GESIS: Mixed Methods: Angewandte Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden in den Sozialwissenschaften (17.-18.10.2013)

Leitung: Prof. Dr. Jörg Stolz (Universität Lausanne)

Datum: 17. – 18. Oktober 2013

Der Kurs lehrt, welche Fragestellungen, Designs, Samplingtechniken, Auswertungsstrategien und Validierungstechniken in mixed methods Forschungsstrategien eingesetzt werden. Die Anwendung wird anhand praktischer Beispiele und Übungen verdeutlicht. Es ist möglich, eigene Forschungsprojekte und Beispiele in den Workshop zur Diskussion mitzubringen.

Die Teilnehmenden erhalten ein Skript mit allen verwendeten PPT-Folien, ein umfangreiches Literaturverzeichnis sowie Internetquellen zur weiteren Vertiefung.


Die Teilnehmenden sollen die grundlegenden Probleme und Lösungsstrategien in den mixed methods kennenlernen.


Grundkenntnisse in quantitativen und qualitativen Forschungsmethoden; Englischkenntnisse

Teilnehmeranzahl: 16

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GESIS: Pretesting (15.-16.10.2013)

Leitung: Dr. Timo Lenzner, Cornelia Neuert, Wanda Otto

Datum: 15. – 16. Oktober 2013

Der Workshop vermittelt die grundsätzliche Bedeutung und Relevanz von Fragebogenpretests im Rahmen von Umfrageprojekten und gibt einen Überblick über die gängigen Pretestverfahren (u.a. Kognitives Interview, Behavior Coding, Interviewer-/Befragten-Debriefing, Fokusgruppen, Expert Review, Eyetracking).

Herausgearbeitet und diskutiert werden vor allem die Vor- und Nachteile der einzelnen Methoden, ihre spezifischen Anwendungsfelder sowie ihre Kombinationsmöglichkeiten. Darüber hinaus wird die Anwendung der Pretestingmethoden anhand von zahlreichen praktischen Übungen verdeutlicht


Die Teilnehmer/innen kennen die gängigen Pretestverfahren und können deren Nutzen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Rahmen eigener Umfrageprojekte einschätzen.


Der Workshop richtet sich an Personen, die keine oder wenig Erfahrung mit Pretestingmethoden haben. Grundkenntnisse in der Entwicklung von Fragebögen werden vorausgesetzt.

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GESIS: Meet the Data: Bundes- und Landtagswahldaten bei GESIS (10.10.2013)

Leitung: Dr. Christina Eder, Dr. Manuela S. Kulick, Monika Langhans, Joss Roßmann, Tobias Gummer, Christian Prinz

Datum: 10. Oktober 2013

Das Forschungsdatenzentrum Wahlen ermöglicht interessierten Wissenschaftlern den einfachen Zugang zu Daten der Wahlforschung. Bestandteil dieser Datensammlung sind Studien zu allen Bundestagswahlen seit 1949, darunter die German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES), die ZDF-Politbarometer, der ARD-DeutschlandTrend und der Forsa-Bus. Zudem sind Studien zu Landtagswahlen verfügbar.

Ziel des eintägigen Workshops ist es, interessierten Nachwuchswissenschaftlern einen detaillierten Einblick in die bei GESIS archivierten Kollektionen zu geben. Zunächst werden das Forschungsdatenzentrum Wahlen und mit ihm der Wahldatenbestand sowie verschiedene Möglichkeiten des Datenzugangs vorgestellt. Anschließend wird näher auf Politbarometer und Landtagswahlstudien eingegangen. Es folgt eine Präsentation der GLES 2009. Anhand einzelner Komponenten werden exemplarisch methodische und statistische Eigenarten der Daten sowie praktische Anwendungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt.


Ziel des eintägigen Workshops ist es, einen detaillierten Einblick in die bei GESIS archivierten Datenangebote im Bereich Wahlstudien zu geben. Mögliche Verwendungszwecke der Daten sowie Serviceleistungen und Angebote des FDZ Wahlen werden ebenfalls aufgezeigt.


Statistische Grundkenntnisse und erste Erfahrung im Umgang mit SPSS oder STATA sowie mit der Analyse von Wahldaten sind von Vorteil.

