Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

Call for Chapters Contributions: Dimensions and Perspectives on Financial Participation in Europe

Call for Chapters Contributions:
Dimensions and Perspectives on Financial Participation in Europe
(to be published by Nomos Publishing with ISBN and eISBN)

Simon Fietze & Wenzel Matiaske (eds.)

While the PEPPER reports give an overview over the spread of employee financial participation (EFP) and the legislation in the different European countries, there have only been a few conferences and workshops addressing a broad perspective on research into this topic. In January 2014 the conference ‘Taking Action: Promotion of Employee Share Ownership (ESO)’ promoted an ongoing debate on EFP in Europe. The conference highlighted the positive impact of employee share ownership on employees and the organisation. The results were concrete policy options to further promote EFP at EU level. The idea for this book arose one year before during the workshop ‘Dimensions and Perspectives on Financial Participation in Europe’ which brought together leading researchers in the field of EFP (Andrew Pendleton, Erik Poutsma, Jens Lowitzsch, amongst others) presenting their recent studies and showing the broad perspective and different research approaches to the topic.

To contribute to the ongoing political and scientific debate the main purpose of the book is to produce a systematic overview of the employee financial participation field, providing a state of the art perspective and highlighting unanswered questions and opportunities for further research on EFP in European countries. It is intended to tie the empirical and theoretical discussion together. Chapter proposals from various disciplinary perspectives (management, psychology, sociology and economics) and methodological approaches (qualitative and quantitative as well as theoretical contributions) will be welcome. All units of analysis (individual, group/team, business units, the organisation and the interrelation between them) are appropriate. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Country Reports:

  • Dimensions and perspectives on financial participation in Europe on a country level (e.g. using recent (panel) data sets)
  • Comparative dimensions and perspectives on financial participation (comparing two or more countries) also drawn from non-European countries/regions

Case Studies:

  • Individual and organizational perspectives on financial participation, including
  • The range from employee share ownership plans to co-operatives and employee-owned enterprises
  • The role of trade unions and work councils and social partners
  • Development and consequences of psychological ownership, social capital, organisational and individual identification inter alia

Submission Procedure

  • Submission of 1-2-page chapter proposal to both editors: 15 July 2014
  • Notification of acceptance: 30 August 2014
  • Submission of chapters (max. 10.000 words): 15 December 2014
  • (followed by an editorial review)
  • Publication date: March 2015

Further details and discussion are welcome:

  • Asst. Professor Dr. Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark: email:
  • Professor Dr. Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University: email:

Call for Papers: Temporary Organizing

Call for Papers

Temporary Organizing
Organization Studies Special Issue

Guest Editors: Jörg Sydow, Freie Universität Berlin; Robert J. DeFillippi, Suffolk University Boston; Andreas Schwab, Iowa State University; Rene M. Bakker, Queensland University of Technology

Today’s turbulent business environment is heralding an increase in organizing in a flexible, ad-hoc manner that involves a constant adaptation to opportunities and change. One salient, yet understudied, way in which firms are changing as a consequence, is on their temporal attributes. Specifically, recent research has documented a rapid rise of temporary organizing principles in firms (Bakker, 2010), ranging from managing short-term projects (Sydow et al., 2004) and forming temporary organizations (Kenis et al., 2009), through to navigating short-term, constantly changing networks (March, 1995), orchestrating (field-configuring) events (Lampel & Meyer, 2008), maintaining temporary clusters (Maskell et al., 2006), and hiring temporary contract workers (Kalleberg, 2000). Such processes have in common the fact that they are explicitly (and intentionally) transient in nature, characterized by intentionally finite time spans. The present special issue seeks to bundle, investigate, and push further the current frontiers of such “temporary organizing” research and deepen our knowledge of how temporary organizing interacts with more permanent organizing forms such as organizations, networks and fields.

The present Special Issue invites manuscripts that aim to deepen our understanding of temporary organizing by applying a processual, temporal lens.

Deadline for submission of Papers is September 30, 2014.

