Tag Archives: AMOS

HSU Hamburg: Strukturgleichungsmodelle mit AMOS

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Volker Müller-Benedict, Universität Flensburg

Datum: 12.11. und 13.11.2014

Ort: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Die Anwendung von Strukturgleichungsmodellen (engl. structural equation modeling = SEM) ist eine statistische Methodologie, die eine theoretische Struktur, die ein Phänomen beschreibt, konfirmatorisch testet, d.h. den Grad der Übereinstimmung der theoretischen Struktur mit den Daten des Phänomens feststellt. Sie ist in den Verhaltenswissenschaften mittlerweile eines der beliebtesten Instrumente geworden, weil sie die Tests der „Messintrumente“, die i.A. mit Faktorenanalyse erfolgt, mit Tests der kausalen Beziehungen zwischen den durch die Messinstrumente gemessenen Merkmalen, die i.A. mit Regressionsmodellen geschieht, in einem Ansatz verbindet. Typischerweise erfolgt die Darstellung der theoretischen Struktur in einer Grafik, was oft eine klarere Konzeptualisierung der betrachteten Theorie ermöglicht.

Der Kurs führt in die Grundkonzepte des SEM und in das Programm AMOS ein, das ein häufig benutztes Programm speziell für SEM darstellt und auf rein grafischer Grundlage arbeitet. Die Beispieldaten werden aus vor allem aus soziologischen, aber auch anderen Anwendungsfeldern kommen.

Zeitplanung und Anmeldung:
Der Workshop findet statt am 12.11.2014 von 14:00 – 19:00 Uhr und am 13.11.2014 von 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr. Informationen zum Raum und zu den Inhalten des Workshops (Handouts, Präsentationen, Beispieldaten) erhalten Sie unter diesem Link.

Structural Equation Modeling with Amos

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Katja Spanier (Hannover Medical School)

Date: 03.10.2012, 09:30 – 17:30

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 20

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: German


Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a statistical methodology that takes a confirmatory approach to the analysis of a strucutral theory bearing on some phenomenon. Typically, the structural relations can be modeled pictorially to enable a clearer conceptualization of the theory under study. The course introduces into the basic concepts of SEM and into the program package AMOS, which is widely used to graph and to analyze strucutral models. Data of different social areas will be used as examples.

Preconditions: Basic knowledge of SPSS

You have to register for the 6th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Lineare Strukturgleichungsmodelle mit Amos

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

Studiengang: Doktorandenweiterbildung

Prof. Dr. Volker Müller-Benedict (Universität Flensburg)
Katja Spanier (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)

Termin(e): 08. und 09.12.2011 10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr

Raum: H.1/2160 (EDV-Raum Fakultät GeiSo)

Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 20 Personen

Semester-Wochen-Stunden: k.A.

Credit Points: k.A.

Unterrichtssprache: deutsch


Ein Strukturgleichungsmodell (engl. SEM) ist eine statistische Methodologie, die es erlaubt, eine theoretisch hergeleitete Struktur eines bestimmten Phänomens mit Daten zu überprüfen. Dabei kann man unterscheiden werden zwischen Wirkungszusammenhängen einerseits und Messanordnungen andererseits, die in SEM auch kombiniert analysiert werden können.

Um die Theorie möglichst klar konzeptualisieren zu können, werden die Beziehungen innerhalb der Struktur dabei typischerweise grafisch dargestellt.

Der Workshop führt in die Grundbegriffe von Strukturgleichungsmodellen und ihrer Überprüfung sowie in die statistische Software AMOS ein, die explizit auf einer grafischen Oberfläche arbeitet. Dabei kommen Daten aus verschiedenen sozialwissenschaftlichen Feldern zur Anwendung.

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41st GESIS Spring Seminar: Topics in Social Science Data Analysis: Causality, Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS and Mplus

The Spring Seminar is a training course for social scientists interested in advanced techniques of data analysis and in the application of these techniques to data. The Seminar comprises lectures, exercises and practical work using personal computers. While in the lectures the logic of models and the corresponding analysis strategies will be explained, during the exercises and in the practical work the participants are given the op- portunity to apply these methods to data.
The seminar covers three modules of one week each, to some extent basing on each other. The courses can be booked either separately or as a block. The detailed programme is also published at the GESIS webpage http://www.gesis.org/en/events/gesis-spring-seminar.


