Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr. Jonas Buche (Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: Since publishing the seminal work “The Comparative Method” by Charles Ragin in 1987, set-theoretic methods and especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) have become a common research strategy in the social sciences. Set-theoretic methods analyse cases concerning identifying sufficient and necessary conditions and assume set relations to be equifinal, conjunctural and asymmetric. Since so-called fuzzy sets have been introduced to the method, there has been a rising interest in QCA as a welcome alternative to both small-n case studies and large-n statistical analyses. In short, QCA is recommended if ‘if…then’ hypotheses are analysed, if the goal is to derive sufficient and necessary conditions, if a comparison is planned, and if there is a mid-sized number of cases (between 10 and 60+).

The course offers a comprehensive introduction to QCA and is conceptually and technically oriented. It starts off with an overview of the basics of set theory and demarcates QCA as a case-oriented method from both the quantitative and the interpretive-qualitative research paradigms. The single elements are built into the Truth Table Algorithm through the notion of necessary and sufficient conditions and truth tables. However, this algorithm is not free of problems. Therefore, some pitfalls and strategies on how to overcome them are presented. The software tool fsQCA will be introduced and applied to published studies on the third day.

A requirement of students: No prior knowledge is required. We will use the software fsQCA, which can be downloaded at www.fsqca.com.

Recommended literature and pre-readings:

You must register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Questionnaire Design

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein (Leibniz University Hannover & Innside Statistics)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: The course provides an overview of the theoretical basics and empirical evidence of questionnaire design. The cognitive process of survey responding, challenges of designing effective survey questions, including proper question wording and optimal response formats, and pretest techniques for evaluating survey questions will be discussed. A practical part will accompany the lecture.

You must register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Case Study Research

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Florian Reith, Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: Case study research is frequently applied in the social sciences. The ubiquity of the  case study research contrasts with the scarcity of theoretical reflection on its core methodological aspects. Moreover, it is often unclear what these core methodological aspects actually are, as the term is used in different ways by (qualitative and quantitative) researchers. Furthermore, the benefits of comparative analysis are often underestimated. In this course, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about what case study research is, its strengths and weaknesses, and how we should approach the core question in designing a case study: a selection of cases. The course combines lectures with practical exercises and discussions of students’ projects.

A requirement for students: Please be prepared to discuss your own projects. Please bring
your laptop computer

Recommended literature and pre-readings:

  • Gerring, J. (2007). Case Study Research: Principles and Practices (pp. 17-63).
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • George, A. L., & Bennett, A. (2005). Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social
    Sciences (pp. 1-34). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Rueschemeyer, D. (2003). Can One or a Few Cases Yield Theoretical Gains? In J.
    Mahoney and D. Rueschemeyer (Eds.), Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social
    Sciences (pp. 305-337) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Yin, R.K. (2009). Case Study Research. Design and Methods. Los Angeles: Sage

You must register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Data Analysis with R

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr Marco Lehmann (Oviva AG)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: The course introduces the programming language R used for statistical analyses. The beginning of each lecture comes with a demonstration of programming and statistical functions that will be elaborated on in the course of the study. The students will then practice with many statistical examples. In addition to statistical functions, the course will introduce the definition of R as a programming language and its syntax rules. Students will further learn to use R’s scripting capabilities. Successful participation requires basic knowledge of descriptive and inferential statistics. The students are encouraged to bring their own laptops with the free software R (www.r-project.org/) and RStudio (www.rstudio.com/) installed.

A requirement for students: Basic descriptive and inferential statistics knowledge is recommended.

Recommended literature and pre-readings:

  • Please read Chapter 1 in Lehmann, M. (2022). Complete Data Analysis Using R. Your Applied Manual. SAGE Publications Ltd.

You have to register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Writing Your Literature Review

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rohlfer (CUNEF University)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: Unlock the Secrets of Crafting Compelling Literature Reviews!

Embark on a journey to master the art of literature review writing in this upcoming workshop course tailored exclusively for PhD students! Are you ready to conquer the daunting task of navigating through vast seas of scholarly literature? Look no further! Join us for an enlightening 3-day workshop where you will be equipped with invaluable strategies and techniques to tackle this crucial aspect of your thesis (and subsequent research articles).

