Wenige Restplätze für den International Research Workshop Akademie Sankelmark vom 05.09.-10.09.21

Nur noch einige wenige Restplätze verfügbar für den Workshop “Methods for PhD”  Akademie Sankelmark vom 05.09.-10.09.2021

Für den zum 15. Mal in Kooperation mit nationalen und internationalen Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen [SDU Sonderborg (Simon Jebsen), IAB Nürnberg (Heiko Stüber) und HSU/UniBw H (Wenzel Matiaske)] stattfindenden Workshop “Methods for PhD” an der Akademie Sankelmark vom 05.09.-10.09.2021 sind  – Stand 09.08.21 – nur noch einige wenige Restplätze frei.

Das mehrtägige Format bietet nicht nur die Möglichkeit eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Forschungsmethoden kennenzulernen und das Handwerkszeug für das Schreiben einer Doktorarbeit einzuüben, sondern auch vielfältige Begegnungs- und Austauschmöglichkeiten mit Dozent:innen und Kolleg:innen anderer Universitäten zu knüpfen.

Das aktuelle Programm findest sich unter


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Call for Applications: Herbstforum-Promotionswerkstatt 2021 des WSI

Das WSI – Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung veranstaltet am 09.-10. November 2021 eine Promotionswerkstatt zum Thema “Gesellschaftliche Polarisierungen und die Suche nach Solidarität“.

Nach all den Monaten voller Online-Formate und verschobener oder ausgefallener Nachwuchskonferenzen wollen wir Promovierenden einen Raum bieten, sich auszutauschen: Die Veranstaltung zielt darauf, einen Diskussionsraum für Forschungsvorhaben zu eröffnen, Einblicke in den Wissenschaftsbetrieb zu geben und am nächsten Tag gemeinsam das „WSI-Herbstforum 2021: Solidarität in der Krise“ zu besuchen. Neben einer Keynote durch Prof. Dr. Bettina Kohlrausch, Wissenschaftliche Direktorin des WSI, der Vorstellung von Promotionsarbeiten und einem Promotionsprojekt-Speednetworking steht deshalb auch ein kurzer Workshop auf dem Programm, wie man sich gut durch das Dickicht an Fallstricken wissenschaftlicher Konferenzen schlägt.

Wann? 09. November 2021 ab 14 Uhr – 10. November 2021 ca. 17 Uhr
Wo? Berlin
Wie? Vorrangig in Präsenz, sofern es die Pandemielage erlaubt

Interessierte Promovierende bewerben sich bis zum 15. September 2021 mit einem kurzen Abstract an herbstforum-werkstatt@boeckler.de

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Call: https://www.boeckler.de/pdf/wsi_herbstforum_call_promotionswerkstatt_2021.pdf

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gerne an Magdalena Polloczek (magdalena-polloczek@boeckler.de / 0211-77 78 333)

15th International Research Workshop – Methods for PhD – 5-10 September 2021: Registration Open Now!

PARALLEL MORNING SESSION 1 (6 – 8 September 2021)

  • Data Analysis with Stata
    Tobias Gramlich, Hesse State Statistical Office
  • Qualitative Research Methods
    Dr. Fabian Hattke, University of Hamburg
  • Grounded Theory
    Dr. Gilberto Rescher, University of Hamburg
  • Writing your Literature Review
    Dr. Sylvia Rohlfer, CUNEF University

PARALLEL AFTERNOON SESSION 2 (6 – 8 September 2021)

  • Data Analysis with R
    Dr. Marco Lehmann, UKE Hamburg
  • Case Study Research
    Dr. Kamil Marcinkiewicz, University of Oldenbourg
  • Questionnaire Design
    Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein, Leibniz University Hannover
  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)
    Dr. Jonas Buche, Leibniz University Hannover

PARALLEL SESSION 3 (9 September 2021)

  • Data Visualization
    Dr. Daniel Schnitzlein Leibniz University Hannover
  • Multi-level Modelling with R
    Dr. Daniel Lüdecke, UKE Hamburg
  • Academic English Writing
    Dr. Jonathan Mole, Europa-Universität Flensburg
  • Analysing Panel Data with Stata
    Dr. Timo Friedel Mitze, University of Southern Denmark

Dr. Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University
Dr. Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark
Dr. Heiko Stüber, Institute for Employment Research

499 Euro (with accommodation and meals)
It is possible to get a certificate on 5 credit points (according to the European Credit Transfer System).

The workshop will take place at the Akademie Sankelmark, Akademieweg 6 in Oeversee (near Flensburg), Germany. The health, safety, and well-being of our lectures, the staff at the Akademie and the participants are our top priorities. All necessary measures are taken to ensure everyone stays healthy. Further, we will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and switch to an online workshop when necessary.

For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the workshop committee (irwsnetwork@gmail.com).

Please register for the workshop here or on the workshop website.

Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the FAF Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute for Employment Research (IAB), The Research Institute of the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg
Akademie Sankelmark im Deutschen Grenzverein e.V.

Europa-Universität Flensburg
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
University of Hamburg, School of Business
Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Economics

Data Visualization

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Daniel Schnitzlein (Leibniz University Hannover & Inside Statistics)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: Results of scientific research are often (and increasingly) complex and hard to understand for a non-scientific audience. However, at the same time, the transfer of results from academic research to an outside-academia recipient, for example, politics, private foundations or private firms providing research funding, but also the interested public, gets more and more important. Probably the most important skill in this context is the ability to create good visualization of your main (quantitative data-based) results.

Today, data are everyday companions in almost all scientific and professional fields. The graphical representation of data is both an elementary step in the analysis process and an important component in communicating the results. The course Data Visualization trains this ability and leads you away from the standard diagrams of common office/statistics packages to clear and concise representations with the help of many practice-oriented examples. The course consists of 50% lecture and 50% hands-on session.

Requirement of students: Basic knowledge of empirical (quantitative) social and economic research is beneficial, but not strictly necessary. The methods trained in this course are applicable to all visualization tasks independent of the applied software package. Visualization examples will be based mainly on R. Code examples will be provided within the lecture. A selection of examples will also be available in Excel and Python.

You have to register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Qualitative Research Methods

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr. Fabian Hattke (Universität Hamburg)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: The purpose of this course is to familiarize participants with the basic characteristics of qualitative research. The course introduces methodological and practical aspects of different forms of qualitative research like case studies, discourse analyses, interviews, observations, and qualitative meta-syntheses. The course covers a variety of issues, including the philosophy of science, research designs, theory building, and sampling strategies. It also discusses practical challenges like the development of research questions, the use of different coding approaches, technical tools, and ethical questions.

Recommended literature and pre-readings:

  • Adler, P. S., Forbes, L. C., & Willmott, H. (2007). Critical management studies. Academy of Management Annals, 1(1), 119-179.
  • Alvesson, M., & Karreman, D. (2000). Varieties of discourse: On the study of organizations through discourse analysis. Human Relations, 53(9), 1125-1149.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2014). Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Sage publications.
  • Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532-550.
  • Flick, U., von Kardoff, E., & Steinke, I. (Eds.). (2004). A companion to qualitative research. Sage.
  • Hoon, C. (2013). Meta-synthesis of qualitative case studies: An approach to theory building. Organizational Research Methods, 16(4), 522-556.
  • Mayring, P. (2004). Qualitative content analysis. A companion to qualitative research. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1, 159-176.
  • Sandelowski, M., & Barroso, J. (2006). Handbook for synthesizing qualitative research. Springer Publishing.
  • Wodak, R., & Meyer, M. (Eds.). (2015). Methods of critical discourse studies. Sage.
  • Yin, R. K. (2017). Case study research and applications: Design and methods. Sage publications.

You have to register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Grounded Theory

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Dr. Gilberto Rescher (University of Hamburg)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: The purpose of this workshop is to offer a comprehensive introduction to Grounded Theory, considering its use in manifold kinds of fields and contexts of study and the feasibility of combining it with diverse research techniques (mainly qualitative and ethnographic ones). The workshop is as much oriented to “beginners” interested in learning about the basic epistemological perspective of Grounded Theory and its practice, as to participants that already possess deeper knowledge about Grounded Theory or even have employed this methodology in research and wish to discuss specific aspects or questions that arose in research practice. Correspondingly, the workshop will be adjusted to participants’ needs.

Hence, we will discuss basic concepts and procedures like research design, data collection, coding, categorizing, writing memos, theoretical sampling and theoretical saturation. Then exercises based on examples, ideally, those attributed by participants will be employed to clarify these concepts by putting them into practice. Therefore, participants with concrete research projects (be it planned or already put in practice) are invited to share their ideas, design and material, with the aim to (further) develop research practices among the group. If you are interested in presenting examples, please contact Gilberto Rescher in English or German (gilberto.rescher@uni-hamburg.de). Apart from this, the lecturer will stress upon his own research experiences to show how he actually uses Grounded Theory as an important kind of guideline in a broader methodological setting.

In addition to your registration, please answer the following questions (English or German):

  • What is your current status (e.g. PhD student?)
  • What is the focus of your interest in Grounded Theory?
  • What sort of content and what feedback do you expect?

You have to register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Analysing Panel Data with Stata

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Timo Friedel Mitze (University of Southern Denmark)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: The one-day workshop is organized as a (basic!) introduction to the use of panel data in the different fields of business and social sciences. It is not meant as an expert course in advanced panel data modelling. Participants should take this into account before enrolling for the course.

