Category Archives: General

Call for Dissertations: promotion – der Dissertationswettbewerb des Verlags Barbara Burdich

Der Verlag Barbara Budrich schreibt auch in diesem Jahr wieder den Dissertationspreis ‚promotion‘ aus, bei dem eine Promovendin oder ein Promovend eine kostenlose Veröffentlichung seiner/ihrer Dissertationsschrift gewinnen kann.

Reichen Sie Ihre eigene Dissertation bis spätestens 31.08.2020 (Poststempel) ein, lassen Sie diese von einer Fachjury bewerten und gewinnen Sie mit etwas Glück die kostenlose Veröffentlichung Ihrer Dissertation in der Reihe promotion im Verlag Barbara Budrich!

Teilnehmen können alle, die eine Dissertation in einem der fünf Fachbereiche des Verlages (Erziehungswissenschaft, Geschlechterforschung, Politik, Soziale Arbeit, Soziologie) angefertigt, im Laufe von 12 Monaten vor dem 31. August abgeschlossen und diese noch nicht (auch nicht digital) veröffentlicht haben. Die eingereichten Dissertationen müssen zudem mit mindestens ‚magna cum laude‘ bewertet worden sein.

Bei Interesse finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen zur Teilnahme unter Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gerne an Franziska Deller,

Ausschreibung FU Berlin: im Rahmen des Promotionskollegs »Gerechtigkeit durch Tarifvertrag. Grundlagen der Tarifautonomie« am Institut für Arbeitsrecht der FU Berlin


im Rahmen des Promotionskollegs »Gerechtigkeit durch Tarifvertrag. Grundlagen der Tarifautonomie« an der Freien Universität Berlin, Institut für Arbeitsrecht.

Im Rahmen des von der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (HBS) eingerichteten Promotionskollegs am Institut für Arbeitsrecht der Freien Universität Berlin sind acht Promotionsstipendien für eine Laufzeit von maximal drei Jahren zum 01.November 2020 zu vergeben. Im Zentrum des rahmenden Promotionskollegs steht die Suche nach normativen Grundlagen der Tarifautonomie und ihrer verfassungsrechtlichen Garantie. Diese sollen der Tarifautonomie in den Arbeitsbeziehungen der Gegenwart wieder das gehörige Gewicht verschaffen, das sie in der jüngeren Vergangenheit auch durch konzeptionelle Schwäche verloren hat. Hieran knüpfen sich vor allem arbeits- und verfassungsrechtliche, daneben aber auch sozialwissenschaftliche Fragen.

Das Kolleg bietet ein fundiertes wissenschaftliches Begleitprogramm, das anregt und bildet, aber nicht erdrückt, es bietet engagierte Betreuung und akademischen Austausch, es bietet schließlich ausgezeichnete Forschungsbedingungen an der Freien Universität Berlin, ihrerseits Mitglied im Exzellenzverbund der Berlin University Alliance.

Vorgesehene Themenschwerpunkte des Kollegs sind:

  1. Zivilrechtliche Grundlagen der Tarifautonomie
  2. Grund- und menschenrechtliche Gewährleistung der Tarifautonomie
  3. Neuralgische Probleme des Tarifvertrags- und Arbeitskampfrechts.
  4. Institutioneller Vergleich und grenzüberschreitende Entwicklungen von Tarifverhandlungssystemen

Nähere Informationen finden sich unter:

Promovierende erhalten derzeit eine Förderung in Höhe von 1.450 € (umfasst 1.350€ Grundstipendium, 100 € Forschungskostenpauschale). Zusätzlich können bis zu 100€ Krankenkassenzuschuss und ggf. Familienzulagen gezahlt werden. Die Laufzeit der Stipendien beträgt max. drei Jahre.

Voraussetzung für den Erhalt eines Stipendiums ist ein überdurchschnittliches erstes juristisches Examen bzw. ein überdurchschnittlicher wirtschafts- oder sozialwissenschaftlicher Masterabschluss, das/der spätestens zum 31.05.2020 vorliegen sollte. Als weiteres Auswahlkriterium neben einem überdurchschnittlichen Studienabschluss gilt ein gewerkschaftliches oder gesellschaftspolitisches Engagement.

