Category Archives: Network Courses

ReMaT – Research Management Training for Early-Stage Scientists on 14 & 15 November 2024 – online event

ReMaT is an intensive, interactive workshop, providing an introduction to a number of key topics relating to research management including project management, grant acquisition, and science and technology related entrepreneurship. ReMaT is especially tailored to meet the needs of early-stage researchers especially from the 2nd year of PhD studies onwards, but is also suitable for others involved in research, or in directing research. ReMaT delivers hands-on practical training in an intensive, yet effective workshop form over two days. There is a strong emphasis on European networking in the way the workshop is delivered: we encourage participation from many different countries and disciplines.

Tutech Innovation which is organising the workshop was founded in 1992 as the technology transfer institute for the Hamburg University of Technology. TUTECH ACADEMY workshops on technology transfer and innovation and research management are designed to equip participants with practical skills for taking on these roles.

More information and registration

VHB ProDok Kurse

Philosophy of Science –

Foundations and Implications for Research Designs and Research Methods

Die wissenschaftstheoretische Analyse ist eine Grundlage für die Beurteilung eigener und fremder Forschungsleistungen. Während jedoch bei der Lektüre eines wissenschaftlichen Aufsatzes oder Monographie die eingesetzten Methoden, wie z.B. ein Fragebogen zur Erhebung von Daten oder eine Regressionsanalyse zur Auswertung von Daten, zu dokumentieren sind, wird die zugrunde liegende wissenschaftstheoretische Position häufig nicht einmal erwähnt. Wer sich jedoch mit Begründungsansprüchen wissenschaftlicher Forschung und ihrer Methoden auseinandersetzen will, kommt um eine Beschäftigung mit eben diesen Positionen nicht herum. Insbesondere bei mixed-method-Studien werden zudem solche Expositionen auch von Gutachtern und Journal-Editoren zunehmend eingefordert.

Ziel des Kurses ist es daher, die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen mit den wesentlichen wissenschaftstheoretischen Strömungen und ihren für die Wissenschaft wesentlichen ontologischen und epistemologischen Positionen vertraut zu machen. Der Einstieg ins Thema erfolgt auf der Basis dreier Leitfragen im Rahmen eines „World Cafés“, die den Verlauf des Kurses strukturieren. Die Grundlagen der Wissenschaftstheorie werden von einem Dozenten vorgestellt und dienen einer gemeinsamen Diskussionsbasis für die verschiedenen Positionen. Anschließend werden die verschiedenen Strömungen der Wissenschaftstheorie und ihre wesentlichen Implikationen für die Forschungsmethoden und das Forschungsdesign durch die Teilnehmenden präsentiert, wobei jeweils Themenschwerpunkte gebildet werden. Die individuellen Präsentationen dienen dann als Grundlage für die anschließende gemeinsame Diskussion und ggf. thematische Erweiterung durch die Dozenten.

Eine wesentliche Zielsetzung des Kurses ist es, für die verschiedenen Strömungen der Wissenschaftstheorie zu sensibilisieren und grundlegende Kenntnisse über verschiedene wissenschaftstheoretische Begründungsstrategien zu vermitteln, um eine kritische Reflektion über die eigene wissenschaftliche Forschung zu ermöglichen. Obwohl der Schwerpunkt des Kurses auf der Diskussion philosophischer (wissenschaftstheoretischer) Positionen liegt, ist es ein weiteres Anliegen des Kurses, deren Bedeutung für die wissenschaftliche Praxis zu thematisieren und anhand praktischer Beispiele zu analysieren.


Für diesen Kurs ist eine 18- bis 20-seitige schriftliche Ausarbeitung, eine 30-minütige Präsentation sowie leitende Fragen für die anschließende Diskussion vorzubereiten, die von den Vortragenden moderiert wird.

Zeitnah nach der Anmeldefrist werden die Themen verteilt.



05. – 08. November 2024


Harnack-Haus Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Ihnestr. 16-20
14195 Berlin





Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensethik und Controlling, ESCP Business School Berlin,

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wrona,
Institut für Strategisches & Internationales Management, Technische Universität Hamburg,


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Anmeldefrist: 31. Juli 2024

VHB ProDok Kurse

Choice-Based Optimization

Summary and study goals

Demand is an important quantity in many optimization problems such as revenue management and supply chain management. Demand usually depends on “supply” (price and availability of products, f. e.), which in turn is decided on in the optimization model. Hence, demand is endogenous to the optimization problem. Choice-based optimization (CBO) merges discrete choice models with math programs. Discrete choice models (DCM) have been applied by both practitioners and researchers for more than four decades in various fields. DCM describe the choice probabilities of individuals selecting an alternative from a set of available alternatives. CBO determines (i) the availability of the alternatives and/or (ii) the attributes of the alternatives, i.e., the decision variables determine the availability of alternatives and/or the shape of the attributes. We present CBO applications to location planning, supply chain management, assortment and revenue management.

Course Content

Students will learn how to develop and use predictive models (discrete choice models) in the software R and how to introduce such models in mathematical models for decision-making (i.e., mixed integer programs) to consider demand as an auxiliary variable. The models will be implemented in a modeling environment (GAMS). Case studies will be used for practicing purposes.

Date of Event

  1. – 26. September 2024


Universität Hamburg
Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft
Moorweidenstraße 18
EG, Raum 0005.1
20148 Hamburg






Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Knut Haase
Universität Hamburg

Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Sven Müller
RWTH Aachen University



Click for information on fees, payment and registration,
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Registration Deadline: 25.08.2024

VHB ProDok Kurse

Quantitative Empirical Accounting Research and Open Science Methods

This course focuses on quantitative empirical accounting research, covering theoretical, methodological and technical aspects of this research program. It also introduces students to the concepts of Open Science. In terms of applications, it concentrates on financial and non-financial reporting issues but also touches on some managerial and auditing topics. After this course, participants should

  • have a clear understanding about the theoretical foundations of quantitative empirical accounting research,
  • know the methodological approaches to and common pitfalls of empirical research designs,
  • have become familiar with a collaborative open science workflow using R/Python/Stata and Github,
  • know how to execute empirical archival studies, including the usability and inter-operability of different data sources
  • and, based on their own research proposal, have received constructive feedback on how to design and execute a viable study in the area of quantitative empirical financial accounting research.



Online: 03.09.24, 06.09.24, 10.09.24, 13.09.24, all slots 9am – noon.

In person (FU Berlin): 18.09.24, 2pm – 20.09.24, noon



Online and in person


Course Language:



Prof. Dr. Joachim Gassen (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, TRR 266 „Accounting for Transparency“)



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Participation fee:

Non-member: 610,00 Euro
VHB-member: 490,00 Euro

Registration Deadline: 4. August 2024

VHB ProDok Kurse

Ethnographic Research

The course is designed for doctorate students in business administration who want to learn about and conduct ethnographic research. The aim of the course is to provide students with methodological foundations and advanced knowledge on ethnographic research in business studies. After attending this course, participants should be able to

  • understand the methodological foundations of ethnographic research
  • differentiate between different approaches to ethnography and be able to assess their strengths and weaknesses
  • plan an ethnographic research design as well as be prepared for methodological challenges in their field research
  • understand ways of analyzing ethnographic data and judge ethnographic research according to quality criteria

The first workshop day will provide an overview of the history of ethnography as well as introduce the participants to different approaches in ethnographic research. The second workshop day focuses on research ethics, quality criteria and publishing ethnographic research. On the third workshop day, the process of doing ethnographic research in the field as well as the issues of access, roles and forms of engagement will be discussed. The fourth day looks at different strategies for analyzing ethnographic data. The session will be hands-on and offer participants the opportunity to gain practical experience with analyzing ethnographic data.


