IDSC of IZA/Gesis/RatSWD Workshop: Persistent Identifiers for the Social Sciences

Nikos Askitas (IZA), Denis Huschka (German Data Forum (RatSWD)), Markus Quandt (GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)

University Club, Bonn, Germany

February 01, 2011 – February 02, 2011

About the Workshop

A convention for the proper, formal and machine actionable citation of datasets used in empirical research is long overdue. The benefits of such a convention would be enormous in terms of bibliometrics but also in terms of allowing the contribution of data providers and workers to become more evident. Persistent Identifiers of digital and other objects are seen as an important ingredient in this context.

The workshop, coorganized by GESIS, The German Data Forum (RatSWD) and the IDSC of IZA will bring together international experts who work in this area to inform participants about the current state of affairs. The workshop aims at introducing the subject matter to the German Social Sciences but it will be of interest to all other empirical sciences as well. Presentations of the various technologies and initiatives as well as discussion and debates, with user participation, regarding governance, politics and community issues will be included in the program in order to prepare participants to debate the issue in an informed way.

If you are interested in attending the workshop please use the online application form. There is a limited number of seats available so it is important to register early. You will then be notified as new information such as program, accommodation etc become available.

The workshop will be free of charge. We will offer a list of recommended hotels after the acceptance decision is made. Travel and accommodation costs will not be reimbursed.
