Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

CfP: Employee Communication in the Digital Era: Challenges to Employment Relationships and Workplace Dynamics (EURAM 2022)

Employee communication is not only central to unlocking human talent for organizational purposes but also a worker’s right to improve their motivation and wellbeing. However, the digital era is changing the nature of jobs -well-illustrated during the COVID-19 pandemic-, which challenges organizations and management to engage people at work and motivate communication channel usage. Social technologies offer pioneering ways of eliciting voice and collaboration in information sharing that lend themselves to some sort of collective decision-making. This track aims to develop further the discussion about new forms of employee communication, voice, and their implications for traditional communication and (e)HR systems.

Track proponents: Sylvia Rohlfer, CUNEF University, Madrid, Spain; Abderrahman Hassi, Al Akhawayn University Ifrane, Morocco; Simon Jebsen, neé Fietze, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg, Denmark; Konstantina Tzini, CUNEF University, Madrid, Spain

Submission deadline: 11 January 2022 – 2 pm Belgian time. Paper submission system

Long description

CfP: EGOS sub-theme Careers: Failure and Success in Changed Times

Im Rahmen von EGOS 2022 (Wien) wird ein sub-theme zum Thema „Careers: Failure and Success in Changed Times“ organisiert, ausgerichtet von Thomas M. Schneidhofer (Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg/Österreich), Monika Hamori (IE Business School School/Spanien) und Xiao Chen (University of Prince Edward Island/Kanada).  Einreichungen von Short Papers sind bis zum 11. Januar 2022 möglich. Mehr Infos

CfP: EGOS sub-stream on organizational democracy and society

Im Rahmen von EGOS 2022 (Wien) wird ein sub-stream zum Thema „Organizational democracy and society“ organisiert, ausgerichtet von Irma Rybnikova (Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt), Juliette Summers (University St. Andrews, UK) und Thomas Steger (Universität Regensburg). Einreichungen von ’short papers‘ sind bis zum 11.01.2022 möglich. Weitere Infos:

CfP: Transformation Challenges, Entrepreneurial and Managerial Impact, Consequences for Business Research and Education

Special Issue on Transformation Challenges, Entrepreneurial and Managerial Impact, Consequences for Business Research and Education

Climate change, political and societal turbulence or emerging technologies challenge organizations and individuals to transformation. These developments pose enormous opportunities but also threats for organizations and individuals, who have to answer how to deal with change and how to make use of change. Dealing with and making use of change is at the heart of entrepreneurial and managerial decision making and acting. We invite research papers that put change and transformation at the core of their analysis, and/or discuss consequences for business research and education.

Papers for the Special Issue may address, for example, the following topics:

  • How do firms transform? How and why are business models adapted? How do start-ups and established companies drive successful change initiatives, and/or how are start-ups and established companies affected by change?
  • What is the role of individuals and institutions in transformation processes, e.g., customers, employees, competitors, or standard setters?
  • Which entrepreneurial and managerial instruments are most effective for transformation, which are not and why? How do organizations shape and adapt their decision-making, management, human resources and control processes as well as their value chain processes and customer relationships, and what is the role of digital technologies, e.g., artificial intelligence, within this transformation?
  • What is the impact of the increasingly complex international regulatory environment in, e.g., finance and accounting on firm performance, how does it relate to stakeholders’ demands for sustainability and resilience within organizations, and which governance structures will be needed in the future?
  • How does and should business research address change and turbulence of our time? What are new research methods and tools in this regard? What is the role of theory and how could and should the logic of business research look like?
  • What are the challenges for business, entrepreneurial, and management education? What is and could be the link between theories and research of change and (new) teaching methods?

The aim of the Special Issue is to publish new and pathbreaking work that engages with the above mentioned or related questions. We invite papers that provide new evidence and engage with salient bodies of theoretical and applied knowledge. We welcome paradigmatic, theoretical, empirical (quantitative and qualitative), and methodological contributions that speak to these aspects. All contributions should clearly address the practical and theoretical implications for business decisions and/or societal institutions.

Submission guidelines and deadlines
All manuscripts must follow the guidelines of the Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, which are available at:
Manuscript submission for the review process should be done in the Editorial Manager of Springer at under the manuscript category “Special Issue Transformation”.

Submission deadline: 15 May 2022
Expected publication date: March 2023

Inquiries on the Special Issue should be sent by email to the Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research Guest Co-editors
• Marina Fiedler (
• Thomas Hutzschenreuter (
• Martin Klarmann (
• Barbara E. Weißenberger (

CfP: Green HRM and Sustainable Behavior: New Developments and Challenges


Hybrid format: Campus of WU Vienna and online

17-18 March 2022

International Conference

“Green HRM and Sustainable Behavior: New Developments and Challenges”

This international conference on 17-18 March 2022 hosted by the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) and the University of Augsburg addresses new developments in and challenges for Green HRM and Sustainable Behavior in and of organizations. Since the research field of Green HRM and Sustainable Organizational Behavior has grown quickly, we aim to offer an opportunity for international scholars to present and discuss recent findings of their studies. In addition, this conference marks the end of our FWF/DFG funded project on “Comparative Green HRM” led by Michael Muller-Camen and Marcus Wagner.

We welcome high quality contributions and work-in-progress submissions across research fields and theoretical backgrounds that advance our understanding of current developments and challenges (e.g. tensions and paradoxes) in the context of Green HRM and Sustainable Behaviors in the workplace. Potential areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Theoretical and/or empirical contributions on recent developments and challenges in Green HRM practices and Sustainable Behavior
  • Multi-level and comparative perspectives on Green HRM practices, Sustainable Behavior and their respective antecedents and outcomes
  • Responses to challenges of Sustainable Behavior that materialize in tensions, contradictions or paradoxes of sustainability
  • Nested and multi-level paradoxes that result from the inherent complexity of sustainability in a workplace context as well as preferences, norms, and (dis-)incentives for Sustainable Workplace Behaviors
  • Mixed methods approaches for investigating Sustainable HRM/company policies, Sustainable Behaviors, and their interplay
  • Research into the process and outcomes of determining key issues and policies for Strategic Green HRM within and between companies


WU Vienna and University of Augsburg: The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) fund the conference.

Scientific Committee:

  • Prof. Susan E. Jackson (Department of Human Resource Management, Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey)
  • Prof. Yuan Jiang (Harbin Institute of Technology)
  • Prof. Michael Müller-Camen (Institute for Human Resource Management, WU Vienna)
  • Prof. Pascal Paillé (NEOMA Business School)
  • Prof. Andrew Spicer (Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina)
  • Prof. Shuang Ren (Deakin Business School, Deakin University)
  • Prof. Douglas Renwick (Nottingham Business School, Trent University)
  • Prof. Marcus Wagner (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, University of Augsburg)
  • Prof. Maurizio Zollo (Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College London)


Thursday, 17 March 2022 to Friday, 18 March 2022, 13.00 to 21.00 CET


Online – The access details will be sent to your email address a few days prior to the event, and at the Campus of WU Vienna

Paper Submission and Registration:

Please submit either a full paper or a short paper including a title page with title, author names and affiliations, 150-word abstract, and up to 5 key words. Submissions should follow a specific format (i.e., 12 pt, Times New Roman or Arial; margin left/right: 2.5 cm; line spacing: 1.5). The maximum length of a full paper is 40 pages and for a short paper 10 pages (including title page, all tables, graphs, figures, appendices, and references).

You can submit your paper from 1 September until 1 December 2021 by using the online form on our website:

We will send out the submissions for peer-review and inform you in a timely manner if your paper is accepted for the conference.

The registration is open from 13 December until 20 February on our website. You will be asked to indicate if you will participate in person or online. More information on the registration will follow. Participation is free of charge.

For further information, please contact the two organizers or


CfP: The Role of HRM in Making Change Happen

Digitization, globalization, and demographic changes have created a context in which organizations undergo constant changes to maintain and build competitive advantage. The COVID-19 crisis, which Boston Consulting Group has called the “people-based crisis,” has clearly shown that companies need to be prepared to respond to unexpected events very quickly and adjust accordingly. With or without COVID-19, change is an inevitable phenomenon in organizational life. However, research indicates that many change initiatives fail (Beer & Nohria, 2000; Quinn, 2004). Specifically, change efforts often fail because organizations tend to underestimate the importance of employee attitudes and behaviors in the change process (Bormann & Rowold, 2016; Faupel & Süß, 2019; Oreg & Berson, 2011; Oreg, Vakola, & Armenakis, 2011). Consequently, human resource management (HRM) practices, such as training in relevant skills, retention of key employees, and incentivizing change, may positively influence the employees’ readiness for change and, therefore, the success of organizational change initiatives. However, the effectiveness of HRM practices is likely to heavily depend on how they are designed by HRM professionals and top management, implemented by supervisors, and perceived by employees (Brown, Kulik, Cregan, & Metz, 2017).

This special issue (Die Unternehmung – Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice) provides a forum for original theories, methods, and approaches that contribute to a better understanding of the role of HRM practices and HR function in the organizational change processes. We invite qualitative, quantitative, analytical, data-science, conceptual, and design science-oriented submissions that leverage the multiple perspectives on the HRM–change link.

Topics of interest include:

  • The role of HRM practices in changing individual and organizational skills and capabilities
  • The role of HRM practices in fostering organizational learning
  • HRM practices as a buffer for negative employee responses to organizational change
  • HRM practices as hindering factors in change processes
  • HRM practices’ contribution to employee sense-making in the organizational change process
  • Roles of supervisors and HRM specialists in accompanying change
  • Competencies of HRM professionals needed for making change happen
  • The role of context in HRM practices’ effectiveness in enabling change

We cordially invite contributions from all disciplines of management and related areas, e.g., psychology or sociology, that may advance our understanding of how HRM practices along with different actors may help organizations navigate through the change processes.

Call for Papers

CfP: BWL.Weiter.Denken.

Aus der Wissenschaft – für Unternehmen – in die Gesellschaft 100 Jahre VHB: Jubiläumstagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.

Die großen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen wie globaler Systemwettbewerb, demographische Alterung, Fachkräftemangel, Dekarbonisierung, digitale Transformation oder die durch die COVID-19-Pandemie ausgelöste systemische weltweite Krise können nicht ohne betriebswirtschaftliches Wissen um die arbeitsteilige Lösung komplexer Problemstellungen bewältigt werden.

Die BWL als Wissenschaftsdisziplin muss dieses Wissen weiterentwickeln und dabei die notwendigen Brücken zu Zivilgesellschaft und Politik schlagen. Mehr als jemals zuvor geht es heute darum, aus der Vielfalt an Teildisziplinen, Theorien und Methoden unseres Fachs Antworten auf die drängenden Fragen der Zukunft zu geben.

Wie werden sich Unternehmen und Technologien, aber auch die Gesellschaft in den nächsten Jahrzehnten verändern und was bedeutet das für aktuelle und künftige betriebswirtschaftliche Lösungen? Wie können Betriebswirte jetzt und in Zukunft überzeugende Antworten geben?

Welche Anforderungen ergeben sich daraus an eine ebenso theoretisch fundierte wie anwendungsorientierte Forschung und Lehre in der BWL? Welche Konsequenzen resultieren für das Selbstverständnis unseres Fachs, und vor allem: Wie kann und muss sich die BWL zukünftig in ökonomische, politische und zivilgesellschaftliche Diskussionen einbringen, um ihrem wissenschaftlichen Auftrag gerecht zu werden?

Als Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf ist es uns Freude und Ehre zugleich, Sie und alle anderen Mitglieder unseres Verbands zur festlichen Jahrestagung anlässlich des 100-jährigen Jubiläums des VHB vom 08. bis zum 11. März 2022 zu begrüßen, mit Ihnen in einem spannenden Programm aus wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen, Sym-posien, Posterslam-Sessions, Podiumsveranstaltungen und Keynote-Referaten zu diskutieren und so ganz im Sinne unseres Tagungsmottos BWL weiter zu denken: Aus der Wissenschaft, für Unternehmen, in die Gesellschaft.

Einreichung von Papieren im offenen Programm der Tagung

Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Einreichung von Papie-ren im offenen Programm ein. Das Tool zur elektronischen Einreichung finden Sie auf der Tagungs-website; es wird im Frühjahr 2021 freigeschaltet. Dort finden Sie auch genaue Hinweise zu Einrei-chungsformaten und modalitäten sowie zum Begutachtungsprozess, die sich am üblichen Procedere in den jeweiligen Tracks der Wissenschaftli-chen Kommissionen orientieren. Auch die Forma-lia der Vorträge im offenen Programm (Sprache, Dauer, Diskutant etc.) richten sich nach den Vorga-ben der Wissenschaftlichen Kommissionen.

Für Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler besteht die Möglichkeit, unfertige Pa-piere oder Projektideen für eine Posterslam-Ses-sion einzureichen. Auch hierzu wird es Informatio-nen auf der Tagungswebsite geben.

Mit der Einreichung eines Papiers erklärt sich die oder der Vortragende bereit, nach Maßgabe der Organisation auf der Tagung für eine Präsentation zur Verfügung zu stehen. Jede Autorin und jeder Autor kann grundsätzlich nur ein Papier präsentieren.


Einreichungen asind in deutscher oder englischer Sprache möglich, sofern die Einreichungsmodalitäten eines Formats nichts anderes bestimmen.

Einreichung von Symposien zum Tagungsthema „BWL.Weiter.Denken.“

Vor dem Hintergrund des 100-jährigen Verbandsjubiläums laden wir Sie auch zur Einreichung von Symposien ein, die das Tagungsthema in Einzelas-pekten oder übergreifend adressieren. Symposien umfassen grundsätzlich drei bis fünf thematisch aktuelle und zusammenhängende Vorträge in ei-ner moderierten Veranstaltung mit einem Gesamt-umfang von 90 Minuten. Weitere Hinweise entnehmen Sie bitte der Tagungswebsite.

Special Issue der Verbandszeitschrift SBUR

Das Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research (SBUR) plant ein Special Issue zum Thema „Transformation“. Es bietet thematisch einschlägigen Papieren, die auf der Jubiläumstagung eingereicht wurden, eine zeitnahe Publikationsmöglichkeit, die auch einen breiten ABWL-Leserkreis anspricht. Nähere Informationen dazu finden Sie in einem Call for Papers ab Herbst 2021. Bei Interesse sind Sie herzlich eingeladen, Ihre Papiere dort einzureichen.


Die auf der Tagung präsentierten Beiträge werden mit zwei Preisen prämiert: Dem „Best Conference Paper Award“ für Arbeiten mit einem Schwer-punkt auf theoretischem Erkenntnisgewinn in der BWL sowie dem „Best Practice Paper Award“ für anwendungsorientierte Arbeiten, die den Schwer-punkt auf den Transfer betriebswirtschaftlicher Überlegungen in die Unternehmenspraxis setzen.

Call for Papers

CfP: Special issue «Religion, spirituality and faith in a secular business world”

Management revue – Socio-Economic Studies (MREV), ISSN 0935-9915 – a peerreviewed,
interdisciplinary European social science journal publishing both qualitative and
quantitative work, as well as purely theoretical papers that advance management and
sociology research.

Our special issue addresses negotiations of the relationship between business and faith,
spirituality and religion in the contemporary world considering perspectives from different
religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism and others (Neal, 2013). In the last two decades,
research on faith, spirituality and religion at work has developed as a distinct research area with particular strands focusing on management and leadership, on human resources
management, corporate governance, business ethics, or entrepreneurship.

Our special issue examines the topic of business and faith, spirituality and religion in the
contemporary world from the perspective of various disciplines, such as business
administration, theology, sociology, psychology, economics and ethics. Depending on the
quality and number of submissions, we plan either a single or a double issue. The following list
of topics provides an overview of the direction submissions could take. However, we also
explicitly invite different ideas for submission.

Prof. Dr. Dorothea Alewell, Chair for Human Resource Management, University Hamburg,
Dr. Tobias Brügger, Center for Religion, Economy and Politics (ZRWP) & UFSP Digital
Religion, University Zürich,
Prof. Dr. Birgit Feldbauer-Durstmüller, Institute for Controlling & Consulting, University
Prof. Dr. Katja Rost, Institute of Sociology & UFSP Digital Religion, University Zürich,
Prof. Dr. Peter Wirtz, Professor of Corporate Finance and Governance, University Jean
Moulin (Lyon 3),

Please submit manuscripts to Management revue – Socio-Economic Studies (MREV) by July
31, 2021 ( under the keyword “Special issue: Religion,
spirituality and faith in a secular business world“.

Call for Papers

CfP: Managing Smart Services and Smart Service Systems

Special Issue Journal of Service Management Research

Guest Editors:
Nicola Bilstein, Professor of Management of Smart Products
Christian Stummer, Professor of Innovation and Technology Management

Topics of interest to the Special Issue might stem from various fields such as those exemplarily
listed in the following:

  • Service Management (e.g., developing smart transformative services, value co-creation
    within smart service systems, understanding value creation with smart services in
    various fields of application such as smart home, smart health, smart mobility)
  • Strategic Management (e.g., new business model, importance of data, open or closed
  • Marketing (e.g., designing proper offers of smart services and smart service systems,
    communicating them to customers, branding, distribution channels)
  • Innovation and Technology Management (e.g., user innovation/co-creation in
    developing smart services, drivers and barriers to smart service adoption and diffusion)
  • Entrepreneurship (e.g., creating sustainable business models for smart services,
    collaboration with startups in developing smart services)
  • Business Information Systems Engineering (e.g., establishing smart service platforms)
  • Human Resource Management (e.g., smart services in the working context, new skills
  • Organization (e.g., usage of smart services on various organizational levels down to the
    team level)
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management (e.g., smart services for continuous tracking
    of products w.r.t. location, current condition, environment)
  • Production (e.g., predictive analytics enabling service innovation in manufacturing,
    industry 4.0)
  • Sustainability (e.g., smart services as a means to foster sustainability)

We seek high-quality submissions on such (or related) topics. In particular, we strongly
encourage participants of the Second International Conference on Challenges in Managing
Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS 2021) to submit full-length paper versions
presenting their findings. However, the opportunity to submit a paper is not limited to
CHIMSPAS participants, we welcome contributions from other colleagues as well. All
manuscripts will be subject to the standard review process of the Journal of Service
Management Research (SMR).

Manuscripts submitted must not have been published, accepted for publication, or be currently
under consideration elsewhere. Manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with the author guidelines available on the journal homepage

All submissions should be made via
Submission Deadline: 10/15/2021, Expected Publication: Issue 1/2023.

Call for Papers

CfP: Special Issue: (In)equalities in Hospitality & Tourism – Exploring Diversity and Equity Issues

We are inviting submissions for an upcoming special issue of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion on “(In)equalities in Hospitality & Tourism – Exploring Diversity and Equity Issues”.

One of the 17 United Nations’ vision for 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to reduce inequalities among vulnerable communities and populations (United Nations, 2020). The hospitality and tourism (H&T) industry employs a disproportionate number of part-time, temporary, or seasonal work who are vulnerable on account of job insecurity and exploitation. Very often the work requires little or no formal training and involves precarious working conditions, such as low wages, long and disagreeable working times, and high work pressure. Additionally, the H&T industry attracts mainly young people, migrants, and women, the latter representing 60 – 70% of the global H&T workforce (ILO, 2014, 2017; UNWTO & ILO, 2014).

Service work typically requires emotional (Hochschild, 1983) and aesthetic (Warhurst and Nickson, 2020; Warhurst et al., 2000; Witz et al., 2003) labour. Employees are expected to manage and modify their emotions to elicit a sense of well-being from customers (Hochschild, 1983) and to “look good or sound right” (Warhurst and Nickson, 2009, p. 388). Relatedly, interactive services provide a stage for social positioning and “class acts” (Sherman, 2007). This is especially pronounced in high-end services such as in luxury hotels where both employees and customers are engaged in ‘doing class’ and normalizing class inequalities.

Moreover, Hochschild (1983) points out that service work is regularly associated with abilities that only women are seen to possess. The (re)production of gender-based assumptions and values through language (Myrden et al., 2011) or corporate image-making (Mills, 1995) shape how employees see themselves and others and can lead to gender discrimination in everyday life in organizations. In a study of a luxury hotel in China, Otis (2016) draws our attention to worker’s training to suit the “gendered cultural worlds of their customers” (p. 917), where femininity is regarded as a resource for the firm (Acker, 2004).

Exploring inequalities in H&T may mean a view on such gendered practices or substructures, subtexts, and logics that (re)produce gender divisions. It also encompasses intersectionality and multiple dimensions of discrimination – inequality regimes based on e.g., race and class (Acker, 2012) and up to all kinds of work that examines “systematic workplace disparities in the control and power of organizational goals, processes, resources, and outcomes” (Rodriguez et al. 2016, p. 202). The employment situations in the H&T industry may foster social inequalities in daily labours across multiple socio-structural categories such as gender, age, ethnicity, class, body, physical appearance, sexual orientation and (re)produce power relations that are marked by heteronormativisms, ageisms, classisms, racisms, or bodyisms. What does that imply for work and employment in the H&T industry, for individuals, and for the communities that host them?

Moreover, in these challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic international tourist arrivals are anticipated to decrease to 70% in 2020, according to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer (UNWTO, 2020). How do adverse events, e.g., pandemic or the climate catastrophe affect countries?

In this special issue, we would like to stimulate the exchange of high-quality research that addresses (in)equalities faced by workers in the H&T industry. Both empirical (diverse methodologies) and conceptual contributions, including review pieces, from various countries, organizational settings, disciplines, and research perspectives are welcome. Potential themes and questions include, but are not limited to:
•    Employability norms and working conditions
•    Visibility of back-office and front-line service workers
•    Challenges of men and women in non-traditional work roles
•    Bodily practices serving the company’s commercial purposes
•    (Re)production and intersections of power relations such as heteronormativisms, racisms, bodyisms etc.
•    Structural challenges and seasonal fluctuations in employment and income level
•    Government policy positions with respect to the integration of migrant workers into the host society

We also encourage papers that highlight novel and innovative methodologies in exploring issues of diversity and equity in the hospitality and tourism industry.

Manuscript Submissions
Manuscripts should be submitted online by September, 30th 2021 and should follow the Submission Guidelines available on the journal’s page. Please note that all submissions will be subject to the standard EDI double-blind review process.

Please submit via the ScholarOne link: 

Select Special issue and submit under the title “(In)equalities in Hospitality & Tourism – Exploring Diversity and Equity Issues”.

Submissions will open on September, 1st 2021. For questions regarding this special issue, please contact any of the Guest Editors at the email addresses above.