Qualitative Research Methodology and Design Strategies

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr. Anna Brake (University of Augsburg)

Date: Monday, 29/09/14 – Wednesday, 01/10/14 from 09.00-12.30 h

Max. number of participants: 18

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English


Methodological rigor is of vital importance for the success of an qualitative research project. Research question, methodological approach of data collection, sampling and strategies of (verbal) data analysis have to be well matched in order to ensure a compelling overall research process. The workshop aims at providing the opportunity to discuss methodological issues and questions of qualitative research designs in the light of the participant’s own dissertation projects. It addresses Ph.D. students who seek further clarification for their methodological rationale in their qualitative study regarding the appropriateness  of the underlying research question, sampling procedures, interview or observation techniques, approaches for data analysis and others. Thus, in the workshop we will not debate on general issues of methodological importance, but will focus on the methodologically demanding topics the participants are facing within their own qualitative study.

Participants should be well advanced in defining the particular purpose of their qualitative research. They are kindly asked to submit a research abstract no later than two weeks before the beginning of the workshop to anna.brake@phil.uni-augsburg.de

You have to register for the 8th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Data Analysis with Stata

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dipl.-Verw. Wiss. Tobias Gramlich (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Date: Monday, 29/09/14 – Wednesday, 01/10/14 from 09.00-12.30 h

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English


Stata is a statistical program package widely used (not only) in the social and economical sciences; it is used for data management, statistical graphics and analysis of quantitative data. Statistical concepts will not be part of the course, so participants should have some very basic knowledge of statistics. The course should enable participants to prepare their data for analysis, perform adequate analysis using a statistical computer program and to document these tasks to keep them reproducible.

For Beginners with no or very little Stata knowledge!

Course topics cover:

  • “What You Type is What You Get”: Basic stata Command syntax
  • Getting (and Understanding) Help within stata: stata Bulit-in Help System
  • Basic Data Management: Load and Save stata Datasets, Generate and Manipulate Variables, Describe and Label Data and Variables, Perform Basic uni- and bivariate Analyses, Change the Structure of your Data
  • Basic stata Graphics: Scatterplot, Histogram, Bar Chart
  • Working with “Do-” and “Log-” Files

You have to register for the 8th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Data Analysis with R

Institution: see Organisers & Acknowledgements

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr. Marco Lehmann (University of Hamburg)

Date: Monday, 29/09/14 – Wednesday, 01/10/14 from 09.00-12.30 h

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English


The course introduces the programming language R used for statistical analyses. The beginning of each lecture comes with a demonstration of programming and statistical functions that will be elaborated in the course of study. The students will then practice with many statistical examples. In addition to statistical functions the course will introduce the definition of R as a programming language and its syntax rules. Students will further learn to use R’s scripting capabilities. Successful participation requires basic knowledge in descriptive and inferential statistics. The students are encouraged to bring their own laptops with the free software R (www.r-project.org/) and RStudio (www.rstudio.com/) installed.

Recommended literature and pre-readings:

  • Wollschläger, Daniel (2012). Grundlagen der Datenauswertung mit R (2. Aufl.). Berlin: Springer.

You have to register for the 8th International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Weiterbildung: How to Design a Mixed Methods Research with Validity

The workshop will take place from 9:00 a.m. till 1 p.m., on Wednesday, 19th of March 2014 in Aula at Helmut-Schmidt-University / University of the Federal Armed Forces of Germany (Hamburg)

The primary purpose of this workshop is to introduce workshop attendees to mixed methods research (MMR). An emphasis will be placed on high quality design and validity issues in mixed methods research.  A secondary purpose is to discuss with workshop attendees how mixed methods research can be used to address their research interests and research questions.

Dr. Burke Johnson will briefly cover the following topics, but he will emphasize research design and validity issues:

  • Introduction and definitions of MMR
  • Intellectual history of MMR
  • Philosophies and paradigms in MMR
  • Three major types of MMR: Quantitatively driven, qualitatively driven, and interactive MMR
  • Research questions
  • Major methods of data collection in empirical research
  • Major research methods in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research
  • Sampling methods in MMR
  • Validity or legitimation design in MMR
  • How to determine the dimensions for designing an MMR research study
  • Data analysis in MMR
  • Report writing and publishing in MMR.

Please find further information on the course and application on this website.

Clusters in the Context of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation Strategies & Regional Development

University of Flensburg – University of Southern Denmark– Curtin University (Perth)
Cluster Workshop 2014: Sept. 15-16, 2014 in Flensburg


Clusters are still a hot topic for scholars from different disciplines. More recently, specific interestin the field was directed towards the establishment of entrepreneurial ecosystems, smart specialization strategies and regional development. Linking these topics into Public Policies and firm strategies in clusters is the central theme of this workshop.

The organisers of the workshop will organise an edited book or a special issue of a journal on the topic of the workshop theme. Participants at the workshop will have the possibility to submit their papers for refereeing for inclusion in the publication.


The workshop will take place between September 15 and 16, 2014 at the International Institute of Management of the University of Flensburg (http://www.uni-flensburg.de) located in the very North of Germany at the border to Denmark.

