Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

Call for Papers: Gender Equality in Challenging Times

Call for Papers

Gender Equality in Challenging Times

24th IAFFE Annual Conference
16.-18.7.2015; Berlin

The 2015 IAFFE conference theme, “Gender Equality in Challenging Times” is intended to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue on how feminist economics contributes to the many challenges we face throughout the world. These challenges include economic crises, austerity policies in European countries, the transformation of the welfare state, care crisis, social challenges in emerging economies, and employment and migration around the world. Other important themes include comparative studies of social welfare policy, domestic violence, feminist ecology, the intersectional analysis of race, ethnicity and gender, and sex work. Panel proposals and individual paper submissions are invited on any aspect of feminist inquiry into economic issues. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcome.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15.5.2015

Further Information

Call for Papers: Ausdifferenzierung der Tariflandschaft oder Tarifeinheit? Neue Akteure, Spaltungslinien und Konfliktebenen

Call for Papers

Ausdifferenzierung der Tariflandschaft oder Tarifeinheit?
Neue Akteure, Spaltungslinien und Konfliktebenen

22./23.10.2015; GIRA Jahrestagung 2015 in Düsseldorf

Die Entwicklung, die das deutsche Tarifsystem seit den 1990er Jahren genommen hat, ist häufig mit den Begriffen Dezentralisierung, Differenzierung und Fragmentierung beschrieben worden. Während Prozesse der Dezentralisierung und Differenzierung schon seit vielen Jahren Gegenstand der Debatten um Tarifpolitik in Deutschland sind, tritt nun mit der Fragmentierung der Tariflandschaft ein weiterer Aspekt in den Mittelpunkt der Debatte. Als Fragmentierung wird hierbei ein Prozess verstanden, durch welchen letztlich der Geltungsbereich bisher großflächig für alle Betriebe bzw. Beschäftigten einer Branche geltende Tarifverträge und Tarifnormen auf kleinere Segmente beschränkt wird. Die damit einhergehende Blüte von Spartentarifverträgen und Tarifverträgen für einzelne Berufsgruppen war zuletzt Ausgangspunkt für teils leidenschaftlich geführte Debatten über die Anlässe, Formen und Konsequenzen der Fragmentierung von Tarifbeziehungen. Nicht zuletzt mit der Vorlage des Tarifeinheitsgesetzes durch die Bundesregierung ist die Frage nach der Zukunft der Tarifbeziehungen erneut aktuell geworden.
Diesen Debatten und Veränderungen widmet die GIRA ihre nächste Jahrestagung mit dem Thema „Ausdifferenzierung der Tariflandschaft oder Tarifeinheit? Neue Akteure, Spaltungslinien und Konfliktebenen“.

Die German Industrial Relations Association (GIRA) lädt dazu ein, Beiträge zu den oben genannten Themenstellungen für die Jahrestagung 2015 einzureichen. Darüber hinaus können auch Vorträge zu anderen Themen für einen freien Themenblock eingereicht werden.

Ende der Einreichfrist (Abstract): 30.4.2015

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: European Works Councils at Twenty: Assessing their Work, Impact and Prospects

Call for Papers

European Works Councils at Twenty:
Assessing their Work, Impact and Prospects
29th Cardiff Employment Research Unit Conference

29/30.10.2015; Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, UK

The European Commission adopted the European Works Councils (EWCs) Directive in 1994, establishing, for the first time, a transnational right to employee participation. The Directive, under article 13, provided the opportunity to voluntarily negotiate an EWC by 1996, or otherwise be bound by the norms set out in the Directive. Since then over 1000 EWCs have been established in multinational companies operating in Europe. The conference and special issue take the 20th anniversary of EWCs as an opportunity to evaluate the working, impact and future prospects of EWCs and EWC research.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 10.10.2015

Please find further information on the special issue and conference on the following website:

Call for Proposals: Restoring Trust in Business through Corporate Governance

Call for Proposals

Restoring Trust in Business through Corporate Governance

Inaugural ICGS Conference
18./19.9.2015; Copenhagen Business School

In our information-based economy, the reputation of a business is essential to its success and survival. The trust of investors, consumers, employees, and the general public as well as regulators can have a direct and profound effect on a company’s bottom line and even its viability. Recently, the importance of reputation has become apparent, as companies such as JP Morgan, BP, and Toyota have had to manage their responses to crises in order to maintain or resurrect the reputation of their companies to their stakeholders. Notably, the Pew Research Center recently reported that 78% of Americans believe “too much power is concentrated in the hands of too few corporations.” This perception is not unique to the United States, as discussed by Colin Mayer in his new book entitled, Firm Commitment. Notably, Professor Mayer will be one of the featured keynote speakers at the conference.

The corporate governance system has a major influence on the public’s view of the trustworthiness of business. Each corporate governance system is composed of corporate governance mechanisms that are both external and internal to the firm’s boundaries. Because most external corporate governance mechanisms are regional or national in scope, multinational firms increasingly must deal with transnational corporate governance pressures, which are often not well integrated and conflicting.

The International Corporate Governance Society will focus its inaugural conference on how corporate governance systems work to enhance trust in business, and deepen our understanding of how failures in corporate governance systems degrade trust in business. Due to our inter-disciplinary nature, we think of corporate governance in broad terms – those systems and mechanisms designed to channel corporate power for the well-being of society. As such, corporate social responsibility initiatives and the cultivation of ethical practices fit within our conceptualization of corporate governance as they can be labeled “self-governance” mechanisms.

Research proposal that advances our understanding of the antecedents and outcomes of corporate governance systems and practices are welcome.

Deadline (research proposals): 30.3.2015

Further Information


Call for Papers: Explicating the Multi-Level-Perspective of Dynamic Capability Research

9th SKM Symposium

Call for Papers
Explicating the Multi-Level-Perspective of Dynamic Capability Research
21./22.9.2015; Bochum

Program comittee: Jörg Freiling, Martin Gersch, Wolfgang Güttel, Jochen Koch, Birgit Renzl, Uta Wilkens

The 9th SKM Symposium aims to further explicate the multi-level perspective in dynamic capability research. In this regard, various fields could be discussed in depth, for example routinized action of organizational renewal, group dynamics for enhancing actors’ contributions to organizational change, leadership behavior as a moderator between the individual’s competences and organizational capabilities, the role of regional actors and institutions, or the relevance of particular projects that shape organizational dynamic capabilities. Since introducing more and more variables to the field of research seems not helpful to clarify the issues mentioned, it is essential to further elaborate a consistent theoretical basis that combines the individual and the organizational level, respectively the organizational and the institutional level. Moreover, empirical analyses are appreciated in order to focus variables of clearly strategic impact. Therefore, we invite and encourage theoretical and/or empirical contributions that further elaborate on dynamic capabilities by facing institutions, organizational structures, processes, projects or individuals’ and managerial action and interaction.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31.3.2015

Further Information

2nd Newsletter on Sustainable HRM

The newsletter is an effort to inform, integrate and communicate across scholars interested in sustainable HRM/sustainability and HRM issues in business organizations. The goal is to share publications, conference/colloquium opportunities, special issue announcements, awards, etc. with one another several times a year.

If you would like to join this list, or alternatively would like to invite others to join this list, please email Ina Ehnert (

Sustainable HRM Newsletter “Sowing the seeds…”, January 2015

Call for Papers: Herbstworkshop 2015

Call for Papers
Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personalwesen
24./25. September 2015; Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Organisation: Prof. Dr. Renate Ortlieb; E-Mail:


Hiermit laden wir zur Einreichung von Abstracts für den kommenden Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personalwesen ein. Eine Vielfalt an Themen, Theorien und Methoden ist ausdrücklich erwünscht.
Auf dem Herbstworkshop können neben Forschungsergebnissen auch Projekte im Anfangsstadium präsentiert werden. Dafür haben wir die folgenden Kategorien vorgesehen:

  1. Klassischer Vortrag, basierend auf einem ausgereiften Aufsatz (Full Paper, ca. 8.000 Wörter); mit Koreferat und ausführlicher Diskussion
  2. Kurzpräsentation, basierend auf einer Projektzusammenfassung  (Extended Abstract, 1.500 2.000 Wörter); ohne Koreferat, mit kurzer Diskussion
  3. Aufsatzdiskussion (Paper Development), basierend auf einem fortgeschrittenen Aufsatz (Developmental Paper, ca. 8.000 Wörter); kein Vortrag, in Kleingruppen werden Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung der Aufsätze, die zuvor von allen Teilnehmenden der Kleingruppe gelesen  wurden, diskutiert

Einsendeschluss für Abstracts ist der 24. März 2015. Eine Rückmeldung über die Annahmeentscheidung erhalten Sie bis Anfang Mai 2015.

Call for Papers: Vignette Experiments in Business Administration and Economics

Call for Papers

Vignette Experiments in Business Administration and Economics

29.6.2015; Workshop at the University of Applied Sciences in Coblence

Organizing team: Jennifer Kunz, Stefan Linder

Vignette experiments are an established method for gathering empirical evidence in many of the social sciences, especially in sociology. With the exception of consumer research, vignette experiments are still used rather infrequently in business administration and economics.
However, their application has become more commonplace over the past couple of years. The workshop intends to support this development by providing a forum for exchanging ideas, refinements to the method, and best practices among researchers in business administration and economics. We thus invite established scholars as well as young faculty and Ph.D. students – irrespectively of whether they have already worked with vignette experiments or intend to do so to in the future – to attend the workshop.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1.5.2015

Further Information

Call for Papers: Leadership and governance OF and IN public and private organizations in CEE countries

Call for Papers

Leadership and governance OF and IN public and private organizations in CEE

9.-11.9.2015; 12th Chemnitz East Forum

The Chemnitz East Forum is a traditional institution and a platform for researchers studying management and organizational processes in transformational contexts of Central and East European (CEE) countries. The 12th Eastforum Chemnitz will particularly address the issues of leadership and governance in public and private enterprises in these contexts.

We would like to invite research papers exploring different aspects of leadership and corporate governance with respect to CEE countries. We particularly encourage research which critically deals with current leadership and governance challenges and tensions in public sector organizations, also with reference to manifold effects of New Public Management, such as personnel shortages, workload compression or fear of job loss. Critical considerations of leadership topics in private enterprises are also welcome. Unlike
mainstream leadership research, we would like to encourage potential submitters to  explicitly deal with leadership as a context-specific and context-sensible phenomenon, be it public vs. private sector, country- or function-specific context. Additionally, studies fundamentally questioning leadership and its impact as well as the ideological aspects of leadership are highly appreciated. We welcome submissions based on traditional leadership and management research, as well as papers drawing on concepts from philosophy, anthropology, sociology or organization theories and making them fruitful for leadership studies. We are open to theory-based empirical studies, grounded in any methodological tradition (qualitative as well as quantitative), conceptual contributions or papers dealing with methodological issues or questions.

Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: 30.4.2015

Further Information


Call for Papers: International Symposium on Partial Least Path Modeling

Call for Papers

2nd International Symposium on Partial Least Path Modeling – The Conference for PLS Users
16.-19.6.2015, Universidad de Seville (Spain)

Chairs: Jörg Henseler, University of Twente (Niederlande), Christian Ringle, Hamburg University of Technology; José Luis Roldán & Gabriel Cepeda Carrión, University of Seville

The conference will cover best-practice application of PLS path modeling in various disciplines, as well as methodological advances. In particular, PLS path modeling applications in Marketing, International Business, Strategic Management, Information Systems, Accounting, Human Resource Management, Organizational  Behavior, Service Management, Operations Management, Innovation Management,  Educational Research, Psychology, and Environmental Research are welcome. Some of the emerging  advances of PLS will include goodness-of-fit measures for PLS, robust segmentation  methods, factor vs. component-based modeling, consistent PLS, and the use of PLS path  modeling for predictive vs. explanatory research.

Deadline for submission of Regular Papers: 26.1.2015

Further Information