Jackson State University: Professor of Management

Jackson State University
Jackson, Mississippi
College of Business

The Department of Management and Marketing has two full-time tenure track faculty positions (Associate/Assistant Professor of Management) to be filled for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Qualifications: An earned doctorate degree in the management field from an AACSB-accredited university, with teaching experience and scholarly activities, evidenced by an impeccable research stream and publications in refereed journals. Teaching responsibilities at the undergraduate and graduate levels and potential for teaching excellence in an urban institution are important. Scholarly research as well as professional and community service is expected.

Responsibilities: Teaching courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels, student advisement, research, services activities, committee assignments, scholarly activities, and professional and community service.

The position is available for the Fall 2013 semester. Applications will be received until position is filled. Salary is very competitive along the ranges identified in the latest AACSB salary survey.

Candidates must submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, official transcript(s), and three letters of reference to:

Dr. J. R. Smith, Chair
Search Committee
Jackson State University
Management and Marketing
P. O. Box 18230
Jackson, MS 39217
Telephone Number: 979-2534

University of Manitoba: Two tenure-track HR/OB positions

Applications are invited for two tenure-track positions in Human Resource Management (HRM) or Organizational Behavior (OB) in the I. H. Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor depending on experience and qualifications. The appointment start date is July 1, 2014. The budget for these positions has been approved.

Candidates must have completed or have nearly completed a Ph.D. or DBA in Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Industrial Relations, or a closely-related field. The position requires a strong research orientation and the candidate should have a strong record of publication or a promising research agenda in HRM or OB (commensurate with their experience). Candidates must also have teaching experience or interest in subareas of HRM (e.g., selection, recruitment, training, etc.) or OB (e.g., team processes, leadership, sustainability). Duties include research, teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and professional service for the School, the University, and the community. The normal teaching load at the Asper school is four courses (e.g., 2 + 2). Salary is competitive and will depend on qualifications, experience as well as research and teaching record.

The I. H. Asper School of Business is the principal business school in the province of Manitoba and is accredited by AACSB. The School offers undergraduate, MBA, M.Sc. and PhD degrees. The Asper School is a research intensive institution comprised of approximately 54 full-time faculty members publishing in leading academic journals. Substantial research funding is provided to new faculty members as is a fully paid six month sabbatical after three years. The School is located in a modern facility overlooking the Red River. Visit the website of the Asper School of Business (www.umanitoba.ca/asper) to learn more.

The University of Manitoba is located in Winnipeg, a cosmopolitan city with a population over 700,000. Winnipeg is a culturally diverse community and is known for its variety of summer and winter festivals. The city has all the facilities of a major centre, but with the atmosphere of a smaller, friendlier city. It provides a high quality of life at modest expense and offers access to some of the most beautiful lake country and recreational facilities in North America. The public education system is excellent, and a wide variety of private schools are also available. For more information on the city of Winnipeg, visit www.destinationwinnipeg.ca.

The University of Manitoba encourages applications from qualified women and men, including members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Application materials should include: curriculum vitae, names and contact information for three references, a one-page statement of research interests, a one-page statement of teaching interests, and evidence of effective teaching if available (e.g., teaching ratings). A review of applications will begin on October 1, 2013. If you would like to be considered for a short interview at the Academy of Management conference, please submit your CV only by July 20, 2013.

Please address your application materials to:

Dr. Sandy Hershcovis, Chair

HR Search Committee
I.H. Asper School of Business
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 5V4
Tel.: (204) 474-9951

Please forward applications by email to Patti Tait.

Application materials, including letters of reference, will be handled in accordance with the protection of privacy provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Manitoba). Please note that curriculum vitas may be provided to participating members of the search process.

