzhou is the third largest city in China. Visitors have been drawn to the metropolitan glamour and excitement of Guangzhou for the diversity and richness of economic, cultural and social life found here.

IPHD Program

The International PhD (IPHD) Program at SYSBS is a small yet much focused top Ph.D program designed to foster doctoral students to become top-notch scholars in both China and the world. At present, the program concentrates on one major – international management (IM) – coached by a team of domestically and internationally renowned faculty in the field. It is a full-time, up to five-year, fully funded program offering the students tuition waiver and stipend. The program also institutionally arranges and financially supports each student one-year overseas training and research mentored by internationally reputed scholars. The program aims to place its doctoral students, after completing the program, in top Chinese business schools and internationally recognized business schools abroad.

Program Distinctions

  • The program focuses on establishing a solid theoretical and methodological foundation on which the doctoral students can build for their future research and academic career. Most courses (theories, methods, advanced topics), specifically designed for this program, will be offered by internationally reputed scholars (mostly from the U.S.). Courses are taught in English.
  • Each student will be mentored throughout the program by a faculty team consisting of internationally established scholars from the U.S. and from SYSBS. The students are expected to sharpen their skills in research and publications not merely through coursework but by collaborative research with their international mentors or advisors.
  • The program will financially support each student for up to five years by covering his or her all tuition and stipend in commensuration with living expenses in Guangzhou, providing they maintain satisfactory progress in the program.
  • After completing core courses, each student will be sent overseas, studying under and researching with his or her international advisors for up to one year. This overseas study/visit will be financially sponsored by the program (currently at a rate of RMB 11,050 per month)
  • IPHD students for this program are recruited globally (foreign and Chinese students) using international standards (e.g., GMAT). Likewise, once completing the program, their job placements are global too.
  • The program also offers each student an opportunity to enhance teaching skills, conduct field studies, and financially support their international travel to attend and present at major international conferences.

Application Credentials

To be eligible for admission to this competitive program, an applicant is required to have (at least) a bachelor’s degree from an internationally or regionally reputed university, top at his or her classes, and excel in English. All doctoral students are admitted for a full-time degree program, beginning in the fall.

All applicants are required to complete their GMAT or GRE test by the application deadline, which is December 30, each year. The test must be taken within the past five years. International students must also submit an official report of TOEFL. An exception is made for foreign students who obtained a bachelor’s degree in the U.S. or another English-speaking country.

Contact Us

For detailed information about the program, please contact Ms. Justine Xu at iphd@ Telephone:86-20-84112624. Please also see SYSBS’s weblink for this program at:

Application Deadline for 2014: December 30, 2013

University of Queensland: Faculty Position in Organizational Psychology

The School of Psychology

The School of Psychology at UQ is one of the largest and most prestigious schools of psychology in Australia, and its strong reputation is built on excellence in both research and teaching. The School has a thriving and dynamic research profile in Organizational Psychology. Under the leadership of Andrew Neal, the program is experiencing significant growth. A number of staff in the program hold prestigious fellowships funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC), including Alex Haslam (an ARC Laureate Fellow), and Nerina Jimmieson (an ARC Future Fellow). Staff in the program have a sustained track record of publishing in the top journals in the field, including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Psychological Science, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Journal of Management, and Journal of Vocational Behaviour.

The Role

The School of Psychology is currently seeking a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the field of Organizational Psychology. The appointees will undertake undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, research supervision, and research in relevant areas. The successful applicant will be expected to develop an independent program of externally funded research.

Research funding is available through a series of internal and external schemes. Internal schemes include new staff start-up grants and early career research grants. The aim of the start-up and early career schemes is to provide seed funding for research, and to enable researchers to develop successful applications for external funding. The primary source for external funding of research in Organizational Psychology is the ARC, through the Discovery and Linkage Project schemes. Supporting early career researchers is a priority of the ARC.

Teaching loads within the school are competitive with those in the top state universities in the US, Canada and Europe. One of the School’s major priorities is ensuring that all staff have sufficient time available to pursue a successful research career. New staff, in particular, have a reduced teaching load in their first year.


One appointment will be made on a full-time, continuing basis at Academic Level B.

The remuneration package of Academic Level B will be in the range of AU$81,857 – AU$97,205 p.a. depending on experience and qualifications, plus employer superannuation contributions of up to 17% (total package will be in the range of AU$95,774 – AU$113,731 p.a.).

About Brisbane

As Australia’s third largest city, Queensland’s capital is a vibrant hub for visitors and locals alike. With a population of around 1.8 million, Brisbane is big enough to offer the advantages of a modern city, but small enough to retain the charm and friendliness for which it is renowned. Its unique “Queenslander” style architecture, rainforest gardens, museums, art galleries, and cosmopolitan shopping, restaurants and cafes all make Brisbane a great place to live. The subtropical climate and proximity to stunning beaches and World Heritage rainforests is a key attraction.


To discuss this role please contact Professor Andrew Neal on +61 7 3300 8630 or

Further information may also be obtained from the Head of School, Professor Virginia Slaughter, on +61 7 3365 6220 or

Application closing date:

25 Aug 2013 11:55pm E. Australia Standard Time

Further information can be found at:
UQ Jobs

Call for papers: SI Journal of Business Ethics

Special issue of the Journal of Business Ethics on the theme of ‘Context Influences on Workplace Ethics and Justice.’:

This Special Issue seeks to add to the field of enquiry at the intersection of organizational justice and behavioral ethics by focusing specifically on important but so far overlooked contextual influences on behavioral ethics and justice at work, for example culture, workgroup composition, social domains, leader’s use of ethics and fairness, incentive systems, and situational cues that prime values or identities. We are especially encouraging submissions based on well-designed empirical investigations of these issues, but will also consider strong conceptual and theoretical contributions. The deadline for submission is December 1, 2013. For further information and details on the Special Issue please view the call for papers at