Teilnehmeranzahl: 15

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GESIS: Twitter-Daten in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung – Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen (07.-08.10.2013)

Leitung: Dr. Katrin Weller

Datum: 07. – 08. Oktober 2013

Der Workshop richtet sich an Sozialwissenschaftler/innen, die wissen möchten, inwiefern sich Twitter als Datenquelle für sozialwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen eignet und was dabei zu berücksichtigen is.

Beim Internetdienst Twitter können Nutzer Kurzmitteilungen zu beliebigen Themen veröffentlichen. In den meisten Fällen sind diese öffentlich sichtbar. Mittlerweile werden Twitter-Daten in verschiedenen Fachbereichen und zu unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen ausgewertet, etwa in Bezug auf politische Debatten und Wahlkampf, Krisenkommunikation, E-Learning, Markenkommunikation oder Nachrichtenverbreitung. Dabei ergeben sich je nach Datenerhebungsverfahren andere Analysemöglichkeiten.

Im Workshop wird zunächst einführend der Dienst Twitter vorgestellt. Die TeilnehmerInnen haben die Gelegenheit, sich zunächst mit allen Funktionen vertraut zu machen. Danach wird der Stand der Twitter-Forschung (welche Fragestellungen werden derzeit behandelt, welche Disziplinen befassen sich damit, was sind die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse?) dargestellt. Schließlich wird auf Methoden zur Analyse von Twitter-Daten eingegangen. Dabei geht es vor allem darum, welche Aussagekraft die auf verschiedene Weise erhobenen Daten haben können und welche Grenzen im Umgang mit Twitter-Daten bestehen. Anhand von beispielhaften Tweet-Korpora können die TeilnehmerInnen die Daten einschätzen lernen und sehen, welche Anforderungen diese an die qualitative oder quantitative Analyse stellen. Eine vertiefende Arbeit mit speziellen Analysetools ist hier jedoch zunächst nicht vorgesehen. Ebenfalls nicht Bestandteil dieses einführenden Workshops ist die Vermittlung von Programmiersprachen oder anderen technischen Kenntnissen, die für die Sammlung von Twitter-Daten benötigt werden.


Im Anschluss an diesen Workshop werden die TeilnehmerInnen in der Lage sein, zu entscheiden, ob sich Twitter für ihre speziellen Forschungsfragen als Datenquelle eignet. Sie werden wissen, was man bei der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit mit Twitter berücksichtigen muss und können Projekte zur Twitter-Datenanalyse sinnvoll konzipieren.


Es sind keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse nötig. Der Workshop richtet sich speziell an WissenschaftlerInnen, die keine oder wenig Erfahrungen im Umgang mit Twitter haben.


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GESIS: Introduction to questionnaire translation (07.-08.10.2013)

Instructors: Dr. Dorothée Behr, Dipl.-Übers. Dipl.-IFS Brita Dohrer

Date: 07. – 08. October 2013

This workshop provides an introduction to questionnaire translation in cross-national or cross-cultural survey projects. To begin with, important aspects of source questionnaire development will be dealt with since the quality of translations very much depends on how the source questionnaire has been conceived. Then, we will focus on the do’s and don’ts of actual translation. Based on examples and hands-on practice we will look in particular into different linguistic and text type-specific dimensions that need to be heeded as well as potential error sources in questionnaire translation. The final part of the workshop is dedicated to procedural aspects of questionnaire translation (which translation and assessment methods should be employed, and which kind of people should be involved). Here, the so-called “team approach” will receive particular attention.

The target group of the workshop includes all those who are interested in questionnaire translation, and especially those who work in cross-national or cross-cultural projects, who contribute to questionnaire development and translation, or who need to manage the process of questionnaire translation. Furthermore, potential applicants of research grants regarding international survey projects may find the workshop useful since they will gain an increased understanding on how to adequately allocate financial, temporal and staff resources to questionnaire development and translation.

Depending on the languages of the participants, the workshop will be held either in English or in German.

Learning objectives

Awareness of the importance of good source questionnaire design for the quality of questionnaire translations; awareness of the challenges of questionnaire translation; well-informed approaches towards cross-cultural studies and their translations.

Course entrance requirements

Knowledge of at least one language besides English to be able to benefit from the practice sessions.

Further information

Register now for remaining places: 2nd GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology

Although the registration deadline for the GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology was on June 1st, you may still register for remaining places. You can also still put your name on the waiting lists for those courses that are booked out.

The summer school will be held from August 8 to 30 at GESIS Cologne, Germany.

19 courses are scheduled, most of which are one-week courses. You’ll find more information on our website at We would be grateful if you could forward this information to potential participants.