2013 INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition

Call for Submissions

Submission Deadline: July 1, 2013

We invite you to submit your dissertation proposal to the INFORMS/Organization Science Dissertation Proposal Competition. Now in its 21st year, this competition is one of the most prestigious available to doctoral students studying organizations. Eight finalists will be chosen, based on reviews by experienced referees. Finalists will present their dissertation proposals in a workshop on Saturday, October 5, 2013 at the fall INFORMS Conference held in Minneapolis, MN. During the workshop finalists will receive detailed feedback from a panel of respected organizational scholars who act as final judges for the competition. The all-day workshop also provides a wonderful opportunity to interact with a small group of future colleagues. At the workshop, the judges will select a winner and a runner up.

In order for their dissertation proposals to be considered for this competition, students must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Students must have defended their dissertation proposal between August 1, 2012, and August 1, 2013, but not yet defended their dissertation.
  • The expected completion date for students’ dissertations should be on or before July 1, 2014.
  • No part of the dissertation or dissertation proposal may be accepted for publication, provisionally or otherwise, at an academic journal prior to submission for this competition.

We encourage all eligible doctoral students who are studying topics related to organization science to submit summaries of their dissertation proposals. Dissertation proposals addressing issues related to any aspect of organization theory, organizational behavior, strategy, business ethics, or entrepreneurship are welcome.

Submissions should meet the following formatting criteria: Proposal summaries must be no longer than 15 double-spaced pages in 12-point Times font with 1-inch margins. Up to 7 additional pages containing references and exhibits may be included.

Because this is a dissertation proposal competition, empirical results should not appear in the dissertation proposal summary or appendices.

Dissertation proposals will be judged based on soundness of theory, methodological rigor, and contribution to the field of organization science. In keeping with the mission of the INFORMS College on Organization Science, boldness and innovation of the dissertation will be important criteria in the judging process.

The competition is being coordinated this year by Emily Block of the University of Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. We are fortunate to again be using Organization Science’s ScholarOne Manuscripts submission system to manage dissertation proposal submissions and reviews. The web address for submissions is http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/orgsci. If you do not already have an account you will have to create one. This is a quick and easy process.

Applications must be received by July 1, 2013. Dissertation proposal summaries that do not meet the formatting criteria will be returned to students without review. In addition to the proposal summary, each application must include a nomination letter from the applicant’s adviser certifying that the student is likely to complete the dissertation by July 1, 2014 and the date when the student advanced to candidacy – there is no need for a detailed recommendation letter.

Please follow Organization Science’s instructions for submitting your proposal. A couple of important things to note:

  • In step 1, select the manuscript type “Proposal.”
  • In step 2, Attributes, please select a few key words to aid in assigning reviewers.
  • In step 4, Reviewers and Editors, do not recommend any reviewers. However, you should indicate Emily Block as your preferred SENIOR EDITOR.
  • In step 5, Details and Comments, paste your cover letter into the window and use the browse attachment function to attach your COVER PAGE as well as YOUR ADVISER’S NOMINATION LETTER.
  • In step 6, Upload Files, upload a copy of your proposal WITHOUT ITS COVER PAGE OR OTHER IDENTIFYING INFORMATION. The first page should include only your dissertation title and abstract.

Please direct any inquiries to: Emily Block

CLADEA 2013 Conference in Rio De Janeiro


Past, Present, and Future of Latin American Education and Research in Business and Public Administration in the Current Global Context

Program Chair & Organizer: Ronaldo Parente
Program Co-Chairs: Flavio Vasconcelos and Alvaro Cyrino


We are pleased to invite the academic community to participate in the XLVIII CLADEA Annual Assembly 2013 on the Past, Present, and Future of Latin American Education and Research in Business and Public Administration in the Current Global Context to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This year, the conference will be hosted by the Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas (EBAPE) of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) from October 20 to 22, 2013. The deadline for submissions is June 15, 2013.

