Archiv des Autors: Rene Schmoll

CfP: Ethnographies of Work

Ethnographies of Work

Call for Papers to be Published in Research in the Sociology of Work
Rick Delbridge, Markus Helfen, Andi Pekarek and Gretchen Purser, editors

Ethnographic studies provide unrivalled insights into the ‘hidden’ social worlds and places of work, enabling analyses of the experiences of work, its nature and context, and the impacts of contemporary developments from technology through economic and organizational change to the consequences of the Covid pandemic. Such research gives voice to the under-represented and disenfranchised of society while exploring and exposing the characteristics and consequences of the nature of contemporary capitalism in and through work.

This Special Issue of Research in the Sociology of Work invites papers that explore the changing nature of work but also the continuities that mark worlds of work. We also welcome papers that explore the methodological issues of ethnography in the context of researching work. Our interest is in providing a showcase for a broad range of the latest research in the ethnographic traditions of the sociology of work.

Articles can address any of a wide range of topics and themes, including but not limited to the following:
• Control and Resistance at Work
• Precarious Employment
• Gig Work and the Platform Economy
• ‘Dirty’ or ‘Dangerous’ Work
• Work and Family
• Knowledge Work and Creative Work
• Diversity Management
• Intersectionality at Work
• Work and Social Movements
• Gender, Work, and Neo-liberalism
• Work and Sustainability
• Work and the State
• Emotional Labour and Service Work
• Sex Work
• AI, Data, and Automation at Work
• Occupations and Professions
• Immigrants at Work
• Global Supply Chains and Work
• Work in the time of Covid and beyond

We invite a range of contributions.

Extended empirical papers should be based on ethnographic research and include an in-depth discussion of empirical findings. These may run up to 20,000 words in length (inclusive) in order to allow for an extended presentation of novel and significant research findings. We are seeking to showcase the rich contribution of research in the ethnographic tradition, and therefore this type of submission is intended to form the centrepiece of this volume. Standard papers which develop new insights into work through empirical analysis or examine methodological aspects of ethnography are also welcome. These should be a maximum of 10,000 words.

Short commentaries or provocations are contributions that provide a personal insight or comment on current debates in ways that are not possible in the conventional paper form. These may address any issue related to the ethnographic study of work and should be no longer than 3,000 words in length.

Extended reviews are contributions that review one or more monographs that feature ethnographic research. These might be recently published books or entail the revisiting of previously published work in ways that reflect on its contemporary significance. We also invite reviews of other media which develop insights into worlds of work. These contributions should be no longer than 5,000 words.

Submissions are invited for contributions of all types and may be made at any time up until 1st March 2022. Please submit your manuscript to and include Ethnography in the subject line.

We encourage prospective authors to contact us if you would like to discuss your idea for a submission, particularly if you are considering submitting a ‘non-standard’ paper.
Future volumes will address questions of Employability and Essential and Nonesssential Work. Calls for papers will appear here:

CfP: EGOS sub-stream on organizational democracy and society

Im Rahmen von EGOS 2022 (Wien) wird ein sub-stream zum Thema „Organizational democracy and society“ organisiert, ausgerichtet von Irma Rybnikova (Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt), Juliette Summers (University St. Andrews, UK) und Thomas Steger (Universität Regensburg). Einreichungen von ’short papers‘ sind bis zum 11.01.2022 möglich. Weitere Infos:

CfP: Transformation Challenges, Entrepreneurial and Managerial Impact, Consequences for Business Research and Education

Special Issue on Transformation Challenges, Entrepreneurial and Managerial Impact, Consequences for Business Research and Education

Climate change, political and societal turbulence or emerging technologies challenge organizations and individuals to transformation. These developments pose enormous opportunities but also threats for organizations and individuals, who have to answer how to deal with change and how to make use of change. Dealing with and making use of change is at the heart of entrepreneurial and managerial decision making and acting. We invite research papers that put change and transformation at the core of their analysis, and/or discuss consequences for business research and education.

Papers for the Special Issue may address, for example, the following topics:

  • How do firms transform? How and why are business models adapted? How do start-ups and established companies drive successful change initiatives, and/or how are start-ups and established companies affected by change?
  • What is the role of individuals and institutions in transformation processes, e.g., customers, employees, competitors, or standard setters?
  • Which entrepreneurial and managerial instruments are most effective for transformation, which are not and why? How do organizations shape and adapt their decision-making, management, human resources and control processes as well as their value chain processes and customer relationships, and what is the role of digital technologies, e.g., artificial intelligence, within this transformation?
  • What is the impact of the increasingly complex international regulatory environment in, e.g., finance and accounting on firm performance, how does it relate to stakeholders’ demands for sustainability and resilience within organizations, and which governance structures will be needed in the future?
  • How does and should business research address change and turbulence of our time? What are new research methods and tools in this regard? What is the role of theory and how could and should the logic of business research look like?
  • What are the challenges for business, entrepreneurial, and management education? What is and could be the link between theories and research of change and (new) teaching methods?

The aim of the Special Issue is to publish new and pathbreaking work that engages with the above mentioned or related questions. We invite papers that provide new evidence and engage with salient bodies of theoretical and applied knowledge. We welcome paradigmatic, theoretical, empirical (quantitative and qualitative), and methodological contributions that speak to these aspects. All contributions should clearly address the practical and theoretical implications for business decisions and/or societal institutions.

Submission guidelines and deadlines
All manuscripts must follow the guidelines of the Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, which are available at:
Manuscript submission for the review process should be done in the Editorial Manager of Springer at under the manuscript category “Special Issue Transformation”.

Submission deadline: 15 May 2022
Expected publication date: March 2023

Inquiries on the Special Issue should be sent by email to the Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research Guest Co-editors
• Marina Fiedler (
• Thomas Hutzschenreuter (
• Martin Klarmann (
• Barbara E. Weißenberger (

Stellenausschreibung der ESCP Business School Berlin

Am Lehrstuhl für Personalmanagement und Interkulturelle Führung der ESCP Business School Berlin ist zum 1. Januar 2022 die folgende Stelle zu besetzen:

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) – Research Assistant (m/f/d) 50% der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit

Ihr Aufgabengebiet umfasst die Mitarbeit in Lehre, Forschung und Lehrstuhlmanagement. Sie werden an internationalen Forschungs- und Publikationsprojekten aktiv mitwirken, sowie mit renommierten Unternehmen arbeiten. Außerdem gehen wir davon aus, dass Sie sich an der Profilierung der Hochschule aktiv und engagiert beteiligen. Die Teilnahme an unserem Europäischen Promotionsprogramm und eine Promotion (Dr. rer. pol.) sind erwünscht.

Wir erwarten von Ihnen ein mit Prädikat abgeschlossenes Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt Personalmanagement, Organisation und/oder Internationales Management. Wir möchten auch Absolventinnen und Absolventen anderer Disziplinen (z.B. Psychologie) zur Bewerbung ermutigen, wenn Sie inhaltliche Anknüpfungspunkte sehen. Sie verfügen zudem über eine hohe Begeisterung für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, ein gutes theoretisches Fundament, Kenntnisse in empirischer Sozialforschung, sehr gute englische Sprachkenntnisse sowie Interesse an Themen der internationalen Personalforschung. Für die Mitarbeit in unserem Team stellen wir uns eine Persönlichkeit vor, die neben einer hervorragenden akademischen Qualifikation auch Eigeninitiative, Verantwortungsbewusstsein und außergewöhnliches Engagement einbringt.

Ihre komplette Bewerbung richten Sie bitte gerne bereits jetzt, aber spätestens bis zum 31. Oktober 2021 (per E-Mail mit Gesamt-PDF) an:

Frau Prof. Dr. Marion Festing
z. Hd. Herrn Michael Volk
ESCP Business School Berlin, Lehrstuhl für Personalmanagement und Interkulturelle Führung
Heubnerweg 8-10, 14059 Berlin

Webinar: How have Management and HRM scholars shaped the conversation on the COVID-19 Pandemic?

