Category Archives: Quantitative Methods

Graduate School der Universität Hamburg – Promotionsstudiengang der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften – Kursangebot im WiSe 17/18

Stand: 15.08.2017

Dozent/in Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Termine FB LVS LP
Dresing, Thorsten
(Audiotranskription Marburg)
MAXQDA Complete und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse Do., 07.12.17, 09:00 – 15:30 Uhr
Fr., 08.12.17, 09:00 – 15:00 Uhr
Raum A215 (VMP 9)
Extern 1
Fritsche, Ulrich Introduction to R Fr., 20.10.17, 09-17 Uhr
Fr., 27.10.17 oder Fr., 03.11.17,
09-17 Uhr
Raum A514 (VMP 9)
SozÖk 1 2
Fritsche, Ulrich Text as Data: Text Mining and Analysis in Economics, Social Sciences and Finance using R März 2018 (als Block in vier Tagen) SozÖk 2 4
Jakobeit, Cord/
Meyer, Jörg
Research Seminar in International Relations – Research Design and Qualitative Approaches Mi., 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr (ab 25.10.17)
Raum 101 (AP 1)
Kley, Stefanie Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Fuzzy Sets Fr., 01.11.17, 10-13 Uhr
Fr., 10.11.17, 10-13 Uhr
Fr., 24.11.17, 10-13 Uhr
Raum A510 (VMP 9)
SoWi 1 2
Marcus, Jan/
Siedler, Thomas
Applied Labour Economics Montags, 16:30 – 18:00 Uhr (ab
16.10.17), 14-täglich
Raum R 1083 (VMP 5)
Plus Zwei-Tages-Blöcke 23.11. und 24.11.17
Raum A215 (VMP 9)


2 4
Menz, Wolfgang Qualitative Interviews mit ExpertInnen. Methodologie, Konzeption und Forschungspraxis Fr., 24.11.17, 16-18 Uhr (Vorbesprechung)
Raum wird noch bekannt gegeben
Fr., 19.01.18, 09-17 Uhr
Sa., 20.01.18, 09-17 Uhr
Raum wird noch bekannt gegeben
SozÖk 1 2
Rosert, Elvira Processes, Sequences, and Mechanisms: Introduction to Process Tracing Di., 16.01.18, 09-17 Uhr
Mi., 17.01.18,09-14 Uhr
Raum wird noch bekannt gegeben
SoWi 1 2
Siedler, Thomas Applied Microeconometrics Dienstags, 13:30-15 Uhr, die ersten 7 Wochen des Semesters
Esplanade 36, Raum 4029
VWL 1 2
Teichert, Thorsten Quantitative Text- und Literaturanalysen (Quantitative Reviews of Social Sciene Research) Mo., 30.10.17, 09:30-18 Uhr
Mo., 27.11.17, 09:30-18 Uhr
Mo., 18.12.17, 09:30-18 Uhr
Mo., 15.01.18, 09:30-18 Uhr
Raum A514 (VMP 9)
SozÖk 2 4


Dozent/in Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Termine FB LVS LP
Adloff, Frank/
Neckel, Sighard
Gesellschaftsanalysen. Prozesse – Krisen – Transformationen Mi., 10-12 Uhr (ab 18.10.2017)
Raum R 1083 (VMP 5)




Allgoewer, Elisabeth/
Schui, Florian
The state and the economy in historical perspective 26.10.17, 13:30-17 Uhr
09.11.17, 13:30-17 Uhr
16.11.17, 13:30-17 Uhr
01.12.17, 13:30-17 Uhr
Raum A215 (VMP 9)




Busch, Timo/
Schiemann, Frank
Sustainable Finance and Management Fr., 27.10.17, ganztags
Rentzelstraße 7




Krause, Melanie Ph.D.-Seminar – Empirical Research in Economics Donnerstags, 12:15 – 13:15 Uhr (ab 19.10.2017)
Raum 0029 (VMP 5)




Littig, Beate
(Fellow, Institut für Höhere Studien, Wien (Österreich))
Sozial-ökologische Transformations­forschung. Konzepte, Ansätze und Methoden Mi., 10.01.18, 16:00-17:30 Uhr (Vorbesprechung)
Di., 23.01.18, 10:00 – 17:30 Uhr
Mi., 14.02.18, 10:00 – 17:30 Uhr
Raum A215 (VMP 9)