Here is an overview of the courses on offer this year:

Short courses:

  • Course A: Survey Design
  • Course B: Qualitative Methods
  • Course C: Statistical Data Analysis Using R
  • Course D: Introduction to Research Data Management for Social Scientists

One-week courses:

  • Course 1: Introduction to Survey Design
  • Course 2: Unit Nonresponse (now cancelled)
  • Course 3: Mixed Methods
  • Course 4: Introduction to the Structural Equation Modeling Framework (now booked out)
  • Course 5: Item Nonresponse and Multiple Imputation
  • Course 6: Cross-National Research: Data Collection and Analysis (two- week course)
  • Course 7: Understanding and Modelling Measurement

Error in Social Surveys

  • Course 8: Sampling and Estimation for Complex Surveys
  • Course 9: Questionnaire Translation in Cross-cultural Surveys (now cancelled)
  • Course 10: Experimental Techniques in Survey Research
  • Course 11: Questionnaire Design
  • Course 12: Factorial Survey Designs
  • Course 13: Design and Implementation of Longitudinal Surveys
  • Course 14: Data Collection: Interviewer Training and Fieldwork Monitoring
  • Course 15: Web Surveys

Please go to our website for further information and a pdf brochure.
To apply, access to the registration system is at:
Also check out our Facebook page:

There are two workshops held in English at GESIS in the autumn that you might be interested in:
07.-08.10.2013 Mannheim Introduction to questionnaire translation

28.-29.11.2013 Mannheim Introduction to Social Network Analysis

[wochenbericht] DIW Berlin: Sommergrundlinien 2013

Sommergrundlinien 2013
Ferdinand Fichtner, Simon Junker, Guido Baldi, Jacek Bednarz, Kerstin Bernoth, Franziska Bremus, Karl Brenke, Christian Dreger, Hella Engerer, Christoph Große Steffen, Hendrik Hagedorn, Pia John, Philipp König, Dirk Ulbricht, Kristina v. Deuverden

Die deutsche Wirtschaft wird wegen des schwachen Winterhalbjahres in diesem Jahr nur um 0,4 Prozent wachsen. Allerdings dürfte die Schwächephase wohl bereits überwunden sein; im kommenden Jahr wird das Wachstum mit 1,8 Prozent kräftig sein. Die Weltkonjunktur ist wieder auf einen Aufwärtstrend eingeschwenkt; die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in vielen Schwellenländern, aber auch in den USA und Japan hat zuletzt etwas Fahrt aufgenommen, vielerorts unterstützt durch eine expansive Wirtschaftspolitik. Darüber hinaus haben die zur Stabilisierung der Finanzmärkte im Euroraum geschaffenen Instrumente einen spürbaren Rückgang der Unsicherheit mit sich gebracht. Die Arbeitslosigkeit ist aber nach wie vor hoch und die Verschuldung – öffentlich wie auch privat – muss weiter deutlich zurückgeführt werden. Im Euroraum wird die Wirtschaft zunächst weiter schrumpfen, allerdings bei Weitem nicht mehr so stark. Vielerorts zeichnet sich eine Ausweitung der Exporte ab, die zum Teil auch auf eine Verbesserung der preislichen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zurückzuführen ist. In vielen Krisenländern ist der Abbau von Überkapazitäten merklich vorangeschritten und damit verbundene dämpfende Effekte fallen nach und nach weg. Ab dem Jahreswechsel 2013/14 dürfte die Wirtschaft auch in den Krisenländern wachsen.

DIW Wochenbericht 80(2013) Heft 25 ; S. 3-44

Der Link zum Heft (pdf)

30 Years of German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP): Anniversary Colloqium on Happiness Research

Time: September 20, 2013, 11 am to 9 pm
Place: Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) is currently collecting its 30th wave of data. We would like to celebrate this milestone with a colloquium on “Happiness Research”, which has become one of the central fields of research with the SOEP data over the last ten years.

An increasing number of SOEP users are focusing on themes of satisfaction and happiness in their analyses, and we therefore are delighted to announce that the following internationally renown researchers have agreed to present their findings in keynote speeches at the colloquium:


Conchita D’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg/Luxembourg), Paul Frijters (University of Queensland/Australia), Bruce Headey (University of Melbourne/Australia), Rich Lucas (tbc) (Michigan State University/USA), Andrew Oswald (University of Warwick/UK), and Nilam Ram (Pennstate University/USA), and Rainer Winkelmann (University of Zurich/Switzerland).

