Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

CfP: EGOS Sub-theme 32 – Generativity through Engaged Scholarship: Connecting Theory, Methods, and Praxis

Scholars in organization studies are increasingly uneasy with how our discipline is evolving in universities and business schools (Bothello & Roulet, 2019; Contu, 2019; Harley, 2019; Tourish, 2019). Pursuing a return to meaning (Alvesson et al., 2017), many academics are leaving the comfort of their desks to focus on problem driven research (Gehman et al., 2016; George et al., 2016; Schüssler et al., 2014), engaged and participatory action research (Dover & Lawrence, 2010; van de Ven, 2007;), responsible innovation (Voegtlin & Scherer, 2017) or even activist research (Reedy & King, 2019; Whiteman & Cooper, 2016;). The motivation is not only to develop a knowledge base that is relevant for audiences other than academics and to contribute to the solution of pressing societal and wicked problems, but also to be at the forefront of such changes.

Academic movements such as RRBM (2017), or OS4Future (2019) are focusing both on elaborating solutions to grand challenges and on integrating these very research insights in the practices of academia, i.e. in research, teaching, conference travel and local campus practices. This reorientation is also an attempt to take the lead in defining the buzzword third mission of universities (in addition to the primary missions of research and teaching), and to avoid the narrow conceptualization of research impact that is often the product of particular interests in society (Rhodes et al., 2018).

These developments require us to reassess and develop our skills on several fronts. Specifically, we need to:
Reflect on axiology, i.e. the normative underpinning of our discipline, and the ethical entanglements generated by becoming actors in the contested fields we study (Überbacher & Delmestri, 2019);
Create space for those of us that endorse value commitments such as compassion, courage and justice in addition to personal integrity, curiosity and intellectual rigor (Adler & Hansen, 2012; Svejenova, 2019; Whiteman, 2010);
Draw from existing experiences (Flyvbjerg, 2002; Flyvbjerg et al., 2012; Gray & Purdy, 2018) and develop new methods to conduct engaged scholarship at the level of organizational fields or society, the loci where the solutions to grand societal challenges are negotiated or contrasted and leverage existing methods (e.g., collaborative autoethnographies; Glozer et al., 2018) that enable tracing sustainability processes;
Follow recent examples (Mair et al., 2016; Sharma & Bansal, 2020) in understanding how to combine engaged forms of scholarship (such as action research or activist research) with the capacity to publish in theory driven journals that have an exclusively academic audience;
Enlarge the range of identities that are considered legitimate and desirable in our profession.

We are interested in research that addresses the above themes and in particular is generative of new solutions and not only uses past trends to predict the future but are also dares to imagine and design new futures by being able to consider and “integrate values of different kinds” (Monaci & Magatti, 2017: 376). This kind of research stays true to the phenomenon, addresses empirical puzzles and considers theory as a way to better understand and influence the processes observed (Pawlak et al., 2019). We are also interested in papers in essay format and in papers that directly address methodological issues. Accordingly, the format of the sub-theme will sustain dynamic generativity in our own work at EGOS.

The following are non-exhaustive examples of the kind of question we would like to see addressed in the submitted papers:

  • How can studies be generative for theory and methods targeted at addressing societal issues (rather than just for the sake of theory or methods themselves)?
  • How to package papers in terms of theory and methods to get them published also in theory driven journals?
  • What are the pitfalls in engaged scholarship and how to avoid them?
  • How to conduct participatory action research at field level?
  • How to conduct activist research and avoid its pitfalls?
  • How was a specific societal or environmental challenge resolved in a specific context?
  • What have we learned from the reactions to the COVID-19 crisis and their aftermath
  • How can an autoethnography of a sustainability change process in your own institutions be conducted?
  • What other research methods are useful for conducting engaged scholarship?
  • What factors impede our scientific societies to address more directly the climate crisis and how could these be overcome?

Further information:

CfP: Organizing Sustainably: Actors, Institutions and Practices”

Organization Studies Special Issue Call for Papers: “Organizing Sustainably: Actors, Institutions and Practices”.