The lectures will be given in English by:

  • Prof. Dr. Ben Jann, University of Bern, Switzerland and Rudi Farys, University of Bern, Switzerland Causal Inference in the Social Sciences February 27 – March 2, 2012
  • Prof. em. Dr. Peter Schmidt, Giessen University, Germany and Prof. Dr. Eldad Davidov, University of Zurich, Switzerland Comparative Research with Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Models March 5 – 9, 2012
  • Prof. Dr. Joop Hox, Utrecht University, NL Statistical Modeling in Mplus March 12 – 16, 2012

Seminar fee and payment:

The participation fee is 240,00 € per week; reductions or refunds are not possible except for students and Ph.D. candidates without work contract (or civil servant status), who receive a reduction of one third of the fee, if they can officially document their status. Details concerning the payment will be given after registration.

Travel costs, accommodation and meals are not included. Please make your own arrangements (we will send some information when you have registered).

Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
50997 Köln

Seminar Contact:



For participants from Germany, it might be of interest that the GESIS Spring Seminar is acknowledged as „Bildungsurlaub“ http://www.bildungsurlaub.info/.

The GESIS Spring Seminar is sponsored by the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), University of Essex, UK http://www.essex.ac.uk/ecpr/events/summerschools/index.aspx. Please also have a look at the funding web-page of the University of Essex http://www.essex.ac.uk/ecpr/funding/mobilityfund/index.aspx.


For your registration, please use the attached registration form and send it to springseminar@gesis.org. Participants will be accepted by order of application date, the number of participants is limited to 30 persons per week.


In spring-time, Cologne hosts numerous international trade fairs. The hotels in Cologne then tend to be fully booked at very early times. If you need an accommodation, we strongly recommend to book directly after your registration (we will send you a list with hotels close to the venue and some useful addresses).


GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences
Dept. Knowledge Transfer
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
50997 Köln

Scientific Coordinator:

Maria Rohlinger maria.rohlinger@gesis.org

Administrative Coordinator:

Angelika Ruf angelika.ruf@gesis.org

Further Information

Registration GESIS Spring Seminar 2012

Structural Equation Modeling with Amos

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Program of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Volker Müller-Benedict (University of Flensburg) and Katja Spanier (Hannover Medical School)

Date: 05.10.2011, 09:00 – 17:30

Room: n.s.

Max. number of participants: 20

Semester periods per week: n.s.

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: German


Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a statistical methodology that takes a confirmatory approach to the analysis of a strucutral theory bearing on some phenomenon. Typically, the structural relations can be modeled pictorially to enable a clearer conceptualization of the theory under study. The course introduces into the basic concepts of SEM and into the program package AMOS, which is widely used to graph and to analyze strucutral models. Data of different social areas will be used as examples.

Preconditions: Basic knowledge of SPSS

You have to register for the 5th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (Achtung: Geänderter Terminplan!)

Institution: Universität Hamburg, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

Studiengang: Graduate School

Dozent/in: Dr. Elmar Schlüter (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin)

Termin(e): (Achtung: Geänderter Terminplan!)
Do., 17.02.: 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr (1 Stunde Mittagspause)
Fr., 18.02.: 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr (1 Stunde Mittagspause)

Sa., 19.02.: 09:00 – 13:00 Uhr

Raum: Universität Hamburg, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Raum WiWi 1005 (Von-Melle-Park 5)

Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 15

Semester-Wochen-Stunden: k.A.

Credit Points: 2

Unterrichtssprache: deutsch


Anmeldefrist: 17.01.-04.02.11 (per Mail bei der WiSo-Geschäftsstelle, siehe Anmeldeformular)

Outline: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is becoming one of the standard instruments of empirical social science research. The main advantage of SEM is that these models are suited to empirically test complex theoretical assumptions in detail.

The primary objective of this course is to give participants an introduction into the method and provide them with the basic understanding and technical skills necessary for modeling structural equations and interpreting the results, using cross-sectional data. Core topics of the course will be:

  • confirmatory factor analysis, path models, full SEMs
  • specification of different models and evaluation of model fit
  • multiple group comparisons.

The course is designed for application-oriented participants, intending to provide a broad overview of SEM, but it is also suitable for users who are already familiar with the basics of SEM offering them the possibility to enlarge their knowledge and/or practical skills in the field. Participants need to have a basic comprehension of statistical methods and a minimum experience in multivariate data analysis (factor analysis and OLS regression).

To facilitate the transfer of theoretical knowledge into own research, a large part of the course will be devoted to systematic exercises employing freely available survey data. Throughout the course, we will use the Mplus software.

Elmar Schlueter is senior researcher at the Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany. He completed his PhD as Fellow of the DFG Research Training School “Group-focused Enmity”, at the Universities of Bielefeld, Giessen, and Marburg, where he also teaches courses on research methods.