Über die Stipendien wird voraussichtlich im Oktober 2020 nach den Richtlinien des BMBF und den Auswahl-Förderungskriterien der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung entschieden. Die Bewerbungsunterlagen finden Sie auf der Homepage der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung unter „Strukturierte Promotion“.

Bewerben Sie sich bitte mit den erforderlichen Unterlagen und mit einem Exposé (max. fünf Seiten), in dem das geplante Vorhaben skizziert und in das Forschungsprogramm des Kollegs eingeordnet wird. Die Bewerbung senden Sie bitte bis zum 15.04.2020 – ausschließlich in elektronischer Form – an folgende E-Mail-Adresse:

Nutzen Sie die oben genannte E-Mail-Adresse bitte ebenso, wenn Sie inhaltliche Fragen haben. Fragen zum Bewerbungsverfahren richten Sie bitte an

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Rödl (M.A.), Institut für Arbeitsrecht, Freie Universität Berlin, Van’t-Hoff-Straße 8, 14195 Berlin

University of Bremen: PhD/Research Assistant – Roadmap for a gradual defossilisation of the steel industry and urban infrastructures using electrolysis hydrogen in Bremen (H2B)

At the University of Bremen we are offering a 50% PhD/Research assistant position at the Chair of Economics of Innovation and Structural Change, Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. The position relates to the entitled project with the possibility to conduct a PhD thesis derived from the entitled project or related research work.

Given the German context of the project, good german language skills are required.
Application deadline is the 1th of April 2020.

For more details please visit the official job advertisement at:

VHB-Pro-Dok: APPLIED REGRESSION ANALYSIS in Berlin (12.-15.05.2020)

Vom 12. bis 15. Mai 2020 findet wie jedes Jahr der sehr erfolgreiche VHB-ProDok Kurs „Applied Regression Analysis” in Berlin statt.  Durchgeführt wird der Kurs von Professor Georg von Graevenitz (Queen Mary University of London) und Professor Stefan Wagner (ESMT Berlin).

This course will provide participants who have basic skills in statistics and econometrics with an introduction to current core methods used in the analysis of observational, experimental and quasi-experimental data. The methods covered are widely used in  economics and increasingly also required for good publications in top management journals. The aim is to cover theory and selected applications, but more importantly to introduce participants to the use of statistical  software that will allow them to apply the methods discussed in the course to data.

This course covers important methods used in the multivariate  analysis of data. The course revisits basic concepts of the linear regression model and its properties and covers selected advanced topics such as the analysis of duration data and (quasi) experimental designs as well as methods to deal with the problems of endogeneity and sample selection. The theoretical basis of these methods is discussed but the focus of the course is on the application of the methods to data sets. Applications will be studied with the help of data provided by the lecturers and with reference to recent publications.

After the course, participants will…

  • have a basic understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of multiple regression models.
  • be able to apply regression methods to the investigation of economic relationships and processes.
  • understand the econometric methods, approaches, ideas, results and conclusions met in the majority of economic books and articles.
  • be aware of common pitfalls and mistakes to avoid when conducting regression analysis.
  • be able to use the software program STATA to carry out empirical analysis based on regression analysis

Anmeldung und weitere Infos:
Interessierte können sich noch bis 12. April 2020 per Email an anmelden.

Weitere Informationen zur Anmeldung finden Sie unter

Um sich über das ProDok-Angebot zu informieren, folgen Sie bitte diesem Link: Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen die Projektkoordinatorin Kathrin Schöps ( von der Geschäftsstelle des VHB gerne zur Verfügung.

Hier erhalten Sie außerdem das VHB-ProDok Kursverzeichnis 2020.

