Tag Archives: Social Sciences

41st GESIS Spring Seminar: Topics in Social Science Data Analysis: Causality, Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS and Mplus

The Spring Seminar is a training course for social scientists interested in advanced techniques of data analysis and in the application of these techniques to data. The Seminar comprises lectures, exercises and practical work using personal computers. While in the lectures the logic of models and the corresponding analysis strategies will be explained, during the exercises and in the practical work the participants are given the op- portunity to apply these methods to data.
The seminar covers three modules of one week each, to some extent basing on each other. The courses can be booked either separately or as a block. The detailed programme is also published at the GESIS webpage http://www.gesis.org/en/events/gesis-spring-seminar.


The lectures will be given in English by:

  • Prof. Dr. Ben Jann, University of Bern, Switzerland and Rudi Farys, University of Bern, Switzerland Causal Inference in the Social Sciences February 27 – March 2, 2012
  • Prof. em. Dr. Peter Schmidt, Giessen University, Germany and Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov, University of Zurich, Switzerland Comparative Research with Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models March 5 – 9, 2012
  • Prof. Dr. Joop Hox, Utrecht University, NL Statistical Modeling in Mplus March 12 – 16, 2012

Seminar fee and payment:

The participation fee is 240,00 € per week; reductions or refunds are not possible except for students and Ph.D. candidates without work contract (or civil servant status), who receive a reduction of one third of the fee, if they can officially document their status. Details concerning the payment will be given after registration.

Travel costs, accommodation and meals are not included. Please make your own arrangements (we will send some information when you have registered).

Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
50997 Köln

Seminar Contact:



For participants from Germany, it might be of interest that the GESIS Spring Seminar is acknowledged as „Bildungsurlaub“ http://www.bildungsurlaub.info/.

The GESIS Spring Seminar is sponsored by the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), University of Essex, UK http://www.essex.ac.uk/ecpr/events/summerschools/index.aspx. Please also have a look at the funding web-page of the University of Essex http://www.essex.ac.uk/ecpr/funding/mobilityfund/index.aspx.


For your registration, please use the attached registration form and send it to springseminar@gesis.org. Participants will be accepted by order of application date, the number of participants is limited to 30 persons per week.


In spring-time, Cologne hosts numerous international trade fairs. The hotels in Cologne then tend to be fully booked at very early times. If you need an accommodation, we strongly recommend to book directly after your registration (we will send you a list with hotels close to the venue and some useful addresses).


GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Dept. Knowledge Transfer
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
50997 Köln

Scientific Coordinator:

Maria Rohlinger maria.rohlinger@gesis.org

Administrative Coordinator:

Angelika Ruf angelika.ruf@gesis.org

Further Information

Registration GESIS Spring Seminar 2012

GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology

The first GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology will take place at the University of Cologne between August 9 and 25, 2012. It is a joint venture of GESIS and the University of Mannheim.

The GESIS Summer School offers high quality training in state of the art techniques and methods of survey research. It aims to equip participants with essential skills in the design, planning, execution, documentation and quality assurance of surveys of households, individuals or organisations.

In this first year, three two-day refresher courses, seven two-week and six one-week main courses are on offer. The one-week courses can be booked as a two-week theme or independently. The courses cover themes related to survey methodology reflecting the whole survey life-cycle as well as different research designs, e.g. questionnaire design, mail and web surveys, sampling, mixed methods, vignette studies and cross-national surveys.

The Summer School is designed for advanced graduate and PhD students as well as post-docs and junior researchers interested in improving their knowledge and skills in survey methodology from all relevant fields.

Further Information

5th International Research Workshop – “Methods for Ph.D.”

5th International Research Workshop – “Methods for Ph.D.”

October 2-7, 2011
Akademie Sankelmark, Flensburg (Germany)
University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg (Denmark)

For the fifth time Ph.D. students in the field of Social Sciences and Economics have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and experience in research on empirical data, including SOEP. The workshop language will be English. Interested parties from all countries are invited. The workshop is especially for those who need training in the process of choosing a topic, grounding the research idea in theory, as well as in gathering and analyzing data and presenting results in scientific contexts.

The workshop tackles these steps of Ph.D. research projects:

  • gathering data through (un)structured interviews and analyzing standardized survey data (e.g., SOEP),
  • using the computer for content analysis and as a statistical tool,
  • writing a report and making presentations.

These steps will strengthen the cooperation in empirical research to boost and streamline ones project. For more information about the programme, see:


It is possible to obtain credits for the workshop under the European Credit Transfer System.

The workshop fee is 390 Euro. This includes all lectures, meals, and accommodations during the workshop (October 2-7, 2011). For more information about the registration procedure, see:


Organizers of the Workshop are: Helmut-Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, University of Flensburg, the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) at the DIW Berlin, University of Southern Denmark Campus Soenderborg, Leuphana University Lüneburg, University of Hamburg – Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and Faculty of Education Psychology and Human Movement.

Workshopfolder as PDF

GESIS-Summer School Survey Methodology

GESIS-Summer School Survey Methodology

9-25 August 2012, Cologne, Germany


Surveys are the main method of systematic data collection in the Social Sciences. Surveys provide empirical data for researchers to analyse, and are an important source of information for business, charities and policy makers. There are numerous types of surveys suited for different purposes. Given the variety and complexity of survey research, designing and conducting a survey that effectively and efficiently serves a specific purpose requires specialised expertise and skill (as well as a good team). The GESIS Summer School offers high quality training in state of the art techniques and methods of survey research. It aims to equip participants with essential skills in the design, planning, execution, documentation and quality assurance of surveys of households, individuals or organisations.

