Tag Archives: Hamburg

Conference: Afghanistan, The Cold War, and the End of the Soviet Union (14.-16.03.13)

Afghanistan, The Cold War, and the End of the Soviet Union
14-16 March 2013

The conference is open to the public. Registration is not necessary

Conference Program

Thursday, 14 March 2013: Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung

20.00: Opening
Rodric Braithwaite (London): This Time it will be Different: The Russians in Afghanistan, 1979-1989

Friday, 15 March 2013: : Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Thomas-Ellwein-Saal

9.45-10.15 Welcome

10.15-11.45 Rhetorics and Politics of the Cold War

Martin Deuerlein (Tübingen): The Bear Trap? Iran, Afghanistan and the Prelude to Invasion, 1978-1979
Roman Krawielicki (Tübingen): “Sovietnam”? Reagan Rhetoric and Politics in relation to the Soviet War in Afghanistan
Discussant: Claudia Weber (Hamburg)

11.45-12.30 Coffee Break

12.00-13.30 Everyday Lives I: Within the Soviet Army

Alena Maklak (Potsdam): “United Friendly Family”? Cohesion and Disintegration among Soviet Soldiers in Afghanistan
Serguei Oushakine (Princeton): Notes of War and Despair. Writing Military History with Songs
Discussant: Klaas Voß (Hamburg)

13.30-14.30 Lunch

14.30-16.00 Everyday Lives II: Resistance and Migration in Afghanistan

Robert Johnson (Oxford, UK): Counter-Revolution or People’s War: The Mujahideen Insurgency, 1979-1989
Conrad Schetter (Bonn): Patterns of Migration in Afghanistan
Discussant: Florian Kühn (Hamburg)

16.00-16.60 Coffee Break

16.30-18.00 The Self and the Other: Perceptions of Afghans and Soviets

Martha Vogel (Basel): Afghan Visual Propaganda. The Self and the Other
Elena Senyavskaya (Moscow): Afghanistan in the Eyes of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces
Discussant: Rudolf Mark (Hamburg)

Saturday, 16 March 2013: Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Thomas-Ellwein-Saal

9.45-11.15 The Aftermath: The Soviet War Veterans

Nataliya Danilova (Nottingham): Veterans of the Soviet Afghan War: Gender Crisis and Re-Invention of Identity
Vejune D. Gota (Vilnius): The Aftermath of War: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Social Support, and Alcohol Consumption in Lithuania
Discussant: Manfred Zeller (Hamburg)


Afghanistan, the Cold War and the End of the Soviet Union. Perspectives for new research

For further information please contact Dr. des. Esther Meier.

PD. Tanja Penter, Dr. des. Esther Meier, Laura Sembritzki, M.A. (HSU)
Dr. Claudia Weber (HIS)

Further information

Workshop “Job Quality and Mismatch” (21.-22.02.2013)

Am 21. und 22. Februar 2013 findet an der Universität Hamburg ein Workshop zum Thema

„Job quality and mismatch: Conceptual advances and international perspectives“

statt. Ziel des Workshops ist es, aktuelle Erkenntnisse, Entwicklungen und offene Forschungsfragen rund um das Thema Arbeitsqualität zu diskutieren. Referenten sind: Chris Warhurst (University of Sydney), Ursula Holtgrewe (Working Life Research Centre, Vienna), Sven Hauff, (University of Hamburg), Markus Holler (INIFES), Sonja Drobnič (University of Hamburg), José-Ignacio Antón (University of Salamanca), Janine Leschke (Copenhagen Business School) und Stefan Kirchner (University of Hamburg). Weitere Informationen

Universität Hamburg: Start der 4. Ausschreibung UNICA – Berufseinstiegs-Mentoring 2013

Stehen Sie kurz vor Ihrem Studienabschluss oder promovieren Sie? Streben Sie eine verantwortungsvolle Position an und wollen Sie mehr über Ihre Möglichkeiten in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung erfahren? Dann bewerben Sie sich um die Teilnahme am UNICA-Programm 2013 der Arbeitsstelle Expertinnen-Beratungsnetz/Mentoring der Universität Hamburg. Das gemeinsam mit der Universitäts-Gesellschaft entwickelte, erfolgreiche Mentoringprogramm zur Förderung weiblicher Nachwuchskräfte wird von renommierten Hamburger Unternehmen unterstützt.

