Call for Papers: German Journal of Human Resource Management (Zeitschrift für Personalforschung)

The German Journal of Human Resource Management (GHRM) is the highest ranked German journal covering research on all issues related to human resource management and is listed by the SSCI. The special issues published in English receive considerable attention both in Germany and abroad. We would like to invite researchers to submit both theoretical and empirical contributions that address the topic ‚New Perspectives on the Empowerment of Workers‘.

Possible research questions:

  • Why do firms delegate decision rights to workers and let them participate in firm decisions?
  • What distinguishes empowered workers from other less authorized and involved employees?
  • Do workers benefit from being empowered (e.g., concerning job satisfaction, wage, work-life balance etc.)?
  • Does worker empowerment boost worker and/or firm performance?

Deadline for full paper submissions: 15.09.2016

Further information