Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

Call for Submissions: 10th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management (AESW) in Graz

The Tenth Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management (AESW) will be held at the University of Graz. Organized by Robert Bauer (JKU Linz), Giuseppe Delmestri (WU Wien) and Renate Ortlieb (Uni Graz), the AESW invites early career scholars who intend to pursue an academic career in the fields of organization and management, human resource management, strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, international management or public management. Given faculty members’ extensive expertise in institutional theory as well as in organizational change, innovation and the grand societal challenges, the AESW provides an environment particularly conducive to research in these areas. The AESW is open to academics in early stages of their academic careers and PhD students who have already completed a substantial part of their dissertation projects.

Fee: There are no participation fees for accepted early scholars.
Submission deadline: 21 February 2023.
Date of the AESW: 4 & 5 May 2023
View the complete Call for Submissions here

IHRM Webinar Series: Time is on our side? Towards more time-sensitive research in IHRM

This event is part of an IHRM Webinar Series, organized by the Centre for Global Workforce Strategy at Simon Fraser University (Canada), the Center for International Human Resource Studies at the Pennsylvania State University (USA), Pennsylvania Western University (USA), ESCP Business School and RIT Croatia (Europe).

About this event

Time is an essential and classic, yet underdeveloped issue in IHRM studies. However, time has an often long and distinguished pedigree in a number of scientific disciplines such as philosophy, physics, sociology, psychology, and organization studies. They constitute rich sources of inspiration and refreshment for the field of IHRM. From these sources, crucial general anchor points emerge that lead to yardsticks for the degree of time-sensitivity of IHRM research. They point us towards specific routes for enriching our studies with temporal aspects that allow a more comprehensive and in-depth view on the phenomena IHRM is dealing with.

After briefly diagnosing the current situation in terms of time and IHRM studies, this webinar focuses on outlining the general anchor points and specific yardsticks for more time-sensitive IHRM research. It closes with major calls for the field of IHRM to further develop in this area.


  • Wolfgang Mayrhofer Full Professor and head of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Management and Organizational Behaviour, WU Vienna, Austria.
  • This session will be moderated by Marion Festing, Professor of Human Resource Management and Intercultural Leadership at ESCP Business School’s Berlin campus

Date: 23 February 2023.
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. CEST (Vienna, Berlin, Paris, Zagreb)
More information & registration here. This event will be hosted virtually on Zoom. Event access links will be provided 24 hours prior to the event start.
No fee.

Previous installments of the IHRM Webinar Series are available online at our YouTube Channel.

CfP: Conference on Attendance Behavior, July 2023 in Tilburg

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a conference named “Be There or Be Square? Theoretical and Empirical Advancements in Workplace Attendance Behavior Research” that will take place at Tilburg University (Netherlands) on the 20th and 21st of July 2023.

In a nutshell, we aim to bring together researchers from different fields interested in various aspects of Workplace Attendance Behavior (such as absenteeism and presenteeism) to discuss new projects, ideas, and to advance the field.

The submission deadline for extended abstracts to be reviewed is 3 April, 2023. Feel free to share this with interested colleagues and coauthors. If you have any questions about the conference or your potential submission, feel free to reach out.

View the complete Call here.

CfP: Stress and Strain at Work – Concepts, Methods, and Results of Survey Research (Seminar& Special Issue)

Work-related stress can harm an individual’s health, well-being, and satisfaction and is a common problem (not only) in European countries (Aumayr-Pintar et al., 2015). It impacts the private sphere of life and can also have economic consequences for the employer through reduced work performance, lower productive output or employee absenteeism. Over the past seven decades, researchers have been engaged in the study of stress (Väänänen et al., 2012), and the interest and relevance continue to grow (Rigó et al., 2021).

Based on different theoretical conceptualisations, the measurements of stress (and strain) in industrial psychology, organisational sociology, or labour research (Abbas et al., 2013) are complex and situational. Individual diagnostic measurement tools are too large for population surveys. Consequently, these extensive surveys and panel studies apply short versions of stress measures (e. g., Siegrist et al., 2009). However, results from these population surveys are necessary to classify, compare and validate study results. In addition to the measures‘ brevity, the measurement type is also relevant. Studies indicate that the type of measurement can have a decisive impact on the results (Tobsch et al., 2018). This could be shown in a stress-theoretical measurement setting when testing the internationally used and valid effort-reward imbalance model (Siegrist, 2016). Therefore, there is a need to address theoretical concepts, the methodology of stress measures in extensive surveys and panel studies, as well as empirical findings from these surveys and studies such as the International Labor Office’s (ILOs) Decent Work Survey Program (Anker et al., 2002), Eurofound’s European Working Conditions Survey (Eurofound, 2022) or national survey such as the German Socio-Economic Panel (Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), 2021).

Seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik (15-20 May 2023) & Special Issue

Based on these brief reflections, the purpose of the seminar and the aim of the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies is to focus on the diverse theoretical models, measures and concepts of stress applied in surveys and panel studies, and investigate and discuss findings from these surveys and studies in the context of the mentioned methodological challenges:

  • Which stress concepts are implemented in surveys? How are these stress concepts adapted to meet the standards of survey methodology?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of having different (and competing) measures?
  • Which surveys and panel studies are suitable for stress measurements?
  • What variables and concepts are needed in surveys and panel studies besides stress measures?
  • How do the findings from different surveys differ?
  • These are just some ideas and not an exhaustive list. The seminar welcomes empirical studies and theoretical papers and provides sufficient time for discussion and reflection.

Course Directors & Guest Editors

  • Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (Germany)
  • Mandy Müller, Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (Germany)
  • Simon Jebsen, University of Southern Denmark

Deadline for abstract submission for the seminar: 28 February 2023.
Deadline for submission of the full paper for the Special Issue: 30 August 2023.
Publication date: Issue 2/2024

View the complete Call here.

Herbstworkshop 2023: Deadlines & Call for Papers

Wichtige Deadlines

  • Deadline Einreichung von Beiträgen: 28. April 2023.
  • Deadline Einreichung von Gutachten: 22. Juni 2023.
  • Mitteilung über Annahme: 05. Juli 2023.


  • 19. September 2023: PhD Workshop (digital)
  • 20. September 2023: Habilitand*innen-Workshop an der ESCP & abendliches Get-together im Harnack-Haus
  • 21. September 2023: Konferenz-Dinner
  • 21. & 22. September 2023: Hauptvortrags-Programm im Harnack-Haus

Call for Papers

Hiermit laden wir zur Einreichung von Aufsätzen und Kurzbeiträgen für den kommenden Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personal ein. Eine Vielfalt an Themen, Theorien und Methoden ist erwünscht. Neben Forschungsergebnissen können auch Projekte in einem frühen Stadium präsentiert werden (Kurzbeiträge). Entsprechend sind zwei Formen von Beiträgen möglich:

  • Aufsatz: Bitte reichen Sie einen vollständigen Aufsatz in Deutsch oder Englisch mit 8.000 bis 10.000 Wörtern (exklusive Literaturverzeichnis) ein.
  • Kurzbeitrag: Bitte reichen Sie eine ausführliche Zusammenfassung Ihres Projektes mit etwa 1.500 bis 2.000 Wörtern (exklusive Literaturverzeichnis) ein.

Zum vollständigen Call for Papers.

Stellenausschreibung: UniversitätsassistentIn – Postdoc

An der Universität Innsbruck ist ab 1. März 2023 eine Stelle als UniversitätsassistentIn – Postdoc auf 16 Monate, längstens jedoch bis zur Rückkehr der Stelleninhaberin/des Stelleninhabers zu vergeben. Die Stelle ist dem Arbeitsbereich HRM und Employment Relations zugeordnet und im Umfang von 40 Stunden/Woche ausgeschrieben. Bewerbungen sind bis zum 30. Januar 2023 möglich und können ab 10. Januar 2023 über das Karriereportal der Universität Innsbruck (Chiffre BWL-13245) eingereicht werden. Ansprechpartnerin für eventuelle Fragen im Vorfeld der Bewerbung ist Prof. Julia Brandl (


CfP: Special Issue on Pay Disclosure: Implications for HRM

Due to pressures from different stakeholders aimed at alleviating societal inequities related to
pay and income, organizations are increasingly being confronted with the need to open up
about pay. For example, New York City recently became the largest U.S. city to require private
employers to disclose salary ranges in job ads, the Austrian government’s “transparency act”
mandates all employers to state the minimum salaries and overpayment options in job ads,
and employees in Germany have the right to request information on the average salaries of
coworkers in the same job category. However, recent literature has demonstrated that the
consequences/outcomes of pay transparency are complex and not universally positive, and
asked for much more research on this topic (Arnold and Fulmer, 2018; Bamberger, 2021;
Brown, Nyberg, Weller et al., 2022; Lam, Cheng, Bamberger et al., 2022; Marasi and Bennett,
In this Special Issue we aim to expand existing research by focusing attention on contributions
addressing the implications of pay information disclosure for human resource management.
We seek to stimulate the field of HRM to develop knowledge on managing pay information
disclosure that is both rigorous and relevant. We welcome contributions from different fields
and perspectives on HRM and related disciplines, and invite empirical as well as
conceptual/theoretical papers.