Graduate School der Universität Hamburg – Promotionsstudiengang der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften – Kursangebot Sommersemester 2020 (Stand: 27.02.2020)

Download des Kursangebots

Dozent/in Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Termine FB LVS LP
Gundlach, Erich Applied Macroeconometrics Mo., 15.06.20, 09:30-17:15 Uhr

Fr., 19.06.20, 09:30-15:30 Uhr

Raum 1083, VMP 5

VWL 1 2
Kifmann, Mathias/
Kokot, Johanna
Current Topics in Experimental Health Economics Di., 16-18 Uhr


Beginn: 07.04.20

Raum 4029, Esplanade 36

2 4
Maennig, Wolfgang The Empirics of Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Mobility Do., 16:15-17:45 Uhr


Beginn: 16.04.20

Raum 2096 (Zugang über Raum 2094)

VWL 2 4
Nicklisch, Andreas
(FH Graubünden)
Introduction to zTree Mo., 20.04.20, 09:00-15:00 Uhr

Mo., 27.04.20, 09:00-15:00 Uhr

Mo., 04.05.20, 09:00-15:00 Uhr

Raum 2043/2047, VMP 5

Extern 1 2
Dozent/in Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Termine FB LVS LP
Adloff, Frank/
Neckel, Sighard
Gesellschaftsanalysen. Prozessen – Krisen – Transformationen Mi., 10–12 Uhr


Beginn: 08.04.20

Gorch-Fock-Wall 3, Raum 1021

2 4
Asbach, Olaf Methoden zur Erforschung politischen und sozialen Denkens 3 Blocksitzungen

Fr., 14-19 Uhr.

Die genauen Termine stehen noch nicht fest

SoWi 1 2
Aykut, Stefan/
Engels, Anita/
Manderscheid, Katharina/
Rödder, Simone
Neues aus der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung 14täglich

Do., 09-12 Uhr

Beginn: 02.04.20

2 4
Bassen, Alexander/
Busch, Timo/
Lopatta, Kerstin/
Schiemann, Frank
Sustainable Finance, Management, and Accounting 03.-06.06.20

Nationalpark Seminarhaus Hallig Hooge

2 4
Beblo, Miriam/
Marcus, Jan
Economic Analyses of Family, Education, Health and Social Policy 14täglich

Mo., 16:30-18:00 Uhr Forschungsseminar Labour Economics

und Blockveranstaltung am 14./15.05.20

14.05.20, 13-18 Uhr

15.05.20, 09-14 Uhr

2 4
Brüggemann, Michael/
Kleinen-von Königslow/Katharina
Hasebrink, Uwe
New Frontiers in Journalism, Media, and Communication Research 14täglich

Do., 14-16 Uhr

Beginn: 09.04.20

1 2
Drupp, Moritz/
Lange, Andreas/
Perino, Grischa
Advances in Environmental Economics Seminar part:

Mi., 12:15-13:45 Uhr


Beginn: 08.04.20

Workshop part:

W 1: Mi., 08.04.20, 14:45-16:00 Uhr

W 2: Mi., 15.04.20, 14:45-16:00 Uhr

W 3: Di., 09.06.20, 09:00-12:30 Uhr

2 4
Geiger, Daniel/
Späth, Sebastian
Management Studies Research Seminar 14täglich

Termine stehen noch nicht fest

2 4
Krause, Melanie Ph.D. Seminar in Empirical and Theoretical Economics Do., 12:15-13:45 Uhr


Beginn: 16.04.20

Raum 2101/2105, VMP 5

VWL 1 2
Manderscheid, Katharina/
Menz, Wolfgang
Arbeit, Alltag, Lebensführung Fr., 03.04.20, 12-14 Uhr (Einführung)

Fr., 17.04.20, 10-17 Uhr

Fr., 08.05.20, 10-17 Uhr

Fr., 12.06.20, 10-17 Uhr

Fr., 17.07.20, 10-17 Uhr

2 4
Rastetter, Daniela Standards guter Arbeit: Verhalten in Organisationen, Aus- und Weiterbildung, Managing Diversity, Geschlecht und Organisation, Mikropolitik Mi., 08.06.20, 09-17 Uhr

Do., 09.06.20, 09-17 Uhr

Raum B537, VMP 9


SozÖk 1 2
Schramm, Florian Karriereforschung Blockveranstaltung zweitägig

Fr., 09-17 Uhr

Erster Termin im April

Zweiter Termin im September

Die genauen Termine stehen noch nicht fest

SozÖk 1 2
Stäheli, Urs Soziologische Theorie und Kultursoziologie 14täglich

Di., 18-20 Uhr

Raum 245, AP 1

SoWi 1 2
Vogel, Dominik PUNO & Friends: Paper Development Workshop Mi., 08.04.20, 14:00 (s.t.) – 17:00 Uhr

Mi., 27.05.20, 14:00 (s.t.) – 17:00 Uhr

Mi., 24.06.20, 14:00 (s.t.) – 17:00 Uhr

Raum B230, VMP 9

SozÖk 1 2
Vogel, Rick EGOS Pre-Colloquium PhD Workshop 2020 30.06.2020 SozÖk 1 2

B = Fachbereich
LP = Leistungspunkte
LVS = Lehrveranstaltungsstunden



Anmeldungen zu den Kursen sind möglich über „Geventis“ ( in folgenden Zeiträumen:

a) 27.02.20 (13 Uhr) bis 26.03.20 (13 Uhr) für folgende Kurse:

  • Advances in Environmental Economics (Drupp/Lange/Perino)
  • Arbeit, Alltag, Lebensführung (Manderscheid/Menz)
  • Current Topics in Experimental Health Economics (Kifmann/Kokot)
  • Economic Analyses of Family, Education, Health and Social Policy (Beblo/Marcus)
  • Prozesse – Krisen – Transformationen (Adloff/Neckel)
  • Introduction to zTRee (Nicklisch)
  • Karriereforschung (Schramm)
  • Management Studies Research Seminar (Geiger/Späth)
  • Methoden zur Erforschung politischen und sozialen Denkens (Asbach)
  • Sustainable Finance, Management, and Accounting (Bassen/Busch/Lopatta/Schiemann)
  • Neues aus der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung (Aykut/Engels/Manderscheid/Rödder)
  • New Frontiers in Journalism, Media, and Communication Research (Brüggemann/Kleinen-von Köngslöw/Hasebrink)
  • D. Seminar in Empirical and Theoretical Economics (Krause)
  • PUNO & Friends (R. Vogel)
  • Soziologische Theorie und Kultursoziologie (Stäheli)
  • The Empirics of Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Mobility (Maennig)


b) 27.02.20 (13 Uhr) bis 14.05.20 (13 Uhr) für folgenden Kurs:

  • Applied Macroeconometrics (Gundlach)
  • Standards guter Arbeit (Rastetter)



  • In Geventis finden Sie auch Beschreibungen zu den Inhalten der einzelnen Kurse.
  • Wenn in Geventis in der blauen Box am linken Bildrand noch „Wintersemester 19/20“ steht, wählen Sie dort bitte das „Sommersemester 20“ aus.
  • Eine Übersicht über die von der WiSo-Graduate School angebotenen Kurse finden Sie, wenn Sie in Geventis im Veranstaltungsverzeichnis unter „Suchbegriff“ Folgendes eingeben: „20-“
  • Wenn Sie sich für einen Kurs anmelden möchten, bitte diesen in Geventis anklicken, dann runterscrollen und den blau markierten Schriftzug „Anmeldung vom 27.02.20 … bis …“ anklicken.

ReMaT – Research Management Training for Early-Stage Scientists on 24 & 25 September 2020 in Hamburg

Institution: The workshop is provided by Tutech Innovation GmbH, a company jointly owned by the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg whose mission is to promote effective transfer and exploitation of scientific and technological knowledge.

Lecturers:  Monica Schofield, CEng FIET, Dr. Margarete Remmert-Rieper (both Tutech Innovation GmbH)

New Date (!):
Thursday, 24 September 2020, 09:00 am – 07:00 pm
Friday, 25 September 2020, 08:45 am – 04:30 pm

Place: Tutech Innovation GmbH, Harburger Schloßstr. 6-12, 21079 Hamburg

Language of instruction: English

Registration: For additional information on workshop fees, conditions of registration and participation as well as the course programme, please click here.



REMINDER: MREV – Call for Papers: New Work Arrangements – A review of concepts and theories

Guest Editors:
Ralph Kattenbach, International School of Management, Hamburg
Johannes Moskaliuk, International School of Management, Stuttgart
Barbara Kump, WU Wien

Special Issue

Much has occurred since Frithjof Bergmann‘s seminal thoughts on New Work (1994; 2004; 2019): Smartphones, virtual communication and virtual cooperation have entered the business world. Digitalization has brought forth a completely new economy, agile work processes, AI services, a digital start-up culture, cloud work, new employment relationships, leadership styles, co-working tools and an enhanced spatial and temporal flexibility. These changes in work context and job characteristics, summarized as New Work Arrangements call for a revision of work related concepts and theories. However, even in top management research outlets, the pervasive presence of technology in organizational work has been neglected (Orlikowski & Scott, 2017).

With this special issue on “New Work Arrangements”, we would like to provide comprehensive insights into the many ways in which digitalization influences how we organize, manage and learn work. We also aim to present approaches from various disciplines to incorporate characteristics of New Work Arrangements in existing theories, models, and concepts. In an attempt to categorize the various faces of New Work Arrangements and to provide a guideline for contributions to our special issue, we focus on three central aspects that are influenced by digitalization:

New Organization

Digital technologies enable new business models and strategies; however, they also come with numerous behavioural and organizaitonal challenges for firms: For instance, online markets for talent and labor allow firms to out- source complex tasks but may have implications for knowledge management and human resource management. Adoption of digital technologies may require complementary investments in rare skills to bring about the intended productivity improvements in full (Leiponen et al., 2016). Furthermore, through the advent of digital technologies, virtual work has become the new normal: Staff members work from dispersed locations and interact through their smart phones or other mobile devices (Raghuram et al., 2019). This situation poses a number of new, interesting research questions, for example:

  • What effects have agile work processes, ubiquitous working and virtual teams on an individual and organizational level?
  • What influence do digitalization and artificial intelligence solutions have on work and job characteristics as well as work engagement, performance and perceived autonomy?
  • What is the role of organizational culture and team norms in explaining the impact of New Work Arrangements?
  • Which business models are successful from both an economic (e.g. increased profit) and a psychological (e.g. meaningful work) perspective?

New Leadership

New technologies enable arrangements that offer work-life flexibility. However, studies have shown that such arrangements do not necessarily benefit all groups of workers equally and may come with new challenges, such as promotion and pay schemes (Kossek & Lautsch, 2017). Moreover, such new work arrangements may require new forms of leadership (Banks et al., 2019; Sheniger, 2019). In addition, leaders may have to deal with changes in organizational identity, practice, and knowledge that need to be overcome when organizations become more and more digitalized (Kump, 2019). Possible questions for this special issue include:

  • How are leadership and communication in the workplace affected by digitalization?
  • How can we base trends like mindful leadership, holacracy or agile project management on solid research?
  • What are appropriate competencies, tools, styles or mindsets for leaders facing New Work Arrangements?
  • How can we use digital tools and methods to transfer knowledge, support self-reflection, and foster creativity?

New Learning

Digital devices, virtual reality and other innovative technologies offer new learning opportunities for workers at their workplaces (Noe, Clarke & Klein, 2014). At the same time, managers may need dynamic managerial capabilities in order to keep up to date with constant change (Helfat & Martin, 2014). These new situations require new management skills and may benefit from novel educational settings. Accordingly, new work arrangements come with manifold research questions regarding learning, for example:

  • Which influences has digitalization on learning and development in the workplace?
  • How can digital be used media to provide self-organized learning on the job?
  • How can we foster self-responsible learning competencies and a growth-oriented mindset?
  • What effects do concepts like micro-learning, nudging, and gamification have on learning motivation and learning success?

For the special issue, we invite contributions that consider the above mentioned or related topics of New Work Arrangements, both from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. Qualitative and quantitative research contributions are welcome. We also invite survey articles, best practice cases, didactical designs and book reviews.

Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by May 31, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due November 30, 2020. The publication is scheduled for issue 3/2021. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system ‘New Work Arrangements’ as article section:

Special Issue
All contributors to the seminar are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies. Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by August 30th, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due February 28th, 2021. The publication is scheduled for issue 1/2022. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at using ‘SI Employee Voice’ as article section.

