Category Archives: Research Design

ZBW – Leibniz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft

Digitaler Workshop „Gute Wissenschaftliche Praxis und Reproduzierbare Forschung mit STATA“

Im Workshop zeigen wir, wie Analysecodes und Daten reproduzierbar und entsprechend den Richtlinien renommierter Journals aufbereitet werden. Wir geben einen Überblick über die Anforderungen der wichtigsten Drittmittelgeber, Fachzeitschriften und Fachgesellschaften in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften.


22. März 2022 von 10:00-15:00 Uhr


Der Kurs ist bereits seit dem 8.3.22 ausgebucht. Interessenten können sich aber trotzdem noch auf eine Warteliste setzen lassen und ggf. nachrücken, falls andere Teilnehmer ausfallen sollten.


Der Workshop richtet sich vorrangig an Master-Studierende und Promovierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, die am Anfang ihrer Dissertation stehen, mit quantitativen Daten arbeiten und STATA als Statistiksoftware nutzen. Teilnehmende sollten deshalb Kenntnisse von Statistik/Ökonometrie und Erfahrungen im Umgang mit einer Statistiksoftware haben.

Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen begrenzt, um allen Teilnehmenden ausreichend Möglichkeit für Fragen und zur Diskussion der Themen zu ermöglichen.

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.


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VHB ProDok Kurs

Foundational Theories of Strategic Management Research

The main objective of the course is to familiarize doctoral students with the basic assumptions, concepts and theories underlying the field. In essence, we want to help doctoral students to become independent scholars who are knowledgeable on the major theories in the field of strategy.


June 2022, 13-16


University of Passau

Course Language:



Prof. Jeffrey J. Reuer, University of Colorado


Click for information on fees, payment and registration,
or email us:

Registration Deadline: May 15, 2022

VHB ProDok Kurs

Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion Research

The course aims to introduce students to the leading concepts and current discussions in gender, diversity, and inclusion research with a particular focus on those that are shaped by and relevant to the contemporary societal changes, developments, and global challenges. The course is structured in two blocks. In the first block (in June, online) students will be introduced to relevant concepts, theories, management practices, and ongoing debates in this field of study. Based on this and students’ preparation during the summer months, students will present their insights and (if applicable) their research ideas in the second block (in October, in person in Berlin).

Upon successful completion of the course, students will:

  • Acquire knowledge of past and current issues addressed in gender, diversity, and inclusion (GDI) studies from varying research paradigms;
  • Develop an understanding of how GDI research can address societal changes, developments, and challenges;
  • Be familiar with the latest evidence-based knowledge on how individuals, teams/groups, structure/context, and organizational policies/practices influence individual inclusion-exclusion experiences and behaviors in organizations;
  • Advance their reflective and critical thinking skills in analyzing the role of organizational practices for GDI at the workplace;


June 7-8, 2022, 10am – 5pm: online (Zoom)
October 4-5, 2022, 10am – 5pm: Berlin (Harnack-Haus, Berlin-Dahlem, Ihnestr. 16-20)


Online / Berlin

Course Language:

German or English (depending on participants)


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renate Ortlieb (University of Graz)

Dr. Lena Knappert (Vrije Universiteit, VU, Amsterdam)


Click for information on fees, payment and registration,
or email us:

Registration Deadline: 8. Mai 2022

VHB ProDok Kurs


Advanced Topics in Asset Pricing and Capital Market Research

Starting from a solid theoretical foundation, this course provides students with an understanding of important empirical methods and their application in asset pricing. It covers both the classical approaches based on Fama and MacBeth (1973) and Black, Jensen and Scholes (1972) – which are still widely used in current research – and GMM-based estimation methods. Furthermore, it shows how machine learning approaches can be meaningfully incorporated into modern asset pricing.

The course intends to enable students to plan and carry out empirical research in asset pricing on their own and prepares for an empirical PhD thesis in this area of finance.


30. May – 2. June 2022


MLP Campus
Alte Heerstraße 40
69168 Wiesloch




University of Tübingen

University of Mannheim

University of Tübingen


Click for information on fees, payment and registration,
or email us:

Registration Deadline: 1. May 2022


VHB ProDok Kurs

Design Science

Abstract and Learning Objectives

Design Science Research (DSR) is a promising research paradigm that intends to generate knowledge on the design of innovative solutions to real-world problems. As such, DSR is specifically useful in contributing to the solution of societally and practically relevant challenges. At the same time, matured methodological foundations are available today, specifically supporting publishing DSR research both at conferences and top-tier journals.

This course gives an introduction to Design Science Research (DSR). It focuses on planning and conducting design science research on Ph.D. level. It is intended to provide state-of-the art methodological competences for all Ph.D. students in business whose research is not solely descriptive/explanatory, but also comprises components where artefacts are purposefully designed and evaluated.

While Design Science Research is very common in Information Systems research, purposeful artefact design and evaluation are found in many other business research fields like, e.g., General Management, Operations Management/Management Science, Accounting/Controlling, Business Education, or Marketing. Although Design Science is often conducted implicitly, the methodological discourse in the Information Systems has led to a high level of reflection and to the availability of a large number of reference publications and cases, so that examples and cases will often originate from this domain. It should however be noted that Design Science as a paradigm is applicable and is used in nearly all fields of business research. As a consequence, this class is not only part of the Information Systems ProDok curriculum, but intentionally being positioned as cross-domain class.

The goal of the course is to provide Ph.D. students with insights and capabilities that enable them to plan and conduct independent Design Science research. To achieve this goal, students will engage in a number of activities in preparation and during this four-day course, including preparatory readings, lectures, presentations, project work, and in-class discussions. The course format offers an interactive learning experience and the unique opportunity to obtain individualized feedback from leading IS researchers as well as develop preliminary research designs for their own Ph.D. projects.