Latin America’s rise in the global economy has generated interest among executives worldwide, as well as among management scholars. Over the last two decades, there has been continuous economic growth and institutional evolution in emerging economies, especially with regard to trade liberalization. Unfortunately, there have been some imbalances in Latin America on how different countries engage in liberalization. Despite some fallbacks, the region has recently gained prominence as a destination for FDI and bilateral trade – particularly for North American firms with close ties to the region, as well as for European and Chinese firms. Academics and practitioners are beginning to recognize the huge differences between their civil societies, institutional infrastructure, and cultural nuances that should have an impact for strategy making, entrepreneurship, innovation, and individual and firm behavior in the current global context. The aim of this conference is to highlight recent trends and developments in the fields of business and public administration in Latin America and other emerging areas. This year’s theme seeks to contribute to the understanding of recent trends and developments in Latin America by creating a scholarly forum for the discussion of current issues involving academics and practitioners from Latin America and other parts of the world. We hope to attract a select group of scholars, government officials, and executives as well as specialists in the political and legal environment from several sectors of the economy. This intimate setting will allow participants to share perspectives and examine rigorous research based upon real-world experiences and provide a better understanding of the future role of Latin America in the context of the global economy.

We are inviting proposals in the form of extended abstracts rather than completed papers. Those interested in submitting their research should read the Guidelines for Submissions for detailed explanations on the technical specifications and guidelines in terms of format and structure. Proposals can be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese, or English. If submitted in a language other than English, the authors must also include the title, abstract, and key words in English.

The submitted papers will be evaluated by specialists in each of the thematic areas through a “blind review” process. Make sure you submit your proposal to the track that best fits your paper topic.

Use the Online Submissions System to submit your proposal. Before submitting your proposal, you must create a profile on our Web site to have access to thesubmission/paper management system.

Conference Tracks/Thematic Areas:

  • The Internationalization of Business Schools, Accreditation, and Educational Quality
  • Economic, Financial Management and Accounting
  • Leadership and Management of Human Capital
  • Ethical, Social, and Environment Responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • Technology and Innovation Management
  • Marketing
  • Strategy, Corporate Governance, Sustainable Development, and General Management
  • International Business, Multinationals, and Emerging Markets
  • Politics, Conflict, and Social Movements
  • Learning Processes and Challenges for Management Education

More information is available at http://cladea-ebape.strategicmanagement.net/. For questions, please contact Ronaldo Parente, Program Chair & Organizer, at rcparent@fiu.edu.

Université libre de Bruxelles: Post-Doctoral Research Position in Error Management

The new Inbev – Baillet Latour Chair in Error Management at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) invites applications for two Post-Doctoral research positions.

ABOUT the Chair:

Pushing the frontier of Error Management

There has never been a greater abundance of theoretical and practical lessons on how to “manage successfully” and “do the right thing”. Yet , management errors continue to be part and parcel of organizational life. While short-term consequences can be benign, leaving managerial errors unaddressed in the longer term can imply severe financial underperformance or even wholesale bankruptcy. Unfortunately the causes of managerial errors often are deep-seated and hard to control. Emotional conflict, managerial hubris, bandwagon behaviour, a dysfunctional culture and organizational politics are amongst the most resilient sources of flawed decision-making; including the failure to consider all relevant information and the neglect of long-term consequences.

Given the impossibility to avoid managerial errors altogether, the objective of the Chair is to focus attention on “managing errors once they’ve been made”. Research produced by the Chair will benefit managers, businesses and society at large by raising awareness about the importance of early stage error detection, and by building an action-oriented agenda on how to remediate managerial errors efficiently and effectively.

ABOUT Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBSEM)

SBS-EM is the school of economics and management of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), with a century-old tradition of excellence in higher education. SBS-EM has 56 full-time faculty members and more than 150 affiliate faculty members from other departments or from practice. It offers 2 bachelor degrees, 4 masters (economics, business & economics, management sciences, business engineering), a Ph.D. program in economics and management, an MBA and a full range of executive education programs. About 3000 full-time students are enrolled in our programs. The school has a strong research focus with four research centres (Centre Emile Bernheim, DULBEA, ECARES and iCite) and several more thematic research units. It is Equis and AMBA accredited. The school benefits from ULB’s strategic partnerships with top institutions around the world, including for instance Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge, and Waseda, to facilitate international research collaborations.