David Richter, Jürgen Schupp, and Gert Wagner will present non-analyzed and rarely-analyzed SOEP Data on happiness and satisfaction. Furthermore, doctoral and post doctoral students as well as several senior researchers will present their work in a poster session.

In a special session, awards for the best papers based on SOEP data published during the past 12 months will then be presented by the Chairman of the Board of the Society of Friends of DIW Berlin (VdF), which is also the main sponsor of the colloquium.

Date and venue

The Colloquium will take place on September 20, 2013 in Berlin, Hertie School of Governance (in the same Building as DIW).

Further information and details on registration will follow soon on our web page.

EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht: Full Professors of Management

EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht is one of the leading private business universities in Germany. The University currently has two faculties, EBS Business School and EBS Law School. EBS offers a unique network, excellence in research and teaching, and a strong international dimension. We aim to inspire personalities and we maintain a strong focus on responsibility and sustainability.

The Department of Strategy, Organization and Leadership at EBS Business School is seeking to appoint THREE new faculty members at the Full Professor level in the following areas:

Strategic Management
International Business
Organizational Theory
Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management


We are seeking exceptional scholars with a demonstrated track record of published research and teaching. Candidates should have a doctoral degree from a leading university with a specialization and experience in one of the above or related fields. International reputation, the ability to attract external research funding, and an interest in executive education are desirable. The new faculty member is expected to contribute significantly to the department’s programme in research and teaching, design and lead research projects, and guide academic teams – which includes the supervision of doctoral candidates and mentoring of junior faculty. Furthermore, the candidate is expected to play a role in the development of the department and the school.

About the Department, School and University

The Department of Strategy, Organization and Leadership currently comprises 12 professors in the areas of Strategy, International Business, Organizational Theory and Behavior, Philosophy, Sports Management, Social Business, and Sustainability. It offers a vibrant and collaborative research environment. Core and adjunct members of the department come from internationally renowned schools (e.g., London School of Economics, Indian Institute of Management), publish in top journals in the management field (Academy of Management Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management Journal, etc.). The members are active in the international academic community through their membership on editorial boards of leading journals and leadership roles in the Academy of Management and other organizations.

EBS Business School is accredited by EQUIS and part of the EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht, one of the leading private business universities in Germany. The campus is located at the heart of Germany in the greater Frankfurt area in the picturesque Rheingau region. Courses are taught in English. For more details, please visit our website:

Application Process

Candidates may send or e-mail a CV including a publication list and evidence of teaching capabilities, a brief statement regarding research and teaching objectives, and the names/contact details of three referees to the Department Academic Manager:

Baerbel Spors

Department of Strategy, Organization and Leadership
EBS Business School
EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
Rheingaustraße 1
65375 Oestrich-Winkel
Phone +49 611 7102 1432

Call for Papers: 2nd Biennial Africa Academy of Management Conference

Africa Academy of Management
Call for Participants for the 2nd Biennial Africa Academy of Management Conference
Hosted by University of Botswana in Gaborone
January 8-11, 2014

Deadline: June 30, 2013

Conference Theme: Sustainable Development in Africa through Management Theory, Research and Practice

The Africa Academy of Management is delighted to announce its 2nd Biennial Conference which will be held on January 8-11, 2014 in Gaborone, Botswana. The conference will bring together scholars from Africa and around the world who are interested in our theme: “Sustainable Development in Africa through Management Theory, Research and Practice.”

In accordance with the theme, we invite papers and symposia on topics focusing on Africa, in all subject areas of management: international management, human resource management, organizational behavior, corporate social responsibility, management education, strategic management, entrepreneurship and other related subject areas. All manuscripts will be double-blind reviewed. Please visit our website: for submission deadline, program outline, conference registration fees, conference tracks, travel information, hotel accommodation, etc.


Program Committee: If you have questions, you may contact any of the following members
Dr. Eileen Kwesiga, Bryant University (USA)
Dr. Moses Acquaah, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA)
Dr. Margaret Crabbe, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration
Dr. Elham Metwally, American University in Cairo (Egypt)
Dr. Nceku Nyathi, The Open University Business School (UK)
Dr. David Zoogah, Morgan State University (USA)


Program Chair: Dr. Eileen Kwesiga, Bryant University (USA)
Local Arrangements: Dr. Dorothy Mpabanga, University of Botswana


Submissions are due June 30, 2013 via 18:00 GMT. At least one author of a paper) must register and present their work at the conference. For symposia, all panelists must register and attend the conference.