Contributions could address the following or similar questions – but are not limited to these:

  • When are organizations more likely to disclose which kind of pay information?
  • What is the role of different actors – employees, HR professionals and line managers
    – in pay disclosure processes?
  • What are the outcomes of pay disclosure for employees and organizations (e.g.
    regarding satisfaction, pay dispersion, performance)?
  • When are positive or negative outcomes of pay disclosure on the employee, team
    and organizational level more likely?
  • How are changes in pay disclosure managed by HR professionals or managers, and
    how do employees respond to pay disclosure in the short and/or long-term?

Guest editors

  • David G. Allen is the Luther A. Henderson University Chair in Management and Leadership at TCU (U.S.) and Distinguished Research Environment Professor at the University of Warwick (UK).
  • Julia Brandl is Professor of HRM and Employment Relations at the University of Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Christian Grund is Professor of HRM and Personnel Economics at RWTH Aachen University.
  • Anna Sender is a Senior Researcher and Lecturer in Strategic HRM at the University of Lucerne and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland.

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2023.
Publication date: Issue 1/2025 (accepted manuscripts available online first).
View the complete Call here.

Stellenausschreibungen: 6x (Wissenschaftliche) Mitarbeit, jeweils mit Möglichkeit zur Promotion

Psychologe*in für interne wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit in einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt zur Analyse und Erhöhung der Sichtbarkeit von
Wissenschaftlerinnen in der medialen Öffentlichkeit, mit Gelegenheit zur Promotion, Job-ID: GETT01, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 75 oder 100%, Vertragslaufzeit nach Vereinbarung.
Bewerbungsfrist: 08. Januar 2023.
Zur vollständigen Ausschreibung inkl. weiterer Infos, Kontakt und Fristen.

(Wirtschafts-)Informatiker*in für interne wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit in einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt zur KI (inbes. NLP)-gestützten Analyse der
medialen Darstellung von Wissenschaftlerinnen in der Öffentlichkeit, mit Gelegenheit zur Promotion, Job-ID: GETT02, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 75 oder 100%, Vertragslaufzeit nach Vereinbarung.
Bewerbungsfrist: 08. Januar 2023.
Zur vollständigen Ausschreibung inkl. weiterer Infos, Kontakt und Fristen.

Wirtschaftswissenschaftler*in für interne wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit (mit Gelegenheit zur Promotion) zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz in Kundeninteraktion, Entwicklung einer Entscheidungshilfe zur Planung, Umsetzung und Erfolgsmessung von KI-Anwendungen in Kundeninteraktionen von KMU. Job-ID: KI-AIF, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 75 oder 100%, Vertragslaufzeit nach Vereinbarung
Bewerbungsfrist: 08. Januar 2023.
Zur vollständigen Ausschreibung inkl. weiterer Infos, Kontakt und Fristen.

Interne wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit mit Gelegenheit zur Promotion, Job-ID: CSO, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 75 oder 100%, Vertragslaufzeit nach Vereinbarung.
Bewerbungsfrist: 08. Januar 2023.
Zur vollständigen Ausschreibung inkl. weiterer Infos, Kontakt und Fristen.

Mitarbeit im Schranner Negotiation Institut in Zürich mit Gelegenheit zur Promotion zum Thema Verhandlungsführung.
Bewerbungsfrist: 08. Januar 2023.
Zur vollständigen Ausschreibung inkl. weiterer Infos, Kontakt und Fristen.

Wirtschaftswissenschaftler*in für interne wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit in einem Verbundvorhaben zum Aufbau eines H2-Reallabors, mit Gelegenheit zur Promotion. Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 75 oder 100%, Vertragslaufzeit nach Vereinbarung.
Bewerbungsfrist: 30. April 2023.
Zur vollständigen Ausschreibung inkl. weiterer Infos, Kontakt und Fristen.