ABOUT the candidates and selection process

The post-doctoral fellows will be expected to cross disciplinary boundaries to perform first class research on the management of errors in organizations. Researchers holding a PhD in any relevant discipline are welcome to apply, provided their research programme directly addresses the topic of the Chair. Examples of fields of studies that could be drawn upon include: sense-making, organizational attention, organization design, organizational learning, entrepreneurship and innovation, information systems, risk management, systems design, impact assessment, corporate governance, operations management, complexity, international expansion, cognitive biases and many more.

While it is entirely the responsibility of the research team to develop the research methodology and agenda, illustrative streams of analysis might include:

  • Definition of errors, recognizing that decisions in any environment imply trade-offs and that information is incomplete;
  • Detection of errors, by third parties (governance or regulation bodies) or the decision makers themselves;
  • Management of errors, to build a robust analytical framework based, a.o., on real life cases.

Appointments are for three years, followed by a two 2-years contract (hence, 3+2), depending on evaluations, starting as early as possible between October 2013 and February 2014.

In addition to the quality of the research proposal, applicants should demonstrate their ability to publish in internationally recognized peer-review journals. The ability to work closely with organizations and conduct case studies will also be assessed. Next to a convincing theoretical outline and research design, the proposal should include a plan for the diffusion of findings to both academics and practitioners. For instance, diffusion efforts could involve the organization of international workshops or the preparation of innovative course material.

An international scientific committee will select the candidates on the basis of following criteria: quality of the research project, scientific publications, commitment, international experience, and networking capabilities.

To apply, send a cover letter, full CV and research proposal (maximum 5 pages) to Prof. Carine Peeters.

The deadline for sending the application material is August 30, 2013.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview at the end of September 2013.

Call for Papers: ABEN Conference 2013

3rd Annual Australasian Business Ethics Network (ABEN) Conference


Hobart, 2nd and 3rd December 2013
Supported by the Faculty of Business at the University of Tasmania and the Department of Management at Monash University

Call for Papers
Abstract and Full Paper Submission Deadline: 31st July 2013.

Submissions are now being invited for the 3rd annual ABEN conference on business, ethics and business ethics (www.aben.org.au). Bringing academics, critics and practitioners together to discuss and debate the nature, intent, effects and futures of business ethics in Australasia and beyond, the ABEN conference is a key forum in the region for reflective, engaged and philosophical work in the area. The location for this year’s conference is the Lenna Hotel in the capital of Tasmania, Hobart.

Once again, the conference is linked with publication opportunities in business ethics and professional ethics journals (The Journal of Business Ethics Education and the Australian Journal of Applied and Professional Ethics), as well as Philosophy of Management, the leading interdisciplinary journal with a focus on applied philosophy in management. Like the wider network from which it originates, the ABEN conference is inclusive – welcoming submissions that explore business ethics from a range of theoretical, empirical and practical positions and perspectives.

This year, we purposefully link the theme to the notion of managing ethics on the edge, to promote awareness of the multitude of philosophical issues that mainstream management research appears to ignore. This raises some interesting questions for ethics teachers and researchers to address. For example:

  • Given the rhetoric around the importance of ethics in business, are moral considerations and values being authentically included in emerging management practices and strategies or do they remain at the periphery of managers’ thinking?
  • Are moral values and competencies becoming part of core learning objectives at all levels of study in University business courses, or do they remain on the periphery? If they are being included, how are they being taught and to what effect?
  • Are existing moral philosophies serving the needs of moral decision making in business and business education? Are there philosophical alternatives to orthodox approaches that have been hitherto peripheral to the field that may serve teaching and practice in more constructive ways?