About the Presentation

Academic contributions on the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences continue apace. As with most disciplines, scholars working in the organisation sciences have turned their attention to this extraordinary phenomenon, and have offered an array of insights designed to assist our understanding and management of the altered circumstances and attendant complexity thrown up by it. Based on a preliminary analysis of a corpus of scholarship published in selected Management and HRM journals, in this presentation Professor Michael Morley will landscape the contours of this evolving body of work and its underlying intellectual structure. Through a performance analysis, he will identify key elements of the anatomy of the knowledge base built thus far, while in a textual analysis he will outline focal topics and shared qualities characterizing the contributions. Following this exposition and classification of the scholarship, he will turn to the identification of a series of research opportunities designed to either deepen recently established lines of inquiry, or open up new ones of relevance to addressing the ongoing work, workplace and work-life challenges that have arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. PDT (San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver)
11:30 am – 12:30 pm EDT (Boston, New York, Miami)
16:30 pm – 17:30 pm GMT (Dublin)
17:30 pm – 18:30 pm CEST (Berlin, Paris, Zagreb)

Use this Time Zone Converter to find your local time

As an international partnership, the IHRM series welcomes speakers from all over the world and multiple time zones. This session will be recorded to share with registrants who are not able to attend the live session.

Event Access: This event will be hosted virtually on Zoom. Event access links will be provided 24 hours prior to the event start.
Registration: Tickets are complimentary but registration is required to attend or receive the link to the recording. Click here to register online with Eventbrite.

Call for Applications: Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management

The 9th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management
November 19–20, 2021
@ JKU—Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

The Ninth Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management provides an opportunity for advanced PhD students and academics in early career stages from all countries to present their research and discuss it with colleagues and professors from international and Austrian universities. In addition to facilitating intellectual exchange, this program supports the development of a global network of Early Scholars interested in management and organization studies from institutional, organizational and behavioral perspectives.

Workshop Conveners & Faculty Members

  • Robert M. Bauer, Professor of Organization and Innovation (JKU Linz)
  • Giuseppe Delmestri, Professor of Change Management & Management Development (WU
  • Vienna)
  • Renate Ortlieb, Professor of Human Resources (University of Graz)


  • John Amis, Professor of Strategic Management & Organisation (University of Edinbrugh)
  • Regine Bendl, Professor of Gender & Diversity (WU Vienna)
  • Claudio Biscaro, Professor of Leadership & Change Management (JKU Linz)
  • Matthias Fink, Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship (JKU Linz & ARU Cambridge)
  • Thomas Gegenhuber, Professor in Management of Socio-Technical Transitions (JKU Linz)
  • Renate Meyer, Professor of Organization Studies (WU Vienna & CBS Copenhagen)
  • Markus Reihlen, Professor of Strategic Management & Digital Transformation (Leuphana University)
  • Elke Schüßler, Professor of Organization (JKU Linz)
  • Jörg Sydow, Professor of Management and Inter-firm Cooperation (FU Berlin)
  • Paul Tracey, Professor of Innovation and Organization (Cambridge University)
  • Eero Vaara, Professor in Organisations Impact (Oxford University)

Target Group and Eligibility

The target group of the Workshop is early career scholars who intend to pursue an academic career in the fields of organization and management theory, strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, HRM, international management or public management. The Workshop is open to academics in early stages of their academic careers and PhD students who have already completed a substantial part of their dissertation projects.

The Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management invites research that covers a broad range of topics and draws from a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. In addition, given faculty members’ extensive expertise in institutional theory as well as in organizational change, innovation and entrepreneurship, the Workshop provides an environment particularly conducive to research in these areas.

Application Process

Applicants are requested to submit a CV and a short essay (max. 2,000 words) that summarizes their research to be presented during the Workshop. Please upload your CV and short essay no later than October 3, 2021 to

Notification of acceptance is sent out no later than October 10, 2021. A longer paper, either an extended essay (max. 4,000 words) or a full paper (max. 8,000 words), must be submitted by November 10, 2021 for distribution to discussants and participants.

Workshop Format

All participants present a piece of empirical or conceptual research during the Workshop. Each participant is assigned one of two formats: (1) presentation in a plenary session (twenty minutes for presentation, followed by ten minutes for feedback from two discussants and ten minutes for open discussion); (2) discussion at a development roundtable with four Early Scholars and two faculty members (five minutes for introductory statement followed by 25 minutes for everyone at the roundtable to provide feedback based on their advance reading of the paper, and open discussion).

To be able to contribute fully to the discussions and aid their fellow researchers, participants are required to prepare by reading their colleagues essays and full papers prior to the Workshop. Essays and papers are distributed electronically one week prior to the Workshop.

Program and Fees

The Workshop commences on November 19, 9:00 a.m. We adjourn no later than November 20, 4:00 p.m. There are no participation fees for accepted Early Scholars. The Workshop Dinner on Friday is covered by the organization.

Conference Venue

The Workshop is held at the JKU Campus in Linz, Austria ( The campus is conveniently accessible by public transportation: A streetcar runs from the train station to the campus. Frequent, fast trains connect Linz to Vienna, Salzburg and Munich (

We also offer a few slots for virtual participation in a development roundtable to provide Early Scholars, who cannot travel to Linz, with an opportunity to give and receive feedback.


Participants are responsible for their travel arrangements and accommodation. We reserved hotel rooms close to campus. Program coordinators will contact accepted participants and, if desired, provide support with booking suitable accommodation.

COVID-19 Pandemic: Safety Measures and Disclaimer

After almost two years of online communication, we seek to provide Early Scholars with an opportunity for face-to-face dialogues and spontaneous personal interaction both during and beyond the official Workshop program. JKU has implemented strict safety protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and will continue to do so. Since it is by far the most effective preventative measure, we kindly ask participants to arrive fully vaccinated, thereby protecting everyone present and easing scholarly and social togetherness. Some uncertainty will however remain: should free travel to and from Austria not be possible in November, the
Workshop will have to be cancelled. We provide an update on the COVID-19 situation together with the notifications of acceptance by October 10.

Call for Applications

Stellenausschreibung der Universität Osnabrück

Das Fachgebiet BWL/Unternehmensführung des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine*n

wissenschaftliche*n Mitarbeiter*in, Postdoc (m/w/d)
(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 100 %)

befristet für die Dauer von drei Jahren.

Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Mitarbeit an den Forschungsprojekten (insb. auch Projekt VoI) und Publikationsvorhaben des Fachgebiets
  • Forschung im Bereich der Forschungsschwerpunkte des Fachgebiets
  • Mitarbeit bei der Einwerbung von Drittmittelprojekten
  • Konzeption, Vorbereitung und Durchführung vorlesungsbegleitender Übungen und anderer Veranstaltungen im Bachelor- und Masterstudium sowie Betreuung von Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten
  • Mitarbeit im Fachgebietsteam und Beteiligung an organisatorischen Aufgaben am Fachgebiet
  • Gelegenheit zur Habilitation ist gegeben


  • Abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliche Hochschulstudium im Bereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder benachbarter Disziplin
  • Promotion im Bereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften oder benachbarter Disziplin
  • sehr gute Kenntnisse im Bereich BWL/Unternehmensführung, d.h. Kenntnisse in einem oder mehreren der Forschungsschwerpunkte des Fachgebiets (theoretische Modellierung, Nachhaltigkeit, Spieltheorie, Personal/Mikroökonomik, Personal und Organisation, experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung)
  • sehr gute Methodenkenntnisse und Erfahrungen in quantitativ-experimenteller Forschung sowie Kenntnisse in der Datenanalyse bzw. die Bereitschaft, diese zu erwerben
    Idealerweise verfügen Sie über:
  • Publikationen in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften
  • Erfahrung mit Drittmittelprojekten
  • erste Erfahrung als Postdoc
  • sehr gute Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache
  • Teamfähigkeit, eine hohe Leistungsbereitschaft sowie die Fähigkeit zum eigenverantwortlichen Arbeiten

Wir bieten Ihnen:

  • ein exzellentes Forschungsumfeld und die Förderung Ihrer wissenschaftlichen Weiterentwicklung
  • ein angenehmes Arbeitsklima mit wissenschaftlichen Freiräumen in einem zielorientiert arbeitenden und motiviertenTeam
  • eine interessante und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit

Auf die Möglichkeit einer Teilzeitbeschäftigung wird hingewiesen.