Pfau-Effinger, Birgit Theories of Comparative and Historical Welfare State Research Mi., 01.11.17, 14:15-15:45 Uhr
Mi.,15.11.17, 14:15-15:45 Uhr
Mo., 20.11.17, ganztags
Di., 21.11.17, ganztags
Mi., 22.11.17, ganztags
Raum B230 (VMP 9)




Rastetter, Daniela Standards guter Arbeit: Verhalten in Organisationen, Aus- und Weiterbildung, Managing Diversity Mo., 06.11.17, 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Di., 07.11.17, 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Raum A215, VMP 9




Schramm, Florian Quality of Working Life: Personalwirtschaftliche Analysen Fr., 06.10.17, ganztägig
Sa., 07.10.17, ganztägig
Raum B230, VMP 9




Slapničar, Sergeja
(University of Ljubljana, Slowenien)
Incentivierung, Motivation und Entscheidungsfindung 1-Tages-Forschungsworkshop (11.10. oder 12.10.2017)
Termine stehen noch nicht fest




Vogel, Rick


PUNO & Friends: Paper Development Workshop Blöcke, alle vier Wochen à 4 Stunden
Termine stehen noch nicht fest





Dozent/in Titel der Lehrveranstaltung Termine FB LVS LP
Busch, Timo/
Geiger, Daniel
Academic Publishing and Publication Strategy Fr., 24.11.17, ganztags
Fr., 08.12.17, ganztags
Raum B230 (VMP 9)
SozÖk 2 4
Crow, Kimberly/
Elkins, Stephan
(Socio Trans Marburg)
Academic Writing Do., 15.03.18, 10:00 – 17:30 Uhr
Fr., 16.03.18, 10:00 – 17:30 Uhr
Räume 0079 und 0080 (VMP 5)
Extern —- 1
Rauchmann, Sabine Literaturrecherche für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden Mo., 09.10.17, 09-17.00 Uhr
Di., 10.10.17, 09-16.00 Uhr
Schulungsraum der Bibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaften
(VMP 5)
Extern —- 1

FB = Fachbereich
LP = Leistungspunkte
LVS = Lehrveranstaltungsstunden


Anmeldungen zu den Kursen sind möglich über „Geventis“ ( in folgenden Zeiträumen:

a) 03.08.17 (13 Uhr) bis 22.09.17 (13 Uhr) für folgende Kurse:

  • Quality of Working Life: personalwirtschaftliche Analysen (Vogel)
  • Incentivierung, Motivation und Entscheidungsfindung (Slapničar)
  •  Literaturrecherche für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden (Rauchmann)

b) 03.08.17 (13 Uhr) bis 06.10.17 (13 Uhr) für folgende Kurse:

  • Introduction to R (Fritsche) – Applied Labour Economics (Marcus / Siedler)
  • Applied Microeconometrics (Siedler)
  • Gesellschaftsanalysen. Prozesse – Krisen – Transformationen (Adloff / Neckel)
  • Ph.D. Seminar – Empirical Research in Economics (Krause)
  • Standards guter Arbeit: Verhalten in Organisationen, Aus- und Weiterbildung, Managing Diversity (Rastetter)
  • PUNO & Friends: Paper  Development Workshop  (R. Vogel)

c) 03.08.17 (13 Uhr) bis 18.10.17 (13 Uhr) für folgende Kurse:

  • Research Seminar in International Relations (Jakobeit / Meyer)
  • Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Fuzzy Sets (Kley)
  • Quantitative Text- und Literaturanalysen (Quantitative Reviews of Social Sciene Research) (Teichert)
  • Paradigmatic shifts in economics and the role of the state (Allgoewer)
  • Sustainable Finance and Management (Busch / Schiemann)
  • Theories of Comparative and Historical Welfare State Research (Pfau-Effinger)

d) 03.08.17 (13 Uhr) bis 03.11.17 (13 Uhr) für folgende Kurse:

  • MAXQDA Complete: Transkription, Datenaufbereitung und computergestützte Auswertung (Dresing) – Qualitative Interviews mit ExpertInnen. Methodologie, Konzeption und Forschungspraxis (Menz) – Academic Publishing and Publication Strategy (Busch / Geiger)

e) 03.08.17 (13 Uhr) bis 24.11.17 (13 Uhr) für folgende Kurse:

  • Processes, Sequences, and Mechanisms: Introduction to Process Tracing (Rosert)
  • Sozial-ökologische Transformations­forschung. Konzepte, Ansätze und Methoden (Littig)

f) 03.08.17 (13 Uhr) bis 26.01.18 (13 Uhr) für folgende Kurse:

  • Text as Data: Text Mining and Analysis in Economics, Social Sciences and Finance using R (Fritsche)
  • Academic Writing (Crow / Elkins)

HSU-Doktorandenweiterbildung 2017: Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) – A novel view on causality and on empirical data analysis

Institution: Erasmus University, Rotterdam/Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

Jan Dul, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Sven Hauff, Helmut Schmidt University

Date: 12.10.2017 – 10 a.m. to 15 p.m.

Place: Hamburg Business School, Hamburg University

Room: tba

Language of instruction: English

Registration: You can register for the course until 05.10.17 by email to Sven Hauff (


What is NCA?
NCA is a novel, user-friendly methodological approach, recently published in Organizational Research Methods that understands cause-effect relations as “necessary but not sufficient” (not as additive logic used in regression). A necessary condition implies that without the right level of the condition a certain effect cannot occur. This is independent of other causes, thus the necessary condition can be a bottleneck, critical factor, constraint, disqualifier, etc. In practice, the right level of necessary condition must be put and kept in place to avoid guaranteed failure. Other causes cannot compensate for this factor. Thus NCA provides a novel view on causality and on empirical data analysis.

Whom is NCA for?
NCA is applicable to any discipline, and can provide strong results even when other analyses such as regression analysis show no or weak effects. By adding a different logic and data analysis approach, NCA adds both rigor and relevance to your theory, data analysis, and publications. NCA does not require advanced statistical or methodological knowledge beforehand. It can be used in both quantitative research as well as in qualitative research. You can become one of the first users of NCA in your field, which makes your publication(s) extra attractive.

What will be discussed in the seminar?
The seminar consists of two parts:

  1. In the first part (1-2 hours) we will discuss the method and its applications in different management fields. We will explain the differences between necessity logic and traditional additive logic and describe the relevance of necessary conditions for theory and practice.
  2. Immediately afterwards, in the second part (1-3 hours depending on the number of participants) we will discuss the method in more detail. In particular we will focus on the participants’ research areas and datasets. We will also demonstrate how to use the NCA software to identify/test potential necessary conditions in empirical data sets. Participants who are interested in a demonstration of the method on their dataset can bring their dataset on a USB drive (e.g., excel.csv file) or perform an NCA analysis on their own computer.

More information:

  • Dul, J. (2016) Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA): Logic and methodology of “necessary but not sufficient” causality, Organizational Research Methods, 19(1), 10-52.

VHB-ProDok: Advanced Topics in Information Systems Theory

Institution: Kühne Logistics University/Verband der Hochschullehrer (VHB)

Lecturer: Prof. Dorothy Leidner (Baylor University) and Dr. Benjamin Müller (University of Groningen)

Dates: 18.-21. July 2017

Kühne Logistics University
Room GF Lecture 1
Großer Grasbrook 17
20457 Hamburg

Language of instruction: English

Registration: Online via or via email:

Course fee: EUR 600,00 (catering included)

Abstract and learning Objectives:
The generation of knowledge can be seen as one of the key contributions of any science. Consequently, many scholars emphasize the centrality of theories for any scientific endeavor – a thought widely reflected in many disciplines from the natural to the social sciences. While a corresponding attention to theoretical work has been at the heart of the Information Systems (IS) discipline for a long time, the focus on theoretical debates and genuine conceptual contributions has been picking up recently. This is reflected by a number of journal sections and conference tracks dedicated to advancing theory and theorizing in IS research just as much as in many authors? experiences during the reviews of their work.

The course aims to achieve the following high-level learning objectives Build a foundational understanding of what theory is and what role it plays in research Develop basic theorizing skills and be familiar with extant theorizing strategies Understand strategies to develop and publish own theoretical contributions Overall, the course is designed to help students advance their understanding of theory and theorizing in the BISE / IS discipline and enhance their theorizing skills related to their own research and thesis work.