02.05. bis 13.05.2022

Face to face time: Mo, Wed, Mo, Wed, Fr


offline: ca. ten days for reading, preparation, decentral group work
online: two full days and three half days between May 2 – 13, 2022





Click for information on fees, payment and registration.
or email us:

As this course is offered as an digital course, the participation fee is reduced by 160 Euro.

Registration Deadline: April 3, 2022

Fortgeschrittenenkurs quantitative Datenanalyse mit SPSS – HSU Uni Bw Hamburg

Fortgeschrittenenkurs quantitative Datenanalyse mit SPSS


Ausgewählte multivariate Verfahren zur Datenanalyse bzw. zur Konstruktion von Skalen, insbesondere: Itemanalyse (vor allem Konstruktion von Likert-Skalen), Varianzanalysen, Einfache und Multiple Regressionsanalyse, Logistische Regression.


Frau Dr. Elke Goltz (HSU)


Montag,             15.11.21 – 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

Dienstag,           16.11.21 – 10:00 bis 15:00 Uhr

Mittwoch,          17.11.21 – 10:00 bis 15:00 Uhr

Donnerstag,      18.11.21 – 10:00 bis 13:00 Uhr

Der Montag sowie der Donnerstag sind Präsenzveranstaltungen auf dem Campus der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg im Raum 305. Der Dienstag und der Mittwoch werden virtuell über MS Teams abgewickelt.

Die Zahl der Teilnehmenden ist auf 15 begrenzt. Es sind derzeit (Stand: 21.10.) noch Plätze frei.

Die Teilnehmenden brauchen einen eigenen PC mit installiertem SPSS 25 oder SPSS 27.


Wenn Sie sich für diesen Kurs interessieren,schicken Sie bitte eine Email an


VHB ProDok Kurs in Kooperation mit ASSIOA

Advanced Topics in Management and Organization Theory

Content and Learning Objectives:
This course is centered on broad topics related to social evaluation, from categorization to status, stigma, boundary work, moral legitimacy and inequality in organizations. The material ranges from ‘recent classics’, to papers fresh from print, to unpublished empirical cases.
Students will be asked to prepare in advance in order to present the main themes of the assigned literature and discuss empirical material with a hands on approach.

Learning objectives:

  • Exposure to advanced and emerging themes (and their established roots) in the field of management and organization
  • Understanding the broad variety of methods (inductive, deductive and abductive) used in the field in a complementary way
  • Learning different abductive methods and Dos and Don’ts in abductive theorizing

You can find more information ON REGISTRATION and the Syllabus at the following link: 

The billing of the course will also be done by ASSIOA.

Registration Fee

Assioa or VHB members: 500 Euro
Non Assioa or VHB members: 560 Euro

VHB ProDok Kurs “Design Science”

Design Science

Abstract and Learning Objectives

Design Science Research (DSR) is a promising research paradigm that intends to generate knowledge on the design of innovative solutions to real-world problems. As such, DSR is specifically useful in contributing to the solution of societally and practically relevant challenges. At the same time, matured methodological foundations are available today, specifically supporting publishing DSR research both at conferences and top-tier journals.

This course gives an introduction to Design Science Research (DSR). It focuses on planning and conducting design science research on Ph.D. level. It is intended to provide state-of-the art methodological competences for all Ph.D. students in business whose research is not solely descriptive/explanatory, but also comprises components where artefacts are purposefully designed and evaluated.

While Design Science Research is very common in Information Systems research, purposeful artefact design and evaluation are found in many other business research fields like, e.g., General Management, Operations Management/Management Science, Accounting/Controlling, Business Education, or Marketing. Although Design Science is often conducted implicitly, the methodological discourse in the Information Systems has led to a high level of reflection and to the availability of a large number of reference publications and cases, so that examples and cases will often originate from this domain. It should however be noted that Design Science as a paradigm is applicable and is used in nearly all fields of business research. As a consequence, this class is not only part of the Information Systems ProDok curriculum, but intentionally being positioned as cross-domain class.

The goal of the course is to provide Ph.D. students with insights and capabilities that enable them to plan and conduct independent Design Science research. To achieve this goal, students will engage in a number of activities in preparation and during this four-day course, including preparatory readings, lectures, presentations, project work, and in-class discussions. The course format offers an interactive learning experience and the unique opportunity to obtain individualized feedback from leading IS researchers as well as develop preliminary research designs for their own Ph.D. projects.


20.9. bis 30.09.2021
face to face time: Mo, Tue, Fr, Tue, Thu


offline and online





Click for information on fees, payment and registration.
or email us:

As this course is offered as an digital course, the participation fee is reduced by 160 Euro.

Registration Deadline: August 22, 2021

VHB ProDok Kurs “Qualitative Empirical Accounting Research”

Qualitative Empirical Accounting Research

This course offers advanced insights into the use and usefulness of qualitative research approaches in the field of accounting. Using published work in the areas of financial accounting, auditing and management accounting, we will discuss (1) the main rationales for choosing a qualitative research approach; (2) differences between different qualitative research designs, such as single case studies or cross-sectional studies; (3) guidelines for applying qualitative research methods such as interviews and observation; (4) the role of theory in qualitative work; (5) the process of doing qualitative research, from the start of a project to its publication; (6) quality criteria that editors and reviewers apply when evaluating qualitative work. In addition, participating students who carry out qualitative PhD projects will have an opportunity to present their work/ideas and get feedback from fellow students and the lecturers.




University of Innsbruck
Universitätsstraße 15
6020 Innsbruck, Austria


Course Language:




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