Call for Abstracts: CHIMSPAS 2023 (International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (24 & 25 August 2023, Bielefeld, Germany)

Smart products and services are about to transform both markets and companies. Since 2019, scientists discuss corresponding managerial issues during the Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS, see videos from the first event and the last one). CHIMSPAS 2023 will take place on-site in Bielefeld, a lovely town in the center of East Westphalia. In these past years, a vivid community of researchers with various backgrounds, especially from the fields of service management, innovation management, and business information systems, emerged. Again, we cordially invite researchers and practitioners from these and other management fields as well as from other disciplines such as engineering, psychology, or law to join us for another CHIMSPAS event. We welcome conceptual, empirical, and analytical works to be presented at CHIMSPAS. Possible contributions should be submitted as extended abstracts. Both completed research and work in progress are eligible. Awards for the most influential conference contributions will be presented during the conference.

Topics of Interest: Conference contributions need to be related to challenges in managing smart products and services, which might arise in diverse fields such as those listed in the following:

  • Business Information Systems Engineering (e.g., establishing smart service platforms)
  • Entrepreneurship (e.g., collaboration with startups in developing smart products)
  • Human Resource Management (e.g., new skills required, new working styles or cultural norms)
  • Innovation and Technology Management (e.g., barriers to smart product adoption and diffusion, acquisition of required technologies)
  • Logistics (e.g., continuous tracking of products w.r.t. location, current condition, environment)
  • Marketing (e.g., finer customer segmentation, better after-sale service, novel pricing strategies)
  • Organization (e.g., new organizational structures to coordinate units more closely)
  • Production (e.g., predictive analytics enabling service innovation in manufacturing, industry 4.0)
  • Services Management (e.g., smart service systems)
  • Strategic Management (e.g., new business model, importance of data, open or closed system)

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Prof. Nicola Bilstein, University of Bayreuth
  • Prof. Christian Stummer, Bielefeld University

Submission Deadline: 03 April 2023.
Conference:  24-25 August 2023.
Conference Website: here.
View the complete Call here.

CfP: Human-Centered AI at Work – Common Ground in Theories and Methods

Research can face artificial intelligence (AI) as an issue of technology development but also as an issue of enacted technology at work. Human-centered design of AI gives emphasis to the expertise and needs of human beings as a starting point of technology development or as an outcome of AI-based work settings. This is an important goal, as expressed, for example, by the international labor organization’s call for a „human-centered agenda“ for the future of AI and automation collaboration. This Research Topic raises the question of what human-centricity means, i.e. what are the criteria and indicators of human-centered AI and how can they be considered and implemented?

The aim of this Research Topic is to open a floor for an interdisciplinary discourse elaborating on theoretical concepts and methods in use that specify the human-centricity of AI work settings. A common ground for theory development and discourse on empirical results is necessary as human-centered AI is being theorized, investigated, and developed in various disciplines. The range of disciplines is from information science, machine learning, engineering and robotics, medicine up to ergonomics/work science, psychology, sociology, philosophy, business studies, law and labor relations just to mention the core disciplines involved in the current debate. These disciplines provide different basic understandings of what human-centered AI at work exactly means. Basic assumptions are not necessarily routed in explicit theories but also result from theories in use leading to a set of methods and instruments applied in R&D projects and transferred to practice. As different perspectives co-exist and are currently not well integrated there is a need to further specify and systemize what human-centered AI in the workplace exactly means and what the underlying criteria are. Based on that, we can gain an overview, search for a common ground and distinguish between communities that move forward the discourse in parallel.

We invite a wide range of empirical and theoretical contributions that investigate:

  • Work settings making use of AI
  • The connection and loops between AI development and AI use fields
  • Regulations for AI implementation
  • Issues of decision making with and/or about AI at work

We equally appreciate theoretical or empirical work on how to specify human-centricity as a (normative) input factor, as a throughput in process descriptions and/or as an measurable output of AI-based work settings. Invited research contributions might contribute from different starting points:

  1. Theoretical outlines giving emphasis to concepts for specifying the normative basis of human-centered AI at work
  2. Methods, instruments, and standards in terms of theories in use of what human-centricity means
  3. Empirical studies investigating the antecedents and/ or outcomes of human-centered AI use at work and mediating or moderating mechanisms;
  4. Case study analysis representing practices of human-centered AI where qualitative field work allows to specify criteria in an inductive manner

Topic Editors:

  • Annette Kluge (Ruhr University Bochum)
  • Corinna Pfeifer (University of Lübeck)
  • Uta Wilkens (Institute of Work Science, Ruhr University Bochum)
  • Verena Nitsch (Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University)

Submission Deadline for Abstract: 06 February 2023.
Submission Deadline for Manuscript: 06 July 2023.

View the complete CfP here.