September 2 – 5, 2024



Kyffhäuser 21
Kyffhäuserstr. 21
10781 Berlin

Course Language:



Prof. Dr. Jana Costas,
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Jana Costas is Professor of Business Administration, in particular People, Work and Management at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). She holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge, and has been awarded with the EU Marie Curie Fellowship. She conducted the fellowship at the Copenhagen Business School. Jana has also been Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessorin) for Qualitative Methods in Management Research at Freie Universität Berlin. Her research interests lie in the area of organization studies, in particular secrecy, creativity, control, identity, culture, leadership, tech lobbying, violence, and new work and organizational arrangements. She has published in and reviews for various journals, such as Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Human Relations. Jana is Associate Editor of Organization and acts on the Editorial Board of Organization Theory. She has published the monograph  Secrecy at Work: The Hidden Architecture of Organizational Life (with Chris Grey), Stanford University Press. Her ethnographic book Dramas of Dignity: Cleaners in the Corporate Underworld of Berlin published by Cambridge University Press won the EGOS book award 2023.


Prof. Blagoy Blagoev
Universität St.Gallen

Blagoy Blagoev is Professor of Organization Studies at University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). His research draws on a temporal lens to examine the interplay of people, organizations, and society in the context of current technological, ecological, and cultural transformations. His main research interests include (1) organizing and managing for sustainability, (2) emerging technologies and organizing, (3) new and decentralized forms of working and organizing, and (4) organizational change, innovation, and persistence. He draws on qualitative and historical research methods to examine a wide range of organizations such as multinational corporations, knowledge-intensive firms, museums, and coworking spaces. His work has appeared in leading international journals, such as Administrative Science QuarterlyAcademy of Management JournalJournal of Management Studies, Organization StudiesOrganization and Scandinavian Journal of Management.


Prof. Dan Kärreman,
Copenhagen Business School

Dan Kärreman is Professor in Management and Organization Studies at Copenhagen Business School, and Professor in Business Administration at Lund University. His research interests include critical management studies, knowledge work, identity in organizations, leadership, organizational control and research methodology.  He received his PhD, based on an organizational ethnography, in 1997, and has held position at Gothenburg University, Lund University, Copenhagen Business School and Royal Holloway, University of London. His contributions to organizational methodology includes articles and books on organizational discourse analysis, mystery as method, theory creation and critical inquiry. He has contributed to more than 40 journal articles in peer review publications and has published in most top ranked journals in organization studies.


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Registration Deadline: August 4, 2024

VHB ProDok Kurse

Advanced Topics in Organization Theory

This doctoral seminar exposes students to foundational and current research in organization theory. It is directed towards all business administration scholars interested in phenomena that involve organizations, which can be students of organization theory specifically, management and marketing more broadly, or even students of other areas of business research such as accounting, sustainability management or information systems for whom organizations, inter-organizational relationships and wider organizational and institutional fields might play a role in their research.

This course is not a basic course, however, but a course that focuses on current developments in organization theory. This does not necessarily mean that an in-depth prior knowledge of organization theory is required, but students should have a basic knowledge of the topic of organization and be familiar with some “classic“ organization theories such as the theory of bureaucracy, contingency theory or institutional theory.

After this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how classic organization theories have developed both theoretically and in terms of empirical research designs
  • Apply recent advances in organization theory to understand current organizational and inter­organizational phenomena
  • Develop relevant research questions that promise theoretical contributions to current (inter-) organizational thought

Date of Event:

September 16-19, 2024


Ihnestraße 16-20
14195 Berlin


Prof. Dr. Jörg Sydow
Freie Universität Berlin


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Registration Deadline: July 21, 2024

VHB ProDok Kurse

Machine Learning

The course exposes participants to recent developments in the field of machine learning and discusses their ramifications for business and economics. Machine learning comprises theories, concepts, and algorithms to infer patterns from observational data. The prevalence of data (“big data”) has led to an increasing interest in the corresponding methodology to leverage existing data assets for improved decision-making and business process optimization. Concepts such as business analytics, data science, and artificial intelligence are omnipresent in decision-makers’ mindset and ground to a large extent on machine learning. Familiarizing course participants with these concepts and enabling them to purposefully apply cutting-edge methods to real-world decision problems in management, policy development, and research is the overarching objective of the course. Accordingly, the course targets Ph.D. students and young researchers with a general interest in algorithmic decision-making and/or concrete plan to employ machine learning in their research. A clear and approachable explanation of relevant methodologies and recent developments in machine learning paired with a batterie of practical exercises using contemporary software libraries of (deep) machine learning will ready participants for design-science or empirical-quantitative research projects.