In this dynamic course, you will dive deep into the heart of effective literature review writing. From unravelling the characteristics of extensive bibliographies to synthesising diverse perspectives, you will be armed with a toolkit brimming with tips, tricks, and cutting-edge tools. We will also cover the role and possibilities that machine learning and online tools might add to your work. Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of scholarly discourse – you will see how you can navigate it with finesse and precision.

But wait, there’s more! You will not only hone your ability to sift through mountains of research but also refine your writing habits for maximum impact. Through engaging sessions filled with hands-on activities and group collaborations, you will receive personalized peer feedback to elevate your skills to new heights.

No pre-reading is required – just come with an open mind and a willingness to dive headfirst into the world of academic exploration. Shortly before the start of the course, you will receive more detailed instructions and the material to be downloaded for each day of the course. However, to ensure a tailored learning experience, I kindly request that you submit an extended abstract of your research project (two pages max. and in English/German/Spanish) to srohlfer@cunef.edu by August 23rd.

Secure your spot today and unlock the doors to scholarly excellence.

You must register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Grounded Theory

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr. Jana Bövers (University of Bielefeld)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: This workshop offers a comprehensive introduction to Grounded Theory, considering its possible application in manifold fields and contexts of study and the feasibility of combining it with diverse research techniques (mainly qualitative and ethnographic ones). The focus will be on the basic methodological stance and the entire process, starting with the research design, the collection of material with an explorative character, up to the multi-layered process of analysis, which leads to the results theorisation with a so-called medium range. The workshop is as much oriented to “beginners” interested in learning about the basic epistemological perspective of Grounded Theory and its practice as to participants that already have deeper knowledge about Grounded Theory or even have already applied this methodology in research and wish to discuss specific aspects or questions that arose in research practice. Experience has shown that this diversity of participants means that all groups can benefit from each other’s experiences and questions, as well as doubts. Accordingly, the workshop will be adjusted to participants’ needs.

Hence, we will first discuss basic concepts and procedures such as research design, data collection, coding, categorisation, memo writing, theoretical sampling and theoretical saturation. Afterwards, these concepts will be clarified through practical exercises using examples ideally provided by the participants. Therefore, participants with concrete research projects (be they planned or already put into practice) are invited to share their ideas, design and material to (further) develop the research practice among the group. If you are interested in presenting examples, please contact Gilberto Rescher in English, German, Spanish or Portuguese (gilberto.rescher@uni-hamburg.de).

Gilberto Rescher will also stress his own research experiences in areas such as diversity, politics, migration and gender, with a focus on Latin America, to show how grounded theory can be used as an important guideline for research and analysis in a broader methodological framework. Accordingly, also exemplary cases from the literature will be drawn upon.

For successful participation, engaging in a qualitative, exploratory paradigm and a discussion of the cases presented in the workshop is necessary.

In addition to your registration, please answer the following questions (English or German):

  • What is your current status (e.g. PhD student?)
  • What is the focus of your interest in Grounded Theory?
  • What sort of content and feedback do you expect?

As a brief preparation for the workshop, the short text on Anselm Strauss or on Grounded Theory can be read in one of the editions of “Qualitative Forschung: Ein Handbuch” by Flick et al.

You must register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Qualitative Research Methods

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Fabian Hattke (University of Bergen, Norway)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: The purpose of this course is to familiarise participants with the basic characteristics of qualitative research. The course introduces methodological and practical aspects of different forms of qualitative research like case studies, discourse analyses, interviews, observations, and qualitative meta-synthesis.

theory building, and sampling strategies. It also discusses practical challenges like the
development of research questions, the use of different coding approaches, technical tools and ethical questions.

