Category Archives: Network Courses

ReMaT – Research management training for early-stage researchers

A ReMaT workshop – Research management online training for early-stage researchers – will take place on 21st and 22nd October 2021. The workshop is designed for early-stage researchers in engineering and natural sciences, particularly PhD candidates from the 2nd year onwards. The idea of European networking is very much embedded in the concept, and we encourage participation from many different countries at the workshop.

ReMaT is an interactive, intensive workshop providing an introduction to research management. It involves two international trainers and is held in English. The modules of the workshop cover exploitation of knowledge and entrepreneurship, acquisition of grants, intellectual property rights and the management of interdisciplinary projects. They are delivered in such a way that it challenges participants to consider different perspectives on how they might use their PhD education in a variety of career paths, and convince others to hire them.

More information and registration

TUTECH INNOVATION GMBH which is organising the workshop was founded in 1992 as the technology transfer institute for the Hamburg University of Technology. We are offering services regarding participation in EU-funded programmes especially for publicly funded universities and SMEs.

CfA: “Causality in the Social Sciences III – Heterogeneous Causal Effects”

The workshop “Causality in the Social Sciences III – Heterogeneous Causal Effects” picks up on recent approaches and debates on causal effect heterogeneity from three different angles:

(i) Interpretation of heterogeneous effects,
(ii) estimating heterogeneous effects with observational and experimental data, and
(iii) machine learning techniques for specification search.

Confirmed keynote speakers are Jennie E. Brand (UCLA), and Richard Breen (Oxford University).

We accept a maximum of 15 presentations. Workshop participation is free of charge. Application deadline: 30 June 2021.

For further information and a detailed call for applications, please visit

2nd Virtual GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology

The 10th GESIS Summer School — Europe’s leading summer school in survey methodology, research design, and data collection — will take place online as the 2nd Virtual GESIS Summer School from 28 July to 20 August 2021. Scheduled are four short courses and ten one-week courses. You may earn 4 ECTS credits by writing a

For all relevant information including the full program and detailed course descriptions visit

VHB ProDok Kurs “Qualitative Research Methods”

Qualitative Research Methods

Date: 21.-24.09.2021
Processes and Methods of Qualitative and Mixed Method Research

Grundlegendes Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, den Teilnehmern Kenntnisse über den Prozess und die Methoden qualitativer Forschungsdesigns zu vermitteln und die Eignung solcher Designs für konkrete Problemstellungen der Teilnehmer zu diskutieren (Werkstatt-Prinzip).

  • Grundlagen und spezifische Merkmale qualitativer Forschung
  • die Indikation qualitativer Forschung und die Rolle der Wissenschaftstheorie
  • der qualitative Forschungsprozess und der Einfluss von Theorien
  • die Erhebung qualitativer Daten
  • die Auswertung qualitativer Daten: Grounded Theory, Ethnografie, Qualitative Heuristik, Diskursanalyse, Sequenzanalyse, Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse
  • Gütekriterien und Geltungsbegründung qualitativer Befunde
  • Methodenintegrative Designs (Mixed Methods)

Technische Universität Hamburg
Am Schwarzenberg – Campus 1 (Gebäude A)
21073 Hamburg




Prof. Dr. Thomas Wrona

Institut für Strategisches & Internationales Management, Technische Universität Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Philipp Mayring
Institut für Psychologie der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt;


Um einen Überblick über die Höhe der Teilnahmegebühr zu erhalten und um sich anzumelden, nutzen Sie bitte diesen Link:

Sie können außerdem eine Email senden.


Anmeldefrist: 20. Juni 2021

VHB ProDok Kurs “Foundational Theories of Strategic Management Research”

Foundational Theories of Strategic Management Research

Date: 19.07.-22.07.2021

The main objective of the course is to familiarize doctoral students with the basic assumptions, concepts and theories underlying the field. In essence, we want to help doctoral students to become independent scholars who are knowledgeable on the major theories in the field of strategy.

We typically start with reading the seminal work on the topic, followed by examining several recent empirical applications of the theory. The course is comprehensive, encompassing the following domains: Overview of the field of Strategic Management, Industrial Organization Approaches to Strategy, Resource-based View Approaches to Strategy, Transaction Cost Economics and Vertical Integration, Real Options and Sequential Decision Making, Principal-Agent Theory and Corporate Governance, Top Executives and the Upper-Echelons Perspective, the Governance Performance Relationship.


Freie Universität Berlin

Course Language:



Prof. Michael J. Leiblein, PhD,

Ohio State University

Freie Universität Berlin


Click for information on fees, payment and registration,
or email us:

Registration Deadline: 20. Juni 2021

VHB ProDok Kurs “Choice-Based Optimization”

Choice-Based Optimization

Date: 19.07.-22.07.2021

Demand is an important quantity in many optimization problems such as revenue management and supply chain management. Demand usually depends on “supply” (price and availability of products, f. e.), which in turn is decided on in the optimization model. Hence, demand is endogenous to the optimization problem. Choice-based optimization (CBO) merges discrete choice models with math programs. Discrete choice models (DCM) have been applied by both practitioners and researchers for more than four decades in various fields. DCM describe the choice probabilities of individuals selecting an alternative from a set of available alternatives. CBO determines (i) the availability of the alternatives and/or (ii) the attributes of the alternatives, i.e., the decision variables determine the availability of alternatives and/or the shape of the attributes. We present CBO applications to location planning, supply chain management, assortment and revenue management.

