Category Archives: Network Courses

VHB-ProDok: Kurs „Endogeneity” – 19.-22.9.2018 in Tübingen

Vom 19. bis 22. September 2018 führt Professor Dominik Papies (Universität Tübingen) erneut im ProDok-Angebot einen Kurs zum Thema „ENDOGENEITY” durch. Der Kurs wurde im letzten Jahr sehr gut evaluiert.

Interessenten können sich noch bis 18. AUGUST 2018 über das elektronische Anmeldeformular oder per Email an anmelden. Unter dem Link finden Sie außerdem die Informationen zur Anmeldegebühr.

Alle Informationen zu VHB-ProDok finden Sie unter Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen unsere Projektkoordinatorin Kathrin Schöps ( von der Geschäftsstelle des VHB gerne zur Verfügung.

Hier erhalten Sie den Gesamtüberblick über unser Kursangebot VHB-ProDok.


Many empirical research projects that use non-experimental data are struggling with the proper identification of causal effects of independent variables (e.g., price, management decisions) on dependent variables (e.g., demand). The reason is that the identification of a causal effect hinges on the untestable assumption that the error term of a model is uncorrelated with the independent variables. If this assumption is not met, a model is plagued by endogeneity. The topic of endogeneity has received considerable attention, and it is probably the most frequently encountered troublemaker in a review process at an academic journal. This course therefore has the goal of making students familiar with the problem of endogeneity and potential remedies. This implies that it will cover the opportunities and problems associated with traditional approaches (e.g., Instrumental Variable estimation) as well as more recent developments (e.g., Gaussian Copulas). The course will also cover how the data structure (e.g., panel data) can be utilized to address the problem.

Because the literature on endogeneity is often quite technical, this course aims at providing an easily accessible approach to this topic. Special emphasis will also be given to understanding when endogeneity indeed poses a real problem as compared to settings in which endogeneity is less likely to be a real threat to the validity of the findings. After completing this course, students will be able to define and describe endogeneity problems in different empirical settings, they will know how to implement techniques that address endogeneity, and they will be aware of the (dis)advantages of different methods. 

Date of event:

19. – 22. September 2018


University of Tübingen

School of Business and Economics

Nauklerstr. 47

72074 Tübingen


Prof. Dr. Dominik Papies (Universität Tübingen)


To get an overview of the amount of the participation fee and to register for the course, please use this link:

You can also send an email to prodok(at)vhbonline(dot)org.

VHB-ProDok: Kurs „Advanced Topics in Human Ressource Management Research” – 24.-27.9.2018 in Paderborn

Vom 24. bis 27. September 2018 führen Professor Martin Schneider (Universität Paderborn) und Professor Ingo Weller (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) erstmals im ProDok-Angebot einen Kurs zum Thema „Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management Research”  an der Universität Paderborn durch.


Der Kurs soll einen Überblick über die Forschung im HRM geben und den Teilnehmer/Innen dabei helfen, ein eigenes Aufsatzmanuskript im Rahmen des Kurses in der (inter-)nationalen Forschungslandschaft zu verorten und im Rahmen des Kurses weiterzuentwickeln:

  • Unterscheidung wichtiger Ansätze und Schulen im HRM
  • Einordung des eigenen (Teil-)Projektes in diese Ansätze und Schulen
  • Identifikation der Beiträge des Projektes
  • Entwickeln eines Plans zur Verbesserung des Aufsatzmanuskriptes
  • Vorbereitung einer Publikationsstrategie (Zeitschriften, Form, Methodik)

Wie Sie dem Syllabus entnehmen können, sollen die Teilehmenden bis zum 17. September ein Aufsatzmanuskript einreichen. Zur Orientierung: Sie sollten ein Manuskript von mindestens 4 Seiten (reiner Text) mit ersten Ergebnissen vorliegen haben. Das Manuskript soll während des Kurses weiterentwickelt werden.

Interessierte können sich noch bis 25. AUGUST 2018 über das elektronische Anmeldeformular oder per Email an anmelden. Unter dem Link finden Sie außerdem die Informationen zur Anmeldegebühr.

Alle Informationen zu VHB-ProDok finden Sie unter Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen unsere Projektkoordinatorin Kathrin Schöps ( von der Geschäftsstelle des VHB gerne zur Verfügung.

Einen Gesamtüberblick über unser Kursangebot VHB-ProDok erhalten Sie hier.

Hamburger R-Kurs, 13.-17.08.2018, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität

Institution: Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Torben Kuhlenkasper

Date: 13.-17.08.2018

Place: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, Building H01, Seminarraum 0301

Language of instruction: German

Registration: Please mail to Erik Haustein


In der Woche vom 13.-17.08.2018 wird Herr Prof. Dr. Torben Kuhlenkasper, Professor für quantitative Methoden an der Hochschule Pforzheim, an der HSU wieder einen Blockkurs zur Einführung in die Statistik-Software R geben. Dabei handelt es sich um eine von Statistikern, aber zunehmend auch von Volkswirten verwendete Statistiksoftware, die kostenlos verwendet werden kann und extrem leistungsfähig ist.

Prof. Kuhlenkasper hat den Kurs in den letzten Jahren bereits in bewährter Manier an unserer Fakultät gehalten. Der Kurs wird ganztägig im Gebäude H01, Seminarraum 0301 stattfinden. Teilnehmende werden gebeten, ihren eigenen Laptop mitzubringen. Weitere Informationen zum Kurs finden Sie hier.

Interessierte wenden sich bitte bis zum 08.08.2018 per Mail bei Erik Haustein (

VHB Pro-Dok: Qualitative Research Methods and Mixed Methods (18.-21.09.2018)

Vom 18.-21. September 2018 findet in Hamburg ein ProDok-Kurs zum Thema „Qualitative Research Methods and Mixed Methods” statt, der durch Prof. Dr. Thomas Wrona (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg) und Prof. Dr. Philipp Mayring (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt) angeboten wird.


Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Am Schwarzenberg – Campus 1 (Gebäude A)
21073 Hamburg


Grundlegendes Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, den Teilnehmern Kenntnisse über den Prozess und die Methoden qualitativer Forschungsdesigns zu vermitteln und die Eignung solcher Designs für konkrete Problemstellung der Teilnehmer zu diskutieren (Werkstatt-Prinzip).

  • Grundlagen und spezifische Merkmale qualitativer Forschung
  • die Indikation qualitativer Forschung und die Rolle der Wissenschaftstheorie
  • der qualitative Forschungsprozess und der Einfluss von Theorien
  • die Erhebung qualitativer Daten
  • die Auswertung qualitativer Daten
  • Grounded Theory, Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse
  • Gütekriterien und Geltungsbegründung qualitativer Befunde
  • Methodenintegrative Designs (Mixed Methods)

Die qualitative Managementforschung und der Einsatz gemischter  Methoden der Datenerhebung und -auswertung bilden einen Bereich der  betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung, der zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. Nicht selten basieren „best papers” auf der Anwendung qualitativer Forschungsmethoden, die daher als besonders einflussreich eingeschätzt werden.

Interessenten können sich noch bis 29. Juni 2018 über das elektronische Anmeldeformular oder per Email an anmelden. Unter dem Link finden Sie außerdem die Informationen zur Anmeldegebühr.

Alle Informationen zu VHB-ProDok finden Sie unter

Einen Gesamtüberblick über das Kursangebot VHB-ProDok erhalten Sie hier.

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies: An Introduction to the Logic and Practice of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) (19.-20.06.2018)

Course Description: This workshop provides an introduction into Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), a method based on set theory and Boolean algebra to uncover relations between explanatory conditions and an outcome in medium- to large-n datasets. We will discuss the set-theoretic and Boolean foundations of the method, its logic of inference and learn how to use the method in practice, working with real-life datasets.

This workshop is aimed at beginners and no previous knowledge of set-theoretic fundamentals or the method is required. A working knowledge of the software R is beneficial but not necessary. Participants should bring a laptop computer with a recent copy of R and RStudio installed.

Date of Event: 19.-20.06.2018

Location: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

Lecturer:  Dr David Kuehn is Senior Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies.

Further Information and Registration (Deadline: 6 April 2018)

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies: Making your research accessible: Data Visualization and Interactive Graphics (14.-15.06.2018)

Course Description: This course aims to enable participants to produce high-quality plots based on raw data and/or model outputs using the R package “ggplot2” (1st day) and to teach principles of interactive data visualization with the R package “shiny” (2nd day). The first day will familiarize participants with the logic of the ggplot package and apply those principles to common use cases. In addition to some generic examples, such as scatterplots with/without regression lines, boxplots, or line charts, these use cases will be largely driven by participants’ needs and requests. Possible topics include grouped plots, faceting (i.e. dividing your data into many categories and plot them individually for comparison), or visualizing regression model output (e.g. through “dot-whisker” plots). Participants will learn through hand-on exercises to build their own plots and learn how to export plots in various formats. The second day will revolve around the main steps involved in creating interactive web applications using R and Shiny Apps. During this day, participants will learn how to prepare data for building interactive graphics, the basic principles for crafting interactive apps and the main alternatives to deploy and share visualizations. After a brief introductory part, this session will be mostly practical. Participants will learn to create generic apps, as well as their own particular visualizations based on participants’ datasets and examples.

We strongly encourage participants to familiarize themselves with the basic principles of R before the course, as we won’t have much time to focus on R basics during the course.

Date of Event: 14.-15.06.2018

Location: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

Lecturer:  Felix Haaß is a Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of African Affairs. Pau Palop García is a Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies.

