Category Archives: Workshop

18th International Research Workshop – Methods for PhD (25 – 30 August 2024)

18th International Research Workshop – Methods for PhD
25 – 30 August 2024
Akademie Sankelmark, Flensburg (Germany)


PARALLEL MORNING SESSION 1 (26 – 28 August 2024)

PARALLEL AFTERNOON SESSION 2 (26 – 28 August 2024)

PARALLEL SESSION 3 (29 August 2024)


  • Dr Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University
  • Dr Simon Jebsen, University of Southern Denmark
  • Dr Heiko Stüber, University of Applied Labour Studies


599 Euro (with accommodation and meals)

It is possible to get a certificate on five credit points (according to the European Credit Transfer System).


The workshop will take place at the Akademie Sankelmark, Akademieweg 6, in Oeversee (near Flensburg), Germany.


Don’t hesitate to contact the workshop committee ( for any questions.

Please register for the workshop here or on the workshop website.


  • Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the FAF Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • Akademie Sankelmark im Deutschen Grenzverein e.V.


  • Europa-Universität Flensburg
  • University of Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • University of Hamburg, School of Business
  • Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Economics

Good Supervision – HRA workshops for experienced researchers

Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention to the summer workshops of the Hamburg-Research-Academy on the topic of “Good Supervision”. These workshops are aimed at postdocs, junior research group leaders and W1 professors with supervision responsibilities.

The offers are in English and can be accessed at the following link

In particular, I would like to draw the attention to the intensive workshop on “Good Supervision”. The idea behind the workshop is that the participants, after completing it ideally also be active as multipliers for the topic at the University, thus establishing peer groups or low-threshold exchange opportunities for supervisors, which are then further supported by the Hamburg-Research-Academy.

Attendance at all workshops is free for individuals from HRA member universities.

M. Gürth
Research Officer
Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
Holstenhofweg 85
22043 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (40) 6541-3463

16th International Research Workshop – Methods for PhD (28 August – 2 September 2022)

16th International Research Workshop – Methods for PhD
28 August – 2 September 2022
Akademie Sankelmark, Flensburg (Germany)


PARALLEL MORNING SESSION 1 (29 – 31 August 2022)

PARALLEL AFTERNOON SESSION 2 (29 – 31 August 2022)

PARALLEL SESSION 3 (1 September 2022)


  • Dr. Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University
  • Dr. Simon Jebsen, University of Southern Denmark
  • Dr. Heiko Stüber, Institute for Employment Research


539 Euro (with accommodation and meals)

It is possible to get a certificate on five credit points (according to the European Credit Transfer System).


The workshop will take place at the Akademie Sankelmark, Akademieweg 6 in Oeversee (near Flensburg), Germany.


For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the workshop committee (

Please register for the workshop here or on the workshop website.


  • Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the FAF Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • Institute for Employment Research (IAB), The Research Institute of the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg
  • Akademie Sankelmark im Deutschen Grenzverein e.V.


  • Europa-Universität Flensburg
  • University of Hamburg, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • University of Hamburg, School of Business
  • Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty of Economics

A differentiated Europe and its implications

The core objective of this course is to address differentiation as a central concern in European studies, across academic disciplines from political science, public policy and public administration, to law, sociology and history. All modern political systems are differentiated; the EU is distinctly so. Precisely how and what the implications are for the EU and its member states remain contested. The course aims to conceptualize differentiation, discuss causes and effects of differentiation, and show how differentiation manifests itself internally in the EU and in the EU’s relations with non-members.

21-24 June 2022

University of Oslo, zoom

Course Language:

– John Erik Fossum, Professor of Political Science, ARENA and EU3D Scientific Coordinator
– Jarle Trondal, Professor of Political Science, ARENA and University of Agder

Other contributors:
– Dirk Leuffen, Professor of political science and international politics at the Department of Politics and Public Administration, at the University of Konstanz, and work-package co-leader in EU3D
– Benjamin Leruth, Assistant Professor in European Politics and Society, University of Groningen
– Vivien A. Schmidt, Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration, Professor of International Relations in the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Professor of Political Science at Boston University
– Sieglinde Gstöhl, Director of the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies and full-time Professor, College of Europe in Bruges

Find more information here:
or email us:

Registration Deadline: May 15, 2022

ZBW – Leibniz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft

Digitaler Workshop „Gute Wissenschaftliche Praxis und Reproduzierbare Forschung mit STATA“

Im Workshop zeigen wir, wie Analysecodes und Daten reproduzierbar und entsprechend den Richtlinien renommierter Journals aufbereitet werden. Wir geben einen Überblick über die Anforderungen der wichtigsten Drittmittelgeber, Fachzeitschriften und Fachgesellschaften in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften.


22. März 2022 von 10:00-15:00 Uhr


Der Kurs ist bereits seit dem 8.3.22 ausgebucht. Interessenten können sich aber trotzdem noch auf eine Warteliste setzen lassen und ggf. nachrücken, falls andere Teilnehmer ausfallen sollten.


Der Workshop richtet sich vorrangig an Master-Studierende und Promovierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, die am Anfang ihrer Dissertation stehen, mit quantitativen Daten arbeiten und STATA als Statistiksoftware nutzen. Teilnehmende sollten deshalb Kenntnisse von Statistik/Ökonometrie und Erfahrungen im Umgang mit einer Statistiksoftware haben.

Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen begrenzt, um allen Teilnehmenden ausreichend Möglichkeit für Fragen und zur Diskussion der Themen zu ermöglichen.

Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.


Bitte über die Webseite der ZBW:

McKinsey Symposium

“Forschergeist 2022“

Ein Symposium von McKinsey unter dem Motto “Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft – Gemeinsam die Herausforderungen von morgen angehen”



Promovierende, Postdocs und Professionals mit bis zu fünf Jahren Berufserfahrung

Ausrichtung und Ort:

Bei dem interdisziplinären Event kommen Teilnehmer:innen aller Fachrichtungen unter dem Motto „Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft – Gemeinsam die Herausforderungen von morgen angehen“ auf Schloss Velen zusammen.




Bewerbungen sind online bis zum 28. März möglich.

Weitere Informationen: