Tag Archives: Postdoctoral

Université libre de Bruxelles: Post-Doctoral Research Position in Error Management

The new Inbev – Baillet Latour Chair in Error Management at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) invites applications for two Post-Doctoral research positions.

ABOUT the Chair:

Pushing the frontier of Error Management

There has never been a greater abundance of theoretical and practical lessons on how to “manage successfully” and “do the right thing”. Yet , management errors continue to be part and parcel of organizational life. While short-term consequences can be benign, leaving managerial errors unaddressed in the longer term can imply severe financial underperformance or even wholesale bankruptcy. Unfortunately the causes of managerial errors often are deep-seated and hard to control. Emotional conflict, managerial hubris, bandwagon behaviour, a dysfunctional culture and organizational politics are amongst the most resilient sources of flawed decision-making; including the failure to consider all relevant information and the neglect of long-term consequences.

Given the impossibility to avoid managerial errors altogether, the objective of the Chair is to focus attention on “managing errors once they’ve been made”. Research produced by the Chair will benefit managers, businesses and society at large by raising awareness about the importance of early stage error detection, and by building an action-oriented agenda on how to remediate managerial errors efficiently and effectively.

ABOUT Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBSEM)

SBS-EM is the school of economics and management of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), with a century-old tradition of excellence in higher education. SBS-EM has 56 full-time faculty members and more than 150 affiliate faculty members from other departments or from practice. It offers 2 bachelor degrees, 4 masters (economics, business & economics, management sciences, business engineering), a Ph.D. program in economics and management, an MBA and a full range of executive education programs. About 3000 full-time students are enrolled in our programs. The school has a strong research focus with four research centres (Centre Emile Bernheim, DULBEA, ECARES and iCite) and several more thematic research units. It is Equis and AMBA accredited. The school benefits from ULB’s strategic partnerships with top institutions around the world, including for instance Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge, and Waseda, to facilitate international research collaborations.

ABOUT the candidates and selection process

The post-doctoral fellows will be expected to cross disciplinary boundaries to perform first class research on the management of errors in organizations. Researchers holding a PhD in any relevant discipline are welcome to apply, provided their research programme directly addresses the topic of the Chair. Examples of fields of studies that could be drawn upon include: sense-making, organizational attention, organization design, organizational learning, entrepreneurship and innovation, information systems, risk management, systems design, impact assessment, corporate governance, operations management, complexity, international expansion, cognitive biases and many more.

While it is entirely the responsibility of the research team to develop the research methodology and agenda, illustrative streams of analysis might include:

  • Definition of errors, recognizing that decisions in any environment imply trade-offs and that information is incomplete;
  • Detection of errors, by third parties (governance or regulation bodies) or the decision makers themselves;
  • Management of errors, to build a robust analytical framework based, a.o., on real life cases.

Appointments are for three years, followed by a two 2-years contract (hence, 3+2), depending on evaluations, starting as early as possible between October 2013 and February 2014.

In addition to the quality of the research proposal, applicants should demonstrate their ability to publish in internationally recognized peer-review journals. The ability to work closely with organizations and conduct case studies will also be assessed. Next to a convincing theoretical outline and research design, the proposal should include a plan for the diffusion of findings to both academics and practitioners. For instance, diffusion efforts could involve the organization of international workshops or the preparation of innovative course material.

An international scientific committee will select the candidates on the basis of following criteria: quality of the research project, scientific publications, commitment, international experience, and networking capabilities.

To apply, send a cover letter, full CV and research proposal (maximum 5 pages) to Prof. Carine Peeters.

The deadline for sending the application material is August 30, 2013.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview at the end of September 2013.

Universität Innsbruck: UniversitätsassistentIn/Postdoc am Department of Organisation and Learning

The Department of Organisation and Learning at Innsbruck University School of Management invites applications for the position of an

Assistant Professor – Post-doc (40 hours/week),

starting from 01.10.2012 for the duration of six years. Deadline for applications is September 26, 2012. The successful candidate will exhibit a willingness to conduct independent research in the field of human resource management, with focus on HR policies and politics. Participation in the development of the research group “globalization and rationalization of human resource management” is expected. The candidate will be expected to teach independently, with high-quality and research driven. Student supervision and co-supervision of student theses as well as participation in organizational and administrative tasks is expected.

