Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

CfP: Human-Centered AI at Work – Common Ground in Theories and Methods

Research can face artificial intelligence (AI) as an issue of technology development but also as an issue of enacted technology at work. Human-centered design of AI gives emphasis to the expertise and needs of human beings as a starting point of technology development or as an outcome of AI-based work settings. This is an important goal, as expressed, for example, by the international labor organization’s call for a „human-centered agenda“ for the future of AI and automation collaboration. This Research Topic raises the question of what human-centricity means, i.e. what are the criteria and indicators of human-centered AI and how can they be considered and implemented?

The aim of this Research Topic is to open a floor for an interdisciplinary discourse elaborating on theoretical concepts and methods in use that specify the human-centricity of AI work settings. A common ground for theory development and discourse on empirical results is necessary as human-centered AI is being theorized, investigated, and developed in various disciplines. The range of disciplines is from information science, machine learning, engineering and robotics, medicine up to ergonomics/work science, psychology, sociology, philosophy, business studies, law and labor relations just to mention the core disciplines involved in the current debate. These disciplines provide different basic understandings of what human-centered AI at work exactly means. Basic assumptions are not necessarily routed in explicit theories but also result from theories in use leading to a set of methods and instruments applied in R&D projects and transferred to practice. As different perspectives co-exist and are currently not well integrated there is a need to further specify and systemize what human-centered AI in the workplace exactly means and what the underlying criteria are. Based on that, we can gain an overview, search for a common ground and distinguish between communities that move forward the discourse in parallel.

We invite a wide range of empirical and theoretical contributions that investigate:

  • Work settings making use of AI
  • The connection and loops between AI development and AI use fields
  • Regulations for AI implementation
  • Issues of decision making with and/or about AI at work

We equally appreciate theoretical or empirical work on how to specify human-centricity as a (normative) input factor, as a throughput in process descriptions and/or as an measurable output of AI-based work settings. Invited research contributions might contribute from different starting points:

  1. Theoretical outlines giving emphasis to concepts for specifying the normative basis of human-centered AI at work
  2. Methods, instruments, and standards in terms of theories in use of what human-centricity means
  3. Empirical studies investigating the antecedents and/ or outcomes of human-centered AI use at work and mediating or moderating mechanisms;
  4. Case study analysis representing practices of human-centered AI where qualitative field work allows to specify criteria in an inductive manner

Topic Editors:

  • Annette Kluge (Ruhr University Bochum)
  • Corinna Pfeifer (University of Lübeck)
  • Uta Wilkens (Institute of Work Science, Ruhr University Bochum)
  • Verena Nitsch (Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University)

Submission Deadline for Abstract: 06 February 2023.
Submission Deadline for Manuscript: 06 July 2023.

View the complete CfP here.

Call for Submissions: 10th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management (AESW) in Graz

The Tenth Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management (AESW) will be held at the University of Graz. Organized by Robert Bauer (JKU Linz), Giuseppe Delmestri (WU Wien) and Renate Ortlieb (Uni Graz), the AESW invites early career scholars who intend to pursue an academic career in the fields of organization and management, human resource management, strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, international management or public management. Given faculty members’ extensive expertise in institutional theory as well as in organizational change, innovation and the grand societal challenges, the AESW provides an environment particularly conducive to research in these areas. The AESW is open to academics in early stages of their academic careers and PhD students who have already completed a substantial part of their dissertation projects.

Fee: There are no participation fees for accepted early scholars.
Submission deadline: 21 February 2023.
Date of the AESW: 4 & 5 May 2023
View the complete Call for Submissions here

CfP: Online Conference “Striving for Impact: Sustainable HRM for the Common-Good”, 14/15 March 2023

Embedded in a background of multi-level crises (e.g. Covid-19, violent-conflict, inflation, climate-change, growing social inequalities), and growing threats to the commons (democratic freedom, human rights, ecological integrity), our call can be considered a response to an urgency for business and HRM to adopt a more societal role and to critically reflect on the impact of HR policies, strategies and practices on wider societal and ecological shared “Common-Good” interests.