Further Information

European workshop to introduce the EU Survey of Income and Living Conditions and the EU Labour Force Survey data

Thursday 4 August – Friday 5 August 2011
University of Manchester

A two-day workshop organised by ESDS Government at the University of Manchester and GESIS at the Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Mannheim. This workshop will give an introduction to the cross-national comparative EU-SILC and EU-LFS data. There is a registration fee of £110 (£55 for students).

For more information and to book a place please go to www.ccsr.ac.uk/esds/events/2011-08-04/ and see the flyer.

IDSC of IZA/Gesis/RatSWD Workshop: Persistent Identifiers for the Social Sciences

Nikos Askitas (IZA), Denis Huschka (German Data Forum (RatSWD)), Markus Quandt (GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

University Club, Bonn, Germany

February 01, 2011 – February 02, 2011

About the Workshop

A convention for the proper, formal and machine actionable citation of datasets used in empirical research is long overdue. The benefits of such a convention would be enormous in terms of bibliometrics but also in terms of allowing the contribution of data providers and workers to become more evident. Persistent Identifiers of digital and other objects are seen as an important ingredient in this context.

The workshop, coorganized by GESIS, The German Data Forum (RatSWD) and the IDSC of IZA will bring together international experts who work in this area to inform participants about the current state of affairs. The workshop aims at introducing the subject matter to the German Social Sciences but it will be of interest to all other empirical sciences as well. Presentations of the various technologies and initiatives as well as discussion and debates, with user participation, regarding governance, politics and community issues will be included in the program in order to prepare participants to debate the issue in an informed way.

If you are interested in attending the workshop please use the online application form. There is a limited number of seats available so it is important to register early. You will then be notified as new information such as program, accommodation etc become available.

The workshop will be free of charge. We will offer a list of recommended hotels after the acceptance decision is made. Travel and accommodation costs will not be reimbursed.


Call for Applications – Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences

The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications to its Ph.D. and postdoctoral programs. BIGSSS is an inter-university institute of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University and is funded by the German Excellence Initiative. The program provides close supervision of dissertation work within a demand-tailored education and research framework. Fellows are expected to choose Bremen as their place of residence. BIGSSS is part of an international network of highly acknowledged graduate programs. It supports its doctoral and postdoctoral fellows in achieving early scientific independence and provides funds for the conduct, presentation, and publishing of their research. The language of instruction is English.

Successful applicants for the Ph.D. and Preparatory Fellowships will pursue a topic in one or more of BIGSSS’ five Thematic Fields:

  • Global Integration
  • Integration and Diversity in the New Europe
  • Social Integration and the Welfare State
  • Attitude Formation, Value Change, and Intercultural Communication
  • Life-Course and Lifespan Dynamics.

15 Ph.D. Stipends/Fellowships

BIGSSS seeks candidates with strong academic abilities and a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in political science, sociology, or psychology. Applicants with a degree in law, economics, or other social science disciplines are also welcome. We offer Ph.D. stipends of € 1250/month for 36 months, contingent on successful completion of each year.

2 Preparatory Fellowships for BA Graduates

Additionally BIGSSS offers 2 stipends of € 850/month for particularly talented BA graduates. After fulfilling some course requirements and having their proposals accepted within the first year, candidates can switch into the regular three year program.

2 Postdoctoral Stipends/Fellowships

We seek candidates pursuing English-language publication projects based either on their dissertations (by making findings available to an international audience through a book or journal article) or new research. Postdoctoral stipends of € 1750/month may run for between 6 and 24 months. The competition is open to candidates who have received a doctorate in political science, sociology, psychology, law, economics or other social science disciplines within the last 3 years and to those who can be expected to finish prior to commencing their postdoctoral stay.

More information as well as lists of required application materials can be found at http://www.bigsss-bremen.de/. For additional inquiries, please check the online FAQ and feel free to contact our admissions officer at admissions-officer@bigsss-bremen.de.

Ph.D. fellowships will start September 1, 2011, Postdoctoral fellows may plan their stays to begin later. Non-German students are strongly encouraged to apply. BIGSSS strives to increase the share of women in the university and hence also strongly encourages women to apply. Applicants with disabilities who are equally qualified will be favored. Applications must be submitted online under “Admissions” at

http://www.bigsss-bremen.de/ until March 15, 2011.

Workshop Folder available now!

The workshop folder including the workshop programme is available now (Workshop Folder; pdf, 545 KB). Please forward this message to whom might be interested!

4th International Research Workshop – “Methods for Ph.D.”
October 3-8, 2010

Akademie Sankelmark, Flensburg (Germany)
University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg (Denmark)

For the fourth time Ph.D. students in the field of Social Sciences and Economics have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and experience in research on empirical data, including SOEP. The workshop language will be English. Interested parties from all countries are invited. The workshop is especially for those who need training in the process of choosing a topic, grounding the research idea in theory, as well as in gathering and analyzing data and presenting results in scientific contexts.

The workshop tackles these steps of Ph.D. research projects:

  • gathering data through (un)structured interviews and analyzing standardized survey data (e.g., SOEP),
  • using the computer for content analysis and as a statistical tool,
  • writing a report and making presentations.

These steps will strengthen the cooperation in empirical research to boost and streamline ones project. For more information about the programme, see:

It is possible to obtain credits for the workshop under the European Credit Transfer System.

The workshop fee is 380 Euro. This includes all lectures, meals, and accommodations during the workshop (October 3-8, 2010). For more information about the registration procedure, see:

Organizers of the Workshop are: Helmut-Schmidt University – University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, University of Flensburg, the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) at the DIW Berlin, University of Southern Denmark Campus Soenderborg, Leuphana University Lüneburg, University of Hamburg – Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and Faculty of Education Psychology and Human Movement.

For more information, see: