Archiv der Kategorie: Konferenzen

GIRA Jahrestagung – „Gesellschaftliche Transformation und industrielle Beziehungen“

an der Freien Universität Berlin am 10. und 11. Oktober 2024

  • Abstracts müssen bis zum 31.05.2024 in elektronischer Form als PDF-Datei bei der GIRA-Geschäftsstelle eingegangen sein (
  • Akzeptierte Abstracts sind bis zum 15.09.2024 als Full Papers (als PDF-Datei) für die Tagung einzureichen.
  • Call for Papers GIRA Tagung 2024

Call for Submissions: 11th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management (AESW) in Vienna

The Eleventh Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management (AESW) will be held at the WU Wien. Organized by Robert Bauer (JKU Linz), Giuseppe Delmestri (WU Wien) and Renate Ortlieb (Uni Graz), the AESW invites early career scholars who intend to pursue an academic career in the fields of organization and management, human resource management, strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, international management or public management. Given faculty members’ extensive expertise in institutional theory as well as in organizational change, innovation and the grand societal challenges, the AESW provides an environment particularly conducive to research in these areas. The AESW is open to academics in early stages of their academic careers and PhD students who have already completed a substantial part of their dissertation projects.

  • Fee: There are no participation fees for accepted early scholars.
  • Submission deadline: February 11, 2024
  • Date of the AESW: April 25–26, 2024
  • View the complete Call for Submissions here.


CfP 2nd Common-Good HRM Spring Workshop 2024

“A Common-Good Perspective on Sustainable HRM: Contributions to navigating ecological and social sustainability challenges”
Prof. Ina Aust (LouRIM at UCLouvain, Belgium).
Dr. Olga Andrianova (The Open University, United Kingdom)
Dr. Brian Matthews (WU Vienna, Austria).
Prof. Michael Muller-Camen (WU Vienna, Austria).

Abschlussveranstaltung des Forschungsprojekts „Digitale Arbeit gesundheitsförderlich gestalten“

Welche gesundheitsförderlichen Herausforderungen birgt digitale Arbeit?
Welche Beschäftigten sind besonders von diesen Herausforderungen betroffen?
Wie kann digitale Arbeit möglichst gesundheitsförderlich gestaltet werden?
In dem durch die Hans-Böckler-Stiftung geförderten Projekt, widmen sich der Lehrstuhl für BWL, insb. Arbeit, Personal und Organisation der Heinrich-Heine-Universität und das Institut für Medizinische Soziologie des Universitätsklinikums Düsseldorf genau diesen Fragen.

  • 14.02.2024 von 10:00 bis 13:45 Uhr im SSC der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf und  online.
  • Anmeldung bis 01.02.2024
  • Mehr Informationen und Programm

CfP EURAM 2024, Bath – Managing Creativity for Innovation: Design, Collaborative Spaces, and People

In regard to the changing nature of work, organisational creativity faces new challenges linked to collaborative spaces, new technologies, and human-machine-interaction that make it necessary to advance our understanding of creativity both conceptually and empirically. This track at the EURAM conference 2024 in Bath (UK) intends to stimulate a multi-disciplinary debate around these and other current topics relevant for managing creativity in organisations.

  • CfP EURAM 2024 
  • Submission Deadline: 11.01.2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: 21.03.2024
  • Registration Deadline: 18.04.2024
  • Conference: 25.-28.06.2024

84. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des VHB (5.-8. März 2024) in Lüneburg

Entrepreneurship. Digitalisierung. Nachhaltigkeit.
BWL im Dreiklang der gesellschaftlichen Transformation

Das Streben nach „Impact“ ist und bleibt ein fester Teil der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Welchen Beitrag kann und möchte die Betriebswirtschaftslehre als interdisziplinäres Feld zu gesellschaftlichen Transformationen leisten? Die VHB-Tagung 2024 legt einen Fokus auf die Kernthemen Entrepreneurship, Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit, mit denen die BWL originäre Beiträge zu breiteren Debatten in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft anstoßen kann. Aktuelle Fragestellungen beziehen sich beispielsweise darauf, wie sich die Transformation zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft auf den Unternehmenszweck („Purpose“) auswirkt und wie das Erreichen von Nachhaltigkeitszielen durch Digitalisierung als Medium und Entrepreneurship als Veränderungsmechanismus beschleunigt oder erleichtert werden kann.

Wir laden die interessierte Fachcommunity dazu ein, an der VHB-Tagung 2024 teilzunehmen und diese durch ihre Beiträge zu diesen übergeordneten Themen und darüber hinaus mitzugestalten. Beiträge können in Form von Manuskripteinreichungen für die Programme der jeweiligen VHBWissenschaftskommissionen (WKs) erfolgen oder in Form von Vorschlägen für integrative Formate („IWK“), welche den interdisziplinären, WK-übergreifenden Austausch zum übergeordneten Tagungsthema und darüber hinaus auf innovative Weise ermöglichen sollen.

Zum vollständigen Call for Contributions.
Zur Konferenz-Homepage.
Zum Einreichungsportal.
Einreichungsschluss: 8. Oktober 2023.

CfP: 5th Human Resources International Conference, 10-12 January 2024 at the University of Otago, New Zealand

About the conference

We are delighted to welcome Human Resources (HR) scholars and practitioners, from throughout the world, to the 5th Human Resources International Conference (HRIC). This conference is hosted by the Department of Management at the University of Otago in Ōtepoti Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand, in conjunction with the HR Division of the Academy of Management.
The conference will take place from 10 to 12 January 2024 in the Otago Business School, with a series of presentations, professional development workshops and a doctorial consortium. Our theme is „Common Good HRM“.

Call for extended abstracts HRIC

The 5th HRIC offers an opportunity to advance the discussion on Human Resource Management’s (HRM) role in bringing about sustainability and common good within the workplace. Common Good is all about supporting “business leaders and employees in contributing to ecological and social progress in the world” (Aust, Matthews, and Muller-Camen, 2019), with Common Good HRM presenting a future-focused vision for HRM that supports practitioners who want to make a difference. Thus, there is a need for HRM to explore new approaches to practice.

Common good HRM emphasises how it can contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by supporting organisations as they attempt to deal with the grand challenges faced by our society. The value of the Common Good approach is that it highlights the salient role HRM can play in dealing with society’s grand challenges, with all the SDGs linking to HRM policy and practice. For example, the goal of eliminating poverty (#1) is clearly linked to rewards, gender equality (#5) to diversity and inclusion, good health and wellbeing (goal #3) to health, safety, and social and psychological wellbeing, decent work and economic growth (goal #8) to recruitment, selection, rewards, training, development and performance management. Although less explicit, goals such as that of responsible consumption and production (#12) can also be addressed through training and performance management initiatives.

Therefore, the conference theme, among other things, seeks to develop our understanding about new HRM approaches which promote solutions to the grand challenges faced by society, and influence stakeholders such as employees, organisations, community, and the environment. This HRIC provides opportunities to share work-in-progress on any current related HRM issue. The conference also presents an opportunity to network with colleagues from academia, industry and government. We welcome paper, symposia, and professional development workshop submissions on a range of topics relevant to the shifting landscape of HRM, and therefore have the following tracks:

  1. Common good HRM
  2. Indigeneity in HRM
  3. International HRM (including cross-cultural perspectives)
  4. Employment Relations
  5. Human Resource Development (HRD)
  6. HR scholar/practitioner nexus
  7. General HRM
  8. Interdisciplinary/practitioner

Deadline for Submissions: 18 August 2023.
Decisions notified: by 22 September 2023.
Submission guidelines and more info on the Conference’s website.

17th International Research Workshop – Methods for PhD

Registration for the 17th International Research Workshop (27 August – 1 September 2023) is open now. The workshop will take place at the Akademie Sankelmark (near Flensburg).

Workshop Fee (read more here)
559 EUR (with accommodation and meals)
359 EUR (without accommodation)

Would you mind registering for our Newsletter to receive updated information about the workshop and other Ph.D.-related activities?

Workshop Committee:

  • Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut Schmidt University
  • Simon Jebsen, University of Southern Denmark
  • Heiko Stüber, University of Applied Labour Studies

Lecturers & Programme.
Workshop poster.