17. – 20. September 2024


Harnack-Haus Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Ihnestr. 16-20
14195 Berlin

The course will be offered over a four-day period comprising lecture, tutorial, and discussion sessions.

Course Language:



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


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Registration Deadline: 18. August 2024

VHB ProDok Kurse

Meta Analysis

Abstract and Learning Objectives

Meta-analyses have become very popular in many fields of the social sciences incl. business and management research. The results of meta-analyses attract substantial interest by both scholars and practitioners, as indicated by high citation numbers and widespread dissemination of meta-analytic findings in the media.

By summarizing results drawn from a set of studies concerning a specific topic and by discovering consistencies and explaining inconsistencies in these results, meta-analysis is an essential step in the process of knowledge accumulation, theory building and theory testing in science, linking past research with future scientific endeavors.

The course targets researchers who are interested in understanding, conducting, and publishing meta-analytic research. Participants of this course will learn how to conduct and publish a high-quality meta-analysis in the area of management and business research. To this aim, the course follows a step-by-step procedure that covers the entire meta-analysis research process, including problem formulation and definition of a research question for a meta-analysis, literature search, study and effects coding, data preparation and analysis with different software tools, and reporting and publishing. Participants will further learn how to evaluate meta-analyses in the business and management literature and to follow the respective methodological discussion about meta-analyses in their field.


September 10 – 13, 2024


Ihnestr. 16-20
14195 Berlin




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Registration Deadline: August, 11th, 2024

GIGA Training Programm – Summer Term 2024

We are happy to announce the GIGA Training programme for this summer term. Check below a list of all the courses available.

Academic Publishing
Date and time: 25 April, 10 am – 3 pm
Place: GIGA, in person
Register here

Field Research Methods
Date and time: 22 – 24 May, 1:30 – 4:30 pm
Place: GIGA, online
Register here

Analysing Qualitative Data Using MAXQDA
Date and time: 6 – 7 June, 10 am – 5 pm
Place: online
Register here

Machine Learning
Date and time: 10 – 11 June, 10 am – 5 pm
Place: GIGA, in person
Register here

The registration deadline is Friday, 5 April. Please note that you will be informed only afterwards about successful registrations. If you have any related questions, you can contact Alejandra Calderon at

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Neuer Jungfernstieg 21
20354 Hamburg

VHB ProDok Kurse

Machine Learning

The course exposes participants to recent developments in the field of machine learning and discusses their ramifications for business and economics. Machine learning comprises theories, concepts, and algorithms to infer patterns from observational data. The prevalence of data (“big data”) has led to an increasing interest in the corresponding methodology to leverage existing data assets for improved decision-making and business process optimization. Concepts such as business analytics, data science, and artificial intelligence are omnipresent in decision-makers’ mindset and ground to a large extent on machine learning. Familiarizing course participants with these concepts and enabling them to purposefully apply cutting-edge methods to real-world decision problems in management, policy development, and research is the overarching objective of the course. Accordingly, the course targets Ph.D. students and young researchers with a general interest in algorithmic decision-making and/or concrete plan to employ machine learning in their research. A clear and approachable explanation of relevant methodologies and recent developments in machine learning paired with a batterie of practical exercises using contemporary software libraries of (deep) machine learning will ready participants for design-science or empirical-quantitative research projects.



23. – 26. April 2024


Harnack-Haus Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Ihnestr. 16-20
14195 Berlin

The course will be offered over a four-day period comprising lecture, tutorial, and discussion sessions.


Course Language:




Prof. Dr. Stefan Lessmann
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Click for information on fees, payment and registration,

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Registration Deadline: 24. März 2024