Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

CfP: German Journal of Human Resource Management: Special Issue: “Always on, never done? How the mind recovers after a stressful work day”

Short Overview:

What goes on in workers’ minds after a stressful work day and what is it about their jobs that got them thinking like this? This Special Issue of the German Journal of Human Resource Management (GHRM) aims to bridge the gap between research on cognitive recovery processes (e.g., detachment, work reflection, rumination, problem-solving pondering) that were mainly examined in Occupational Health Psychology, and research on employee stress and working times (Blagoev et al., 2018) in the field of Human Resource Management. We hope that this integration will not only stimulate theoretical advancement concerning recovery from work but also uncover important practical implications that help organizations respond to currently pressing HR challenges. 

Recent changes in workplaces may lead to greater work stressors and can harm employee wellbeing, health, motivation and work performance (Kubicek and Tement, 2016; Sonnentag, 2018). Previous research has shown that recovery during (Syrek et al., 2018; Wendsche et al., 2016) and after work (De Bloom et al., 2009) is important to attenuate potential adverse effects. Following this line, scholars have focused on work cognitions during recovery periods from different perspectives: cognitive distancing from work and engaging in work-related thoughts during recovery periods.

They invite submissions to this Special Issue from either psychological, sociological or economic perspectives. They welcome empirical studies, systematic reviews or conceptual papers which promote theoretical advancement.


  • Submission deadline (extended abstracts): October 31st, 2019
  • Expected date of publication: February 2021

For further information

Here you can find a summary of the content of the newly published Februrar issue of the GHRM.

CfP: Business Ethics Quarterly: “The Challenges and Prospects of Deliberative Democracy for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility”

Short Overview:

Based on the seminal insight that legitimate political decisions need to be connected to a communicative exchange of reasons between the affected parties, the concept of deliberative democracy (Curato, Dryzek, Ercan, Hendriks, & Niemeyer, 2017) has received growing attention over the past years in business ethics as well as in management and organization studies. While the so-called “systemic turn” in deliberative thinking captured the attention of many political scientists (Dryzek, 2016; Owen & Smith, 2015; Parkinson & Mansbridge, 2012; Warren, 2012), business ethicists as well as management scholars discussed the merits of a democratization of corporategovernance (Goodman & Arenas, 2015; Scherer, 2015; Schneider & Scherer, 2015; Stansbury, 2009). Reinvigorating past research on organizational and workplace democracy (Harrison & Freeman, 2004; Landemore & Ferreras, 2015), Battilana et al. (2018) argue that deliberative forms of corporate governance are particularly relevant for so-called “multi-objective organizations” (Mitchell, Weaver, Agle, Bailey, & Carlson, 2016). These organizations reject monistic notions of stakeholder value (Harrison & Wicks, 2013) and aim for multiple objectives, such as financial, social, and environmental objectives simultaneously. Starting from the assumption that deliberative decision-making processes can foster the integration of these sometimes contradicting values, deliberative democracy appears to be particularly suitable for sustainability-oriented organizations. However, the implementation of deliberative democracy within such organizations is neither without obstacles (King & Land, 2018) nor without instrumental as well as normative shortcomings (Hielscher, Beckmann, & Pies, 2014; Johnson, 2006).

Against this background, this call for submissions invites for consideration papers that discuss the challenges and prospects of deliberative democracy for corporate sustainability and responsibility.

Key Dates:

  • Manuscript development workshop deadline: June 15, 2019
  • Manuscript development workshop convenes: August 2019 in Boston (specific day TBA)
  • BEQ special issue submission window: December 1, 2019, through January 31, 2020
  • Publication: 2021 (est.)

