Category Archives: News

New Book: Financial Participation of Employees in Europe

2016-10-11-fietze-matiaske-finapart-in-europe-titleDimensions and Perspectives on Financial Participation in Europe
Edited by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Simon Fietze and Prof. Dr. Wenzel Matiaske
2016, 507 pp., pb., € 99.00 ISBN 978-3-8487-1876-4 eISBN 978-3-8452-5941-3

About the book:
Financial participation of employees is a perennial debate in political discussions as well as in business practice and in social sciences research. On the European level in particular attempts have been made during recent years to harmonise and stimulate the instrument of economic democracy and partnership. To date, regulations have been characterised by national law and labour relations. For instance, France has established an obligatory legal framework, whereas small tax incentives are provided in Germany. Therefore, this book combines several national reports with perspectives from different disciplines, e.g. business administration, economic sociology and law. Furthermore, different institutional forms like corporate associations are presented.

With contributions by:
Jens Lowitzsch, Iraj Hashi, Alban Hashani, Jean-Michel Content, Mirella Damiani, Fabrizio Pompei, Andrea Ricci, Herwig Rogge- mann, Simon Fietze, Wenzel Matiaske, Verena Tosch, Maciej Kozłowski, Spartak Keremidchiev, Eric Kaarsemaker, Eric Pout- sma, Nina Pološki Vokić, Maja Klindžić, Ivana Načinović Braje, Mathieu Floquet, Loris Guery, Patrice Laroche, Anne Stevenot, Thomas Steger, Madeleine Dietrich, Christina Beisiegel, Alexander Kern, Thomas Haipeter, Rahma Daly, Marc-Arthur Diaye, Jean-Max Koskievic, Begoña Arregi, Fred Freundlich, Mónica Gago, Maite Legarra, Nerea Lizarraga, Sylvia Gay, Jose Antonio Mendizabal, Ainhoa Larrañaga, Theresia Theurl, Sandra Maria Swoboda

Table of Contents:

Simon Fietze & Wenzel Matiaske

The role of employee share ownership for corporate governance in the aftermath of the financial crisis – a closer look at the Central Eastern European EU Member States
Jens Lowitzsch, Iraj Hashi & Alban Hashani

Financial participation in Europe: Some kind of a dream
Jean-Michel Content

How to overcome the ‘Great Divide’ of the capitalist market society: Development, legal grounds and perspectives of employee capital participation in Germany and Europe
Herwig Roggemann

Historical perspectives on employee ownership in Germany
Alexander Kern

Financial participation in Germany: Management’s and works councils’ view
Simon Fietze, Wenzel Matiaske & Verena Tobsch

Works councils and profit sharing in the German metalworking industry
Thomas Haipeter

The corporate culture of silent partnerships – shareholding vs. participation?
Thomas Steger, Christina Beisiegel & Madeleine Dietrich

Profit sharing in France: Substitute or complement to wages?
Mathieu Floquet, Loris Guery, Patrice Laroche & Anne Stevenot

Employee financial participation: Evidence from Italian firms
Mirella Damiani, Fabrizio Pompei & Andrea Ricci

Employee share ownership in the Netherlands
Eric Kaarsemaker & Erik Poutsma

Government, union and business associations’ perceptions of employee financial participation in Gipuzkoa
Begoña Arregi, Fred Freundlich, Mónica Gago, Maite Legarra, Nerea Lizarraga, Sylvia Gay, Jose Antonio Mendizabal & Ainhoa Larrañaga

Employee financial participation in Polish listed companies – a management approach
Maciej Kozłowski

Employee financial participation in Bulgaria
Spartak Keremidchiev

Determinants of financial participation – two decades of Croatian practice
Nina Pološki Vokić, Maja Klindžić & Ivana Načinović Braje

Workers’ risk attitude and financial participation
Rahma Daly, Marc-Arthur Diaye & Jean-Max Koskievic

Cooperatives: Direct and indirect forms of employee financial participation
Theresia Theurl & Sandra Maria Swoboda

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 27, Issue 3

3rd Issue 2016
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 27

Open Issue

Per V. Freytag, Pia Storvang
Dynamics of a facilitator’s role: Insights from the Danish construction industry
download abstract as PDF