Recommended literature and pre-readings:

  • Adler, P. S., Forbes, L. C., & Willmott, H. (2007). Critical management studies. Academy of Management Annals, 1(1), 119-179.
  • Alvesson, M., & Karreman, D. (2000). Varieties of discourse: On the study of organizations through discourse analysis. Human Relations, 53(9), 1125-1149.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2014). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Sage publications.
  • Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532-550.
  • Flick, U., von Kardoff, E., & Steinke, I. (Eds.). (2004). A companion to qualitative research. Sage.
  • Hoon, C. (2013). Meta-synthesis of qualitative case studies: An approach to theory building. Organizational Research Methods, 16(4), 522-556.
  • Mayring, P. (2004). Qualitative content analysis. A companion to qualitative research. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1, 159-176.
  • Sandelowski, M., & Barroso, J. (2006). Handbook for synthesizing qualitative research. Springer Publishing.
  • Wodak, R., & Meyer, M. (Eds.). (2015). Methods of critical discourse studies. Sage.
  • Yin, R. K. (2017). Case study research and applications: Design and methods. Sage publications.

You must register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Data Analysis with Stata

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Tobias Gramlich (Hesse State Statistical Office)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: Stata is a statistical program package widely used (not only) in the social and economic sciences; it is used for data management, statistical graphics, and quantitative data analysis. Statistical concepts will not be part of the course, so participants should have basic knowledge of statistics. The course should enable participants to prepare their data for analysis, perform adequate analysis using a statistical computer program, and document these tasks to keep them reproducible.

For Beginners with no or very little Stata knowledge!

Course topics cover:

  • “What You Type Is What You Get”: Basic Stata Command syntax
  • Getting (and Understanding) Help within Stata: Stata Built-in Help System
  • Basic Data Management: Load and Save Stata Datasets, Generate and Manipulate Variables, Describe and Label Data and Variables, Perform Basic uni- and bivariate Analyses, and Change the Structure of your Data.
  • Basic Stata Graphics: Scatterplot, Histogram, Bar Chart
  • Working with “Do-” and “Log-” Files

A requirement for students: Statistical concepts will not be part of the course, so participants should have some basic knowledge of statistics.

Recommended literature and pre-readings: None.

You must register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

GIGA Training Programm – Summer Term 2024

We are happy to announce the GIGA Training programme for this summer term. Check below a list of all the courses available.

Academic Publishing
Date and time: 25 April, 10 am – 3 pm
Place: GIGA, in person
Register here

Field Research Methods
Date and time: 22 – 24 May, 1:30 – 4:30 pm
Place: GIGA, online
Register here

Analysing Qualitative Data Using MAXQDA
Date and time: 6 – 7 June, 10 am – 5 pm
Place: online
Register here

Machine Learning
Date and time: 10 – 11 June, 10 am – 5 pm
Place: GIGA, in person
Register here

The registration deadline is Friday, 5 April. Please note that you will be informed only afterwards about successful registrations. If you have any related questions, you can contact Alejandra Calderon at alejandra.calderon@giga-hamburg.de

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Neuer Jungfernstieg 21
20354 Hamburg

VHB ProDok Kurse

Machine Learning

The course exposes participants to recent developments in the field of machine learning and discusses their ramifications for business and economics. Machine learning comprises theories, concepts, and algorithms to infer patterns from observational data. The prevalence of data (“big data”) has led to an increasing interest in the corresponding methodology to leverage existing data assets for improved decision-making and business process optimization. Concepts such as business analytics, data science, and artificial intelligence are omnipresent in decision-makers’ mindset and ground to a large extent on machine learning. Familiarizing course participants with these concepts and enabling them to purposefully apply cutting-edge methods to real-world decision problems in management, policy development, and research is the overarching objective of the course. Accordingly, the course targets Ph.D. students and young researchers with a general interest in algorithmic decision-making and/or concrete plan to employ machine learning in their research. A clear and approachable explanation of relevant methodologies and recent developments in machine learning paired with a batterie of practical exercises using contemporary software libraries of (deep) machine learning will ready participants for design-science or empirical-quantitative research projects.



23. – 26. April 2024


Harnack-Haus Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Ihnestr. 16-20
14195 Berlin

The course will be offered over a four-day period comprising lecture, tutorial, and discussion sessions.


Course Language:




Prof. Dr. Stefan Lessmann
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Click for information on fees, payment and registration,

or email us: prodok@vhbonline.org.

Registration Deadline: 24. März 2024