Further Information

Universität Hamburg: 16 Stipendien für den Übergang in die Postdoc-Phase

Mit der Nachwuchsinitiative will die Universität Hamburg besonders qualifizierten Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern aus dem In- und Ausland in einem vergleichsweise frühen Karrierestadium Gelegenheit zur Entwicklung oder Durchführung eigenverantwortlicher Forschungsvorhaben bieten. Es werden zukunftsweisende Forschungsvorhaben unterstützt, die zur persönlichen Weiterqualifizierung auch im Rahmen der Forschungsprofilierung der Universität beitragen. Sie können den fakultären oder universitären Potentialbereichen angehören, die die Universität im Rahmen ihrer Struktur und Entwicklungsplanung besonders fördert (s. Kurzfassung STEP 2012). Die Forschungsvorhaben sollen in den folgenden Fakultäten angesiedelt sein:

  • Rechtswissenschaft,
  • Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften,
  • Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie und Bewegungswissenschaft,
  • Geisteswissenschaften,
  • Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften

Im Rahmen der Initiative vergibt die Universität Hamburg 16 Übergangsstipendien für die Erarbeitung eines drittmittelfähigen Forschungsprojekts für die eigene wissenschaftliche Weiterqualifizierung. Die Stipendien werden für einen Zeitraum von max. 12 Monaten vergeben. Die Stipendienhöhe beträgt monatlich 1.500 Euro. Zusätzlich sind Sach- und Reisekosten in Höhe von max. 1.000 Euro pro Stipendium vorgesehen.

Durch die Annahme der Förderung erklären sich die Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen bereit, regelmäßig über ihre Forschungsfortschritte zu berichten und im Rahmen der Nachwuchsinitiative an Qualifizierungsangeboten und an Evaluationsmaßnahmen teilzunehmen.

Die Vergabe der Übergangsstipendien erfolgt auf Empfehlung einer Gutachter/innen-Kommission in einem wettbewerblichen Verfahren durch das Präsidium der Universität Hamburg. Der Abschluss ihrer Promotion sollte nicht länger als sechs Monate zurückliegen. Sie können Ihren Antrag bereits dann stellen, wenn Ihre Dissertation bei einem Prüfungsamt eingereicht wurde. In diesem Fall sind bei der Antragstellung eine ausgedruckte Fassung der Dissertation und eine Stellungnahme der Betreuerin/des Betreuers, zu den Erfolgsaussichten Ihres Promotionsvorhabens, mit einzureichen.

Die Universität strebt die Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen am wissenschaftlichen Personal an und fordert deshalb qualifizierte Frauen nachdrücklich auf, sich zu bewerben. Frauen werden im Sinne des Hamburgischen Gleichstellungsgesetzes bei gleichwertiger Qualifikation vorrangig berücksichtigt.

Über eine Fortsetzung der Initiative über die erste Förderperiode hinaus wird im Anschluss an eine Evaluation der Fördermaßnahmen im Rahmen der weiteren strategischen Universitätsplanung entschieden.

Ziele und Aufgaben

  • Förderung der frühen selbständigen Forschung
  • Vorbereitung und Einreichung eines drittmittelfähigen Forschungsprojektes in Kooperation mit Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern der Universität Hamburg zur eigenen wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifizierung im Übergang von der Promotions- zur Postdoc-Phase entwickeln und beantragen wollen (bspw. die „eigene Stelle“ bei der DFG oder bei vergleichbaren Drittmittelgebern).
  • Nutzung von Qualifizierungsangeboten der Nachwuchsinitiative zur eigenen wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifizierung

Abschluss eines den Aufgaben entsprechenden Hochschulstudiums

Einer Bewerbung sind folgende Unterlagen beizufügen

  • Letzte Zeugnisse (Hochschulabschluss)
  • Ggf. Nachweis, dass die Dissertation beim zuständigen Prüfungsamt eingereicht wurde
  • Stellungnahme der Betreuerin/des Betreuers der Dissertation
  • Tabellarischer Lebenslauf u. kurze Darstellung des bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Werdegangs (ggf. Nachweis über bisherige Forschungs- und Lehrerfahrungen sowie Veröffentlichungen)
  • Skizze zum geplanten Forschungsvorhaben/zum vorzubereitenden drittmittelfähigen Förderantrag, Zielsetzung (ggf. Vorarbeiten, Zeit- und Arbeitsplan für die Antragserstellung, Relevanz für die eigene wissenschaftliche Weiterqualifizierung (max. 8 Seiten, einzeilig, Arial 12)
  • Zuordnung des Forschungsvorhabens zu einem Fachgebiet der Universität Hamburg und die unterstützende Zusage einer Wissenschaftlerin oder eines Wissenschaftlers, die/der Ihnen für den Zeitraum des Stipendiums in ihrer/seiner Forschungseinrichtung die nötigen Arbeitsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung stellt

Schwerbehinderte haben Vorrang vor gesetzlich nicht bevorrechtigten Bewerberinnen oder Bewerbern gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistungen.