Christiane Rau, Anne-Katrin Neyer, Agnes Schipanski, Fiona Schweitzer
A long way home: How an intra-organizational innovation network overcomes its political boundaries
download abstract as PDF

Gary Florkowski, Miguel R. Olivas-Luján
Predicting HR’s involvement and influence in strategic decision-making
download abstract as PDF

Thorsten Jochims
Social reciprocity as a critical success factor for small and mid-size enterprises: Work relationships as reflections of social exchange structures
download abstract as PDF

Call for Papers

Digital Working Life
Guest Editors:
Mikael Ottosson & Calle Rosengren, Lund University (Sweden)
Doris Holtmann & Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany)

Demands in the modern workplace
Guest Editors:
Sascha Ruhle, Johannes Siegrist, Stefan Süß & Eva-Ellen Weiß, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany)

Post-Growth Organization
Guest Editors:
Matthias Rätzer & Ronald Hartz Technical University Chemnitz (Germany)
Ingo Winkler, University of Southern Denmark

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 27, Issue 1+2 (Special Issue ‘Ageing Societies’)

1st & 2nd Issue 2016
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 27

Special Issue ‘Ageing Societies: Comparing HRM Responses in Germany and Japan’
edited by Keith Jackson & Philippe Debroux


Keith Jackson & Philippe Debroux
HRM responses to ageing societies in Germany and Japan: Contexts for comparison – Editorial
download as PDF
Philip Taylor & Catherine Earl
Making the case for older workers
download abstract as PDF

Lena Elisabeth Kemper, Anna Katharina Bader & Fabian Jintae Froese
Diversity management in ageing societies: A comparative study of Germany and Japan
download abstract as PDF

Nobuo Sueki
Ageing society and evolving wage systems in Japan
download abstract as PDF

Heike Schroeder, Masa Higo & Matt Flynn
Workplace accommodation for older teachers in Japan and Germany: The role of the institutional context in supporting late career options for teachers with ill health
download abstract as PDF

Philippe Debroux
Elderly workers in Japan: The need for a new deal
download abstract as PDF

Keith Jackson
Comparing HRM Responses to Ageing Societies in Germany and Japan: Towards a New Research Agenda
download abstract as PDF

Forthcoming Issues

Financial Participation
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Andrew Pendleton & Eric Poutsma

Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption
edited by Ortrud Lessmann & Torsten Masson

Digital Working Life
edited by Mikael Ottosson, Calle Rosengren, Doris Holtmann & Wenzel Matiaske

Call for Posters: CAQD 2016 – MAXQDA User Conference (Berlin)

The 18th MAXQDA user conference CAQD will take place in Berlin from March 2 – 4, 2016. The conference includes high-profile keynotes, 25 workshops, method discussions, and reports from research practice as well as a poster session.

Examples of the numerous workshops that will be offered include:

Analysis of qualitative data with MAXQDA (starter and advanced)
Mixed methods workshop with Prof. Dr. John Creswell
Visual tools in MAXQDA
Literature reviews with MAXQDA
Qualitative text analysis

You can find a list of all workshops at

In the context of the conference, a poster session will be held on Thursday, March 3. Here you will have the option to present a poster regarding computer-assisted analysis of qualitative data and the use of MAXQDA within the context of a research project. The focus of the poster should be on presenting how your analysis relates to your use of software for analyzing qualitative data. We also appreciate posters on teaching and studying MAXQDA. Possible topics for your poster might include:

Implementation of specific research steps/methodologies using MAXQDA
Connecting, integrating and exchanging data between different (analysis) programs (such as mind mapping tools, reference management tools, statistical software)
Approaches to visualization and specific examples of visuals
Use of analytical software in research groups (teamwork process, issues, etc.)
Quantification of the research process
Dealing with specific document types (e.g. very long, very short, many, very different, etc.)
Teaching MAXQDA (project examples, curricula, used tools, best practise etc.)

Your proposal for a poster (size DIN A0, portrait format) should contain the following information or meet the following criteria:

Title of the poster
Contact address
Discipline and organization
Brief description of content
Maximum length of the proposal: 1 page (about 300-400 words)

As last year a prize for the best posters will be awarded! Please email us your proposal by February 1st, 2016 at We will inform you if your poster has been accepted no later than February 09, 2016.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Your CAQD-Team

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 26, Issue 3

3rd Issue 2015
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 26

Open Issue

Sharon P. McKechnie & Joy E. Beatty
Contemporary calendar management: Exploring the intersections of groupware and personal calendars
download abstract as PDF

Alexander Mitterle, Roland Bloch & Carsten Würmann
Time to teach: Revisiting teaching time in German higher education
download abstract as PDF

Thordis Reimer
Working time arrangements and family time of fathers: How work organization(s) shape fathers’ opportunities to engage in childcare
download abstract as PDF

Irma Rybnikova & Josephine Krüger
Between work and non-work: Institutional settings of boundary management in case of German self-employed lawyers
download as PDF

Call for Papers

Digital Working Live (Seminar & Special Issue)
edited by Mikael Ottosson, Calle Rosengren (Lund University, Sweden), Doris Holtmann & Wenzel Matiaske (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany)

Forthcoming Issues

Financial Participation
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Andrew Pendleton & Eric Poutsma

Neue Publikation: Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden – Band 10: Explorative und deskriptive Datenanalyse mit R

sozialwissenschaftliche-forschungsmethoden-10Markus Burkhardt, Peter Sedlmeier

Explorative und deskriptive Datenanalyse mit R

Die explorative Datenanalyse (EDA) umfasst eine Reihe meist grafischer oder semigrafischer Verfahren, die es ermöglichen, Daten und Ergebnisse besser zu verstehen. Das Ziel der EDA ist es Muster, Auffälligkeiten oder Zusammenhänge in Daten zu entdecken. Im Hauptteil des Buches werden die Grundtechniken zur Exploration von Verteilungen, Zusammenhängen und multivariaten Beziehungen vorgestellt. Die Grenzen zwischen der explorativen und der deskriptiven Datenanalyse sind fließend und für eine vernünftige Datenanalyse (und auch zur Kommunikation von Ergebnissen) sind beide unabdingbar. Deswegen behandelt das Buch beide Arten von Verfahren. Zudem enthält es ein Kapitel über Effektgrößen und eines zu Grafiken in der Inferenzstatistik. Alle Verfahren werden mit Hilfe von Beispielen illustriert und können unter Verwendung der frei erhältlichen Programmiersprache R von jedermann leicht nachvollzogen werden. Ergänzend werden alle R-Skripte auch online angeboten ( Da keinerlei Programmierkenntnisse vorausgesetzt werden, eignet sich dieses Buch auch zum Einstieg in R.



Schlüsselwörter: Explorative Datenanalyse, deskriptive Datenanalyse, semigrafische und grafische Verfahren, Effektgrößen, R

Markus Burkhardt ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur für Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation am Institut für Psychologie der TU-Chemnitz.

Peter Sedlmeier ist Professor für Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation am Institut für Psychologie der TU Chemnitz.



Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 26, Issue 2 (Special Issue ‘Innovation Networks’)

2nd Issue 2015
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 26

Special Issue ‘Innovation Networks’
edited by Susanne Gretzinger, Simon Fietze & Wenzel Matiaske


Susanne Gretzinger, Simon Fietze & Wenzel Matiaske
Innovation Networks – Editorial
download as PDF

Anna Kunttu & Lasse Torkkeli
Service innovation and internationalization in SMEs: Implications for growth and performance
download as abstract PDF

Stine Jessen Haakonsson & Vandana Ujjual
Internationalisation of R&D: New insights into multinational enterprises’ R&D strategies in emerging markets
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Stan De Spiegelaere, Guy Van Gyes, Hans De Witte & Geert Van Hootegem
Job design, work engagement and innovative work behavior: A multi-level study on Karasek’s learning hypothesis
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Andre Veenendaal & Tanya Bondarouk
Perceptions of HRM and their effect on dimensions of innovative work behaviour: Evidence from a manufacturing firm
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Andrea Hanebuth
Success factors of virtual research teams – Does distance still matter?
download abstract as PDF

Forthcoming Issues

Labour Time – Life Time
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Simon Fietze, Gerd Grözinger, and Doris Holtmann

Financial Participation
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Andrew Pendleton, and Eric Poutsma

phd-network beim Open Campus der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität

Die Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg öffnet ihre Türen am morgigen Samstag, den 27.06.2015 von 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr im Rahmen des Open Campus.
Das phd-network ist bei diesem Tag der offenen Tür mit einem eigenen Stand vertreten. Neben den Aktivitäten des phd-networks werden im Rahmen der Veranstaltung die Buchreihe Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden und der International Research Workshop vorgestellt. Sie finden unseren Stand im Südflügel des Hauptgebäudes. Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen!

