University of Cincinnati: Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior (2)

Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior (2)
Department of Management
Carl H. Lindner College of Business
University of Cincinnati

The Department of Management of the University of Cincinnati Lindner College of Business is seeking to fill two Assistant Professor positions for August, 2014. The selected candidate will teach and conduct research in the area of Organizational Behavior. Minimum qualifications are a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior or related field, strong commitment to quality teaching at the undergraduate and/or graduate level, and a research agenda aimed at top-tier journals. The ideal candidate will exhibit high intellectual energy, enthusiasm and collegiality.

The UC Management Department has a high commitment to quality research, teaching and service. Duties include maintaining an active and significant research program, teaching in our undergraduate and MBA, in the Management Ph.D. program, and service contributions to the Department and the College. Candidates must demonstrate understanding of and appreciation for multiple research methods. Teaching loads and service requirements are competitive and consistent with research expectations.

The Department has eleven full-time faculty members in Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Organizational Behavior and Organization Theory, supplemented by several part-time faculty. Faculty members publish their work in the leading management journals, among them: Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, and Harvard Business Review. The UC Management Department is closely connected with two active centers that provide faculty with opportunities for service and research data collection: The Center for Entrepreneurship Education & Research and the Goering Center for Family & Private Business.

The Lindner College of Business enrolls approximately 3000 undergraduates, 650 master’s students and 45 doctoral students. We have two honors programs at the undergraduate level as well as full-time and part-time MBA programs. Our degree programs are fully accredited by the AACSB. The College is part of a comprehensive research institution with a total enrollment of approximately 41,970 students. The U.S. News & World Report placed UC in the Top Tier of the country’s “Best National Universities”.

If you are interested in joining a faculty that is both collegial and productive, we would like the opportunity to consider your application. Applicants must apply for the position on-line using the following link: (213UC4946). The Search Committee will evaluate applications on a continuous basis until the position is closed. Interested and qualified candidates are welcome to contact us to explore this opportunity:

Dr. Ralph Katerberg, Chair
Management Department Search Committee
College of Business
University of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 210165
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0165
Voice: 513-556-7120
Fax: 513-556-5499

The University of Cincinnati is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women, People of Color, persons with a disability, and Vietnam Era veterans are encouraged to apply. We are committed to increasing the diversity of the University community. Candidates who can contribute to that goal are encouraged to apply and to identify their strengths or experiences in this area.

Einladung zur GIRA-Jahrestagung 2013

Das Thema der GIRA-Jahrestagung 2013 lautet: „International and Comparative Industrial Relations“. Die Tagung findet am 10./11. Oktober 2013 in Erlangen (Institut für Soziologie; Universität Erlangen, Prof. Ingrid Artus) statt. Wir würden uns über eine rege Beteiligung an der Tagung freuen!

Das vorläufige Programm, das Anmeldeformular sowie Informationen über Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten finden Sie hier sowie auch auf der Webseite der GIRA (; Menüpunkt: “Jahrestagung 2013”).

Bei Fragen können Sie sich an Ingrid Artus oder ggf. per Email an das GIRA-Sekretariat wenden.

Call for Papers: 2. Rhein‐Ruhr Promovendensymposium „Arbeit und Soziale Sicherheit“ (13./14. März 2014 in Duisburg)

Im März 2014 veranstaltet das Institut für Soziologie zusammen mit dem Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation (IAQ) (beide Fakultät für Gesellschaftswissenschaften der Universität Duisburg-Essen) und dem Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Institut (WSI) in der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (Düsseldorf) das 2. Rhein-Ruhr-Promovendensymposium „Arbeit & soziale Sicherheit“. Nähere Informationen zu der Veranstaltung und zum Call finden Sie hier zum Download: Call-RRS-2014.


Marquette University in Milwaukee: Tenure-Track Position in Organizational Behavior

Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin invites applications for a tenure-track position in Organizational Behavior starting in Fall 2014. Initial interviews will be conducted during the Academy of Management meetings in Orlando this August.

Candidates must have earned, or expect to complete, a Ph.D. or D.B.A. degree in an OB-related field by August 2014. Courses to be taught will be Introductory OB as well as electives in one’s preferred area. Research interests are open. A demonstrated record or strong potential for research and highly competent teaching are required of successful applicants. Industrial or corporate experience is desirable. The successful candidate will be professionally active and contribute to the mission of the College of Business Administration, and Marquette University.