Optional the participants may join a Work-in-progress workshop at the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg on September 17.

The workshop in Flensburg is held as a combination of keynote speeches, paper presentations, highly interactive session as well as a colloquium for doctoral students. The idea of the workshop/symposium in Sønderborg is to give the participants the possibility to present and discuss work in progress projects.


We are particularly interested in developing new knowledge in the area of firm clusters with regard to a resource-oriented perspective on clusters bringing together a wide range of multidisciplinary and cross sectoral approaches.

We invite papers from researchers and practitioners in the following topic areas:

  •  Smart specialisation strategies & clusters
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystems in clusters
  • Small business incubation in clusters
  • Cross-border clusters
  • The role of public policy in clusters
  • Firm resources, strategy and clustering
  • Cluster management and facilitation
  • Cluster mapping and evaluation
  • Best and worst practice cluster cases
  • Innovation networks


There will not be a fee for participation but it is expected that the participants pay for their transport, accommodation and meals during the conference.


Professor Kerry Brown & Professor John Burgess, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
Professor Susanne Gretzinger, University of Southern Denmark
Professor Susanne Royer, University of Flensburg, Germany

CFP_Cluster Workshop_2014

Management Revue: Call for Book Reviews

Management Revue is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary European journal publishing both qualitative and quantitative work, as well as purely theoretical papers that advances the study of management, organization, and industrial relations.

We would like to increase the range of books and reviewers included in the journal. We are interested in book reviews in current texts and books within the past five years. The book review should provide a critical assessment of the text and offer substantive commentary on the quality of the content and connection to other published work. Reviews should be between 800 and 1.500 words.

If you are interested in writing a book review please contact Mangement Revues Editor, Simon Fietze with the title of the book you wish to review.

MAXQDA Anwendertagung in Berlin

Das MAXQDA-Team macht per Newsletter auf die MAXQDA-Anwendertagung in Berlin aufmerksam:

“Am 6. und 7. März findet die diesjährige MAXQDA Anwendertagung (CAQD) in Berlin statt. Es erwartet Sie ein breites Angebot an Workshops zu MAXQDA und Forschungsmethoden, Vorträgen und Methodendiskussionen. Studierende und Promovierende zahlen einen ermäßigten Preis. Link zur CAQD-Homepage: http://www.caqd.de/

Auszug aus dem Workshop-Programm (17 Workshops an zwei Tagen)
# MAXQDA Starter
# Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse
# Mixed Methods
# Kategorienbildung
# Typenbildung
# Visualisierungen mit den Visual Tools
# Audio-, Video- und Bildanalyse & mobile Datenerhebung mit MAXApp

Hier finden Sie das vollständige Workshop-Programm: http://caqd.de/workshops-zur-caqd

Spannende Keynotes und Möglichkeiten zum Networking:
# Prof. Udo Kuckartz: “New Horizons for Mixed Methods Analysis”
# Clarence C. Gravlee (Ph.D.): “Using QDA software in the context of field work”

Die CAQD bietet neben Workshops auch einen Tagungsteil mit Vorträgen und Methodendiskussionen und dem bewährten User Forum. Profitieren Sie in angenehmer Atmosphäre von Austausch und Diskussionen über MAXQDA sowohl mit anderen Usern als auch mit den Entwicklern. Die Teilnahme am Tagungsteil ist kostenlos!

Abgerundet wird die Veranstaltung durch ein lockeres Get together und eine Poster Session, bei der Sie Ihre eigenen Projekte vorstellen und diskutieren können. Sie können Ihre Poster bis zum 31.01.2014 an cfp@caqd.de einsenden.

Veranstalter ist die Marburger Arbeitsgruppe für Methoden und Evaluation (magma e.V.).”

Workshop: Wie stelle ich EU-Forschungsanträge?

Am kommenden Donnerstag, den 30. Januar 2014, findet von 16 bis 18 Uhr im Hörsaal 4 der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität eine Veranstaltung zur Beantragung von Forschungsmitteln im EU-Rahmenprogramm „Horizon 2020“ statt.

Geplanter Ablauf:
16:00 Uhr Begrüßung, VP Forschung
16:10 Uhr Was bietet das neue EU-Rahmenprogramm Horizon 2020 ? (Monica Schofield, Hamburg Innovation GmbH)
17:00 Uhr Pause
17:15 Uhr Praktische Tipps zur Antragstellung (Monica Schofield, Hamburg Innovation GmbH)
18:00 Uhr Fragen und Diskussion

Bei Interesse können Sie sich bis zum 28. Januar 2014 unter horizon2020[ät]hsu-hh.de anmelden.

BAM2014 Paper Submission is Now Open

Paper submission for the BAM2014 Conference is now officially open! To submit a paper please go to:

Information Before You Submit

  • Before submitting a paper, please ensure that you have read all of thepaper submission requirements.
  • You can only submit a paper to one track. To choose, please find out more on the tracks available at BAM2014.
  • Please be aware that you can only submit a maximum of 3 papers to the BAM2014 Conference.

Deadline to Submit

The deadline to submit a paper to the BAM2014 Conference is the 26th of February.

We look forward to receiving your submissions.