Further Information


Call for Papers: Managementforschung

Neu: Open Call for Papers

Herausgegeben von Peter Conrad, Jochen Koch und Jörg Sydow

Die Managementforschung ist ein etabliertes Diskussionsforum für neue Trends und Strömungen im gesamten Bereich des Managements. Die Managementforschung versteht sich als eine transdisziplinäre Fachzeitschrift für avancierte Fragen der Unternehmens-, Organisations- und Netzwerksteuerung. Ihr Gegenstand ist die Erforschung, Reflexion und kritische Analyse der Managementprobleme komplexer sozialer Systeme, insbesondere von Organisationen, aber auch von interorganisationalen Netzwerken, Communities oder Crowds. Ihr Ziel ist es, die jeweils aktuellen Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse der elaborierten Forschung zu Fragen des Managements derartiger Systeme im Allgemeinen und der Organisations- und Netzwerktheorie im Besonderen einzufangen.

Die an der Freien Universität Berlin 1991 gegründete und bei Springer Gabler aktuell im 24. Jahrgang erscheinende Managementforschung steht in der Tradition eines verhaltens- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Paradigmas, ist aber grundsätzlich offen für alle Theorieströmungen, die einen Beitrag zur Lösung von Managementproblemen leisten. Sie versteht sich als ein Publikationsorgan für alle Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen, die Management als Funktion, Institution oder Praktik untersuchen, dabei auf den international verfügbaren Wissensstand im Forschungsfeld rekurrieren und bestrebt sind, diesen weiterzuentwickeln. Die zur Begutachtung eingereichten Beiträge können sowohl rein konzeptioneller Art sein als auch über Ergebnisse empirischer Studien berichten. Die Managementforschung bietet neben den klassischen Aufsatzformaten zusätzlich auch eine Plattform für Beiträge in der Form kontroverser Essays, an die sich Diskussionen anschließen können.

Eine Einreichung von Beiträgen ist im Unterschied zu früher ab sofort jederzeit möglich. Bei Einreichungen bis zum 30. Juni eines Jahres erscheint der Beitrag bei positiver Begutachtung unmittelbar im Folgejahr.

Weitere Informationen

Einladung und Call for Papers: Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

Einladung und Call for Papers

Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

Abschlusstagung, 1.-3.4.2014, TU München

Der Erfolg von Organisationen hängt maßgeblich von der Qualität ihrer Führungskräfte ab. Welche Strategien können Unternehmen und Hochschulen anwenden, um die besten Talente unabhängig von deren demographischen Merkmalen zu gewinnen? Wie kann deren Leistung angemessen beurteilt werden?

Im Rahmen der Fachtagung sollen diese Fragen gerade vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Debatte um Frauen in Führungspositionen diskutiert und wissenschaftliche Evidenz hierzu vermittelt werden. Die Fachtagung wird durchgeführt im Rahmen des Projektes „Auswahl und Beurteilung von Führungskräften in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft (AuBeFühr) – Wie unterscheiden sich Männer und Frauen?“ (gefördert durch das Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung und aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds der Europäischen Union).

Für ForscherInnen gibt es die Möglichkeit, eigene Befunde zum Thema (gender-sensitive) Personalauswahl, Personalbeurteilung, Diversity, Geschlechtsstereotype oder angrenzender Bereiche zu präsentieren. Dies kann im Rahmen (1) eines Forschungsvortrags oder (2) einer Posterpräsentation erfolgen.

Einsendefrist für Abstracts ist der 13.3.2014.

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Management Revue: Call for Papers – Innovation Management and Innovation Networks

Call for papers

Special Issue
Innovation Management and Innovation Networks

Innovation is the creation and transformation of new knowledge into new products, processes, or services that meet market needs. As such, innovation creates new businesses and is the fundamental source of growth in business and industry and can be the key driver for the creation of more sustainable economies and company strategies.

The ability to generate and sustain innovation has become critical for companies as markets grow more global, open, and competitive, and as customer expectations grow more diverse and demanding.

This special issue wants to cover the current issues in innovation management and innovation networks and is interested in topics like:

  • The impact of new sustainability requirements on the dynamic capabilities that a firm should develop and sustain to remain innovative and therewith competitive in turbulent environments. In particular, which new innovation capabilities are required to integrate environmental, social and financial objectives?
  • How, and under what conditions, do entrepreneurs in developing countries innovate? And what can be done to support innovation by entrepreneurs in developing countries?
  • Balancing capability building for radical and incremental innovations. Incremental innovation capabilities consist of skills and competences that refine existing products, while radical innovation capabilities are covering skills which are needed to significantly transform existing products or services. What kind of learning creates capabilities needed for the generation of incremental or of radical innovations? What kind of lessons can be taken respectively how to manage the process of developing capabilities in innovation management?
  • Analysis of innovation networks: Economic operations and thus innovations are embedded in social relations and structures. Therefore, the organizational units that create innovation are not individual businesses, but usually networks. From a resource point of view, networks hold a variety of advantages for their members, such as access to material and immaterial resources, information and knowledge. How can the new role of intermediaries as an architect of collective exploration and creation of knowledge in open innovation be described? What are the key variables in the process of managing innovation networks? Any kind of discussions and analysis of innovation networks are welcome.

This is not an exhaustive list.

Full papers for this special edition of ‚management revue‘ must be with the editors by July 31st, 2014. All submissions will be subject to a double blind review process. Please submit your papers electronically via the journal submission system at using ‚Innovation Management‘ as article section.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Susanne Gretzinger, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg
Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany)

Call for Contributions: Clusters in the Context of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation Strategies & Regional Development

Call for Contributions

Clusters in the Context of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, Smart Specialisation Strategies & Regional Development
Workshop, 15.-17.9.2014, Flensburg & Sønderborg

Clusters are still a hot topic for scholars from different disciplines. More recently, specific interest in the field was directed towards the establishment of entrepreneurial ecosystems, smart specialization strategies and regional development. Linking these topics into Public Policies and firm strategies in clusters is the central theme of this workshop. The organisers of the workshop will organise an edited book or a special issue of a journal on the topic of the workshop theme. Participants at the workshop will have the possibility to submit their papers for refereeing for inclusion in the publication.

We are particularly interested in developing new knowledge in the area of firm clusters with regard to a resource-oriented perspective on clusters bringing together a wide range of multidisciplinary and cross sectoral approaches. We invite papers from researchers and practitioners in the following topic areas:

  • Smart specialisation strategies & clusters
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystems in clusters
  • Small business incubation in clusters
  • Cross-border clusters
  • The role of public policy in clusters
  • Firm resources, strategy and clustering
  • Cluster management and facilitation
  • Cluster mapping and evaluation
  • Best and worst practice cluster cases
  • Innovation networks

Deadline for submission of abstracts is June 1st, 2014.

Further Information

Call for Papers: Arbeitsmarkt und industrielle Beziehungen

Call for papers

Arbeitsmarkt und industrielle Beziehungen

Herausgeber: Christoph Kähler, Werner Sesselmeier & Olaf Struck

Schwerpunktheft der Industriellen Beziehungen
Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management

Ziel des Sonderbandes ist es, Analysen zum Zusammenhang von Arbeitsmärkten und industriellen Beziehungen vorzulegen. Konkret soll dabei das enge Wechselverhältnis zwischen den Bedingungen und Entwicklungen auf internen und externen Arbeitsmärkten und den verschiedenen Ebenen der industriellen Beziehungen in den Fokus der Analyse gerückt werden.

In den Beiträgen können industrielle Beziehungen jeweils mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten betrachtet werden. Beiträge können sich auf die innerbetrieblichen Beziehungen zwischen Eigentümer und Management eines Unternehmens und dessen Arbeitnehmer ebenso beziehen wie auf Beziehungen zwischen Arbeitgeberverbänden und Gewerkschaften, wobei sie auch Staats-, Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialsysteme berücksichtigen sollen. Auch hinsichtlich der Analyse von Arbeitsmärkten können unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte gesetzt werden, seien es innerbetriebliche Karrierepfade oder Bewegungen auf externen Arbeitsmärkten in Deutschland oder in anderen Ländern. Gewünscht werden aktuelle, empirisch und theoretisch orientierte Beiträge.

Einsendefrist für Abstracts ist der 1.4.2014.

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Call for Papers: Paradoxes and tensions in HRM: Exploring the field and moving ahead

Call for papers – Special Issue on the Topic:

Paradoxes and tensions in HRM:
Exploring the field and moving ahead

to be published in Zeitschrift für Personalforschung
(German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management)

Paradoxes and tensions are inherent aspects of organizational life generally and HRM in particular. Since Karen Legge (1978) characterized HR managers as ‘victims of ambiguity’ caught in ‘vicious cycles’, scholars have explored different types of tensions and their consequences for HR practitioners. More recently, it has also become clear that other HR actors encounter tensions in relation to their HR roles including line managers.

The identification and naming of such tensions is an interesting development and counters some of the problems of unitarism and managerialism that dominated work on HRM for many years. However, while the terms duality, paradox, ambiguity and tension are widely used in contemporary HRM research, the underlying concepts and theoretical assumptions are rarely explored systematically as is common in broader management and organization theory. Research has focused largely on describing tensions, their effects on actors, and resulting negative consequences (e.g., stress, dissatisfaction, helplessness, work-related health problems or inertia in decision-making). HR and general managers as well as employees easily become framed as passive ‘victims of ambiguity’.

With this call for papers we invite work from scholars who draw on and develop conceptual approaches to paradox, tension and ambiguity in HRM.

In order to be considered for publication in this Special Issue, an extended abstract of approx. 1500 words should be sent to the editors by March 31th, 2014. The deadline for the full papers is August 31th, 2014.

Further Information

Call for Papers: 4. Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung

Call for papers

4. Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung
18./19. September 2014

Die Erforschung einzelner Dienstleistungen und ganzer Dienstleistungsbranchen hat national wie international einen zentralen Stellenwert erlangt. Der Forschungsbedarf ist aber weiterhin sehr groß, da sich die bislang entwickelten Konzepte und Theorien zur Analyse von industriellen Aktivitäten nicht auf den Dienstleistungssektor mit seinen immateriellen Gütern übertragen lassen. Dies belegt nicht zuletzt die anhaltende Diskussion um die Service Dominant Logic.

Beiträge aus allen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, die sich mit der Erforschung von Dienstleistungen beschäftigen sind willkommen. Neben Arbeiten, die sich funktionalen Aspekten des Dienstleistungsmanagements widmen, wie z.B. der Arbeitsgestaltung, der Interaktion zwischen Mitarbeiter und Kunde, der Gestaltung innovativer Dienstleistungen oder dem Dienstleistungscontrolling, sind auch Beiträge erwünscht, die Dienstleistungen aus der institutionellen Perspektive betrachten und Besonderheiten einzelner Dienstleistungen und Dienstleister in den Vordergrund stellen.

Einsendefrist für “Extended Abstracts” ist der 1.3.2014

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Call for Papers: The e-HRM value proposition

Call for papers

The e-HRM value proposition

5th international e-HRM conference
Suny global center, New York
July 30-31, 2014

Although e-HRM is now widely diffused in organizations, knowledge about how value is extracted is still evolving. Scholars and practitioners continue to raise new perspectives and questions. On the one hand, with greater automation of administrative tasks and increasing information, the HRM function is now free to focus on more complex, judgment-oriented and professionally demanding tasks and responsibilities. In this sense, jobs are upskilled as an adaptation to the effects of new technological innovations. On the other hand, implementation and enhancement of e-HRM capabilities in organizations may also represent a strategic intent to focus more on efficiencies than on enhancing HRM’s strategic value. The goal of this 5th International e-HRM conference is to once again bring together international scholars and e-HRM business leaders and consultants to present findings from their research and practice on understanding the e-HRM value proposition from multiple perspectives; strategically, operationally and academically.

To advance the integration of interdisciplinary academic research with practitioner-based perspectives, we encourage theoretical and qualitative and quantitative empirical contributions as well as practitioner panels or symposia on:

  • e-HRM and strategy
  • e-HRM and talent management strategy
  • e-HRM and workforce management
  • e-HRM and data analytics
  • e-HRM and labor productivity
  • e-HRM and social networks
  • e-HRM and MNES
  • SaaS vs. on-premise solutions
  • Shared service centers
  • The promise of integrated talent management
  • Cross-cultural issues in e-HRM
  • Global implementations of e-HRM
  • Integrating supply chain theory with talent management
  • Industrial relations implications of e-HRM
  • Linking macro and micro-level perspectives
  • Political and power perspectives

Deadline for submission is March 15th, 2014.

Further Information