Call for Chapters Contributions:
Dimensions and Perspectives on Financial Participation in Europe
(to be published by Nomos Publishing with ISBN and eISBN)
Simon Fietze & Wenzel Matiaske (eds.)
While the PEPPER reports give an overview over the spread of employee financial participation (EFP) and the legislation in the different European countries, there have only been a few conferences and workshops addressing a broad perspective on research into this topic. In January 2014 the conference ‘Taking Action: Promotion of Employee Share Ownership (ESO)’ promoted an ongoing debate on EFP in Europe. The conference highlighted the positive impact of employee share ownership on employees and the organisation. The results were concrete policy options to further promote EFP at EU level. The idea for this book arose one year before during the workshop ‘Dimensions and Perspectives on Financial Participation in Europe’ which brought together leading researchers in the field of EFP (Andrew Pendleton, Erik Poutsma, Jens Lowitzsch, amongst others) presenting their recent studies and showing the broad perspective and different research approaches to the topic.
To contribute to the ongoing political and scientific debate the main purpose of the book is to produce a systematic overview of the employee financial participation field, providing a state of the art perspective and highlighting unanswered questions and opportunities for further research on EFP in European countries. It is intended to tie the empirical and theoretical discussion together. Chapter proposals from various disciplinary perspectives (management, psychology, sociology and economics) and methodological approaches (qualitative and quantitative as well as theoretical contributions) will be welcome. All units of analysis (individual, group/team, business units, the organisation and the interrelation between them) are appropriate. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Country Reports:
- Dimensions and perspectives on financial participation in Europe on a country level (e.g. using recent (panel) data sets)
- Comparative dimensions and perspectives on financial participation (comparing two or more countries) also drawn from non-European countries/regions
Case Studies:
- Individual and organizational perspectives on financial participation, including
- The range from employee share ownership plans to co-operatives and employee-owned enterprises
- The role of trade unions and work councils and social partners
- Development and consequences of psychological ownership, social capital, organisational and individual identification inter alia
Submission Procedure
- Submission of 1-2-page chapter proposal to both editors: 15 July 2014
- Notification of acceptance: 30 August 2014
- Submission of chapters (max. 10.000 words): 15 December 2014
- (followed by an editorial review)
- Publication date: March 2015
Further details and discussion are welcome:
- Asst. Professor Dr. Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark: email:
- Professor Dr. Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University: email:
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