Marquette University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, and we are committed to advancing all aspects of diversity as part of the University‘s urban mission. Marquette recently celebrated 100 years of business education and has been accredited by AACSB since 1928. Its EMBA program is ranked in the top 25 and its part-time MBA in the top 50 by U.S. News and World Report.

Marquette’s College of Business is AACSB-accredited. Marquette is a Jesuit institution proud of its liberal arts base. Milwaukee is a “great place on a great lake” with Summerfest, major sports teams, its own symphony, opera, ballet, and repertory companies. It is 90 miles from Chicago, Madison, and Green Bay.

Interested and qualified individuals should e-mail their curriculum vita by July 15th, 2013 to: John Cotton at The full application packet, including three letters of recommendation and materials supporting teaching and research activities must be submitted to the no later than September 15, 2013.

Oakland University: Assistant Professor of Management

The School of Business Administration at Oakland University is recruiting a faculty member to teach introductory and advanced undergraduate and graduate level courses in Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management and maintain a high-quality of research and service activities appropriate to the position beginning August 2014, pending funding. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, Labor and Industrial Relations, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, or equivalent degree. We are particularly interested in individuals who can teach introductory classes in Organizational Behavior/Human Resources Management, and have specific competency in a functional area (e.g. Compensation/Benefits, Labor Relations, Organizational Development).

About Oakland University. Oakland University (OU) is a state-supported institution located in Rochester, Michigan, approximately 30 miles north of Detroit among the rolling hills and woodlands of Meadowbrook, the former Dodge-Wilson estate in Oakland County. Rochester is a suburban community of 71,000 residents with the characteristics of a small town with outstanding schools and an excellent family environment. The Detroit metropolitan area offers a wide variety of professional, cultural, sporting, and entertainment opportunities. With an enrollment of nearly 20,000 students and a low student-to-faculty ratio, Oakland University offers 139 baccalaureate programs and 127 graduate and certificate programs through its five professional schools and College. The University supports more than 200 student organizations and competes in Division 1 athletics. The School of Business Administration (SBA) offers graduate and undergraduate programs that merge the teaching talent of dedicated professionals and experienced business leaders with the latest technologies and applications. Students in the SBA are encouraged to reach out to the business community and become a part of it through internships, partnerships and student organizations. The SBA is one of fewer than 178 institutions worldwide (less than 5%) to have both business and accounting accreditation from AACSB International, the premier business school accreditation agency. The school encourages high quality research in top-level journals, while maintaining standards of excellence in teaching. The position offers research support, competitive salary, and excellent fringe benefits.

To Apply: To apply, visit the Oakland University Academic Position Openings page: We will be interviewing at the August Academy of Management Meeting in Orlando, FL. The deadline for application is October 1, 2013 or until filled. To learn more about the School of Business Administration and Oakland University, visit our website at

TU München: wiss. Mitarbeiter/in am Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Organisation

An der Technischen Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Organisation (Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe) ist ab 01. September 2013 oder
später eine Stelle als

wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in

mit Gelegenheit zur Promotion (50% der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L) zunächst befristet auf 1 Jahr (mit Option auf Verlängerung) im Bereich „Organizational Design & Organizational Processes“ zu besetzen.

Geboten werden:

  • Möglichkeit zur Promotion in einem ergebnisorientierten, konstruktiven und offenen Teamklima
  • Hervorragende Arbeitsbedingungen an einer Exzellenz-Universität
  • Kooperation mit renommierten Wissenschaftlern im In- und Ausland sowie namhaften Unternehmen
  • Ein breites Spektrum an Forschungsthemen im Bereich Strategie und Organisation
  • Enge Einbindung in die empirische Forschung und intensive Supervision.

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Corporate Masterminds – Executive Management Teams in Focus

Call for papers for a Special Issue of Team Performance Management, titled

“Corporate Masterminds – Executive Management Teams in Focus”

Over the last decade, academic researchers have shown a strong interest in executive management teams, as their members are the most influential corporate decision-makers and largely determine various external (e.g. strategic direction, firm performance) and internal (e.g. leadership style, organizational structure) outcomes. The special issue aims to advance our theoretical and empirical understanding of the composition of executive management teams, the interplay of different actors, and the impact of contextual settings.

Submission deadline is November 1, 2013.

Further Information

GESIS: Introduction to Social Network Analysis (28.-29.11.2013)

Instructors: Dr. Thomas Grund

Date: 28. – 29. November 2013

The empirical study of social network dynamics and emergence of social structures is currently receiving considerable attention. For example, novel actor-oriented modeling strategies that can be used to study how network structures evolve, dramatically change the way scholars assess the social world. This workshop gives an introduction to the statistical analysis of social networks. Topics include: introduction to R, network centrality and centralization, visualization, random networks, conditional uniform graphs, quadratic assignment procedure, p2 models, exponential random graph models, stochastic actor-oriented network models (SIENA), modeling of relational events.

Depending on the languages of the participants, the workshop will be held either in English or in German.

Learning objectives

You will gain a solid understanding of social networks and how they can be modeled.

Course entrance requirements

Some basic knowledge of regression analysis.

Further information

GESIS: Offene Fragen und Inhaltsanalyse (26.-27.11.2013)

Leitung: Cornelia Züll

Datum: 26. – 27. November 2013

Gegenstand des Workshops ist der Umgang mit offenen Fragen, wie sie in einem ansonsten standardisierten Fragebogen eingesetzt werden. Das Themenspektrum umfasst verschiedene Ansätze der Codierung der Antworten. Dazu gehören die konventionelle Inhaltsanalyse mit und ohne Software-Unterstützung genauso wie die dictionär-basierte (automatische) Inhaltsanalyse. Zunächst wird kurz auf die offene Frage im Interview eingegangen, bevor die zentrale Frage des Codierens der Antworten mit Hilfe der Inhaltsanalyse diskutiert wird. Hier wird der Workshop ausführlich die folgenden Themen ansprechen: Erstellung eines Kategoriensystems, verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Kategoriendefinition, der Codierprozess selbst und die Frage der Reliabilität und Validität der Kategorien und Codierungen. Im Anschluss daran wird kurz auf andere Formen der Analyse von offene Fragen eingegangen.

In praktischen Übungen kommt sowohl die manuelle als auch die computergestützte Inhaltsanalyse zur Anwendung. Statistische Programme zur Auswertung der Codierdaten, z.B. SPSS, werden nur am Rande behandelt.


Am Ende des Workshops sind die Teilnehmer in der Lage offene Angaben in einer Umfrage zu codieren. Sie können für ihr Projekt entscheiden, welcher Ansatz Inhaltsanalyse für sie geeignet ist, Kategorien definieren und ihre offenen Angaben entsprechend codieren. Sie sehen auch, wann sich ein Software-Einsatz lohnt und welche Art der Software geignet ist.


Grundkenntnisse in Umfragemethoden.

Teilnehmeranzahl: 16

Weitere Informationen

GESIS: Grundlagen der Fragebogenentwicklung (22.-23.10.2013)

Leitung: Rolf Porst

Datum: 22. – 23. Oktober 2013

Der Workshop befasst sich mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten und Phasen der Fragebogenentwicklung. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei Fragebogen für persönlich-mündliche Befragungen; es werden aber auch die Besonderheiten von Befragungsinstrumenten für schriftliche Befragungen vorgestellt.

Der Workshop soll praxisorientiert und durch Übungen der TeilnehmerInnen gestützt Wissen vermitteln, das unmittelbar in den Alltag der Fragebogenentwicklung umgesetzt werden kann.


Ziel ist es, den Teilnehmern/-innen wissenschaftlich fundierte Empfehlungen für die Konstruktion von Fragebogen zu machen, die in der Umfrageforschung und Umfragepraxis zum Einsatz gebracht werden können. Die Teilnehmer sollen am Ende des Workshops eine Vorstellung darüber haben, worauf zu achten ist, wenn man einen Fragebogen konstruiert.


Der Workshop richtet sich in erster Linie an Personen, die keine oder wenig Erfahrung mit der Entwicklung von Fragebogen haben.

Teilnehmeranzahl: 18

Weitere Informationen