In writing this call, we espouse a view posited by Philosophy of Management: namely, that management concerns itself with making a genuine positive difference to human life, a difference that is only made possible through thoroughgoing thought. Rather than being on the periphery of management, therefore, philosophy is central to all management worthy of the name; management is about ‘reason in practice.’ Thus, the ABEN Conference theme also connects with the theme for the ANZAM Conference 2013, which is being held in Hobart on 4-6 December.

Papers are welcomed that address these questions in the context of (e.g.) Australasian business practice and education, the place of the employee, the questions of sustainability and of responsible accounting, as well as the place of human rights in the workplace.

Please send a 500-word abstract and contact details of all authors, as an email attachment with the title ‘Abstract Submission’ toABEN.Conference@utas.edu.au by 31 July 2013. Full papers may also be submitted, to be peer reviewed, if required by your funding institution. Authors of accepted abstracts/papers will be notified by the 15th of August.

All details of the conference are available at http://www.utas.edu.au/business/ABEN2013. Registration for the conference is the same as ABEN 2; $A300 (registering before 31st September) and $A380 (registering after 31st September) for salaried persons; and $A200 (before 31st September) and $A280 (after 31st September) for those who are non-salaried/students. Registration opens 31st August. For all inquiries please email ABEN.Conference@utas.edu.au

WASEDA Business School: Professor in Business Administration

Faculty Search
WASEDA Business School – Graduate School of Commerce
WASEDA University, Tokyo, Japan

WASEDA Business School (WBS) at WASEDA University in Tokyo, Japan is recruiting a fixed-term faculty member for a contract period of three years.

1. Number of positions and type: One position for a person who is competent to take charge of courses related to Business Administration). Rank (professor, associate professor or assistant professor) will be determined based on the successful candidate’s qualifications and experiences.

2. Commencement of the employment contract: April 1, 2014

3. Contract period: Three years.

4. Salary and benefits: In accordance with the salary scales used by WASEDA University.

5. Content of work:

(1) The standard teaching load is 4/4. (A course [or koma] meets once per week for 90-minutes. There are 15 weeks in a semester.):
a) Courses conducted in English in the MBA Program of WASEDA Business School. If the applicant is fluent in Japanese, then he/she may be requested to take charge of courses offered in Japanese, too.
b) Number of courses: in principle, four per semester.

(2) Participating in other educational and research activities at WBS.

(3) Participating in activities of the WASEDA Business School Research Center.

6. Required qualifications: He/she must be able to deliver courses in English. Additionally, the prospective applicant is required to meet either of the two qualifications indicated below.

(1) Has obtained a doctoral degree in business administration or related field at the time of application.

(2) Will obtain a doctoral degree in business administration or related field by the end of March 2014.

7. Documents to be submitted: (All required forms can be obtained here http://www.waseda.jp/wbs/en/news/130516.html)

(1) Application form (Use the official form provided by WASEDA University.)

(2) Curriculum vitae (Use the official form provided by WASEDA University, and attachphotograph and research achievement list.)

(3) Undergraduate diploma and graduate school certificate of completion

(4) Undergraduate and graduate school transcripts

(5) a) Those who qualify under eligibility 6-(1): Doctoral degree certificate/diploma b) Those who qualify under eligibility 6-(2): Formal letter from the candidate’s doctoral dissertation thesis advisor.

(6) A list of major publications (maximum 20) in academic journals and academic conference presentations with abstracts of about 400 words each. (Note: The doctoral dissertation may be included in the list of major publications.)

(7) Copies of publications (maximum five)

(8) Self-evaluation of Japanese language proficiency and Japanese cultural understanding.

(9) Research plan during the period of employment (Note: The applicant may be requested to submit documents other than those listed above as deemed necessary.)

8. Application deadline: The completed application including the above documents must reach WBS by August 29, 2013.

9. Method of selection: Short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview and a mock class session (or a research presentation). Relevant dates will be announced in due course. Cost of travel to and from the interview and other expenses will be borne by the applicants.