Guest Editors:

Dirk Ulrich Gilbert, University of Hamburg

Andreas Rasche, Copenhagen Business School

Maximilian J. L. Schormair, University of Hamburg

Abraham Singer, Loyola University Chicago

For further information

CfP: Beiträge für das Jahrbuch „Ökonomie und Gesellschaft“, Band 2020: „Ökonomie und Ideologie“

Wenn es empirisch zutrifft, dass sich die Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit Knappheit befassen, dann ist Streit über Theorien und Methoden, Wertungen und Gestaltungsmaßnahmen naheliegend oder gar unvermeidlich. Immer wieder taucht in den Auseinandersetzungen der Begriff der Ideologie auf. Nicht selten wird er als polemischer Kampfbegriff verwendet, der all diejenigen Aussagensysteme als ideologisch diskreditiert, die nicht den eigenen Vorstellungen entsprechen. Terry Eagletons drastische Formulierung bringt es anschaulich auf den Punkt: „… Ideologie (ist) wie Mundgeruch immer das, was die anderen haben“ (Eagleton, T. 2000: Ideologie. Eine Einführung. Stuttgart: Metzler, S. 8). Ein solches, rein denunziatorisches Konzept dürfte ebenso wenig sinnvoll wie eine weite Vorstellung, die Ideologie ganz allgemein als umfassenderes Wert-Wissens-System, als Weltbild oder Denksystem, begreift. Wir legen folgende Arbeitsdefinition zugrunde: Ideologisch sind solche Aussagen zu nennen, die (i) Wahrheit suggerieren, dabei gleichzeitig schwer überprüfbar ist und sich sogar gegen eine Überprüfung immunisieren, (ii) die ein Bild erzeugen, das zumindest zum Teil falsch ist und zudem (iii) die Funktion hat, bestimmte Interessen angebbarer gesellschaftlicher Gruppen zuverschleiern oder zu affirmieren. Die Absicht einer Verschleierung ist nicht auszuschließen, sie ist jedoch kein notwendiges Definitionsmerkmal des Ideologischen, denn eine Menge von Aussagen kann unbeabsichtigt positive Wirkungen für eine Gruppe (und negative für andere) entfalten.

Die Leitfrage des geplanten Bandes lautet: Produzieren die Wirtschaftswissenschaften Ideologie? Wie geschieht dies? Und was kann man dagegen tun? Kann Wirtschaftswissenschaft auch als Gegenmittel gegen Ideologien eingesetzt werden, welche Merkmale müssten solche wissenschaftlichen Perspektiven und Analysen aufweisen?

Die Herausgeber des Ende 2020 erscheinenden Bandes sind Wenzel Matiaske und Werner Nienhüser. Für das im Metropolis-Verlag erscheinende Jahrbuch Ökonomie und Gesellschaft sollen wissenschaftliche Beiträge zum Thema „Ökonomie und Ideologie eingereicht werden.

Einreichungsfrist: Zusammenfassung (Abstract von max. 1500 Wörtern) bis zum 31.05.2019

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CfP: Corporate Governance: An International Review

Call for Special Issue Proposals

Corporate Governance: An International Review invites proposals for special issues that focus on a specific area of research that has broad appeal and fits with the aims and scope of the journal. The mission of CGIR is to publish cutting-edge international business research on the phenomena of corporate governance throughout the global economy. We define corporate governance broadly as the exercise of power over corporate entities so as to increase the value provided to the organization’s various stakeholders, as well as making those stakeholders accountable for acting responsiblywith regard to the protection, generation, and distribution of wealth invested in the firm.

Special issue subjects have to be broad enough to attract general interest and sufficiently focused to be dealt within a single issue. In general, special issues should avoid a too narrow geographic focus and be open to contributions with various disciplinary framings, methods or levels of analysis. Special issues have to be the outcome of an open call for papers and must not be restricted to scholars who can attend a particular conference. Nonetheless, offering a paper development workshop for submitted manuscripts or revised submissions could be helpful (but is not necessary) in increasing the quality of contributions and meeting the high standards of CGIR that accepts less than 8% of all submissions.

Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: June 1, 2019

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CfP: Corporate Governance: An International Review

Call for Proposals: Review Issue 2021

Corporate Governance: An International Review seeks proposals for review articles that consolidate and advance current knowledge of subjects in line with the mission of the journal. The mission of CGIR is to publish cutting-edge international business research on the phenomena of corporate governance throughout the global economy. We define corporate governance broadly as the exercise of power over corporate entities so as to increase the value provided to the organization’s various stakeholders, as well as making those stakeholders accountable for acting responsibly with regard to the protection, generation, and distribution of wealth invested in the firm.