Panel data (sometimes also referred to as longitudinal data) can be best described as the combination of cross-sectional and time-series information for individuals, firms, regions, countries etc. The main goal of the workshop is thus to provide participants with insights into why and when applied researchers can benefit from working with panel data. The course gives an overview of the different types of micro and macro models that are available for panel data estimation and shows how to properly estimate these models with the help of the statistical software package STATA. Examples for models covered are pooled OLS (POLS), random and fixed effects type models, REM and FEM, respectively, Difference-in-Difference estimation and panel event studies. On the fly, the workshop will show participants how STATA organizes panel data for the effective use of the above-described models. Building on these basics, a brief outlook on more advanced panel data estimation techniques will be given.

Course Tools: Please bring your laptop computer. STATA can be installed at the beginning of the IRWS. Licences will be provided. Datasets and STATA ado-files will be provided ahead of the course and should be installed on the participants’ computers. A list of introductory readings will be provided to registered participants ahead of the course.

Exemplary Readings: Baltagi, B. Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. 3rd or higher edition, Wiley.

Writing Your Literature Review

Institution: see Organisers & Supporters

Programme of study: International Research Workshop

Lecturer: Sylvia Rohlfer (CUNEF University)

Date: see Workshop Programme

Max. number of participants: 20

Credit Points: 5 CP for participating in the whole IRWS

Language of instruction: English

Contents: Regardless of discipline and however original a research project is, the literature review is a key part of a thesis or article. However, writing a literature review is the most daunting part of writing. Doctoral students often comment that the literature seems (and often is) massive. Hence, it might be helpful to be as systematic as possible when completing this task.

In this course, you will get practical insights and advice on how to effectively write a literature review. This will include tips, tricks and tools to improve your reading and sorting of the references, synthesizing the literature, summarizing existing debates and providing advice on how to present reviews effectively. We will also consider your writing habits. The sessions will be practical and require active involvement by students who will work in groups and get focused feedback on individual projects.

There are no pre-readings for the course, but participants will be required to complete smaller tasks outside the allotted workshop hours. Prior to the seminar (on or before the 28th of August) participants should send an extended abstract of their research project (two pages max. and in English/German/Spanish) to srohlfer@cunef.edu.

You have to register for the International Research Workshop to participate in this course.

Call for Papers der Sozialwissenschaftlichen Promotionswerkstatt Rhein-Ruhr

Die sozialwissenschaftliche Promotionswerkstatt Rhein-Ruhr richtet sich an Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden aus sozial- und wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen sowie angrenzenden Fächern, die an einer Dissertation mit Bezug zu mindestens einem der folgenden Themenfelder arbeiten:

Arbeit, Arbeitsmarkt, Arbeitspolitik, Bildung, Ungleichheit, Sozialstaat und Sozialpolitik.

Im Rahmen der Promotionswerkstatt besteht für die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, ihre im Entstehungsprozess befindliche Arbeit vorzustellen und mit erfahrenen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern sowie anderen Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden intensiv zu diskutieren. Sowohl theoretisch-konzeptionelle als auch empirische oder sozialpolitische Arbeiten sind gleichermaßen erwünscht. Im Zentrum der Promotionswerkstatt steht die Diskussion laufender, noch nicht abgeschlossener Promotions-vorhaben. Wir begrüßen daher insbesondere Bewerbungen von Promovierenden, die ihr Thema bereits definiert haben, aber noch nicht im Abschluss ihrer Arbeit stehen.

Interessierte Promovierende können sich um eine Teilnahme bewerben, indem sie bis zum 30.09.2021 eine Zusammenfassung ihres Vorhabens (maximal 3.000 Zeichen) einreichen. Eine Entscheidung über die Annahme des Vorschlags fällt bis zum 15.11.2021. Angenommene Bewerberinnen und Bewerber müssen dem Organisationsteam dann bis spätestens 31.01.2022 einen zusammenhängenden Aufsatz (maximal 60.000 Zeichen) zusenden, der das Promotionsvorhaben beschreibt und ausgewählte (ggf. vorläufig) Befunde präsentiert.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Anlage.

Call-PromotionswerkstattRheinRuhr2022 (002)

Doktorandenworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personal

Liebe Mitglieder der WK Personal, liebe Einreichende zum diesjährigen Herbstworkshop, liebe Interessierte!

Die Anmeldung zum Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personal, der am 16./17.09.2021 in Düsseldorf stattfinden wird, sowie zum vorgeschalteten Nachwuchsworkshop (15.09.) und zum digitalen Doktorandenworkshop (14.09.) ist ab sofort möglich.

Details finden Sie unter:


Um frühzeitige Anmeldung wird gebeten, da das die Planung erleichtert. Im Falle einer Absage oder Digitalisierung der Tagung erhalten Sie 75 % der Anmeldegebühr zurück.

Bitte denken Sie auch an eine Hotelbuchung. Dafür haben wir Hotelkontingente reserviert:


> r-wk-personal-2021