10. Notification of results: End of November 2013 (planned)

11. Mailing address for submitting application package (by post or courier service only): Faculty Recruiting Office of WASEDA Business School, WASEDA University 1-6-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 169-8050 E-mail Working hours: 9:00 – 17:00 Monday to Saturday

The administrative office is closed on Sundays and Japanese national holidays a) Please write clearly ‘WASEDA Business School Faculty Position Application Forms Enclosed’ on the envelope in red ink. b) Application documents will not be returned. Applicants who wish to have their documents returned must give notice beforehand. c) When the office receives the documents, you will be notified. If you do not receive notice that the office has received your application documents by the end of August,
please contact the office.

12. Information about WASEDA Business School:

Call for Papers: International QCA Expert Workshop

Call for Papers

International QCA Expert Workshop
23-24 October 2013
University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Although sociologists and political scientists continue to lead publication rankings on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), scholars in business and management studies contribute a growing share of advanced theoretical and empirical work. Against this background, the International QCA Expert Workshop will bring together 20-30 researchers working at the cutting edge of QCA across these neighboring areas. By providing a unique forum for cross-disciplinary exchange, it will encourage the dissemination of new ideas, facilitate the promotion of innovative work and create opportunities for scientific collaboration.

Deadline for abstract submission is September 16, 2013.

Further Information

Universität Erfurt: Stipendien für Doktoranden/-innen

Zum 1. Oktober 2013 vergibt die Universität Erfurt Stipendien an Doktoranden/innen, u. a. im Bereich “Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Sciences”. Die finanzielle Förderung von € 1.100/Monat ist auf zwei Jahre ausgerichtet und kann auf Antrag um ein weiteres Jahr verlängert werden. Die Universität Erfurt stellt jedem/r Stipendiaten/in einen Arbeitsplatz zur Verfügung.

Bewerbungsschluss ist der 15. Juli 2013.

Weitere Informationen

HSU Hamburg: Textanalyse mit MAXqda und MAXdictio: Quantitative Analysefunktionen und Mixed-Method-Ansätze und ihre Visualisierung (28.06.13)

Termin: 28. Juni 2013 von 10.00 – 17.00 Uhr in SR110 (H1)

Beschreibung: Der Workshop behandelt die quantitativen Analysemöglichkeiten von MAXqda. Über die nah am Text operierenden qualitativen Ansätze hinaus bietet MAXqda zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, Textmaterial zu quantifizieren. Diese Quantifizierungen können qualitatives Material ergänzen oder auch eine Hauptrolle im Forschungsprozess einnehmen. Der Workshop wird die verschiendensten Kombinationsmöglichkeiten behandeln.

Schließlich setzt die Methode der quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausschließlich auf das Auszählen von Worthäufigkeiten. Diese Methode werden wir exemplarisch mit dem Zusatzmodul MAXdictio umsetzen. MAXdictio bietet die nötigen Funktionen zur Durchführung von explorierenden oder hypothesengeleiteten quantitativen Inhaltsanalysen. Die Teilnehmenden können die Funktionen anhand von Beispielprojekten und praktischen Übungen kennenlernen und erproben. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Visualisierung der Ergebnisse. Das Zusatzmodul MAXmaps bietet dahingehend zahlreiche Möglichkeiten.

Vorraussetzungen: Solide Grundkenntnissevon MAXqda sind nötig um am Workshop teilnehmen zu können. Eine basale Einführung ist nicht vorgesehen.

Hardware/Software: Bitte bringen Sie ein eigenes Notebook und eine Maus mit. Spielen Sie dort die Version MAXqda10 auf – Entweder als Demo oder als Vollversion. Diese Version wird die Arbeitsgrundlage des Workshops sein. Eine aufspielbare Demoversion wird aber auch gestellt Kursmaterial wird zur Verfügung gestellt.

Bitte melden Sie sich für den Workshop über die Lernplattform Ilias an: