Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

CfP: EURAM 2018, Rejkjavík, Iceland, 20–23 June 2018, “Digital Strategy” (SIG Strategic Management)

The EURAM 2018 Conference will take place from June 20th-23rd 2018 in Rejkjavík, Iceland. The convenors of the track “Digital Strategy” within the SIG Strategic Management invite for contributions that relate to

  • the debate on new research and practice insights in digital strategy, especially with respect to challenges that firms, their leaders and their stakeholders face,
  • theoretical approaches that help firms to achieve sustainable competitive advantages in
    the digital economy and effects that digital strategies have on strategic decisions,
  • approaches to teach future leaders as well as critical discourse of needed skills and competencies to prepare for the challenges of the digital economy.

Further information and long description

Submission Deadline: 10.01.2018 (2 pm Belgian time)

CfP: EGOS 2018 Sub-theme 63 – Organizing (Inter-)mediated work: Conflicts, cultures, and regulatory challenges

The 34th EGOS Colloquium takes place from July 5th-8th 2018 at the EBS in Tallinn. The ST 63 on „Organizing (inter-)mediated work“ invites contributions that focus on the human side of organizing mediated work in and beyond organizations and deepen our understanding of the organization-work nexus in today’s organizations.

Contributions of interest relate to the question how intermediary forms of organizing can be theorized for understanding the contemporary world(s) of work and include, but are not limited to topics like

  • comparative institutional analysis, social movement theory and meta-organizations, organizational institutionalism,
  • CSR, Marxist organization studies,
  • the sociology of the professions,
  • micropolitics in transnational corporations,
  • labour law and diversity management.

Convenors: Andreas Pekarek, The University of Melbourne; Rick Delbridge, Cardiff University; Markus Helfen, Freie Universität Berlin

Deadline for the submission of short papers: 08.01.2018

Further information

CfP: EGOS Sub-Theme 55 – Managers and managerial behavior in countries in transition

The 34th EGOS Colloquium takes place from July 5th-8th 2018 at the EBS in Tallinn. The convenors of this sub-theme (see below) call for papers that will enhance the understanding of management behavior in countries in transition, by considering various possible factors that may have impact on management behavior in these societies, especially those not well-elaborated in the literature yet. This leaves researchers space to combine different behavioral and leadership theories, research perspectives and methodological approaches, which investigate management behavior in considered societies.

Example issues:

  • Management behavior in countries in transition from various perspectives
  • Key drivers of management behavior in countries in transition
  • The role of personal values for shaping management behavior in countries in transition

Convenors: Zlatko Nedelko, Tiit Elenurm and Thomas Steger

Deadline for the submission of short papers: 08.01.2018

Further information

CfP: Special Issue of the Management Revue: Workplace Flexibility

The aim of this special issue is to increase our understanding of the aspects of workplace flexibility, especially from an organizational perspective. The guest editors Sascha Ruhle and Stephan Süß encourage empirical – qualitative or quantitative – submissions from various research fields, such as business administration, industrial and organizational psychology, work sociology and other disciplines dealing with the topic of the Special Issue.

Example topics:

  • What is the core of flexibility in organizations?
  • Which origins can be identified of the ongoing need for various types of flexibility?
  • What types of flexibility can be systematized and how are those different types related to organizational
    consequences, such as success or attractiveness?
  • […]

Deadline for papers: 31.12.2017

Guest editors: Sascha Ruhle (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) and Stefan Süß (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf).

Further information

CfP: EURAM 2018, Special track: Digital innovation: Strategies, competences, theories and practice

The EURAM 2018 conference takes place from June 20th-23rd in Reykjavik, Iceland. This special track will have a focus on digital innovations, including strategies, competences, theories and practice.

Questions/topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Organizational structure, ways of working and digital culture;
  • Change of workplace and work practices to develop digital innovation;
  • Transformation path in-between disruptive change and “gentle slopes”
  • […]

Convenors: Agusti Canals (UOC), Patrick Cohendet (HEC Montréal), Valérie Merindol (PSB), Francesco Schiavone (Parthenope University), David W. Versailles (PSB) Uta Wilkens (Ruhr University Bochum).

Deadline for paper submissions: 10.01.2018

Further information

CfP: EGOS Sub-Theme 27 – Mapping out a Diverse Career Landscape: Uncovering Unexpected Findings

The 34th EGOS Colloquium takes place from July 5th-8th 2018 at the EBS in Tallinn. This sub-theme invites papers which address one or several diversity-related issues such as: discoveries about different careers of different groups, careers of other occupations, career success, emerging alternative career paths as well as careers in very different work settings, and contexts. The papers can have a theoretical, methodological or empirical focus or a combination of them. Examples include, but certainly are not limited to the topics mentioned; in terms of scientific discipline, papers from all areas of career studies are welcome.

Convenors: Maike Andresen (University of Bamberg), Svetlana N. Khapova (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Thomas M. Schneidhofer (University Schloss Seeburg)

Deadline for the submission of short papers: 08.01.2018

Further information

CfP: GHRM Special Issue – Human Resource Management in Family Firms

Submissions are welcome that take the unique characteristics of family firms into account and that move beyond the idea of one-size-fits-all ‘best practices’ by addressing how family firms develop HR practices, take advantage of them, and bundle their practices into HR systems. By exploring these areas it is hoped to sharpen the theoretical underpinnings of the debate on HRM in family firms. Moreover, a contribution to an understanding of if/how family firms use HR practices to proactively address environmental dynamics, demographic change or innovation should be given.

Example questions regarding practices of HRM in family firms:

  • Do family firms use different practices of HRM than non-family firms (e.g., more informal, cultural or complex)?
  • How do different bundles of HR practices relate to the pursuit and achievement of financial or non-financial goals?
  • Are family firms more effective in the design of high-performance work systems than nonfamily firms?
  • […]

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 31.10.2017

Editors of the Special Issue: Andreas Hack (University of Bern, Switzerland & Witten/Herdecke University), Franz W. Kellermanns (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, U.S. & WHU) and Christina Hoon (Bielefeld University).

Weitere Informationen

CfP: EGOS Sub-Theme 21 – Overwork, Identity and the Autonomy/Control Paradox in Professional Organizations

The 34th EGOS Colloquium takes place from July 5th-8th 2018 in Tallinn. The above mentioned sub-theme invites researchers who study the relationship between identity, autonomy, and overwork in professional service organizations.

Professionals have traditionally been theorized as enjoying higher levels of autonomy regarding the where, when and how of work. Yet, research also reveals that most professional workplaces are characterized by a persistent, autonomy-reducing regime of excessive working hours (60–120 hours/week) and escalating availability to clients and superiors. Even when firms try to alleviate extra-long hours regimes by promoting work-life balance and flexible work arrangements, overwork usually persists. This sub-theme seeks to advance current knowledge of the totalizing nature of professional work. It invites empirical and theoretical papers.

Convenors: Blagoy Blagoev, Freie Universität Berlin; Laura Empson, Cass Business School; Renate Ortlieb, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Deadline for the submission of short papers: 08.01.2018

Further information


CfP: EDI Special Issue – Perspectives on Diversity and Equality in Under-Researched Countries

The purpose of this special issue is to restore diversity and equality to its national contexts by shedding light on under-researched countries, including countries in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.

Papers should deal with, but not necessarily be limited to, the following example questions:

  • Is there an equal treatment or affirmative action legislation in the country and if so since when?
  • Even in the absence of such legislation, is there a public debate about diversity in the country of study, and if so, what is this debate, and concerning what aspect of diversity? How and when was it started – if it was started at all?
  • Is there empirical research about diversity in the country of study and what are the main findings and/or contributions?
  • […]

Guest Editors: Alain Klarsfeld (Toulouse Business School, F), Lena Knappert (Tilburg University, NL), Faith Ngunjiri (Offutt School of Business, Concordia College, Moorhead, USA), Angela Kornau und Barbara Sieben (Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, D).

Deadline for submissions: 31.10.2017

Further information:

CfP: Heft 2/2018 der Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und ‐management

Für dieses Schwerpunktheft sind Beiträge eingeladen, die sich den Themen „Diversität und Transdisziplinarität“ widmen, insbesondere Aufsätze zu Zielstellungen, Akteur_innen, Methoden, Prozessen und Wirkungsweisen transdisziplinärer Forschung.

Beispielhafte Fragestellungen könnten sein:

  • Welche Ansprüche an gesellschaftliche Wirksamkeit sind in transdisziplinärer Forschung angelegt und wie kann diese Wirksamkeit überprüft werden? Inwieweit und auf welche Weise(n) interveniert transdisziplinäre Forschung in ihr Feld?
  • Wie gestaltet sich das Verhältnis zwischen den an transdisziplinärer Forschung Beteiligten in den unterschiedlichen Phasen des Forschungsprozesses?
  • Wie gelingen die gemeinsame Problemstrukturierung und Formulierung von Forschungszielen in einem zugleich offenen, diskursiv und reflexiv gestalteten Forschungsprozess mit Forschenden und Stakeholdern?
  • […]

Gastherausgeber_innen: Astrid Biele Mefebue, Elena Buck und Yvonne Franke (Georg‐August‐Universität Göttingen, Institut für Diversitätsforschung)

Ein ausführliches Informationsblatt zum CfP finden Sie hier. Forschungsskizzen und Positionen sowie Praxisbeträge können bis 1.02.2018 eingereicht werden.

Einreichungsfrist für Beiträge: 15.12.2017