Registration fees:

Members of AFAM: $250.00
Non-members of AFAM: $350.00

Authors are requested to assist in the review process. Submission guidelines at:

Submission Tracks

Track 1: Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Chair: Dr. Benson Honig)

The entrepreneurship and SME track welcomes both empirical and conceptual papers examining issues relating to sustainability in both entrepreneurial and family and small business research in Africa. Papers that are welcome include unique contributions related to incubation, nascent entrepreneurship, microcredit, ownership succession, incubation, microenterprise promotion and training, transnational entrepreneurship, and social entrepreneurship, as well as empirical and conceptual topics related to the sustainability of entrepreneurial activities in Africa not mentioned above.

Track 2: Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management (Chair: ConstantD. Beugré)

This combined track welcomes conceptual and empirical papers including all aspects of both organizational behavior and human resources management, preferably in an African context. For organizational behavior, areas of interests include but are not limited to: organizational effectiveness, group dynamics, motivation, leadership, change, decision making, organizational culture, organizational design, organizational justice, stress management, personality and perception. For human resources management, we seek papers in the areas of: compensation, performance appraisal, recruitment, selection, staffing, training, career development and management of human capital.

Track 3: Public Policy, Administration of Government, and Non-governmental Organizations (Chair: Dr. Elham Metwally)

We encourage papers from academics, researchers, and professionals that investigate public and non-governmental organizations. The papers may address topics related to any of the following: Public governance; capacity building; public service quality; public management in complex environments; E-government; workplace democracy and public administration; education and training; public accountability; social enterprise in challenging environments and times; Third Sector or non-governmental organizations; stakeholder engagement; social capital; public entrepreneurship; public sector reforms; partnerships with the private sector. Studies of other areas not included here but which relate to management of public organizations and NGO are also encouraged.

Track 4: Strategy and International Management (Chair: Dr. Moses Acquaah)

The Strategy and International Management track welcomes conceptual and empirical papers that focus on all areas of strategy and international management in an African context both in the private and public sector; and a comparative analysis of the African context with other contexts of the world. For strategy, areas of interests include but are not limited to: business or competitive strategy formulation and implementation, strategic planning, strategy-structure relationships, strategic leadership, innovation, corporate strategy in general, diversification and portfolio strategies, vertical integration and sourcing relationships, social capital and networking relationships, corporate governance, the resource-based view, knowledge management, industrial organization economics, acquisitions, strategic alliances and interorganizational relationships, technology and innovation management, composition and processes of top management teams, and strategic control and reward systems. Areas of interest for international management should focus on the theory, research, and practice of management with a cross-border or cross-cultural dimension. Topics should include but are not limited to: market entry strategy, cross-border alliances and cooperative strategies, the management of cross-border operations, the differential impact of cultural, social, economic, technological, political, and other institutional forces on cross-border operations, management practices and strategies, the international competitiveness of firms, industries, and nations; and comparative management studies involving two or more countries.

Track 5: General Management (Chair: Dr. Judy Muthuri)

The General Management track welcomes conceptual and empirical papers that focus on general management including but not limited to the following topics: innovation and change management, corporate governance and accountability, sustainable decisions in organizations, and corporate social responsibility. The track welcomes papers with theoretical and practical insights into general management across all types of organizations operating in the African context. We particularly encourage papers that adopt a multi-disciplinary approach, and seek to integrate macro, meso and micro-levels of analysis.

PDW/Caucus (Chair: Dr. Amanuel Tekleab)

Entries can be either a proposal for a structured discussion on a topic of common interest, or for a workshop. Proposals should be aimed at helping fellow attendees by providing a forum through which they can engage each other. Submissions should describe the activities, goals and time/equipment required.

Doctoral Consortium & Junior Faculty Consortium (Chair: Dr. Augustine Lado)

These consortia are designed to provide ideas, tools, and strategies to be successful by drawing upon the experiences of senior faculty colleagues. Research in the early stages of development will also be considered to assist members improve their works for publication. Sessions will be structured as roundtable discussions to facilitate additional development and coaching. This is an excellent way for doctoral students to become involved in AFAM. These sessions will not appear in the proceedings.

Deadline for all submissions is June 30, 2013.