Course Content:

Students will learn how to develop and use predictive models (discrete choice models) in the software R and how to introduce such models in mathematical models for decision-making (i.e., mixed integer programs) to consider demand as an auxiliary variable. The models will be implemented in a modeling environment (GAMS). Case studies will be used for practicing purposes.


The course will be held online only. The lecturers will give presentations about the theoretical contents. Active participation is compulsory.


Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Knut Haase
Universität Hamburg

Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Sven Müller

Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg


Click for information on fees, payment and registration,
or email us:

Registration Deadline: 20. Juni 2021

VHB ProDok Kurs “Marketing Strategy Performance: Theory, Models, and Empirical Applications”

Marketing Strategy Performance: Theory, Models and Empirical Applications

Date: 05.-08.07.2021

Against the background of increasing pressure from the capital market and major corporate trends such as digitization, marketing managers are more and more forced to demonstrate the performance and value relevance of their decisions. Marketing scholars have responded to this development and produced numerous articles that relate marketing decisions with the creation of market-based assets (e.g. customer satisfaction), product-market performance (e.g., market share), accounting performance (e.g., return on assets), and financial-market performance (e.g., stock returns). The course aims at providing an overview of this literature, both from a conceptual/model-based perspective and from an empirical point of view. After having attended the course, students should be able to:

  • Understand central concepts of marketing strategy performance research and be able to establish links between these concepts;
  • Understand the basics of market response modeling and recognize the relevance of model specification for the validity of empirical estimation results;
  • Understand, categorize, and criticize high-quality (“A+”) articles within the research field;
  • Know key data analysis methods within the research field including their scope of application as well as their limitations and conduct first own analyses using standard software (R);
  • Develop relevant and interesting research questions with a potential for a high-quality publication.




Prof. Dr. Marc Fischer (Universität zu Köln)
Dr. Alexander Edeling (Universität zu Köln)
Prof. Dr. Simone Wies (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main)

Click for information on fees, payment and registration,

or email us:

As this course is offered as an digital course, the participation fee is reduced by 160 Euro.

Registration Deadline: June 6th, 2021

Tutech Innovation: How to prepare a competitive Horizon Europe proposal (21.04.2021)

The aim of the workshop is to provide guidance on how to develop proposals to
Horizon Europe that have a good chance of success and how to manage the
preparation process so that it comes to fruition on time in an efficient manner. We will start by looking at how proposals are evaluated and the new structure of the HEU template. Then we will focus on the novel notion of pathways to impact.

We will also look at the organisation of proposal preparation and how to develop a narrative. Real case examples will be used with the aim to make the workshop as hands-on’ as possible. There will be the opportunity to ask questions and on request, advice can be given after the workshop on specific cases.

Organiser: The workshop is provided by Tutech In-novation GmbH, a company owned jointly by Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg whose mission is to promote effective transfer and exploitation of scientific and technical knowledge.

Trainer: Monica Schofield, CEng FIET currently heads the Business Unit Consultancy and Competence Development and is Director International Cooperation at Tutech Innovation.

Date: 21 April 2021 09:00 – 13:00 hrs

Place: online

Language of instruction: English

Registration: For additional information on workshop fees, conditions of registration and participation as well as the course programme, please click here.

Promotionsstudiengangskurse der Universität Hamburg / Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften / Graduate School

Promotionsstudiengangskurse im  Sommersemester 2021

Die Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg bietet auch im kommenden Sommersemester 2021 wieder eine Vielzahl interessanter Kurse an. Nähere Details zu Kursen, Anmeldungen und Terminen entnehmen Sie bitte dem beigefügten Link.


HSU – Einführung in die quantitative Datenanalyse mit SPSS

Workshop zur Einführung in die quantitative Datenanalyse mit SPSS (Version 24/25)


Wie lassen sich erhobene Daten zielführend auswerten? In der Veranstaltung werden grundlegende Kenntnisse zu Statistiksoftware SPSS vermittelt. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die Programmoberfläche und einfache Auswertungsverfahren der Deskriptiv- und Inferenzstatistik.

Die Veranstaltung ist so konzipiert, dass die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer am Ende des Kurses mit folgenden Inhalten sicher umgehen können:

  • Erstellung von Datenmasken und Dateneingabe
  • Uni- und bivariate deskriptive Statistik
  • Zusammenhangs- und Unterschiedsmessungen; Signifikanztests
  • Durchführung von Berechnungen; z.B. Erzeugung neuer Variablen, etwa Indizes
  • Verknüpfung von Dateien (Quer- und Längsschnitt)

Darüber hinaus können nach Absprache und zeitlichen Ressourcen gern weitere Themen mit der Dozentin behandelt bzw. individuelle Fragestellungen besprochen werden.


keine, von Vorteil wären jedoch Grundkenntnisse zu statistischen Kennziffern (etwa Mittelwerte, Streuungsmaße)



Dr. Elke Goltz, HSU


13.04.21 bis zum 16.04.21 – jeweils von 9:30 bis 14:30 Uhr


Online via MS Teams; Einloggdaten werden nach Schließung der TN-Liste verschickt.


maximal 10


Für Mitglieder der HSU erfolgt der direkte Kursbeitritt ab sofort unter diesem Link:


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