Kontakt und weitere Informationen

Universität Innsbruck: UniversitätsassistentIn (Postdoc)

An der Universität Innsbruck ist am Institut für Organisation und Lernen ab 01.10.2012 auf 6 Jahre eine Stelle als

UniversitätsassistentIn – Postdoc

zu besetzen. Hauptaufgaben: Selbständige Forschung im Bereich Wirtschaftspädagogik; selbständige, qualitativ hochwertige, forschungsgeleitete Lehre; Betreuung von Studierenden und Mitwirkung bei der Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten; Mitarbeit an Organisations- und Verwaltungsaufgaben Bewerbungen werden bis zum 06.06.2012 erbeten.

Weitere Informationen – Stellenanzeige (PDF)

DIW Berlin: One Postdoc or Research Associate

The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) is one of the leading economic research institutes in Germany. Our core mandates are applied economic research and economic policy consulting, and providing a research infrastructure. As an independent, non-profit institution, we are committed to serving the common good and, as a member of the Leibniz Association, we are predominantly publicly funded. DIW Berlin works in close cooperation with the universities of Berlin and Brandenburg and is part of the international research community.

The Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II) is a joint project of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, the Max Planck Institute of Human Development, the University of Tübingen, the Geriatrics Research Group at Charité Hospital in Berlin, and DIW Berlin, and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The subprojects of the Berlin Aging Study that are based in the Socio-Economic Panel at DIW Berlin deal with survey methodological questions of data quality and health economics analysis.

For the BASE II Study, DIW Berlin is seeking to fill the following positions immediately:

One Postdoc or Research Associate (in the field of health economics / labor economics)


  • Independent analysis of subjective and objective health measures
  • Participation in research-based projects in health economics


  • Qualified bachelor’s or master’s degree in economics with a focus on empirical research, ideally with a completed doctoral degree
  • Interest in providing research-based policy advice
  • Outstanding knowledge of quantitative empirical social research methods (experience using panel data is advantageous)
  • Good teaching skills and an interest in interdisciplinary cooperation
  • Research experience abroad; good command of written and spoken English

We offer a stimulating academic environment for independent research in the economic and social sciences and outstanding infrastructural facilities. The positions include the possibility of attaining higher postdoctoral academic qualifications in cooperation with Berlin universities. Both contracts are initially limited to the period of project funding (3 years); a contract may, in principle, be extended or converted into a permanent position. The salary is determined based on EG 13 of the TVöD/Bund pay scale, depending on personal and professional qualifications. Part-time employment is possible.

Please submit your application citing reference “SOEP-1-12” by February 26, 2012 to DIW Berlin, Legal and Personnel Department, E-Mail: Bewerbung@diw.de. If you have any questions, please contact Martin Kroh or Thomas Siedler.

DIW Berlin: One Postdoc or Research Associate

The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) is one of the leading economic research institutes in Germany. Our core mandates are applied economic research and economic policy consulting, and providing a research infrastructure. As an independent, non-profit institution, we are committed to serving the common good and, as a member of the Leibniz Association, we are predominantly publicly funded. DIW Berlin works in close cooperation with the universities of Berlin and Brandenburg and is part of the international research community.

The Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II) is a joint project of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, the Max Planck Institute of Human Development, the University of Tübingen, the Geriatrics Research Group at Charité Hospital in Berlin, and DIW Berlin, and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The subprojects of the Berlin Aging Study that are based in the Socio-Economic Panel at DIW Berlin deal with survey methodological questions of data quality and health economics analysis.

For the BASE II Study, DIW Berlin is seeking to fill the following positions immediately:

One Postdoc or Research Associate (in the field of survey research / statistics)


  • Independent analysis of participation behavior in the Berlin Aging Study
  • Generation of weights to correct for probabilities of selective observation
  • Participation in research-based projects on survey methodology


  • Qualified bachelor’s or master’s degree in the social and economic sciences with a focus on empirical research, ideally with a completed doctoral degree
  • Outstanding knowledge of quantitative empirical social research methods (experience using panel data is advantageous)
  • Strong lecture and publication record, especially publications in international refereed journals

We offer a stimulating academic environment for independent research in the economic and social sciences and outstanding infrastructural facilities. The positions include the possibility of attaining higher postdoctoral academic qualifications in cooperation with Berlin universities. Both contracts are initially limited to the period of project funding (3 years); a contract may, in principle, be extended or converted into a permanent position. The salary is determined based on EG 13 of the TVöD/Bund pay scale, depending on personal and professional qualifications. Part-time employment is possible.