The course “Advanced Topics in Information Systems Theory” invites participants to join the ongoing discourse on theories and theorizing in the Business and Information Systems Engineering (BISE) and Information Systems (IS) research communities. It is designed to help participants build and extend their understanding of the nature and role of theory in BISE and IS research. Through discussions and analyses of current theoretical developments in the BISE and IS discipline and some of its main reference disciplines, participants will engage with theory and advance their skills of building their own theoretical contributions.

Be advised that the course is not intended to be a comprehensive or normative prescription of how to engage with theory and theorizing in research. It is rather aimed at encouraging and empowering young scholars to carefully pay attention to their theoretical contribution and their engagement with the extant knowledge in the field. This explicitly includes a critical reflection on the current state of theory in the IS and BISE field in order to help advance the current debates on the nature and role of theory and theorizing.

For further information on the course please click here. If you have any further queries on the course, please contact Kathrin Schöps (

HSU-Doktorandenweiterbildung 2017: Aufbaukurs in SPSS

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

Lecturer: Dr. Elke Goltz, Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Marketing

Donnerstag: 06.07.17 – 09:30 bis 17:00 Uhr
Freitag: 07.07.17 – 09:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
Donnerstag: 13.07.17 – 09:30 bis 17:00 Uhr

Place: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, H1 – Raum 2161 (PC-Pool WiSo)

Language of instruction: Deutsch

Registration: Non-members of the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität may click here firstly to create an HSU-Ilias-account, and secondly here to join the course.

Aufbauend auf dem Kurs im Frühjahrstrimester 2016, in dem grundlegende Verfahren der Deskriptiv- und Inferenzstatistik besprochen wurden, werden in diesem Kurs weiterführende Verfahren zur (multi)variaten Datenanalyse vorgestellt, insbesondere:

Itemanalyse*, Varianzanalyse, Regressionsanalyse, Logistische Regression, Faktorenanalyse

* vor allem Konstruktion von Likert-Skalen

Eine genauere Planung für die jeweiligen Inhalte an den drei Veranstaltungstagen wird ca. 4 Wochen vor Veranstaltungsbeginn bekannt gegeben.

Grundkenntnisse in der Deskriptiv- und Inferenzstatistik sowie in SPSS.

GIGA Summer Term Programme 2017, 24 April – 27 June 2017

Institution: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Neuer Jungfernstieg 21
20354 Hamburg

The following seminars are open to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers at the GIGA and its partner institutions. Please note that other external participants are asked to pay a small course fee.

24 – 25 April Qualitative Interviews Dr Alenka Jelen-Sanchez, University of Stirling
3 – 4 May Introduction to R Dr Florian Weiler, University of Kent
8 May Research Data Management – Introductory Course for Doctoral Students Dr Birte Pfeiffer, GIGA
10 May CAS & Global Studies I: Growth and Development: Basic concepts, measurement and data Apl Prof Dr Jann Lay, GIGA
18 – 19 May QCA and Case Selection Prof Ingo Rohlfing Ph.D., University of Cologne
1 – 2 June Process tracing methods – an Introduction Prof Derek Beach, University of Aarhus
7 June CAS & Global Studies II: Studying Presidential Term Limits in Africa and Latin America Dr Mariana Llanos, GIGA
13 – 14 June Introduction to Grounded Theory Alice Mattoni, Scuola Normale Superiore Florence
27 June CAS & Global Studies III: Rising Powers in World Politics Prof Dr Sandra Destradi, GIGA

Information on Registration:
Participants need to register online by filling in the registration form that is available on the website of the respective event.

Questions should be addressed to Laura Carolin Freitag.

Registration deadline: Monday, 17 April 2017

Upcoming courses at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB)

Einführung in Octave

Course instructor: Dr. Ludsteck
Date: 24.-26.04.2017

Quantil Regression

Course instructor: Prof. Fitzenberger
Date: 19./20.09.2017

Causes and Consequences of Migration

Course instructor: Prof. Spitz-Oener
Date: 16./17.11.2017

Institution: Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA)

More information is coming soon!

