Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Colloquium on Personnel Economics

Call for Papers

17th Colloquium on Personnel Economics
March 19 to 21, 2014; University of Cologne

The 17th Colloquium on Personnel Economics 2014 is hosted by the University of Cologne from March 19 to March 21. The Colloquium provides a forum for presenting research in all areas of personnel economics – theoretical, empirical and experimental. Researchers who want to present their work at the Colloquium are invited to submit an extended abstract (2-4 pages including title, research question along with a summary of methods and results) of their papers until 1 November 2013.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Erwerbsarbeit um welchen Preis?

Call for Papers (Dissertationsprojekte) zum

3. Young Scholars‘ Workshop des SAMF e.V.
Erwerbsarbeit um welchen Preis?

Die Jahrestagung 2014 der Deutschen Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmarktforschung (SAMF) e.V. widmet sich am 21./22. Februar in Berlin (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht), den Bedingungen und der Qualität von Erwerbsarbeit. Im Rahmen dieser Tagung wird vorab am 20. und 21. Februar der dritte Young Scholars‘ Workshop des
SAMF e.V. stattfinden. Er soll Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden ein Forum zur Vorstellung und Diskussion ihrer Dissertationsprojekte im Kontext der Tagungsthemen bieten.

Abstracts werden bis zum 30.10.2013 erbeten.

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Call for Papers: Sustainable people management practices in the Asia Pacific

Emerald Publishing is extending an invitation and call for papers for a special issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration (APJBA) focused on the theme of

Sustainable People Management in the Asia Pacific

The invitation is to scholars generally, but to scholars in the Asia Pacific region in particular, in the quest to contribute a regional voice to this growing research area.

The deadline for manuscript submission is 31st January 2014.

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Call for Papers: Corporate Masterminds – Executive Management Teams in Focus

Call for papers for a Special Issue of Team Performance Management, titled

„Corporate Masterminds – Executive Management Teams in Focus“

Over the last decade, academic researchers have shown a strong interest in executive management teams, as their members are the most influential corporate decision-makers and largely determine various external (e.g. strategic direction, firm performance) and internal (e.g. leadership style, organizational structure) outcomes. The special issue aims to advance our theoretical and empirical understanding of the composition of executive management teams, the interplay of different actors, and the impact of contextual settings.

Submission deadline is November 1, 2013.

Further Information

Call for Papers: International QCA Expert Workshop

Call for Papers

International QCA Expert Workshop
23-24 October 2013
University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Although sociologists and political scientists continue to lead publication rankings on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), scholars in business and management studies contribute a growing share of advanced theoretical and empirical work. Against this background, the International QCA Expert Workshop will bring together 20-30 researchers working at the cutting edge of QCA across these neighboring areas. By providing a unique forum for cross-disciplinary exchange, it will encourage the dissemination of new ideas, facilitate the promotion of innovative work and create opportunities for scientific collaboration.

Deadline for abstract submission is September 16, 2013.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Temporary Organizing

Organization Studies, the official journal of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), invites submissions for a Special Issue on

“Temporary Organizing”

Today’s turbulent business environment is heralding an increase in organizing in a flexible, ad-hoc manner that involves a constant adaptation to opportunities and change. One salient, yet understudied, way in which firms are changing as a consequence, is on their temporal attributes. The present special issue seeks to bundle, investigate, and push further the current frontiers of such “temporary organizing” research and deepen our knowledge of how temporary organizing interacts with more permanent organizing forms such as organizations, networks and fields.

Papers must be received by September 30, 2014.

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Call for Papers: Innovation Networks

Call for Papers

Innovation Networks
Special Issue Management Revue

Economic operations and thus innovations are embedded in social relations and structures. Therefore, the organizational units that create innovation are not individual businesses, but usually networks. From a resource point of view, networks hold a variety of advantages for their members, such as access to material and immaterial resources, information and knowledge. In this special issue, we would like to discuss innovation networks of businesses – in particular SMEs – from a social network analysis (SNA) perspective. Theoretical and conceptual contributions as well as empirical work linking innovation networks of businesses and SNA are of interest.

Full papers must be with the editors by October 31st, 2013.

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Call for Papers: Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -Praxis

Call for Papers zum

Jahrbuch der KMU-Forschung und -Praxis 2014
Leitthema: Energie- und Umweltmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen

Erwünscht sind Vorschläge für wissenschaftliche Beiträge, die sich mit dem Thema „Energie und Umweltmanagement (EUM) in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen“ befassen. Dazu zählen Beiträge, die sich mit jeglichen Managementfragen des EUM auseinandersetzen, insbesondere zu den Rahmenbedingungen, den Kosten und dem Nutzen von EUM sowie der Vermarktung umweltfreundlicher und energieeffizienter Prozesse in Unternehmen und Produkte. Die Besonderheiten von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen müssen dabei im Mittelpunkt der Ausführungen stehen.

Zunächst sind Themenvorschläge mit einem kurzen Exposee bis zum 01. Oktober 2013 an den Herausgeber zu richten.

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Call for Papers: Austerity and Crisis – Managing in the Global Economy

Call for Papers

ERU conference
Austerity and Crisis: Managing in the Global Economy
Cardiff Business School; 9-10 September 2013

Since the financial crisis of 2007-8, economic growth has stagnated in the western economies and declined in the BRICs from its previous heights. In this conference, we wish to explore how experiences of austerity and crisis are affecting the strategies pursued by states, multinational firms, SMEs and employers and employees‘ organisations. We invite papers in any area related to this outline.

Deadline for submission of panel proposals and abstracts will be 10 June, 2013.

Further Information

Call for Papers: International Conference on Path Dependence

Call for Papers

3rd International Conference on Path Dependence
February 17-18, 2014
Freie Universität Berlin School of Business & Economics

The theory of path dependence is attracting increasing attention. A considerable number of scholars have been using the theory for the study of historical imprints, escalating dynamics and organizational inertia in different fields and on different levels. The conference is organized by the Path Dependence Research Centre (Pfadkolleg) of the Freie Universität Berlin. It aims at providing a platform for the discussion of most recent path-related research.

Deadline for submission is October 15, 2013.

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