Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

Call for Submissions: 2nd Workshop on Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion

To follow up on the successful Workshop on Leadership, Diversity, and Inclusion held at CBS in December 2014, CBS Public-Private Platform research cluster on Diversity & Difference invites you to the 2nd Workshop to be held at CBS in May 2016. This time the focus will be on inclusive leadership. The notion behind the 2nd Workshop on Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion is to theoretically and empirically explore the meanings and implications of adopting an ontology of inclusion. Is inclusion just a new way to manage diversity or does it actually leave the inhuman notions of diversity behind in search of possible pathways towards more open and equal organizations? Can inclusion change practice? May inclusive leadership provide new opportunities not only for acceptance of the other, but also for rethinking and reshaping organizations in the image of the other?

Institution: Copenhagen Business School

Keynote speakers: Yvonne Benchop, Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University and Scott Taylor, University of Birmingham

Deadline for abstracts: 15.03.2016

Further information

Call for Papers: Managementforschung (MF)

Die Managementforschung – MF – ist ein etabliertes Diskussionsforum für neue Trends und Strömungen im gesamten Bereich des Managements. Die MF versteht sich als eine transdisziplinäre Fachzeitschrift für avancierte Fragen und kritische Analysen der Koordination und Steuerung komplexer sozialer Systeme, insbesondere von Organisationen, aber auch von interorganisationalen Netzwerken, Communities oder Crowds. Ziel der Zeitschrift ist es, die jeweils aktuellen Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse der Forschung zu diesen Fragen des Managements aufzuzeigen und fortzuentwickeln.
Im Zentrum der Beiträge soll die Erarbeitung neuer Perspektiven oder die Erschließung innovativer Problemstellungen stehen. Die zur Begutachtung eingereichten Beiträge können sowohl rein konzeptioneller Art sein als auch über Ergebnisse empirischer Studien berichten. Die MF bietet neben den klassischen Aufsatzformaten zusätzlich auch eine Plattform für Beiträge in der Form kontroverser Essays, an die sich Diskussionen anschließen können.

Frist: 30.06.2016

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Special Issue of German Journal of Human Resource Management (Zeitschrift für Personalforschung)

The German Journal of Human Resource Management (Zeitschrift für Personalforschung) is seeking for proposals for a Special Issue. The GJHRM (formerly ZfP) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing both qualitative and quantitative work, as well as conceptual and theoretical papers that advance the study of human resource management. It is published by SAGE Proposals are supposed to address a specific current or upcoming exciting HR topic/field.

Deadline: 30.04.2016

Further Information

Call for Submissions: The 4th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management

The Fourth Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management, cohosted by JKU Linz and WU Vienna, provides an opportunity for advanced PhD students and academics in early career stages to present their research and discuss it with colleagues and professors from international and Austrian universities.

In addition to facilitating intellectual exchange, this workshop supports the development of a global network of young graduates interested in management and organization studies from institutional, organizational and behavioral per­spec­tives. It is targeted at early scholars who aim at a continued academic career in the fields of organization and manage­ment theory, strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior or public management. With several faculty members’ strong background in institutional theory, the Austrian Early Scholars Workshop provides an environment particularly conducive to research inspired by institutional perspectives. However, it is open to and invites research that draws from a broad range of theoretical and metho­do­logical underpinnings.

Faculty: Regine Bendl (WU Vienna); Elango Elangovan (University of Victoria), Royston Greenwood (University of Alberta), Markus Höllerer (WU Vienna & UNSW Business School, Elke Schüßler (FU Berlin), Michael Smets (University of Oxford).
Conveners: Robert Bauer (JKU), Giuseppe Delmestri (WU), Matthias Fink (JKU), Dorothea Greiling (JKU).

Deadline for short essays: 31.3.2016

Further Information

Call for Papers: Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen an der Universität Paderborn

Die Universität Paderborn lädt zur Einreichung von Aufsätzen und Projektzusammenfassungen für den kommenden Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personalwesen ein. Eine Vielfalt an Themen, Theorien und Methoden ist erwünscht. Neben Forschungsergebnissen können auch Projekte in einem frühen Stadium und Aufsätze im Entwicklungsprozess präsentiert werden. Dafür haben wir die folgenden Kategorien vorgesehen:

1. Klassischer Vortrag mit Korreferat und ausführlicher Diskussion
2. Kurzpräsentation mit kurzer Diskussion
3. Impulsvortrag mit ausführlicher Aufsatzdiskussion

Frist: 02.05.2016

weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Special Issue of the PMJ (Projekt Management Journal)

Project Management Journal® invites authors to submit papers for a Special Edition of the journal:
Projects and Networks

The goal of the special issue is to assemble papers that focus on projects either from a network perspective or as a form
of network governance to significantly advance our knowledge in these areas. To this end, all papers should be based on
theoretically informed and empirically rigorous research using qualitative or quantitative designs and methods. Questions
that might be addressed in the papers include:

  • If we conceptualize the project as a network of role-holding actors, what are the features of these
    networks and how are they managed?
  • Self-organizing interpersonal networks—how do they arise in and across Projects?
  • What are suitable methodologies for gathering network data in large and/or complex project
  • How do interorganizational and interpersonal relationships interact in temporary organizations?
  • How do network behavior and actor attributes interact in and across projects?
  • How do project networks, usually considered a very flexible form of temporary organizing, become inert,
    even path-dependent?
  • What are the specifics of partner selection and retention in project networks?
  • How does institutional context influence the organizing of project Networks?
  • How do project networks coordinate their project work and what are the mechanisms that coordinate
    project design and project implementation?
  • What impacts do project networks as an organizational form have on the development of industries or

This list of questions is not exhaustive. We welcome submissions that address questions beyond what we have listed as long
as they contribute to a richer understanding of the projects as networks within the scope of this special issue.

Deadline: 31.10.2016

Further Information

Call for Papers: 32nd EGOS Colloquium 2016: Organizing in the Shadow of Power

This sub-theme seeks to bring together researchers studying change in organization and management in transforming societies and emerging economies. The ambiguous and turbulent nature of these societies offers a challenging and valuable opportunity for scholars to examine the nature and exercise of power. This is because the processes of organizational change as the normally hidden and taken-for-granted assumptions and understandings that either are not yet in place or being negotiated.
They are interested in studies of the various forms of exercise of power, in particular, between unequal organizational partners in joint ventures; or the imposition of organizational change on local actors in acquired organizations; or changes in local management and employment practices. They believe studies located within the challenging context of transforming and emerging societies can serve to advance organization theory in a significant way. Studying processes of power enables researchers to explore the successful and unsuccessful responses of organizational actors when confronted with radical environmental changes and challenges to adapt to new rules and frameworks.

Deadline: 11.01.2016

Further Information

Call for Papers: EURAM 2016

Track: 06_07 Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation

Searching to facilitate creative processes, organisations recognise that the source of new ideas and information lies in the interaction between different functional departments, as well as in the cooperation with external actors. That is why increasingly, organisations from multiple sectors (i.e., government, business and civil society) are collaborating to tackle larger and more complex challenges beyond the organisation and sectorial boundaries.

However, the involved actors have to bridge high cognitive distances. Government, business and civil society have their own logics and practices, and these profound differences may inhibit understanding and learning across sectoral boundaries. Moreover, although cross‐sector collaborations build on shared overall goals, the partners may also pursue diverging interests and hidden Goals.

They welcome theoretical and empirical (both quantitative and qualitative) papers and give no priority to a specific field of operation or kind of collaboration. However, a strong focus on the relational aspects of knowledge, learning and innovation will be appreciated.