While scholarly concepts of and approaches to sustainable HRM are diverse (e.g. Aust et al., 2020), our aim of this conference is to offer an opportunity for international scholars to present and discuss how and when our research can have a real-life impact by making contributions to today’s sustainability challenges as framed through the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and beyond.

We welcome high-quality contributions and work-in-progress submissions across diverse research fields and theoretical backgrounds that could help advance our understanding of how to develop, initiate, implement and sustain a “Common-Good HRM” within the workplace from a broad range of complementary perspectives, e.g. Socio-Economics, Business-Ethics, Organizational studies and Sustainable HRM.

Potential areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Defining the purpose and boundaries of different conceptual and empirical manifestations of Sustainable HRM
  • Exploring the intended (‘bright side’) and unintended (‘dark side’) of Sustainable HRM
  • Exploring the gap between greater sustainability challenges (SDGs) and HRM or employment relations practices
  • Contributions of “Common-Good HRM” practices to grand sustainability challenges such as climate change, social inequalities etc.
  • Responses to challenges to a “Common-Good HRM” paradigm that materialize in tensions,
    contradictions or paradoxes of shareholder and stakeholder, business and society interests.
  • Mixed-methods approaches to investigating workplace “Common-Good HRM” policy and practices and in capturing respective antecedents and outcomes
  • Comparative research into the process and outcomes of determining key issues and policies for “Common-Good HRM” within and between both alternative “purpose-driven” companies and more mainstream organizations.
  • How different national and industrial contexts may shape sustainable HRM policy and practice.

Scientific Committee:

  • Prof. Ina Aust (LouRIM at UCLouvain, Belgium)
  • Prof. Julia Brandl (Universität Innsbruck, Austria)
  • Prof. Michael Brookes (SDU, DK)
  • Prof. Fang Lee Cooke (Monash University, Australia)
  • Prof. Marco Guerci (Università Delgi Studi Di Milano, Italy)
  • Prof. Michael Müller-Camen (WU Vienna, Austria)
  • Prof. Shuang Ren (Queen’s Management School, UK)
  • Prof. Douglas Renwick (Nottingham Trent University, UK)
  • Prof. Judith Semeijn (Open Universiteit, NL)
  • Prof. Philip Yang (Universität Tübingen, Germany)
  • Prof. Geoffrey Wood (Western University, Canada)

Date: 14 & 15 March 2023.
Venue: Online. The online access details will be sent to your email address a few days prior to the event.
Paper Submission: 2 to 31 January 2023.
View the complete CfP here.

CfP: German-Israeli Minerva School 2023: “Creativity, Innovation and Inter-Organizational Collaboration – Process Views”

Over the past few decades, innovation that takes place within the boundaries of a single organization has become increasingly rare. Instead, organizations collaborate with other organizations in order to generate innovative products and services (Powell et al., 1996). Examples for such organizational practices that open organizational boundaries for innovation include: strategic alliances (e.g., Inkpen & Tsang, 2007), open innovation (e.g., Dahlander & Gann, 2010), entrepreneurial or innovation ecosystems (e.g., Auschra et al., 2019), external corporate venturing focusing on inter-organizational collaboration between established companies and startups (e.g., Gutmann, 2019), digital platforms bringing together several organizations in order to reach common goals (e.g., Cusumano et al., 2019), and collective creativity to come up with new ideas and, even more important, implement them in organizations, inter-organizational arrangements and markets/fields (e.g., Hargadon & Bechky, 2006).

Processes of inter-organizational collaboration and innovation (Sydow & Berends, 2019) are important for the national economies of both Israel and Germany: both countries are classified as innovative economies, both provide attractive ecosystems for startups (e.g., in Tel-Aviv and Berlin respectively), and both share a long history of collaboration on the national, but also on the inter-organizational level, reaching far beyond the present support of transnational venturing. At the same time, Israel and Germany are very different with regard to their institutional environment. Consider, for instance, well-established differences in entrepreneurial orientation, financial support by private investors and public agencies, technological skills and labor market conditions. Hence, it comes as no surprise that different entrepreneurial communities have developed and have begun to interact in what may be called transnational technological and scientific communities (Oliver & Montgomery, 2010).

