Tag Archives: Fellowship

Fonds Nationale de la Recherche Luxembourg – Fellowships für Postdoktoranden/innen

Mit dem Fellowship wird ein Forschungsaufenthalt von bis zu 24 Monaten in Luxemburg oder dem europäischen Ausland gefördert. Der Bezug des Projekts zu F&E in Luxemburg wird im Auswahlprozess begutachtet. Das Programm ist offen für Forschende aller Nationalitäten und
aller Forschungsbereiche.  
Antragsberechtigt sind Bewerber/innen bis maximal acht Jahre nach Abschluss der Promotion. Antragstellende, die noch keinen PhD haben, müssen ihr PhD Examen spätestens 2 Monate nach der Einreichungsfrist ablegen. Es ist Aufgabe der Antragstellenden, eine geeignete Gastinstitution mit einer Forschergruppe ihrer Disziplin zu finden.  
Der AFR unterstützt die Mobilität von Forscher/innen, daher muss der/die Antragstellende während der letzten 24 Monate weniger als 12 Monate in dem Land der Gastinstitution gearbeitet haben.  
Einreichungsfrist: 5. September 2012 (14 Uhr MEZ)

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Quelle: kisswin.de

ETH Zürich – Fellowships für Postdoktoranden/innen

Mit dem Fellowship wird ein Forschungsaufenthalt von maximal zwei Jahren an der ETH Zürich gefördert. Das Programm ist offen für Forschende aller Nationalitäten.  
Antragsberechtigt sind Forschende, die ihre Promotion innerhalb der letzten zwei Jahre abgeschlossen haben. Stichtag ist hierbei die Einreichungsfrist. Die Promotion darf nicht an der ETH Zürich oder der Universität Zürich absolviert worden sein. Der Antrag wird zusammen mit dem Gastgeber, einem/r Professor/in der ETH, gestellt. Geeignete Kandidaten/innen müssen mindestens eine wissenschaftliche Publikation in einer peer-reviewed Zeitschrift vorweisen oder einen Preis für ihre Doktorarbeit erhalten haben.  
Die Förderung umfasst das Gehalt des Fellows sowie einen Forschungskostenzuschuss und eine Mobilitätszulage.  
Einreichungsfrist: 1. September 2012 (23:59 Uhr MEZ) 

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Quelle: kisswin.de

WZB Berlin: 30 Fellows in the “College for Interdisciplinary Education Research”

With funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Jacobs Foundation and in cooperation with various Leibniz institutes the newly-founded “College for interdisciplinary Education Research” offers the opportunity of interdisciplinary career advancement to 30 excellent junior scientists in educational science, psychology, economics and sociology during the early post-doctoral stage. Over a period of 2 years (in exceptional cases: 3 years), the College offers a range of activities for the advancement of interdisciplinary cooperation and methodological training in quantitative educational research.

The main shared research areas of the College are:

  • educational inequality and success against the odds
  • competence development as an educational and social process
  • returns to education

The college starts on March 1, 2013. Although the fellowships do not provide funding for employment, they offer funding for participation in multiple activities of the College, including research collaboration, various forms of training, and networking (see www.ciderweb.org). At the end of the first year, the fellows may apply for 7 post-doc-positions (from March 2014 to February 2016) to work on their own projects at one of participating Leibniz institutes. These 7 positions will be awarded in a competitive process.

The participating Leibniz institutes are: German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF, Prof. Dr. E. Klieme), German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin, Prof. Dr. C.K. Spieß), Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN, Prof. Dr. O. Köller), GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (Prof. Dr. B. Rammstedt), Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB, Prof. Dr. H. Solga) and Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW, PD. Dr. F. Pfeiffer).

The working language of the College will be English.

More detailed information about the College can be found on this website: www.ciderweb.org

Required qualifications:

  • Pre- or post-doctoral status (ABD doctoral students or postdoctoral scholars no more than 12 months after receiving their PhD)
  • Current employment (incl. scholarships) at a university in Germany or Europe or research institution
  • Completed research in the field of education or education-related issues
  • High interest in interdisciplinary cooperation on quantitative-empirical research projects (within the College)
  • Above-average degree in one of the following disciplines: educational research, psychology, economics or sociology
  • High skills in quantitative methods of empirical social research
  • Excellent written and spoken English

Application documents:

  • CV and publication list
  • Credentials (transcripts)
  • Meaningful letter of interest (in English) with reference to at least one of the College’s three main research areas
  • Two letters of reference (from senior researcher or other academic advisor)
  • One published paper or a dissertation chapter (draft or completed)

Disabled candidates with equal qualifications will be given preference; the WZB expressly invites women and persons with immigrant background to apply.

Candidates are kindly requested to submit their application and the usual accompanying documentation to:

Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB)
Dr. Christian Brzinsky-Fay

Application documents have to be submitted in English (letters of references are also possible in German) electronically no later than October 25, 2012. Acceptance notifications will be sent until January 31, 2013.

2012-2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship: DENMARK

Scandinavian Consortium for Organization Research, Stanford University

Application deadline: 1 December 2011

The Scandinavian Consortium for Organization Research (SCANOR) at Stanford University invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship beginning 1 September 2012. The fellowship is open for high-quality organizations researchers who work in the fields of management, education, sociology, political science, and the other social sciences. We especially welcome applications from researchers working on the following topics: organizational learning and design, user-driven innovation, forms of open innovation, sustainability and clean technologies, globalization, public-private interfaces, welfare reform, democracy and equality, higher education, and the knowledge society.

In this application cycle the program will award one fellowship to a scholar who has trained at a participating Danish university.

The fellow will be affiliated with a disciplinary department or school at Stanford University, and with SCANCOR. The fellowship provides opportunity to learn new topics and skills, and work closely with a Stanford faculty member, while participating in SCANCOR activities. Although there will be time for the fellow to pursue his/her current lines of scholarship, the expectation is that the fellow will collaborate with Stanford scholars and pursue research in tandem with their faculty sponsors.

The fellow also will act as bridge between the Nordic countries and Stanford University, while deepening the skills necessary for an international academic career: a depth of methodological knowledge, and the ability to write successfully for English-language journals.

Among the Stanford faculty who may be potential fellowship fellow/mentors are: Dan McFarland, Roy Pea and Mitchell Stevens at the School of Education; Karen Cook, Mark Granovetter, David Grusky, and Doug McAdam in the Department of Sociology; Steven Barley, Kathy Eisenhardt, and Riitta Katila in the Department of Management Science and Engineering; William Barnett, Glenn Carroll, Huggy Rao, and Jesper Sorensen at the Graduate School of Business; Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning from the Departments of Linguistics and Computer Science; Fred Turner in Communication; and Ray Levitt in Civil Engineering.

The annual fellowship stipend is $53,000, plus the standard benefits that postdoctoral fellows at Stanford University receive. The fellowship program falls under U.S. Immigration J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa activities.

Descriptions of past and current fellows can be found at http://www.scancor.org/post-doc/

The postdoctoral fellowship application can be found at http://www.scancor.org/post-doc/application-process/postdoctoral-fellow-application/

Please include the following information:

1.) A cover letter detailing the reasons for the applicant’s interest in coming to Stanford and suggestions as to which faculty members they would be interested in working with if that faculty member have a reciprocal interest.

2.) A curriculum vitae.

3.) A fellowship proposal detailing the research that the fellow would undertake while at Stanford (five page limit).

4.) A writing sample consisting of either a dissertation chapter or a recent published paper.

5.) Graduate school transcripts in English (with proof that applicants have completed all the requirements for the PhD, or a letter from their PhD advisor stating they will do so by June 2012)

6.) Three letters of recommendation.

All materials must be received by 1 December 2011.

Questions about the program should be directed to Annette Eldredge, eldredge@stanford.edu


The SCANCOR Postdoctoral Fellowship program is organized by the Scandinavian Consortium for Organization Research (www.scancor.org). SCANCOR facilitates inquiry in organizational social science among a transnational network of scholars. Its member institutions in Scandinavia and greater Europe support working visits and residencies at Stanford University. SCANCOR also sponsors conferences, workshops, and mentoring opportunities worldwide. 500 scholars have worked at SCANCOR/Stanford since its founding in 1988.

Swedish Research Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS) – Incoming Fellowships für Postdoktoranden/innen (COFUND)

Kofinanziert durch die Marie Curie-Maßnahme “Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes” (COFUND) bietet der “Swedish Research Council for Working Life and Social Research” Postdoc-Fellowships an.


Antragsberechtigt sind Bewerber/innen bis fünf Jahre nach Abschluss der Promotion. Stichtag ist hierbei die Einreichungsfrist. Das Programm ist offen für Forschende aller Nationalitäten.
Dabei gilt, dass die Bewerber/innen nicht länger als 12 Monate innerhalb der letzten drei Jahre in Schweden gearbeitet oder gelebt haben dürfen.

Die thematische Ausrichtung des Projekts sollte sich an einem der folgenden
Forschungsschwerpunkten von FAS orientieren:

  • Arbeit und Gesundheit
  • Arbeitsorganisation
  • Arbeitsmarkt
  • Gesundheitswesen
  • Sozialwesen
  • Sozialversorgung

Mit dem Fellowship wird ein Forschungsaufenthalt von bis zu 2 Jahren in Schweden gefördert. Die Förderung umfasst das Gehalt sowie Mobilitäts- und Reisekostenzulagen. Desweiteren wird ein Forschungskostenzuschuss gewährt.

Einreichungsfrist: 20. Januar 2011 – 17:00 Uhr MEZ
Bewerbungen sind in elektronischer sowie in schriftlicher Form einzureichen.

Kontakt bei FAS
Cecilia Grevby, International Secretary
Tel.: +49 46-8-775-40-74
E-Mail: cecilia.grevby(at)fas(dot)se

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Quelle: kiss.de