Editors: Rick Delbridge, Markus Helfen, Andi Pekarek, Elke Schuessler, Charlene Zietsma

The objective of this special issue is to go beyond established ways of thinking about sustainability and towards understanding how new forms of organizing – such as more participatory and distributed models (Ferraro, Etzion & Gehman, 2015) – can contribute to the sustainable usage of environmental, social, and economic resources in ways that avoid their degradation and exhaustion through models that will themselves be enduring. This includes addressing the questions of why unsustainable forms of organizations persist, how established organizations can be restructured sustainably, and what makes alternative forms of organization (un)sustainable.

We invite submissions related to a broad set of topics including (but not limited to): the practices and politics of the sustainable organization; alternative forms of organizing and societal grand challenges, work and employment in the sustainable organization; and conventions, ideas and logics surrounding the sustainable organization. We seek contributions from a wide range of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. Specifically, our intention is to bridge diverse but established areas for sustainability research such as corporate social responsibility, diversity management, employment relations, employee health and wellbeing, environmentalism and business ethics with wider organizational scholarship on social movements, non-governmental and third sector organizations, public policy and local community organizing and, more broadly, research on the post-corporate economic organization and economic and social transformation.

Deadline: November 30, 2020.

Call for Papers

CfP: Human Resource Management in Times of Crisis – IJHRM Special Issue

Over the last two decades we have witnessed several major crises that have affected the global economy, such as the Asian Financial Crisis, terrorist attacks such as 9-11, and the Global Financial Crisis. Most recently, the COVID-19 crisis has had a catastrophic impact on organizations across the world as governments close borders and lockdown whole sectors of the economy. In most economies business organizations have had to decide whether or not to lay-off or stand-down staff, whether or not to reduce staff benefits, and determine how these things should be done within short time frames. Businesses have also had to develop strategies to support employees’ performance, engagement, creativity, and wellbeing, whilst working remotely, and support employees to manage their carer responsibilities and other impeding personal factors. In view of the significant consequences that crises have for human resource management, researchers have begun to look at the HR practices adopted by organizations in times of crisis (Chu and Siu, 2001; Gunnigle et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2013; Sparrow et al., 2013; Teague and Roche, 2014; Zagelmeyer et al., 2012). However, we have witnessed limited research on how such HR practices are implemented by managers and impact on employees (Farndale et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2003; Zagelmeyer and Gollan, 2012). We therefore call on researchers to investigate how employees respond to human resource management practices adopted by business organizations in times of crisis and how human resource practitioners support and manage employees in times of crisis, with a focus on but not limited to, innovative technology-based human resource solutions (e.g. online training interventions and virtual performance management).

Provisional Timeline and Review Process
Full Manuscript Submission Deadline: May 31st 2021
Initial Decision Deadline: August 31st 2021
Revised Manuscript Submission Deadline (1st Round): December 31st 2021
1st Round Decision Deadline: February 28th 2022
Revised Manuscript Submission Deadline (2nd Round): June 31st 2022
2nd Round Decision Deadline: August 31st 2022

Call for Papers

CfP: Challenges of Management in the COVID-19 Reality

Journal of East European Management Studies (JEEMS)
Special Issue 2020
Challenges of Management in the COVID-19 Reality

Guest Editors: Monika Wieczorek-Kosmala (University of Economics in Katowice), Thomas Steger (University of Regensburg), Igor Gurkov (Higher School of Economics Moscow)

Deadlines for Submission: October 31, 2020 (Paper Proposals), December 31, 2020 (Full Papers)

Since the onset of the new millennium, the world has been threatened by the occurrence of outbreaks of infectious diseases (e.g., SARS in 2008, swine flu in 2009, Ebola in 2013–2014, and Zika in 2015) igniting a discussion on whether we are prepared for the possible consequences of pandemic risk in societal and economic dimensions (Estrada et al. 2016; Woolnought and Kramer 2007).

However, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak are unprecedented in numerous dimensions. The virus spread globally with ease, and on 12 March 2020, the WHO officially announced the outbreak of the pandemic (WHO 2020), calling countries to take rapid actions to control the situation. The social-distancing restrictions, border closures, ban on mass events, and the lockdown were implemented, leading to severe disturbances in the operating activities of numerous businesses worldwide. Although the most severe restrictions, COVID-19 continues with undefined persistence, as we are unable to predict when and where we may expect the next peaks of infections, what measures will be then implemented to stop its spread (another lockdown?), or when an effective vaccine will be available. In the managerial dimension, COVID-19 also created the risk of questionable reversibility, as it has caused disruptions in business activity that require substantial change.

For this special issue, we are calling for original, state-of-the-art research papers that consider the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak on organizational management issues in Central and Eastern Europe from a variety of managerial perspectives. We encourage scholars to look at both the consequences and challenges of COVID-19 within (but not restricted to) the following areas:

  • HRM (e.g., distant work, leadership, temporary shut-downs, lay-offs)
  • Strategic management (e.g., resilience strategies, recovery and adaptation)
  • Finance (e.g., liquidity tensions, bankruptcy threat)
  • Crisis management (e.g., organizational measures to soften the consequences of the pandemic)
  • Multinational companies (e.g., headquarter-subsidiary relationships under restrictions of international mobility, urgent revision of operational plans)
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (e.g., survival tactics)

The proposed special issue is subject to a tight planning schedule; this is particularly due to the high actuality of the topic. Thus, paper proposals (i.e., extended abstracts) must be submitted by October 31, 2020. Full paper submissions are required by December 31, 2020. The publication of the Special Issue is scheduled for summer/autumn 2021.

All papers are required to follow the Author Guidelines of JEEMS ( and will be submitted to a double-blind review process. The length of the papers should not exceed 8,000 words (including tables, figures and references). Shorter papers (max. length 5,000) may be considered as research notes.

Submissions and all further correspondence regarding the special issue should be directed to

Call for Papers

CfP: Corporate Governance: An International Review – Call for Special Issue Proposals

Corporate Governance: An International Review invites proposals for special issues
that focus on a specific area of research that has broad appeal and fits with the aims
and scope of the journal. The mission of CGIR is to publish cutting-edge international
business research on the phenomena of corporate governance throughout the global
economy. We define corporate governance broadly as the exercise of power over
corporate entities so as to increase the value provided to the organization’s various
stakeholders, as well as making those stakeholders accountable for acting responsibly
with regard to the protection, generation, and distribution of wealth invested in the firm.

Special issue subjects have to be broad enough to attract general interest and
sufficiently focused to be dealt within a single issue. In general, special issues should
avoid a too narrow geographic focus and be open to contributions with various
disciplinary framings, methods or levels of analysis. Special issues have to be the
outcome of an open call for papers and must not be restricted to scholars who can
attend a particular conference. Nonetheless, offering a paper development workshop
for submitted manuscripts or revised submissions could be helpful (but is not
necessary) in increasing the quality of contributions and meeting the high standards of
CGIR that accepts about 5% of all submissions.

Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: August 1, 2021

Call for Proposals

CfP: Corporate Governance: An International Review – Review Issue 2022

Corporate Governance: An International Review seeks proposals for review articles
that consolidate and advance current knowledge of subjects in line with the mission of
the journal. The mission of CGIR is to publish cutting-edge international business
research on the phenomena of corporate governance throughout the global economy.
We define corporate governance broadly as the exercise of power over corporate
entities so as to increase the value provided to the organization’s various stakeholders,
as well as making those stakeholders accountable for acting responsibly with regard
to the protection, generation, and distribution of wealth invested in the firm.

Review articles should be high-impact scholarly surveys of important streams of
governance research. They should compile the state of corresponding knowledge,
integrate related literatures and provide promising avenues for future research. Their
scope should be broad enough to attract general interest and sufficiently focused to be
dealt with in a single article.

Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: March 1, 2021

Call for Proposals

CfP: Beyond the ritualized use of questionnaires: Toward a science of actual behaviors and psychological states

Call for Papers / The Leadership Quarterly

„Beyond the ritualized use of questionnaires: Toward a science of actual behaviors and psychological states”

This Special Issue is dedicated to reinvigorating and advancing investigations into actual behaviors and psychological states manipulating or objectively measuring them so that our field can take a similar leap forward. Contributions may include (but are not limited to) the following types of theoretical, methodological, or empirical work in a social science (e.g., leadership or management more broadly)—context:

1. Studies developing clear definitions of important constructs that were heretofore typically captured via questionnaire measures but can be manipulated and objectively codedThe substantive change in the conceptualization of charismatic leadership and how it can be experimentally manipulated is an illustration of such an approach (e.g., see Meslec, Curseu, Fodor, & Kenda, 2020, who also employ consequential outcomes).

2. Studies systematically comparing empirical analyses based on questionnaire measures to those based on unobtrusive or archival measures (e.g., observing real behavior). Chatterjee and Hambrick’s (2007) work on non-questionnaire-based measures of narcissism is a case in point.

3. Studies systematically identifying types of questionnaire measures that are less prone to (conscious or unconscious) misreporting. For instance, Gioia and Sims (1985) developed a measure of leader behaviors that is not prone to bias due to performance cues and people’s implicit leadership theories.

4. Studies using direct observational measures or real-time measures of behaviorarchival data, and neurophysiological measures for variables relevant to the study of leadership or other social science phenomena (e.g., Antonakis, 2017; Gerpott et al., 2018, Wenzel &Van Quaquebeke, 2018).

5. Eliciting preferences and attitudes by using list experiments (Blair & Imai, 2012) and randomized response protocols (Greenberg et al., 1969), which are useful in measuring true states in contexts where social desirability and social norms may constrain true responses.

6. Experimental research in the field or laboratory to highlight biases, demand effects, or endogeneity issues originating from questionnaire measures, as well as the use of game-theoretic designs that consider costs and benefits of choices and actions (Zehnder, Herz, & Bonardi, 2017).

7. Studies purging questionnaire measures that serve as explanatory variable from endogeneity by instrumenting them with experimentally randomized instrumental variables (Meslec et al., 2020; Sajons, 2020) or measured variables that are exogenous (Cavazotte, Moreno, & Hickmann, 2012), whether in laboratory or field settings.

8. Reviews of research to identify problematic areas in studying real behaviors and psychological states and to chart new territory for researchers. Such reviews could serve as go-to guides for scholars developing their studies and seeking to jettison questionnaires.

9. Theoretical articles that contribute to the development of constructs and measures that foster the study of real behaviors in situ. Conceptual work on event-based approaches to studying leadership and management are a case in point (e.g., Hoffman & Lord, 2013; Morgeson, Mitchell, & Liu, 2015).

Special Issue Co-editors:
• Thomas Fischer, Geneva School of Economics and Management, University of Geneva,
• Donald C. Hambrick, Smeal College of Business, The Pennsylvania State University,
• Gwendolin B. Sajons, ESCP Business School,
• Niels Van Quaquebeke, Kühne Logistics University & University of Exeter,

Here you can find the CfP with more information on the submission process:


CfP: „The Human Side of Sustainable Innovations“ – Special Issue from Sustainability

The Special Issue on “The Human Side of Sustainable Innovations” will focus around these two shortly sketched themes; however, other themes around human impact in creating sustainable innovations are also welcome. The Special Issue is open to all research design approaches,
mixed methods, and qualitative and quantitative techniques.

  • User innovation of sustainable product and
  • Intrapreneurship and sustainable innovations
  • Incentivizing for sustainable innovations
  • Incubating and accelerating approaches to sustainable innovations
  • Changing attitudes organizational structures/cultures towards sustainability-oriented
    entre- and intrapreneurship

Prof. Dr. Jan Kratzer
Prof. Dr. Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß
Prof. Dr. Gunter Festel
Guest Editors

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 September 2020

Call for Papers

CfP: 6th Biennial Conference of the Africa Academy of Management

January 8-10, 2022 at the German University in Cairo

As we usher in a new decade, our nations, institutions, and communities are facing grand challenges that include the impact of climate change, corruption, poor governance, persistent inequality, and political instability which collectively, define the context of management education and practice. In considering the theme of management praxis through the lens of sustainability, responsibility, and ethics, our aim is to explore answers to questions such as:

a) What role does management education play in preparing responsible and ethical leaders?
b) How are African institutions and organizations responding to, and preparing for, the realities and challenges of climate change and other grand challenges?
c) How can African countries and communities become resilient in the face of the volatile, uncertain, and complex environment in which we are living?
d) How are different types and sizes of businesses in the continent responding to, and mitigating against climate change? How are they engaging their various stakeholders in their sustainability efforts?
e) In what ways can leadership development help to prepare responsible ethical leaders?
f) How is sustainability and ethics reflected in public policies in Africa? How can public policy initiatives advance sustainability in management education and practice in the continent?
g) What is the role of African leaders and managers in addressing inequalities based on gender, ethnicity, class and sexual orientation? How can management help governance in Africa through leadership, values, ethics, and culturally-appropriate practices to transform the African enterprise?

The conference will be organized around the following tracks:

  • Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
  • Strategy and International Management
  • Entrepreneurship and Small Business
  • Social Issues in Management
  • Sustainability and Green Management
  • Management Practice
  • Public Policy, Administration and Non-Governmental Organizations.

Submission deadline: April 30, 2021

Call for Papers

Frühjahrskongress 2021 der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft

Konzepte menschenzentrierter KI-Arbeitsplätze
Jetzt für die Arbeit von morgen vordenken

Inhaltliche Schwerpunktsetzung
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) hält Einzug in immer mehr Arbeitsprozesse und berührt das Zusammenspiel zwischen Mensch, Technik und Organisation. Mit dem Frühjahrskongress möchten wir einen wissenschaftlich fundierten Einblick in die Bereiche der Arbeitswelt geben, in denen Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens Anwendung finden. Dabei sollen Möglichkeiten, Grenzen, Ambivalenzen und Friktionen auf Prozess- und Ergebnisebene sichtbar werden. Im Sinne unseres arbeitswissenschaftlichen Auftrages suchen wir nach Bewertungsmaßstäben und Ansatzpunkten für eine humanzentrierte Gestaltung der Arbeit mit und durch KI. Darüber hinaus wollen wir ebenso aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten Raum bieten, die nicht in unmittelbarem Bezug zum Tagungsmotto stehen.

Der Frühjahrskongress 2021 wird hybrid angelegt. An der Ruhr-Universität Bochum wird es Raum für Vorträge und Diskussionen mit persönlicher Begegnung vor Ort geben. Parallel wird auch eine digitale Teilnahme durch das Konferenzsystem ZOOM möglich sein. Im Falle einer Verschärfung der Krisensituation wird der Kongress rein digital unter entsprechender Anpassung der Teilnehmergebühr durchgeführt. Es sind deutsch- und englischsprachige Beiträge in parallelen Sessions vorgesehen.

Es können Schriftbeiträge (deutsch- oder englisch-sprachig) für Konferenzvorträge oder die Doktorandenwerkstatt eingereicht oder Videos „join my lab“ zur Vorstellung von Forschungsinfrastruktur angemeldet werden. Nach Vorbegutachtung erfolgen dann Konferenzeinladungen.

Keynote speaker

  • Albrecht Reimold, Vorstand Produktion und Logistik der Porsche AG, Stuttgart
  • Prof. Sharon Parker, Director, Centre for Transformative Work Design | Future of Work Institute, Perth, Australia & Prof. Dr. Gudela Grote, ETH Zürich

Zeitplan für Einreichung und Begutachtung

  • Bis 2. Oktober 2020: Einreichung von Abstracts für Tagungsteilnahme oder Doktorandenwerkstatt sowie Anmeldung von Videos über die Homepage der GfA
  • 2. November 2020: Rückmeldung zu Abstracts und angemeldeten Videos durch die Geschäftsstelle.
  • Bis 13. Dezember 2020: Einreichung von Schrift-beiträgen (max. 6 Seiten)
  • Ab 19. Februar 2021: Hochladen der finalen Beiträge durch die GfA (Schriftbeiträge und Videos)

Am 3. März 2021 wird die Doktorandenwerkstatt unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Karsten Kluth, Universität Siegen & Prof. Dr. Oliver Sträter, Universität Kassel, stattfinden. Dafür stehen Räumlichkeiten in der Lern- und Forschungsfabrik (LFF) des Lehrstuhls für Produktions-systeme (Prof. Dr. Bernd Kuhlenkötter) zur Verfügung.

Kontakte / Anmeldung
Veranstalter: Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V.,
Ardeystraße 67, 44139 Dortmund
Simone John (Sekretariat),
+49 (0) 231 12 42 43

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Call for Papers