Who can participate or apply to do so

The Minerva School will host ten participants from Israel and ten participants from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. If you actually do so, or plan to conduct process-oriented research on inter-organizational collaboration, creativity and innovation, you are invited to apply for participation.

The school starts on June 28th with an evening reception and will end at noon on July 1st. Accommodation costs in Berlin and for travelling to and from Berlin will be covered by the Minerva Stiftung (About us | Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft für die Forschung mbH (


  • Carolin Auschra & Jörg Sydow (both Freie Universität Berlin) together with
  • Amalya Oliver (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) & Adi Sapir (University of Haifa, Haifa)

Keynote speakers

  • Hans Berends (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  • Moshe Farjoun (York University Toronto)

View the complete CfP here.
Submission deadline: 20 December 2022
Minerva School: 28 June – 1 July 2023.

CfP: EGOS sub-theme: Organizing for Multiculturalism: Between Conflict and Inclusion

Minna Paunova, Miguel Morillas und Renate Ortlieb veranstalten ein Sub-Theme “Organizing for Multiculturalism: Between Conflict and Inclusion” im Rahmen des 39th EGOS Colloquium, 6.-8. Juli 2023 in Cagliari, Italien.

Deadline für Short Papers: 10. Januar 2023.
Hier der vollständige CfP zum Download.

CfP for Special Issue GHRM: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals through a Common-Good HRM: Context, approach and practice

This Special Issue invites empirical and conceptual papers that examine and theorize the relationship between the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (UN,
2015) and Human Resource Management (HRM). We welcome perspectives from HRM and
cognate fields such as employment relations and organizational psychology in dealing with
issues around people management, work and employment. There is growing interest in
management literature in exploring how HRM can reframe policies and practices in a more
sustainable way and thus contribute to achieving the UN’s SDG (c.f. Ghauri and Cooke, 2022),
as they contend with the consequences of past organizational actions, most notably global
heating. However, there is considerable variation in how organizations operating in different
parts of the world are confronting these challenges and how HRM can contribute to achieving
SDGs, which remains relatively under-investigated. The special issue seeks to bring together
new work in this area.

[…for more please view the complete CfP here…]

This Special Issue of the GHRM aims to spotlight the growing influence of the SDGs on HRM,
leadership and employment relations topics especially with regard to the challenge of how to
implement change for sustainable development in organisations. We welcome papers that will
challenge current mainstream business and HRM models and expect that new research will
cover and go beyond issues of the SDG-HRM relationship relating to congruence and
diversion, paradox and tensions and the strategic implications for HRM role, leadership and
workplace policies and practices (employment relations). For example, by asking demanding
questions not just about the emerging “Sustainable HRM” debate and the three main (CSR,
Green, Triple-Bottom-line) approaches developed, but which also more critically reflect on the
underlying concepts of Sustainability and Common-Good and the resulting broader role of
HRM in facilitating societal change as suggested, for example, in the new “Common-Good
HRM” model. Finally, we hope to enrich our knowledge of the influence of the SDGs as a
benchmark more generally, by discussing the implications for HRM concerning, for example,
HR role and purpose, strategic decision making, stakeholder engagement, talent
management, workplace participation, employee engagement, and workforce health and wellbeing. The journal’s tradition of theoretical pragmatism allows more space for novel theorizing than is typically associated with endeavours of this nature, and accordingly, we would welcome work that introduces, applies and extends new theoretical advances from other areas of the social sciences, and, indeed, across the broad domain of business and management studies.

