Category Archives: Network Courses

VHB ProDok Kurs



Abstract and Learning Objectives

Meta-analyses have become increasingly popular in many fields of the social sciences incl. business and management research. The results of meta-analyses attract substantial interest by both scholars and practitioners, as indicated by high citation numbers and widespread dissemination of meta-analytic findings in the media.

By summarizing results drawn from a set of studies concerning a specific topic and by discovering and explaining consistencies and inconsistencies of those results, meta-analysis is an essential step in the process of knowledge accumulation, theory building and theory testing in science, linking past research with future scientific endeavors.

The course targets researchers who are interested in understanding, conducting, and publishing meta-analytic research. Participants of this course will learn how to conduct and publish a high-quality meta-analysis in the area of management and business research. To this aim, the course follows a step-by-step procedure that covers the entire meta-analysis research process, including problem formulation and definition of a research question for a meta-analysis, literature search, study and effects coding, data preparation and analysis, and reporting and publishing. Participants will further learn how to evaluate meta-analyses in the business and management literature and to follow the respective methodological discussion about meta-analyses in their field.



September 6 – 9, 2022



Harnack-Haus Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Ihnestr. 16-20
14195 Berlin




Prof. Dr. Martin Eisend

European University Viadrina



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Registration Deadline: August 7, 2022

VHB ProDok Kurs

Managing Interorganizational Relations – Process Views

Abstract and Learning Objectives

This doctoral seminar exposes students into advanced theories of organization with a particular focus on process perspectives on the management of interorganizational relations. While interorganizational relations (IOR) are often studied from a rather static, network-analytical perspective or with a focus on bilateral ties, this doctoral seminar is geared towards students that are interested in IOR, in particular those of a collaborative nature, as complex process systems that require ongoing practices of their management.

Students should be familiar with „classic“ management and organization theories such as the theory of bureaucracy, institutional theory, or contingency theory before taking this course.

After this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the relevance and forms of IOR in diverse empirical contexts
  • Understand the basic pillars of process theories of organizations and be able to apply this thinking to the context of IOR
  • Understand core challenges and tensions regarding the management of IOR
  • Develop relevant research questions that promise theoretical contributions in the management of IOR

Date of Event:

September 5-8, 2022


Harnack-Haus Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Ihnestr. 16-20
14195 Berlin

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elke Schüßler
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz


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Registration Deadline: July 24, 2022

VHB ProDok Kurs

Advanced Topics in Experimental Accounting Research

The purpose of this course is to provide advanced insights into experimental research from managerial accounting, financial accounting and auditing. Therefore, this course covers recent experimental studies from these three accounting areas that apply behavioral decision theory, psychology, and economics to address a variety of accounting research questions. Each study is intended to provide insights into specific and advanced questions of how to motivate, develop, design and write up an experimental study. Therefore, even though from different accounting disciplines, all studies are relevant to all students as they treat fundamental questions for experimental research. The course includes published research, as well as working papers, mainly from leading accounting researchers in the field.

The goals of this course are

  • to deepen students’ understanding of experimental research, particularly in the field of accounting,
  • to help students develop the skills necessary to critically evaluate such research,
  • to help students develop and motivate their own research ideas,
  • to help students develop rigorous experimental designs for conducting their own research,
  • to challenge the limits of the experimental research method for accounting research questions.



29. August – 1. September 2022


Harnack-Haus Berlin





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Registration deadline: 24. Juli 2022

VHB ProDok Kurs

Marketing Strategy Performance: Theory, Models, and Empirical Applications

Against the background of increasing pressure from the capital market and major corporate trends such as digitization, marketing managers are more and more forced to demonstrate the performance and value relevance of their decisions. Marketing scholars have responded to this development and produced numerous articles that relate marketing decisions with the creation of market-based assets (e.g. customer satisfaction), product-market performance (e.g., market share), accounting performance (e.g., return on assets), and financial-market performance (e.g., stock returns). The course aims at providing an overview of this literature, both from a conceptual/model-based perspective and from an empirical point of view. After having attended the course, students should be able to:

  • Understand central concepts of marketing strategy performance research and be able to establish links between these concepts;
  • Understand the basics of market response modeling and recognize the relevance of model specification for the validity of empirical estimation results;
  • Understand, categorize, and criticize high-quality (“A+”) articles within the research field;
  • Know key data analysis methods within the research field including their scope of application as well as their limitations and conduct first own analyses using standard software (R);
  • Develop relevant and interesting research questions with a potential for a high-quality publication.


July 11-14, 2022


Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Apostelnkloster 13-15, 50672 Köln




Prof. Dr. Marc Fischer (Universität zu Köln)

Prof. Dr. Simone Wies (Gotehe-Universität Frankfurt/M.)

Prof. Dr. Alexander Edeling (Universität zu Köln)


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Registration Deadline: June 12th, 2022

Gastvortrag Forschungsdatenzentrum: Betriebs- und Organisationsdaten und die Möglichkeiten der Archivierung qualitativer Daten/HSU Hamburg

Im Rahmen einer Vortragsreihe des Forschungsclusters OPAL der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg/Universität der Bundeswehr wird folgender Gastvortrag angekündigt:

Vortragender: Tobias Gebel, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Forschungsinfrastruktur des DIW Berlin

Vortragstitel: „Das Forschungsdatenzentrum: Betriebs- und Organisationsdaten und die Möglichkeiten der Archivierung qualitativer Daten“

Datum des Vortrags:  25. April 2022 um 18:00 – 19:30 Uhr

Der Vortrag findet im hybriden Format statt. Für Zugangsinformationen schreiben Sie eine Email an

A differentiated Europe and its implications

The core objective of this course is to address differentiation as a central concern in European studies, across academic disciplines from political science, public policy and public administration, to law, sociology and history. All modern political systems are differentiated; the EU is distinctly so. Precisely how and what the implications are for the EU and its member states remain contested. The course aims to conceptualize differentiation, discuss causes and effects of differentiation, and show how differentiation manifests itself internally in the EU and in the EU’s relations with non-members.