Als familiengerechte Hochschule setzt sich die Universität Osnabrück für die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie ein.

Die Universität Osnabrück will die berufliche Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Männern besonders fördern. Daher strebt sie eine Erhöhung des Anteils des im jeweiligen Bereich unterrepräsentierten Geschlechts an.

Schwerbehinderte Bewerber*innen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.

Bewerbungen mit vollständigen Unterlagen (Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse und Dokumente, drei Referenzen) in einer pdf-Datei richten Sie bitte bis 03.10.2021 an Prof. Dr. Julia Müller Bei Fragen zu dieser Stellenausschreibung wenden Sie sich gerne an Prof. Dr. Julia Müller. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.

Zur Stellenausschreibung

Stellenausschreibung der Freien Universität Berlin

Am Management Department des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Freien Universität Berlin ist eine Stelle als wiss. Mitarbeiter/-in zu besetzen. Die Professur für Gender, Governance, und internationales Management befasst sich in Lehre und Forschung mit Management und Governancethemen, insbesondere in Bezug auf Personal und Arbeit. Ein spezieller Fokus liegt außerdem auf den Themen Globalisierung, Digitalisierung, und Gender Equality. Die qualitative Methodenlehre und die Anwendung qualitativer Forschungsdesigns in der Forschung bilden einen besonderen Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit.

Die Aufgaben umfassen im Wesentlichen wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen in Forschung und Lehre im Arbeitsbereich der Professur für Gender, Governance und internationales Management. Dazu gehören Lehre im Umfang von 2 SWS in den Studiengängen Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Master of Science in Management & Marketing; die Mitarbeit an forschungsbezogenen Aufgaben wie z.B. die Entwicklung von Drittmittelanträgen und die Organisation von Tagungen und Workshops sowie Mitarbeit bei den Selbstverwaltungsaufgaben der Professur und des Fachbereichs.

Die Stelle dient der eigenen wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung (Promotion).

Bewerbungsende ist 27.9.2021.

Weitere Informationen zur Stelle und zur Professur finden Sie

Zur Stellenausschreibung

CfP: Green HRM and Sustainable Behavior: New Developments and Challenges


Hybrid format: Campus of WU Vienna and online

17-18 March 2022

International Conference

“Green HRM and Sustainable Behavior: New Developments and Challenges”

This international conference on 17-18 March 2022 hosted by the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) and the University of Augsburg addresses new developments in and challenges for Green HRM and Sustainable Behavior in and of organizations. Since the research field of Green HRM and Sustainable Organizational Behavior has grown quickly, we aim to offer an opportunity for international scholars to present and discuss recent findings of their studies. In addition, this conference marks the end of our FWF/DFG funded project on “Comparative Green HRM” led by Michael Muller-Camen and Marcus Wagner.

We welcome high quality contributions and work-in-progress submissions across research fields and theoretical backgrounds that advance our understanding of current developments and challenges (e.g. tensions and paradoxes) in the context of Green HRM and Sustainable Behaviors in the workplace. Potential areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Theoretical and/or empirical contributions on recent developments and challenges in Green HRM practices and Sustainable Behavior
  • Multi-level and comparative perspectives on Green HRM practices, Sustainable Behavior and their respective antecedents and outcomes
  • Responses to challenges of Sustainable Behavior that materialize in tensions, contradictions or paradoxes of sustainability
  • Nested and multi-level paradoxes that result from the inherent complexity of sustainability in a workplace context as well as preferences, norms, and (dis-)incentives for Sustainable Workplace Behaviors
  • Mixed methods approaches for investigating Sustainable HRM/company policies, Sustainable Behaviors, and their interplay
  • Research into the process and outcomes of determining key issues and policies for Strategic Green HRM within and between companies


WU Vienna and University of Augsburg: The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) fund the conference.