Contributions could focus on one or more of the following questions – but are not limited to

  • What are the strategic implications of the SDGs for HRM?
  • How do the SDGs enable or hinder the ability of HRM to address grand challenges?
  • To what extent can HRM policies and practices be redesigned to reduce social inequalities?
  • How do the SDGs as a benchmark change the role and purpose of HRM?
  • How do HR managers deal with the paradoxical tensions of sustainable change?
  • How do employees react to sustainability agendas at the workplace?
  • What are the implications for specific HR functions such as employee training, learning and
    knowledge transfer or performance assessment?
  • How can the SDGs be balanced with organizational performance goals?
  • What is the role of HRM leadership in the implementation of sustainability agendas?
  • What role does support from HR managers play in the acceptance of organisational transition and contribution to the SDGs?
  • How can the SDGs contribute to issues of workplace democracy and employee agency?
  • Are the concepts of Sustainability and the Common-Good still too theoretically vague?
  • What impact do investor agendas have on HRM and sustainability?
  • Building and applying new theory to better understand the links between HRM and sustainability.

Special Issue Editors:

  • Ina Aust, Université Catholique de Louvain LSM, Belgium.
  • Fang Lee Cooke, Monash University, Australia.
  • Michael Muller-Camen, WU-Vienna, Austria.
  • Geoffrey Wood, Western University, Canada.

View the compete CfP here.
Submission deadline (full papers): 30 November 2022
Expected date of publication: 2023.

The 16th International Human Resource Management conference will take place in London, June 28-30, 2023

Over the last three decades, IHRM Conferences were held every two years at different locations all around the world such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Ashridge House (United Kingdom), Gold Coast (Australia), San Diego (United States of America), Paderborn (Germany), Limerick (Ireland), Cairns (Australia), Tallinn (Estonia), Santa Fe-New Mexico (United States of America), Birmingham (United Kingdom), Gurgaon (India), Krakow (Poland); Victoria-British Columbia (Canada), and Madrid (Spain). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference in Paris in 2020 had to be canceled. We are pleased to be able to continue the series again now. Theme:

IHRM in Action:
In Search of Organizational Resilience in Multinational Enterprises

The COVID-19 crisis adds to the long list of shock events in the 21st century that have included terrorism, corporate scandals, the global financial crisis, natural (e.g., the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004; the Icelandic volcano eruption in 2010), and environmental disasters (e.g., the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion off the US’s Gulf Coast) (Minbaeva & De Cieri, 2015). The global pandemic has highlighted some gaps in IHRM research regarding how HRM theory and practices could assist multinationals in handling environmental disasters: “answers to questions we wish we had in the academic literature but, to date, do not” (Caligiuri et al., 2020, p. 705). But most of all, the experience from the pandemic once again stressed the importance of understanding the role of IHRM in building organizational resilience.

Understanding the nature of organizational resilience and identifying its sources are challenging. The difficulty comes from the multifaceted and multilevel nature of resilience. It has been studied in various disciplines including psychology, war studies, team level research, strategic management, but there have not been enough conceptual attempts to integrate the insights generated in those various fields. For multinational enterprises and international organizations, the challenge is amplified by the variety of contexts MNEs are operating across (linguistic, cultural, institutional, etc.)

  • How can MNEs create and strengthen organizational capabilities to “bounce back” from shock events brought by environmental disasters?
  • What competencies should MNEs prioritise in their recruitment and selection practices?
  • Are there different configurations of the talent portfolio that should be emphasized in the context of global uncertainty?
  • Are there different types of human capital that could contribute differently to organizational resilience?
  • In crisis, how can MNEs support their employees and help them to cope with and bounce back from stress and adversity, and hopefully even grow through the experience?
  • How does the context in which a MNE operate shapes its ability to respond to and deal with environmental disasters?
  • Are there any MNE crisis-handling practices that can be transferred to the local context for the betterment of society?
  • Are there, and should there be, changes in the strategic reasons for expatriation and other forms of international work?
  • What are the implications and impact of digitization of work for MNEs? How does technology (including AI and ML) contribute to the building of organizational resilience?
  • Which MNE initiatives are more effective for supporting equality, diversity and inclusion in the context of global uncertainty?
  • Which IHRM practices or interventions will be most effective in creating mentally resilient workplaces?

These and many more questions will need to be examined during the conference’s panels;
roundtables with practitioners; competitive and interactive sessions.

The conference will have a dedicated teaching track showcasing excellence in IHRM teaching practice. The teaching track is designed to help participants who have a passion for teaching improve their teaching practices in an open forum of shared experience. We welcome both papers engaged with teaching research, from IHRM scholars and beyond, as well as practical sessions on teaching practice and innovation. The teaching track is organised to support and meet the teaching-related needs of IHRM members and seeks to benefit from interdisciplinary knowledge sharing and debate. In conjunction with the conference, there will be a PhD consortium as well as Publishing Workshop for junior scholars.

Conference committee:

  • Dana Minbaeva, King’s College London,
  • Ian Hill, King’s College London,
  • Hyun-Jung Lee, LSE,

Extended abstract (max 2,000 words) submission deadline: 20 February 2023.
Decisions of acceptance: 3 April 2023.
Application for the PhD consortium: 10 April 2023.
Application for the Publishing Workshop: 8 May 2023.
Venue: King’s College London.

Call for Papers: EURAM 2023 & MREV: Sustainability at Work – HRM Practices and Their Impact on Employees and Firm Outcomes

Companies, employees, and scholars alike have taken a growing interest in sustainable HRM  (Ehnert et al., 2016; Stahl et al., 2020), especially in the face of current trends in the workplace – like remote working and digitalisation – in the post-COVID-19 era (McKinsey Global Institute, 2021). Since HRM practices affect not only employees but also the human, social, and environmental firm context (Rothenberg et al., 2017), developing more sustainable HRM systems can enhance social sustainability (Ehnert, 2009; Pfeffer, 2010) and help organisations reach their corporate sustainability goals (Taylor et al., 2012).

To achieve these organisational goals, however, the response of employees, work teams, and managers to sustainable HRM practices is crucial, as they hold a primary role in the success of sustainable HRM (Paulet et al., 2021). The common view is that sustainable HRM will positively affect employees (Aust et al., 2020), therefore assuming favourable responses at the individual level and consequently positive outcomes at the organisational level.

The growing embracement of sustainable HRM in today’s changing workplace provides excellent research opportunities to study its multifaceted, under-explored outcomes and to contribute to “Transforming Business for Good”. This track explores the impact of sustainable HRM on employee attitudes and behaviours, the interplay of sustainable HRM with other corporate initiatives and changing work practices, and its ultimate link to organisational-level outcomes.

Possible themes include but are not limited to:

  1. The impact of different sustainable HRM practices on shaping employee attitudes and behaviours at the individual and group level. Empirical evidence of both positive (e.g., employee well-being, engagement) and adverse outcomes for employees (e.g., burden requirements, unethical behaviours) are welcome.
  2. Organisational value creation and outcomes of using sustainable HRM (e.g., sustainable employment, innovation, performance)
  3. Possible synergies or redundancies stemming from the combination of sustainable HRM and other corporate sustainability initiatives and their effect on individual and organisational level outcomes
  4. The interplay between sustainable HRM and current trends in the workplace, such as remote work and digitalisation, and their effect on individual employee attitudes, behaviour, and performance.

We look forward to receiving your contributions.

Guest Editors

  • Konstantina Tzini, CUNEF University Madrid, Spain
  • Sylvia Rohlfer, CUNEF University Madrid, Spain
  • Abderrahman Hassi, Al Akhawayn University Ifrane, Morocco
  • Simon Jebsen, University of Southern Denmark

This call for papers is related to a European Academy of Management (EURAM) track (SIG 09 Organisational Behaviour Track 09). We encourage interested colleagues to submit and present their research at the conference. However, it can contribute to the special issue without joining the conference. 

European Academy of Management (EURAM)

The European Academy of Management (EURAM) is a learned society founded in 2001. It aims at advancing the academic discipline of management in Europe. With members from 49 countries in Europe and beyond, EURAM has a high degree of diversity and provides its members with opportunities to enrich debates over various research management themes and traditions. EURAM 2023 is from 14 to 16 June 2023 at Trinity Business School in Dublin, Ireland.

Submission deadline (full papers): 10 January 2023.
Notification of acceptance: mid-March.
Further information about the deadlines and important other dates can be found on the EURAM homepage.

Special Issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies

management revue – Socio-Economic Studies is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary European journal publishing both qualitative and quantitative work, as well as purely theoretical papers that advance the study of management, organisation, and industrial relations. The journal publishes articles contributing to theory from several disciplines, including business and public administration, organisational behaviour, economics, sociology, and psychology. Reviews of books relevant to management and organisation studies are a regular feature.

Submission Guidelineshere.
Submission deadline (full papers): 30 September 2023.
Expected publication: Issue 3/2024.

CfP Sustainability in Entrepreneurship and SMEs (Conference Tracks & Special Issue)

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are ubiquitous these days, and the SDG  Business Forum (2017) recognized businesses’ vital role in delivering on the promise of sustainable and inclusive development. However, there are still many unanswered questions about approaching sustainability in entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To become sustainable, entrepreneurs and SMEs need to consider social and environmental aspects in their business operations, next to being financially sound. Over the years, research on sustainability in businesses has moved from an end-of-life focus, looking at technical solutions for material recycling, to reducing resources throughout the life cycle of products and services. There has also been a shift towards internal managerial issues related to products, services, technologies, business, organizational models, external relational challenges, and sustainability performance (Cillo et al., 2019). In addition, sustainability in entrepreneurship is an emerging and fast-growing research area (Hummels & Argyrou, 2021; Shepherd & Patzelt, 2011). Recent research (Terán-Yépez et al., 2020) indicates several topics that need further exploration, including interdisciplinary collaboration for sustainability, learning for sustainability, and the integration of sustainability in entrepreneurship and SMEs.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Sustainability

Sustainability-related problems are multifaceted ‘wicked problems’ that are difficult to solve due to their complicated interdependencies (Pryshlakivsky & Searcy, 2013). Therefore, varied perspectives, knowledge from different fields, and skills are needed to shed light on a broad range of aspects of the problems. Interdisciplinary approaches are thus key to sustainable development. However, interdisciplinarity does not simply happen through a mingling of disciplines or various perspectives. It requires well-functioning dynamics, methods, and processes, allowing teams and organizations to collaborate efficiently and, preferably, excellently (Koria et al., 2011). Next to interdisciplinarity, sustainable development requires explicit attention to the complex intertwining of social, economic, and ecological issues inherent in such challenges.

Learning for Sustainability

Sustainability challenges require generic and specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes – competencies for sustainable development and entrepreneurship –to tackle future complex sustainability challenges (UNESCO, 2018; Ploum et al., 2018). Higher education plays a significant role in educating these future change agents (Zhou et al., 2020). Several entrepreneurship education approaches enable universities to educate change agents in all disciplines (Aadland and Aaboen, 2020; Neergård et al., forthcoming). However, there is a need for additional theoretical and empirical insights on which and how learning philosophies and pedagogical theories support sustainability and the role that curricular and extra-curricular sustainability initiatives play in moving entrepreneurial universities towards a sustainable transition.

The Integration of Sustainability in Entrepreneurship and SMEs

There is agreement on the need for a transition towards sustainability in entrepreneurship and SMEs. However, the route to take is not as straightforward. Research questions arise related to the shift from traditional to sustainable business models and which methods and practices are available for entrepreneurs and SMEs that support this process (Tsvetkova et al., 2020). Further, a critical perspective is needed on the Nordic approach and how this approach supports or hinders the transition towards sustainability in entrepreneurship and SMEs (Ali et al., 2016). Lastly, it is also necessary to include the social dimension addressing processes of good work, organized well-being, fairness, inclusion, empowerment, and engagement (Hauff & Rastetter, 2021; Edmondson, 2019).

This special issue provides a forum for presenting and discussing both empirical and conceptual research that focuses on sustainability in entrepreneurship and SMEs. We encourage papers inquiring about the following themes (but not limited to):

Interdisciplinary collaboration for sustainability

  • Co-creation for sustainability
  • Moral and ethical issues in interdisciplinary teamwork for sustainability
  • Virtual teamwork
  • Sustainability in SME networks
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystem for sustainability

Learning for sustainability

  • Sustainability in entrepreneurship education
  • Competences for sustainable entrepreneurship
  • Collaborative and project-based learning for sustainability
  • Learning philosophies and pedagogical theories that support sustainability
  • Curricular and extra-curricular sustainability initiatives in entrepreneurial universities

The integration of sustainability in entrepreneurship and SMEs

  • Methods for sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Sustainability practices in SMEs and their internal and external drivers
  • The Nordic approach toward sustainability
  • The transition from traditional to sustainable business models
  • Socially sustainable work practices for learning, innovation, and well-being

Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by 31 August 2022. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a “revise and resubmit” are due 31 January 2023. The publication is scheduled for issue 4/2023. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system using “SI Sustainability in Entrepreneurship and SMEs” as the article section.

The manuscript length should not exceed 9,000 words (excluding references), and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each page.

Guest Editors:

  • Elli Verhulst, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • Lise Aaboen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • Simon Jebsen, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

View the complete CfP here.
Submission Guidelines: here.
Submission deadline (full papers): 31 August 2022.
Expected publication: Issue 4/2023.

CfP for Special Issue Organization Studies: Trust in Uncertain Times

Trust has become one of the most widely researched topics in organization studies (de Jong, et
al., 2017). Often broadly understood as the willingness to make oneself vulnerable to the actions of another party (Mayer, et al., 1995; Rousseau, et al., 1998), trust plays a central role in virtually all intra- and inter-organizational interactions. Prior research suggests that trust can alleviate concerns of opportunism, which reduces inter-partner conflict and transaction costs (Anderson, et al., 2017; Zaheer, et al., 1998). Although the study of trust represents a long-standing area of inquiry in organization studies, several recent technological advancements and geopolitical developments have dramatically changed the landscape in which trust is embedded, pointing to the need for a re-examination and extension of earlier accounts.

[…for more please view the complete CfP here…]

Our theories of trust in organizations and processes of organizing need to reflect these
transformative changes. Against this background, we believe it is both important and timely to
reassess the role of trust in intra- and inter-organizational settings to better understand how
relevant contemporary developments affect and are affected by trust. The ongoing disruptive
technological, political, and societal changes that are affecting organizations call for revisiting
the very concept of trust, along with its consequences and the processes that underly its
development, maintenance, and repair.

The objective of this Special Issue is to serve as a focal point for theory development on and empirical insights into the various ways in which trust and uncertainty intersect, with a special emphasis on the role of institutions in explaining the interface between the two.

The Special Issue invites submissions that make substantial contributions to our understanding of trust in organized settings. We embrace a wide variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. The range of theoretical orientations may include institutional, structurationist, ethnomethodological, sociomaterial, phenomenological, and beyond. Diverse methodological approaches are welcome, including case studies, experiments, secondary data analyses, and surveys. Purely conceptual papers, empirical investigations, and combinations of theoretical and empirical research will also be considered. Our interest is directed toward trust at various analytical levels (i.e., micro, meso, and macrolevels), as long as organizations or organizing have a central place in the analysis. At the micro level, for instance, we find it worthwhile to revisit the role of ‘facework’ (Giddens, 1990), boundary work (Weber, et al., forthcoming), and rituals (Collins, 2004; Krishnan, et al., 2021) in 3 organizational settings, as such analyses will be clearly geared toward a better understanding of the relationship between trust and institutional arrangements in uncertain contexts. Below, we list a total of nine exemplary research topics that we believe will provide useful springboards for contributions that fit the scope of the special issue. However, submissions do not have to be limited to these themes.

Potential Research Topics:

  • Uncertainty and trust.
  • A broader understanding of institution-based trust.
  • Platform-enabled institutions and trust.
  • Micro-level mechanisms of the trust and institutions nexus.
  • Trust of meso-level institutions.
  • Macro-level institutions and trust.
  • Institutionalisation of trust.
  • Erosion of trust in institutions.
  • Digital technologies and trust.

Special Issue Editors:

  • Oliver Schilke
  • Reinhard Bachmann
  • Kirsimarja Blomqvist
  • Rekha Krishnan
  • Jörg Sydow

View the complete CfP here.
Submission deadline (full papers): 30 June 2023