Submission Guidelines
Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s website (

Hoping to hear from you!
Ralph Kattenbach (
Johannes Moskaliuk (
Barbara Kump (

MREV – Call for Papers: Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) from Nordic and Comparative Perspectives

Guest Editors:
Simon Fietze, Martin Senderovitz, & Jesper Raalskov, University of Southern Denmark

Special Issue
SMEs play a significant role in economic development. They stimulate competition and create jobs by developing new technologies and products. However, SMEs’ are often prevented from realising their potential due to internal and external constraints. To deal with these constraints, on the one hand, international, national and regional policies support a number of initiatives to assist SMEs’ growth and development. On the other hand, the dynamic competitive landscape of the twenty-first century is highlighting an increased need for SMEs to emphasis on the managerialization of their organizational structure and processes as well as the professionalization of individuals involved in the organization to ensure long-term survival and growth.

Research on managerialization has shown, that SMEs are characterized by a lower adoption of managerial processes, because of the strong linkages between manager and company. In addition, there is a lack of management knowledge at different levels. It is commonly highlighted that the management in these firms is characterized by some degree of informality and that individual and social control systems are more suited to these enterprises, due to common shared values and languages, informal relationships etc.

In addition, decisions in SMEs are also determined by the institutional and contextual factors and in consequence how much of their potential is realised (e.g. innovation). The Nordic context and their countries’ business systems have during the last few years served as exemplary models for practitioners from business, politics and research. The Northern European countries are among the most competitive economies, have a well-developed welfare system and a large public sector. These qualities have raised an increased interest both among practitioners and scholars alike to understand the “success” mechanisms of the Nordic business systems.

Based on these considerations, the purpose of this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies is to enhance our understanding of management practices in  SMEs from a Nordic and comparative perspective. Topics may include, but are not limited to the following issues:

  • What institutional conditions determine management practices in SMEs?
  • What is the role of managerial mechanisms and professional managers in SMEs and family firms’ development and growth?
  • How does social- and environmental considerations influence management practices in SMEs in a Nordic context?
  • What is the role of HR in developing management practices in SMEs?
  • How do talent management impact SMEs development and growth?

This is not an exhaustive list.

21st Nordic Conference on Small Business Research (NCSB) 2020
Since its inception in 1980 the NCSB conference has been a biannual event in the Nordic tradition characterized by an open atmosphere that encourages the exchange of ideas between researchers with research interests in the field of small business and entrepreneurship. The 2020 NCSB conference in Kolding, Denmark will continue this tradition and welcomes papers from all areas of the small business and entrepreneurship.

Special Issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies
management revue – Socio-Economic Studies is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary European journal publishing both qualitative and quantitative work, as well as purely theoretical papers that advances the study of management, organization, and industrial relations. Management Revue publishes articles that contribute to theory from a number of disciplines, including business and public administration, organizational behavior, economics, sociology, and psychology. Reviews of books relevant to management and organization studies are a regular feature.

All contributors to the 21st NSBC conference are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies. Full papers for this special issue must be submitted by September 30th, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind reviews. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due March 31st, 2021. The publication is scheduled for issue 3/2022. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system using ‘SI Management in SMEs’ as article section.

Manuscript length should not exceed 10,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 2.5 cm on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s homepage.

Hoping to hear from you!
Simon Fietze (
Martin Senderovitz
Jesper Raalskov

Workshop at Helmut-Schmidt-University on Qualitative Research Methods (05 and 06 February 2020)

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

Lecturer:  Prof. Dr. Abbie Griffin (University of Utah), Prof. Dr. Gloria Barczak (Northeastern University Boston)

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 01:00 pm – 05:00 pm
Thursday, Feb. 6, 9:00 am – 13:00 pm

Place: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg. Building H 1, Room 1174

Language of instruction: English

Registration: If you like to participate, please E-Mail to

Contents: Qualitative Research Methodology in the Social Sciences

Workshop at Helmut-Schmidt-University on Good Practices in Peer-Review (30 and 31 January 2020)

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

Lecturer:  Prof. Dr. Abbie Griffin (University of Utah), Prof. Dr. Gloria Barczak (Northeastern University Boston), Former Editors of  the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM)

Thursday, Jan 30, 01:00 pm – 05:00 pm
Friday, Jan. 31, 09:00 am – 01:00 pm

Place: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg. Building H 1, Room 1174

Language of instruction: English

Registration: If you like to participate, please E-Mail to

Contents: How to handle reviews and what makes a good review for an A-Journal in the social sciences