Nähere Informationen zum weiteren Rahmenprogramm des Open Campus finden Sie unter diesem Link.

Informationen zur Anreise zur Helmut-Schmidt-Universität finden Sie unter diesem Link.

Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies – Vol. 25, Issue 4

4th Issue 2014
Management Revue – Socio-Economic Studies, Volume 25

Open Issue

Jan Dettmers
Job definitions and service behaviour. An investigation among technical service employees
download abstract as PDF

Peggy De Prins, Lou Van Beirendonck, Ans De Vos, Jesse Segers
Sustainable HRM: Bridging theory and practice through the ‘Respect Openness Continuity (ROC)’-model
download as PDF

Albert Martin, Susanne Bartscher-Finzer
The self-concept of book publishers and its significance for job satisfaction and satisfaction with economic success
download abstract as PDF

Call for Papers

Perspectives on Sustainable Consumption
edited by Ortrud Leßmann, Torsten Masson, Wenzel Matiaske & Simon Fietze

Ageing Societies: Comparing HRM Responses to the Career Expectations of Older Employees in Germany and Japan
edited by Keith Jackson & Philippe Debroux

Forthcoming Issues

Labour Time – Life Time
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Simon Fietze, Gerd Grözinger, and Doris Holtmann

Innovation Management & Innovation Networks
edited by Susanne Gretzinger, Simon Fietze, and Wenzel Matiaske

Financial Participation
edited by Wenzel Matiaske, Andrew Pendleton, and Eric Poutsma

Neue Veröffentlichung Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden: Band 9 – Lineare Strukturgleichungsmodelle. Eine Einführung mit R

Holger Steinmetz

Lineare Strukturgleichungsmodelle
Eine Einführung mit R

Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsmethoden,
herausgegeben von
Wenzel Matiaske, Martin Spieß, Michael Berlemann, Ingwer Borg, Claudia Fantapié-Altobelli, Holger Hinz, Uwe Jirjahn, Bernhard Kittel, Stefan Liebig, Rainer Oesterreich, Jost Reinecke, Kai-Uwe Schnapp, Rainer Schnell, Peter Sedlmeier, Wilfried Seidel, Carolin Strobl, Gerhard Tutz,

Band 9
Rainer Hampp Verlag, München u. Mering 2014, 190 S.,
ISBN 978-3-95710-020-7 (print), € 24.80
ISBN 978-3-95710-120-4 (e-book pdf), € 22.99

Lineare Strukturgleichungsmodelle sind aus der verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Forschung nicht mehr wegzudenken. Sie sind ein nützliches Werkzeug, um Hypothesen über Beziehungen zwischen Variablen zu prüfen und – mehr noch – Implikationen kausaler Strukturen zu testen. In diesem Buch werden Grundlagen, Hintergründe und die Vorgehensweisen bei der Spezifizierung von Kausalmodellen diskutiert. Dies wird an einem empirischen Beispiel und unter Verwendung des lavaan-Pakets innerhalb der Software R illustriert. Der Schwerpunkt des Buchs liegt hierbei weniger auf methodischen und statistischen Aspekten eines Modells, sondern auf der adäquaten Übersetzung der theoretischen Vorstellungen in ein Modell. Ein besonderer Stellenwert wird dem Verständnis der kausalen Implikationen von Modellen, der theoretische Bedeutung von Variablen, der Diagnostik einer Fehlanpassung an die Daten und modernen Konzepten wie dem Instrumentalvariablen-Ansatz aus der Ökonometrie und dem d-separation-Konzept, eingeräumt. Somit bietet das Buch sowohl einen Einstieg für Anfänger/innen als auch interessante Inhalte für Fortgeschrittene.



Schlüsselwörter: Lineare Strukturgleichungsmodelle, Kausalität,
d-separation, Endogenität, Instrumentalvariablen, Lavaan

Holger Steinmetz ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für International Business Studies
der Universität Paderborn.