Scientific Committee:

  • Prof. Susan E. Jackson (Department of Human Resource Management, Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey)
  • Prof. Yuan Jiang (Harbin Institute of Technology)
  • Prof. Michael Müller-Camen (Institute for Human Resource Management, WU Vienna)
  • Prof. Pascal Paillé (NEOMA Business School)
  • Prof. Andrew Spicer (Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina)
  • Prof. Shuang Ren (Deakin Business School, Deakin University)
  • Prof. Douglas Renwick (Nottingham Business School, Trent University)
  • Prof. Marcus Wagner (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, University of Augsburg)
  • Prof. Maurizio Zollo (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College London)


Thursday, 17 March 2022 to Friday, 18 March 2022, 13.00 to 21.00 CET


Online – The access details will be sent to your email address a few days prior to the event, and at the Campus of WU Vienna

Paper Submission and Registration:

Please submit either a full paper or a short paper including a title page with title, author names and affiliations, 150-word abstract, and up to 5 key words. Submissions should follow a specific format (i.e., 12 pt, Times New Roman or Arial; margin left/right: 2.5 cm; line spacing: 1.5). The maximum length of a full paper is 40 pages and for a short paper 10 pages (including title page, all tables, graphs, figures, appendices, and references).

You can submit your paper from 1 September until 1 December 2021 by using the online form on our website:

We will send out the submissions for peer-review and inform you in a timely manner if your paper is accepted for the conference.

The registration is open from 13 December until 20 February on our website. You will be asked to indicate if you will participate in person or online. More information on the registration will follow. Participation is free of charge.

For further information, please contact the two organizers or


Stellenausschreibung der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

The Institute for Leadership and Organization (ILO) is looking to fill the following vacancy
by January 1, 2022 at the earliest:

Post-Doctoral Researcher (m/f/d)
(Pay Grade A13, full-time)

The Team
We work internationally in an open and cooperative atmosphere. Our research in the fields
of leadership, organization and innovation contributes at the highest scientific level to solving
current practical problems. We present our work at international conferences and publish in
leading international journals such as AMJ, Org. Science, JIBS or JPIM.

Your Tasks
You conduct high-quality management research in collaboration with Professor Hoegl and
the Institute team. You teach courses (in our content domain) in the Bachelor’s and Master’s
programs of the school and supervise students with their theses (for a teaching load of five
hours per week). Moreover, you act as a mentor for the Institute’s doctoral students and gain
respective leadership experiences. With your teaching and research, you will work towards
the completion of a habilitation (German post-doctoral degree).

Your Profile

  • A completed PhD degree or its equivalent in Business or Psychology or neighboring
    fields, with a special emphasis on organizational behavior, organization theory or
    innovation management.
  • A proven publication track record in top-tier management or psychology journals on
    topics of organization, leadership or innovation, or publication potential as evident in
    working papers or submitted papers that are invited for revision.
  • A very good understanding of quantitative methods, including study design and statistical
    analyses, and a very good command of relevant software packages, such as R, Mplus,
    HLM, Stata, and/or SPSS.
  • Alternatively, a very good understanding of qualitative methods (e.g., longitudinal
    inductive studies).
  • Excellent oral and written English proficiency as well as relevant teaching experience
    (ideally with formal student evaluations).
  • Experience and readiness to engage with leaders and organizations in field work.
  • The ability to work in and guide a team; curiosity and discipline, self-reliance and
    initiative taking, as well as integrity and creativity.

Position and Application
Your workplace is centrally located in Munich (LMU’s main campus) and is very easy to reach
with public transport. The position is limited to three years with a possible extension of a
further three years. If all the requirements of civil service law are met, you can be appointed
as a temporary civil servant, otherwise on a TV-L E13 pay grade appointment. Severely
handicapped applicants will be preferred if they are otherwise of equal suitability. There is
the possibility of part-time employment. Applications from women are welcome. Please send
your application documents (cover letter, CV, publication list etc.) in electronic form only (all
documents in one PDF file no larger than 10 MB) to Prof. Dr. Martin Hoegl at

Application deadline: Oct. 15, 2021

Review of applications begins immediately and the search continues until the position is filled.
Further information on the Institute for Leadership and Organization can be found at:

Zur Stellenausschreibung