University of Hamburg: Introduction to Research in Closed-Loop Supply Chains

Institution: Universität Hamburg, Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft

Course instructor: : Prof. Gilvan Souza (Kelley School of Business, Indiana University)

Date: June 16th 2017, 09:00-13:00 h  (block course)

Room: tba

Course Value: 1 LP

Teaching language: English

Registration: Please register via email to

Course Overview:
This course will provide an overview of research and tools used in closed-loop supply chain management research in operations management. A closed-loop supply chain is a supply chain with flows of products post-consumer use from consumers to retailers, manufacturers, and/or suppliers. Examples include consumer returns, and post-lease products. Emphasis will be given to strategic decision-making, such as product line extension, choice of product quality, and take-back legislation.

Course Contents:

  • An overview to closed-loop supply chains (CLSCs): types of product returns, and types of disposition decisions.
  • Examples of strategic, tactical and operational decisions in CLSCs
  • Strategic decision 1: Should an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) offer a remanufactured product in its product line?
    • Monopoly pricing for a single product, and for a vertically differentiated product line under linear demand curves and constant marginal costs
    • The fundamental trade-off: Market expansion vs. cannibalization
    • Extension: non-linear demand curves
    • Competition between an OEM and a third-party remanufacturer
  • Strategic decision II: What is the optimal product quality when there is product recovery in the form of remanufacturing and/or recycling?
    • Introduction to classical quality choice models without product recovery (Mussa and Rosen, 1978)
    • Quality choice with product recovery: monopoly (Atasu and Souza 2013)
    • Quality choice with product recovery: competition between an OEM and a third-party remanufacturer (Orsdemir et al. 2014)
  • Strategic decision III: Design of optimal take-back legislation from a policy maker’s perspective, and an OEM’s response to it
    • The concept of welfare and its components: firms’ profits plus consumer surplus minus environmental impact
    • The model by Atasu and Van Wassenhove (2009)
  • Incentives and coordination in CLSCs
    • Reducing consumer returns through retailer effort (Ferguson, Guide, and Souza, 2006)
  • Overview of tactical decision making in CLSCs
    • Production planning for remanufactured products: product acquisition, grading, and disposition decisions
    • Hybrid inventory systems

Prerequisites: Background in Operations and Supply Chain Management is preferred but not absolutely necessary.

Assessment: Participation in discussion

University of Hamburg: Statistical Analysis of Big Data

Institution: Universität Hamburg, Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft

Course instructor: Prof. Martin Spindler (UHH)

Date: Semester course, Time: T or W, 8-10am

Place: tba

Course value: 2 SWS or 4 LP

Course overview:
The main goal of this course is to give an introduction to statistical methods for the analysis of big data. Recently developed methods are discussed, in particular various methods of machine learning are presented and basic concepts for the analysis of big data are introduced. The course is based on the recent book by Efron and Hastie (2016).

Reference: Efron, B. and T. Hastie. Computer Age Statistical Inference. Cambridge University Press 2016.

Teaching language: English

Student evaluation: paper presentation/presentation of a chapter of the book

Registration: by email to

46th GESIS Spring Seminar: Causal Inference with Observational Data

Date: 06.03 – 24.03.2017

Location: GESIS Location in Cologne. For a list with hotel recommendations, information about Cologne as well as on how to get to GESIS please click here.  

Language of instruction: English


The GESIS Spring Seminar (formerly ZA Spring Seminar) has been taking place in Cologne annually for more  than 45 years. It offers three consecutive one-week courses in advanced methods  of quantitative data analysis for Social Scientists. Language of instruction is English.

Week 1 (06.-10.03.2017)

  • Causal Analysis with Panel Data: Potentials and Limitations – Prof. Dr. Michael Windzio, Jun. Prof. Dr. Marco Giesselmann (for further information and registration please click here)

Week 2 (13.-17.03.2017)

  • Structural Equation Models (SEMs)  – Prof. Kenneth Bollen, PhD with Zachary Fisher (for further information and registration please click here)

Week 3 (20.-24.03.2017

  • Potential Outcomes and Treatment Effects: Modern Methods of Causal Inference  – Prof. Dr. Ben Jann, Dr. Rudolf Farys (for further information and registration please click here)

JMP Intro & DOE/Kriging Workshop using JMP and R on 25th November at the HSU — CANCELED!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Due to unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances, the above-mentioned workshop on Kriging using JMP and R, scheduled for 25th November at the HSU, has to be canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Kind regards
Volker Kraft, JMP Academic Ambassador, and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sven Knoth, Chair of Computational Statistics, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg