Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

CfP: Special Issue of Management Revue (Demands in the modern workplace)

Authors are encouraged to submit research manuscripts that are likely to make a significant contribution to the literature on demands in the modern workplace. The focus of the Special Issue is empirical – qualitative or quantitative – evidence, and we welcome contributions from business administration, industrial and organizational psychology, work sociology, and occupational medicine as well as other disciplines dealing with the topic of the Special Issue.

Particularly interesting are research questions such as:

  • Which individual and organizational consequences result from the various developments that characterize the modern working world? And how might organizations manage the different technological and economic changes in order to reduce negative consequences for employees?
  • Under what circumstances do particularly problematic work demands arise? What are the differences between various forms of employment and their influences on work demands?
  • […]

Deadline for full papers: 31.01.2017

Further information

Call for Papers: 10th SKM Symposium on Understanding Transformation

We are living in the age of disruptions. “Digital transformation” is the latest buzzword that raises huge awareness with regard to ongoing change processes, attributed as “fast”, “radical”, “fundamental”, or “game changing”. The aim of the 10th SKM symposium is to further explicate the reflection and understanding of transformation in relation to competence‐based strategic management. In this regard, in‐depth discussions of various phenomena are fostered. The symposium will take place on September 28/29 at the Freie Universität Berlin and will be organized in parallel tracks with focus on transformation issues.

Members of the program committee: Jörg Freiling, Martin Gersch, Wolfgang Güttel, Jochen Koch, Birgit Renzl and Uta Wilkens

Submission deadline: 31.03.2017

Further Information

MREV – Call for Papers: Echoes of an Era – A Century of Organisational Studies

Hundred years ago, Henri Fayols “Administration Industrielle et Générale”, a milestone in the history of organizational thought, was published. This centenary motivates the editors of the Management Revue to launch a stream on the history of organizational studies. In the forthcoming volumes, and rather on an infrequent basis, we would like to publish contributions which not only introduce the reader to one or several, interrelated seminal works of organizational theory, but also provide accompanying commentaries and an analysis of their history of effects.

The Special Stream of Management Revue (MREV), named „Echoes of an Era – A Century of Organisational Studies“, will be open to submissions until the end of 2017 in the first place.

Managing Editor:
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (Germany)

Further information

Neuerscheinung und CfP: Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management

Die Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management (Barbara Budrich Verlag) bietet ein Forum für die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema der Vielfalt. Dabei steht sie für eine Bearbeitung des Themas aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und sucht dabei explizit Vielfalt in der Diversität. Gleichzeitig hat sie es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Beiträge aus der Praxis zu integrieren und damit sowohl wissenschaftlich Tätigen den Zugang zu Diskussionen in der Praxis zu ermöglichen, als auch der Praxis den Zugang zum Stand der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung zu bieten.

Die Zeitschriftenhefte enthalten regelmäßig folgende Rubriken:

  1. Beiträge aus der Wissenschaft – mit einer Zweiteilung in (1) Schwerpunktthema und (2) Offener Bereich
  2. Positionen und Forschungsskizzen
  3. Beiträge aus der Praxis
  4. Aktuelles (Tagungsberichte, Rezensionen etc.)

Herausgeberinnen: Andrea Dorothea Bührmann, Ilona Ebbers, Iris Koall, Brigitte Halbfas, Daniela Rastetter und Barbara Sieben

Ein ausführliches Informationsblatt zur Neuerscheinung finden Sie hier. Heft 1/2017 der Zeitschrift hat das wissenschaftliche Schwerpunktthema „Vielfältige Differenzlinien in der Diversitätsforschung“. Herausgegeben wird das Schwerpunktheft von: Heike Mensi-Klarbach, Günter Vedder und Andrea Wolffram. Beiträge können bis zum 30.09.2016 eingereicht werden. Den Call for Papers mit ausführlichen Informationen finden Sie hier.


Call for Proposals: Special Issue of Project Management Journal

Authors are encouraged to submit research papers that are addressing the literature on projects and networks. The goal of the special issue is to assemble papers that focus on projects either from a network perspective or as a form of network governance to significantly advance our knowledge in these areas. To this end, all papers should be based on theoretically informed and empirically rigorous research using qualitative or quantitative designs and methods.

Questions that might be addressed in the papers include:

  • If we conceptualize the project as a network of role-holding actors, what are the features of these networks and how are they managed?
  • Self-organizing interpersonal networks: how do they arise in and across projects?
  • What are suitable methodologies for gathering network data in large and/or complex project environments?
  • […]

Deadline for full paper submissions: 31.10.2016

Editors (Special Issue): Robert DeFillippi, Stephan Pryke, John Steen and Jörg Sydow

Further Information

CfP: Special Issue of Management Revue (Digital Working Life)

Authors are encouraged to submit research papers that are adressing the literature on digital working life. Working life is undergoing a radical change in which new digital technologies are changing the nature of labour and its organizational forms in a pervasive manner, regardless of whether it concerns qualified professionals or labourers. The framework, which previously regulated the content of work, as well as when, where and how it would be conducted is being reconsidered. A process that presents both challenges and possibilities. In the special issue the topic will be discussed in an appropriately broad and interdisciplinary manner.

Particularly interesting are research questions such as:

  • Virtual work and stress
  • Digital technologies and work-family boundaries
  • Virtual teams and E-leadership
  • Digital Taylorism
  • Virtual work and trust
  • Digital surveillance
  • […]

Deadline for full paper submissions: 30.09.2016

Further information


CfP: Special Issue of Management Revue (Post-Growth Organisation)

Authors are encouraged to submit research papers that are addressing the literature on post-growth organizations (PGOs). The specific aim of this special issue is to substantiate the debate on post-growth, steady-state and de-growth from an organizational perspective. We do not restrict our focus on PGOs to the economic domain, but also take social and ecologic concerns, such as social entrepreneurs, into account. We call for contributions discussing different perspectives on PGOs, investigating their characteristics and limits. Furthermore, we embrace contributions investigating the range and coverage of PGOs as an organizational possibility in a future, post-growth society.

Possible research questions:

  • What characterizes the organization and the management of PGOs?
  • What are the limits and prospects of PGOs in the transformation of capitalism?
  • Is it possible to turn traditional organizations into PGOs?
  • […]

Deadline for abstract submissions: 30.09.2016

Further information


Call for Papers: Special Issue of Management Revue

Authors are encouraged to submit research manuscripts that are likely to make a significant contribution to the literature on demands in the modern workplace. The focus of the Special Issue is empirical – qualitative or quantitative – evidence, and we welcome contributions from business administration, industrial and organizational psychology, work sociology, and occupational medicine as well as other disciplines dealing with the topic of the Special Issue.

Possible research questions:

  • Which individual and organizational consequences result from the various
    developments that characterize the modern working world? And how might
    organizations manage the different technological and economic changes in
    order to reduce negative consequences for employees?
  • Under what circumstances do particularly problematic work demands arise?
    What are the differences between various forms of employment and their
    influences on work demands?
  • How can organizations manage the various demands in the workplace and
    which approaches are the most promising ones? What possible help can
    leadership or co-worker support provide to face increasing work demands?

Deadline for full paper submissions: 31.01.2017

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Arbeitskreis Empirische Personal‐ und Organisationsforschung

Der Arbeitskreis Empirische Personal‐ und Organisationsforschung lädt zur 14. Jahrestagung ein, die das Thema „Belastungen in der modernen Arbeitswelt“ fokussiert. Die Beantwortung der skizzierten Fragen (siehe unten) bedarf sowohl innovativer theoretisch konzeptioneller als auch solider empirischer Beiträge. Im Mittelpunkt der Tagung sollen insbesondere empirische Beiträge zu unserem Tagungsthema stehen. Ausdrücklich eingeladen sind Beiträge aus angrenzenden Disziplinen.

Relevante Fragestellungen sind z.B.:

  • Woraus resultieren Belastungen?
  • Welche Unterschiede bestehen zwischen verschiedenen Beschäftigten hinsichtlich ihrer wahrgenommenen Belastungen?
  • Welche Möglichkeiten der Prävention gibt es und welche erweisen sich als erfolgreich?
  • […]

Institution: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Organisator: Prof. Dr. Stefan Süß (Lehrstuhl für BWL, insb. Organisation und Personal)

Anmeldung der geplanten Einreichung: bis 30.06.2016

Weitere Informationen

Call for Papers: Workshop on Exploring the Dynamics of Organizational Working Time Regimes

This international research workshop invites empirical and conceptual papers that examine and theorize organizational regimes of excessive working hours, their emergence, evolution, persistence, consequences for employee well-being and work-life balance.

The purpose of the workshop is to extend the mentioned lines of inquiry by explicitly examining the organizational, occupational, technological and institutional drivers underlying regimes of excessive working hours in an effort to deepen our knowledge of how to change them. We particularly invite empirical studies and other approaches that look at the emergence, evolution and change of organizational working time regimes.

Institution: University of Graz

Organizers: Renate Ortlieb (University of Graz), Georg Schreyögg (Freie Universität Berlin), Sara Louise Muhr (Copenhagen Business School) and Blagoy Blagoev (Freie Universität Berlin).

Deadline for abstracts: 30.10.2016

Further information