Further Information and Registration (Deadline: 6 April 2018)

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies: Introduction to Grounded Theory (06.-07.06.2018)

Course Description: This seminar aims at introducing graduate students to grounded theory, a specific research strategy belonging to the large family of qualitative methods. In particular, the seminar 1) situates grounded theory in the history of qualitative methods and presents its two main traditions, objectivist and constructivist grounded theory; 2) discusses the overall structure and the main steps of qualitative research design in grounded theory, from data gathering and sampling; 3) introduces the practice of coding in grounded theory, including initial coding, axial coding and selective coding; 4) reflects on the role of writing in grounded theory, introducing memos as a powerful analytic tool. Drawing on actual research examples and in-class exercises, the instructor will guide students throughout the main steps of grounded theory, hence also critically considering some common challenges in qualitative methods, like data sampling and coding strategies. For this reason, the seminar might also benefit students who are interested in qualitative methods while not planning to use grounded theory in their research.

Date of Event: 06.-07.06.2018

Location: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

Lecturer: Alice Mattoni is an assistant professor at the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence and a research fellow at the Centre on Social Movement Studies, based in the same institution and directed by Prof. Donatella della Porta. She regularly teaches courses and seminars on qualitative data analysis, computer-assisted qualitative data analysis, grounded theory and visual analysis for social movement studies. She acted as the co-director of the COSMOS/ECPR of Methods for the Study of Political Participation and Mobilization in 2013 and 2015. She is the principal investigator of PiCME – Political Participation in Complex Media Environments (2015-2018), that compares the use of media for institutional and grassroots politics in Greece, Italy and Spain.

Further Information and Registration (Deadline: 6 April 2018)

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies: Global Approach to CAS Series III: Studying Authoritarian Regimes: A Comparative Perspective (28.05.2018)

Course Description: This course offers an introduction to the empirical study of the majority of political systems around the world. According to Freedom House, people live under unfree political conditions within 55 percent of countries worldwide and there has been a rising trend of declining political and civil rights within all regions of the world for more than a decade. More specifically, the course will highlight the following aspects: First, main elements of the definitions and measurement strategies used in current research on authoritarianism will be summarised. Second, a brief overview will introduce recent trends and developments in researching authoritarian regimes. And, third, examples of GIGA research from the work of scholars in the Research Team “Authoritarian Politics” will be introduced in order to illustrate some of the main research strategies used by GIGA scholars in this important field of comparative politics.

Date of Event: 28.05.2018

Location: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

Lecturer: Dr Thomas Richter is a Senior Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies.

Further Information and Registration (Deadline: 6 April 2018)

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies: Qualitative Interviews and Analysis (17.-18.05.2018)

Course Description: This course aims to introduce doctoral students to the most widely used qualitative research technique – the interview. The course begins by outlining the sorts of research question that are best addressed through qualitative interviews, touching on debates about the nature of qualitative data. We then consider the practical considerations when undertaking a qualitative interview project – from selecting participants through to choosing a location in which to conduct the interview and the sorts of things you ought to take with you into the field. There will be a practical exercise on designing a qualitative interview guide, with a session devoted to how to avoid and recognise poorly worded interview questions. Attention will be focused on the key skills that qualitative interviewers need to collect good quality data (including body language, asking open questions, probing, prompting and active listening) and we will discuss the importance of critical reflexivity throughout the research process. Participants will also be introduced to thematic analysis and shown how to undertake a basic analysis using the CAQDAS package, MAXQDA.

The course is primarily aimed at two groups of doctoral students; those who are at the beginning of their qualitative research projects and want to deepen their knowledge of the qualitative interview; and those who have never used qualitative methods and want an introduction to one of main data collection tools used within this approach.

Date of Event: 17.-18.05.2018

Location: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

Lecturer: Dr Katy Wheeler is a Lecturer in Sociology at The University of Essex. She has extensive experience of conducting qualitative interviews with a range of different participants from industry experts through to household interviews. Her research interests are in the fields of sustainability and ethical consumption. She is also an instructor at the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis, where she co-runs a course on qualitative interviewing.

Further Information and Registration (Deadline: 6 April 2018)

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies: Global Approach to CAS Series II: Comparative regionalism: Bringing EU studies back to Latin American regionalism? The ups and downs of a complicated relationship (14.05.2018)

Course Description: There is by now a broad consensus among scholars of Latin American regionalism (and other regionalisms) not to take the EU as the gold standard for regional integration and cooperation. The focus on Europe and Europe-focused integration theories led to into a blind alley. In the course, we will discuss why this has been the case. But while the Euro crisis and the Brexit had negative repercussions for the EU, they might improve the options for comparative regionalism by adding the study of regional disintegration to the study of regional integration. So once again one might ask and discuss which tools and analytical approaches developed in EU studies might be applied to the study of Latin American regionalism.

Date of Event: 14.05.2018

Location: GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg, Germany

Lecturer: Prof Dr Detlef Nolte is Director of the GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies.

Further Information and Registration (Deadline: 6 April 2018)