Call for Submissions: 10th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management (AESW) in Graz

The Tenth Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management (AESW) will be held at the University of Graz. Organized by Robert Bauer (JKU Linz), Giuseppe Delmestri (WU Wien) and Renate Ortlieb (Uni Graz), the AESW invites early career scholars who intend to pursue an academic career in the fields of organization and management, human resource management, strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, international management or public management. Given faculty members’ extensive expertise in institutional theory as well as in organizational change, innovation and the grand societal challenges, the AESW provides an environment particularly conducive to research in these areas. The AESW is open to academics in early stages of their academic careers and PhD students who have already completed a substantial part of their dissertation projects.

Fee: There are no participation fees for accepted early scholars.
Submission deadline: 21 February 2023.
Date of the AESW: 4 & 5 May 2023
View the complete Call for Submissions here