Category Archives: GESIS

GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology (8-30 August, 2013)

The 2nd GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology will take place at GESIS Cologne from August 08 to 30, 2013.

Surveys are the main method of systematic data collection in the Social Sciences. Surveys provide empirical data for researchers to analyse, and are an important source of information for business, charities and policy makers. There are numerous types of surveys suited for different purposes. Given the variety and complexity of survey research, designing and conducting a survey that effectively and efficiently serves a specific purpose requires specialised expertise and skill (as well as a good team).


The GESIS Summer School offers high quality training in state of the art techniques and methods of survey research. It aims to equip participants with essential skills in the design, planning, execution, documentation and quality assurance of surveys of households, individuals or organisations. This Summer School is unique in Europe with its focus on Survey Methodology and data collection.

The GESIS Summer School does not only give a broad overview of survey methods, but provides an opportunity to deeply engage with the different tasks of survey design and implementation (such as questionnaire design, sampling, nonresponse and fieldwork monitoring), different survey modes (such as personal interviews and web surveys), research designs involving surveys (such as mixed methods, factorial surveys, longitudinal surveys and cross-national surveys) as well as data management. The courses offer engaging instruction in state-of-the-art knowledge and application oriented skills, provided by an international team of survey specialists. Our instructors come from a diverse set of countries and fields, and we welcome applicants from all countries and fields.

Target audience

The Summer School is designed for advanced graduate and PhD students as well as post-docs and other researchers interested in improving their knowledge and skills in survey methodology from all relevant fields, such as Political Science, Sociology, Economics, Education Science, Communication Science, Epidemiology, Demography etc. Professionals from outside academic research who are working with surveys are welcome to apply. It is the right place to go for PhD students and researchers planning to run their own survey, but also for those who analyse secondary data, want to know more about how the data came about, how to assess their quality, and those who wish to engage in methodological research.

We are very thankful for the cooperation with the Center for Doctoral Studies in Social and Behavioral Sciences (CDSS) of the University of Mannheim. We also gratefully acknowledge the contributions made by our sponsors to a social and cultural program. It is greatly important to us that participants can meet outside the seminar rooms to have a good time and find new research collaborators and, indeed, friends. We aim to provide participants with a supportive social environment, a stimulating and academically rigorous program, and an exciting time in Cologne.

We hope you enjoy reading the program, and hope to see you in Cologne in August 2013!

Programm 2013

Registration and fees

Further information

GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology 2013: Programme now online!

From August 8 to 30, 2013

19 courses, three and a half weeks, summer time, right in the center of Cologne, at GESIS: The 2nd GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology. Registration will open in mid February.

Short courses:

One- and two-week courses:

Further Information

GESIS international Workshop: Introduction to Research Data Management for Social Scientists

Good research data management practice minimizes the risk of data loss, ensures research integrity and facilitates replication; it enhances data security, research efficiency and reliability, and over the long-term, saves time and resources. Moreover, data management planning and data re-use is increasingly a requirement of funding organizations. The workshop sessions include a basic conception of data management, advice on writing a data management plan, licensing data for reuse or to reuse, consent and ethics for data reuse, file formats, documentation and metadata, data storage, back-up and security, data management in collaborative research, and archiving your data. The workshop promotes an interactive hands-on approach to looking after your research data and encourages discussion amongst participants on sharing problems and experiences.

Target groups: social science researchers working with qualitative or quantitative data (principal Investigators, researchers parts of project teams, individual researchers, and PhD students)

Language: English

Fee: Regular: 180 EUR, PhD Students: 120 EUR

Deadline: 3 February. Early applications are encouraged, there are only 20 available seats.

Further details and application form available here.

Ankündigung und Call: General Online Research-Konferenz, März 2012

Vom 5. bis 7. März 2012 findet die General Online Research 2012 an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Mannheim statt.

Focus der von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung e.V. (DGOF) veranstalteten Konferenz ist die Bestandsaufnahme und Dokumentation aktueller Entwicklungen, Methoden und Erkenntnisse der deutschen und internationalen Online-Forschung. Welche aktuellen Ergebnisse gibt es zu Themen der Methodik oder der angewandten Marktforschung? Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt der Konferenz bilden neue Entwicklungen und Forschungsmethoden in den Feldern Social Media, Soziale Netzwerke und Zivilgesellschaft.

Einreicheschluss für Abstracts zu folgenden Themen am 15. November 2011:

  • Track 1 (Online Research Methodology and Internet Surveys)
  • Track 2 (Applied Online Market Research)
  • Track 3 (Social Media Research, Social Networks and Civil Society)
  • Best Practice Competition
  • Thesis Competition

Weitere Informationen zu den Konferenzthemen und Einreicheformalitäten und den kompletten Call for Papers finden Sie hier:

Abstracts können direkt über das Conftool eingereicht werden:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Dr. Lars Kaczmirek

Für das GOR12-Programmkomitee