Deadline: 12.01.2016

Further Information

Call for Papers: Journal of Competence-based Strategic Management (JCSM)

Call for Papers of the Journal of Competence-based Strategic Management (JCSM); Volume 9: Approaching Dynamic Capabilities from a Multi-Level Perspective

General Information

The Journal of ‘Competence-based Strategic Management’ provides a forum for academic contributions to the issues of organizational competences and dynamic capabilities at the interface between strategic management and organization studies. All papers are to be submitted in English language and in line with the publication standards. Their publication prerequisites a successful double-blind peer-review process.

Volume Background and Scope

The 9th volume of JCSM gives emphasis to dynamic capabilities from a multi-level perspective. The purpose of the volume is to enhance the understanding of the interdependence between higher-level entities and lower-level entities that contribute to the development and deployment of dynamic capabilities.
Such a multi-level perspective includes both directions, micro-foundations of organizational phenomena as well as the organization itself as an entity of a higher-level construct, e.g. the regional ecosystem or the institutional environment. Micro-foundations give emphasis to issues such as leadership and individual behavior, managerial cognition and action, working systems and team interactions but also organizational structures, rules and routines. Treating organizations as entities of a higher-level construct includes the consideration of market-shaping activities, regional innovation systems and ecosystems as well as further aspects of the institutional or business System.

Deadline: December 2015

Further Information

Call for papers: Digital Working Life

Seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik (April 11-15th, 2016) & Special Issue of Management Revue

Working life is undergoing a radical change in which new digital technologies are changing the nature of labour and its organizational forms in a pervasive manner, regardless of whether it concerns qualified professionals or labourers. The framework, which previously regulated the content of work, as well as when, where and how it would be conducted is being reconsidered. A process that presents both challenges and possibilities.

One fundamental aspect of ICT is that it can make employees more accessible to others and allow work to become more available to the employee. Easy access to ICT functions (e.g., email, text and voice messages), for example, enable employees to continue working after leaving the office for the day. This ease of access may have both positive and negative effects. Although much of the research focus to date has concentrated on how ICT may act as demands, stressors or certain characteristics of ICT can enhance work-life balance, employee satisfaction, well-being and productivity.

Another aspect of new digital technologies concerns the manner in which the work process is monitored and controlled. Surveillance in the workplace is not a novelty. Nor is it unreasonable to expect that employers have both rights and reasons to do so. To a certain extent, of course. However, increasing availability of relatively inexpensive and easy to use technology, for example software monitoring programs, enables employers to expand the range and scope of their control over their employees’ activities. The increase in potential methods to track and monitor employee behaviour poses questions that concern where the borders for personal integrity are drawn. Who has the right to personal details, and at what point? In what way does this monitoring affect the social relations between employer and employee in terms of control, autonomy and trust?

Digital technology, in computers, phones or in the “Internet of things” also provides tools that enable the standardization of work on a completely different level than previously. For some workers, we see a degradation and depletion of work, and also that the control of work is increasing; a development that is usually described using the concept of “Digital Taylorism.” How does this development affect the working man or the working class?

In the special issue and the corresponding seminar (IUC Dubrovnik,, 11.-15.April 2016), we would like to discuss our topic in an appropriately broad and interdisciplinary manner. We are particularly interested in questions such as:

  • Virtual work and stress
  • Digital technologies and work-family boundaries
  • Virtual teams and E-leadership
  • Digital Taylorism
  • Virtual work and trust
  • Digital surveillance

This is not an exhaustive list.

Potential contributors to the seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik are encouraged to submit an abstract of 1-2 pages before January 31st, 2016 electronically via Management Revue’s online submission system at using ‘IUC Dubrovnik’ as article section.

All contributors to the seminar are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of Management Revue. Full papers must be submitted by July 31st, 2016. All contributions will be subject to a double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due October 31st, 2016. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at using ‘SI Digital Working Life’ as article section.

Hoping to hear from you!

Mikael Ottosson
Calle Rosengren
Doris Holtmann
Wenzel Matiaske