21-24 June 2022

University of Oslo, zoom

Course Language:

– John Erik Fossum, Professor of Political Science, ARENA and EU3D Scientific Coordinator
– Jarle Trondal, Professor of Political Science, ARENA and University of Agder

Other contributors:
– Dirk Leuffen, Professor of political science and international politics at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, at the University of Konstanz, and work-package co-leader in EU3D
– Benjamin Leruth, Assistant Professor in European Politics and Society, University of Groningen
– Vivien A. Schmidt, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration, Professor of International Relations in the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Professor of Political Science at Boston University
– Sieglinde Gstöhl, Director of the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies and full-time Professor, College of Europe in Bruges

Find more information here:
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Registration Deadline: May 15, 2022

ZBW – Leibniz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft

Digitaler Workshop „Gute Wissenschaftliche Praxis und Reproduzierbare Forschung mit STATA“

Im Workshop zeigen wir, wie Analysecodes und Daten reproduzierbar und entsprechend den Richtlinien renommierter Journals aufbereitet werden. Wir geben einen Überblick über die Anforderungen der wichtigsten Drittmittelgeber, Fachzeitschriften und Fachgesellschaften in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften.


22. März 2022 von 10:00-15:00 Uhr


Der Kurs ist bereits seit dem 8.3.22 ausgebucht. Interessenten können sich aber trotzdem noch auf eine Warteliste setzen lassen und ggf. nachrücken, falls andere Teilnehmer ausfallen sollten.


Der Workshop richtet sich vorrangig an Master-Studierende und Promovierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, die am Anfang ihrer Dissertation stehen, mit quantitativen Daten arbeiten und STATA als Statistiksoftware nutzen. Teilnehmende sollten deshalb Kenntnisse von Statistik/Ökonometrie und Erfahrungen im Umgang mit einer Statistiksoftware haben.

Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen begrenzt, um allen Teilnehmenden ausreichend Möglichkeit für Fragen und zur Diskussion der Themen zu ermöglichen.

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.


Bitte über die Webseite der ZBW:

VHB ProDok Kurs

Foundational Theories of Strategic Management Research

The main objective of the course is to familiarize doctoral students with the basic assumptions, concepts and theories underlying the field. In essence, we want to help doctoral students to become independent scholars who are knowledgeable on the major theories in the field of strategy.


June 2022, 13-16


University of Passau

Course Language:



Prof. Jeffrey J. Reuer, University of Colorado


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Registration Deadline: May 15, 2022

VHB ProDok Kurs

Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion Research

The course aims to introduce students to the leading concepts and current discussions in gender, diversity, and inclusion research with a particular focus on those that are shaped by and relevant to the contemporary societal changes, developments, and global challenges. The course is structured in two blocks. In the first block (in June, online) students will be introduced to relevant concepts, theories, management practices, and ongoing debates in this field of study. Based on this and students’ preparation during the summer months, students will present their insights and (if applicable) their research ideas in the second block (in October, in person in Berlin).

Upon successful completion of the course, students will:

  • Acquire knowledge of past and current issues addressed in gender, diversity, and inclusion (GDI) studies from varying research paradigms;
  • Develop an understanding of how GDI research can address societal changes, developments, and challenges;
  • Be familiar with the latest evidence-based knowledge on how individuals, teams/groups, structure/context, and organizational policies/practices influence individual inclusion-exclusion experiences and behaviors in organizations;
  • Advance their reflective and critical thinking skills in analyzing the role of organizational practices for GDI at the workplace;


June 7-8, 2022, 10am – 5pm: online (Zoom)
October 4-5, 2022, 10am – 5pm: Berlin (Harnack-Haus, Berlin-Dahlem, Ihnestr. 16-20)


Online / Berlin

Course Language:

German or English (depending on participants)


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renate Ortlieb (University of Graz)

Dr. Lena Knappert (Vrije Universiteit, VU, Amsterdam)


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Registration Deadline: 8. Mai 2022

VHB ProDok Kurs


Advanced Topics in Asset Pricing and Capital Market Research

Starting from a solid theoretical foundation, this course provides students with an understanding of important empirical methods and their application in asset pricing. It covers both the classical approaches based on Fama and MacBeth (1973) and Black, Jensen and Scholes (1972) – which are still widely used in current research – and GMM-based estimation methods. Furthermore, it shows how machine learning approaches can be meaningfully incorporated into modern asset pricing.

The course intends to enable students to plan and carry out empirical research in asset pricing on their own and prepares for an empirical PhD thesis in this area of finance.


30. May – 2. June 2022


MLP Campus
Alte Heerstraße 40
69168 Wiesloch




University of Tübingen

University of Mannheim

University of Tübingen


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Registration Deadline: 1. May 2022