Please submit your application citing reference “SOEP-1-12” by February 26, 2012 to DIW Berlin, Legal and Personnel Department, E-Mail: Bewerbung@diw.de. If you have any questions, please contact Martin Kroh or Thomas Siedler.

Institut für Quantitative Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftliche Forschung der CAU Kiel: Post-Doktorand/in

Am Institut für Quantitative Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftliche Forschung der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt die Stelle eines/einer


zu besetzen. Die regelmäßige wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt die einer/eines Vollbeschäftigten (z. Z. 38,7 Stunden); die Eingruppierung erfolgt bei Vorliegen der tarifrechtlichen Voraussetzungen nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L.

Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen richten Sie bitte (gerne auch als PDF-Datei per E-Mail) bis zum 15. Dezember 2011 an: Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Quantitative Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftliche Forschung, Olshausenstr. 40, 24098 Kiel, Email: info@qber.uni-kiel.de.

Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der offiziellen Stellenanzeige unter http://www.qber.uni-kiel.de/stellenanzeigen/AusschreibungstextPostDoc.pdf.

2012-2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship: DENMARK

Scandinavian Consortium for Organization Research, Stanford University

Application deadline: 1 December 2011

The Scandinavian Consortium for Organization Research (SCANOR) at Stanford University invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship beginning 1 September 2012. The fellowship is open for high-quality organizations researchers who work in the fields of management, education, sociology, political science, and the other social sciences. We especially welcome applications from researchers working on the following topics: organizational learning and design, user-driven innovation, forms of open innovation, sustainability and clean technologies, globalization, public-private interfaces, welfare reform, democracy and equality, higher education, and the knowledge society.

In this application cycle the program will award one fellowship to a scholar who has trained at a participating Danish university.

The fellow will be affiliated with a disciplinary department or school at Stanford University, and with SCANCOR. The fellowship provides opportunity to learn new topics and skills, and work closely with a Stanford faculty member, while participating in SCANCOR activities. Although there will be time for the fellow to pursue his/her current lines of scholarship, the expectation is that the fellow will collaborate with Stanford scholars and pursue research in tandem with their faculty sponsors.

The fellow also will act as bridge between the Nordic countries and Stanford University, while deepening the skills necessary for an international academic career: a depth of methodological knowledge, and the ability to write successfully for English-language journals.

Among the Stanford faculty who may be potential fellowship fellow/mentors are: Dan McFarland, Roy Pea and Mitchell Stevens at the School of Education; Karen Cook, Mark Granovetter, David Grusky, and Doug McAdam in the Department of Sociology; Steven Barley, Kathy Eisenhardt, and Riitta Katila in the Department of Management Science and Engineering; William Barnett, Glenn Carroll, Huggy Rao, and Jesper Sorensen at the Graduate School of Business; Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning from the Departments of Linguistics and Computer Science; Fred Turner in Communication; and Ray Levitt in Civil Engineering.

The annual fellowship stipend is $53,000, plus the standard benefits that postdoctoral fellows at Stanford University receive. The fellowship program falls under U.S. Immigration J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa activities.

Descriptions of past and current fellows can be found at http://www.scancor.org/post-doc/

The postdoctoral fellowship application can be found at http://www.scancor.org/post-doc/application-process/postdoctoral-fellow-application/

Please include the following information:

1.) A cover letter detailing the reasons for the applicant’s interest in coming to Stanford and suggestions as to which faculty members they would be interested in working with if that faculty member have a reciprocal interest.

2.) A curriculum vitae.

3.) A fellowship proposal detailing the research that the fellow would undertake while at Stanford (five page limit).

4.) A writing sample consisting of either a dissertation chapter or a recent published paper.

5.) Graduate school transcripts in English (with proof that applicants have completed all the requirements for the PhD, or a letter from their PhD advisor stating they will do so by June 2012)

6.) Three letters of recommendation.

All materials must be received by 1 December 2011.

Questions about the program should be directed to Annette Eldredge, eldredge@stanford.edu


The SCANCOR Postdoctoral Fellowship program is organized by the Scandinavian Consortium for Organization Research (www.scancor.org). SCANCOR facilitates inquiry in organizational social science among a transnational network of scholars. Its member institutions in Scandinavia and greater Europe support working visits and residencies at Stanford University. SCANCOR also sponsors conferences, workshops, and mentoring opportunities worldwide. 500 scholars have worked at SCANCOR/Stanford since its founding in 1988.