Es erwartet Sie:

  • mehrjähriges Mentoring mit erfahrenen Expertinnen aus Wirtschaft und Verwaltung
  • professionelles Auswahlverfahren mit individueller Rückmeldung
  • Unternehmensbesichtigungen und Informationsveranstaltungen
  • Workshops zu Perspektiven der eigenen beruflichen Entwicklung
  • Coaching in mentaler Selbstregulation (Introvision)
  • Vernetzung mit Mentees auch anderer Fakultäten

Zielgruppe: Studentinnen und Doktorandinnen der Fakultäten EPB, Geisteswissenschaften,
MIN und WiSo

Bewerbungsfrist: 11. Februar 2013

Weitere Informationen

Session on “Family Networks” at the XXXIII. Sunbelt 2013 – Hamburg

Call for Papers for a session on “Family Networks”
at the XXXIII. Sunbelt Conference, May 21 – 26, 2013 in Hamburg, Germany

Session organizers:

Andreas Klärner, University of Rostock, Germany, andreas.klaerner@uni-rostock.de
Sylvia Keim, University of Rostock, Germany, sylvia.keim@uni-rostock.de

Reaching back to Elizabeth Bott’s classic study on family relations and the division of labor within a couple, social network analysis has been an interesting perspective for family researchers. Since the discussion about “postmodern” or “patchwork”-families the traditional concept of family has been challenged and no longer can be conceived as given or unproblematic. Here the perspective of dynamically changing networks of family relations has become more and more prominent. Drawing on this discussion, we would like to ask how a network perspective can enhance our understanding of different processes in the making of families. Therefore, in this session we want to bring together researchers interested in family relations and social network analysis. We invite abstracts on theoretical as well as empirical work and appreciate different methodological approaches ranging from quantitative to qualitative and mixed-methods research methods.

Possible topics may include:

  • Family construction or the concept of family: How can a network perspective of dynamically changing family relations contribute to the discussion on changing and varying family patterns?
  • Union and family formation: How do personal relations and social support networks affect transitions to different stages in union and family formation? Do social networks have an effect on the transition to parenthood?
  • Family networks across the life course: How do family (and other) relations change across the life course? A special focus can be on specific life events as partnership formation, (re-)marriage, parenthood, separation/divorce, widowhood, children leaving home…
  • The effects of family ties in various research fields: What is the role of family ties and family support networks for e.g. individual health, education trajectories, (recovery from) drug addiction, criminal trajectories?
  • Intergenerational exchanges: What forms of social capital do intergenerational ties provide? Which financial transfers take place? How are they embedded in rules of reciprocity or solidarity? How are support for children and care of the elderly in “patchwork”-families organized?

Sunbelt Submission will be closing on December 31 at 11:59:59 EST. In order to organize the session, we will need the abstract a bit earlier, by December 20, 2012. Please limit your abstract to 250 words. The oral presentation is scheduled for 20 minutes. Please contact us, if you have any questions. For further information on the conference see http://hamburg-sunbelt2013.org

Contact: Andreas Klärner, Institut für Soziologie und Demographie, Universität Rostock, Ulmenstr. 69, D-18057 Rostock, Tel. +(0)381 498-4367, E-Mail

XXXIII. Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of INSNA, May 21 – 26, 2013 in Hamburg, Germany

XXXIII. Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), May 21 – 26, 2013 in Hamburg, Germany

Call for Abstracts

Deadline: December 31, 2012

The Sunbelt XXXIII. program committee is soliciting abstracts for paper and poster presentations at the upcoming 2013 conference in Hamburg, Germany.

Submission closes on December 31 at 11:59:59 EST. We invite abstract submissions for posters (120 minute poster session) and paper presentations (20 minute talk) on topics relevant to social network analysis, including theory, methods, and applications of social network analysis. Please limit your abstracts to 250 words. If a series of papers are being submitted as a single panel or session, please indicate this in the “special note section” of the abstract submission website (see FAQ’s). Paper and poster presentations will begin on Wed May 22 and conclude on Sun May 26. Presenting authors of accepted submissions must be members of INSNA and must register for and present their work at the meeting. This stipulation applies to both oral and poster presentations. Each member may present only one paper at the conference.

Abstract submissions are due by 31 December 2012. No abstracts can be accepted after this date.

If you want to submit an abstract, you will be asked to provide the following information (for further information see FAQ’s):

  • Name/s of author/s with affiliation and email
  • Title of the presentation
  • Abstract (limit: 250 words)
  • select “(oral) paper presentation”, “poster presentation” or “no preference”
  • select a session title (list provided)
  • select up to five key words (list provided)

Proceed to Abstract submission:

Find out more about the venue and conference registration http://hamburg-sunbelt2013.org/

Proceed to more information about INSNA and Sunbelt Conferences http://www.insna.org/sunbelt.html

Email address for local organizers of the Sunbelt 2013 conference is: sunbelt2013@uni-hamburg.de

See you in Hamburg, the organizing committee:

Betina Hollstein
Sonja Drobnic
Michael Schnegg

HSU-Bibliothek: “Schlagt Moskau!” Fußballfieber, Identifikationen und Herrschaft in der Sowjetunion (31.10.2012)

“Schlagt Moskau!” Fußballfieber, Identifikationen und Herrschaft in der Sowjetunion

Vortrag von Manfred Zeller, Hamburg; in Kooperation mit der Professur für die Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts unter Berücksichtigung
Mittel- und Osteuropas (HSU).

Mittwoch , 31. Oktober 2012, 18 Uhr
Bibliothek der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität,
Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg

HSU-Bibliothek: Finnland hören! Hörbuchpräsentation, Autorenvortrag und Podiumsdiskussion (30.10.2012)

Finnland hören!

Hörbuchpräsentation, Autorenvortrag und Podiumsdiskussion
unter Leitung von Dr. Michael Jonas, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität,
mit Generalkonsulin Erja Tikka, Generalkonsulat Finnlands in Hamburg,
Dr. Robert Schweitzer, Forschungsleiter der Aue–Stiftung, und
Barbara Barberon-Zimmermann, Autorin des Hörbuchs „Finnland hören“; in
Kooperation mit der Professur für Neuere Geschichte unter Berücksichtigung Westeuropas (HSU).

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012, 18 Uhr
Bibliothek der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität,
Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg

Universität Hamburg: Doktoranden-Workshop: “Academic Writing”

Workshop-Thema: „Academic Writing”

Dozent: Dr. Kimberly Crow und Stephan Elkins (SocioTrans Marburg)

Zeit: Do. 25. und Fr. 26.10.2012

Ort: Universität Hamburg, Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften Von-Melle-Park 5, Raum 0079, Erdgeschoss, Aufgang B

Leistungspunkte: 1 Leistungspunkt bei erfolgreicher Teilnahme

Unterrichtssprache: deutsch und englisch

Anmeldefrist: 25. Jan. 2012 bis 02. Feb. 2012
(per Mail bei der Graduate School-Geschäftsstelle, siehe Anmeldeformular)

Do., 25.10.12: 9:30 – 17:00 Uhr (1 Stunde Mittagspause)
Fr., 26.10.12: 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr (1 Stunde Mittagspause)

Weitere Informationen

Universität Hamburg: Doktoranden-Workshop: “Topics in Behavioral Personnel Economics: Evidence from Field Experiments”

Dozent: Prof. Iwan Barankay (University of Pennsylvania)

Zeit: 15.10. bis 19.10.2012

Ort: Universität Hamburg, Von-Melle-Park 5, Raum 2091/2201

Leistungspunkte: 4 Leistungspunkte bei erfolgreicher Teilnahme

Unterrichtssprache: englisch

Anmeldefrist: 18. bis 28. September 2012 (per Mail bei der Graduate School-Geschäftsstelle, siehe Anmeldeformular)

09:00 – 18:00 Uhr
genauere Informationen folgen in der ersten Sitzung am Montag, den 15.10.2012 um 9:00 Uhr

Weitere Informationen