Review articles should be high-impact scholarly surveys of important streams of governance research. They should compile the state of corresponding knowledge, integrate related literatures and provide promising avenues for future research. Their scope should be broad enough to attract general interest and sufficiently focused to be dealt with in a single article.

Deadline for Submissions of Proposals: September 1, 2019

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CfP: JEEMS SI proposal – State-Business Relations in Post-socialist Europe after Transition

Soon after the fall of the Iron Curtain, it became clear that the end of state socialism in Eastern Europe did not necessarily imply the end of state domination over the economy and firm practices. Early studies found, that the post-socialist state – through its control over the banking system for instance – continued to influence firm-level strategies regarding product innovation, restructurings, supply chains, and human resource management (Whitley & Czaban, 1998a, 1998b). More generally, management scholars, political scientists, and sociologists found that the role of the state in post-socialist economies remained much more prominent and much more complex than initial optimistic accounts of “transition” and the “retreat of the state” had suggested (Martin, 2002, 2013; Schoenman, 2005; Stark, 1996; Stark & Bruszt, 2001). Thus, the initial retreat of the socialist state was slower than expected during the early 1990s. More recently, various transition economies may even experience a return of the state as an active player in the economy in its own right (Bremmer, 2008; Kurlantzick, 2016; Musacchio, Lazzarini, & Aguilera, 2015l; Sallai & Schnyder, 2018). In such cases, the state does not only intervene as a regulator – as the ideal-typical idea of liberal capitalism would have it – , but also as an owner of large companies, and designer of industrial policy directed towards promoting certain industries over others (see Hofman, Moon, & Wu, 2017).

This special issue invites papers addressing questions related to these three topics: 

  • The impact of the role of the state in post-socialist and post-soviet countries on firm-level outcomes and strategies
  • firms’ non-market strategies in response to post-socialist states
  • state-business relationships in post-socialist countries

Submission deadline:

June 15, 2019 5pm CET

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The 7th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management

The Seventh Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management is an opportunity for advanced PhD students and academics in early career stages from all countries to present their research and discuss it with colleagues and professors from international and Austrian universities. In addition to facilitating intellectual exchange, this program supports the development of a global network of young graduates interested in management and organization studies from institutional, organizational and behavioral perspectives.

The 7thAustrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management will take place from May 6th – 7th2019 at the Vienna University of Economics and Business & Virtual.

Submission Deadline:

Long paper/Full paper: must be sent by 28thApril

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CfP: “The Business of eSports: Deciphering in the World of Competitive Gaming”

The competitive gaming scene surged in the recent years with tournaments filling the bird’s nest in Beijing in 2017, and the League of Legends finals in 2018 peaked at 200 million viewers. In 2017 this market had a value of nearly 500 million U.S. dollar, and some analyst proposed that it will go up towards 1,7 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. Companies like Adidas, Mercedes-Benz, Gilette and Old Spice joined the eSports scene rivaling the commitment by Red Bull, Coca-Cola, and Intel. There are now over 150 sports teams involved in eSports, e.g., Philadelphia 76ers, Golden State Warriors, FC Schalke 04, Kraft group (owners of New England Patriots) and many more are investing in eSports heavily. The key goal for them is to attract the young generation. We observe a massive surge in interest in 2016 and 2017. It may even seem like that we are in a buying frenzy capped by Amazon’s acquisition of Twitch for 970 million dollars. In some games, teams have to pay a franchise fee for roughly 60 million U.S. dollar to create the next NFL or NBA.

The world of eSports is massively growing, however, neglected by research. This is quite striking as eSports is born digital, born global, and born agile, subsequently making an exciting research target for management scholars. The eSports industry showed much resilience, and many of the actors in the eSports industry do understand that they have to be sustainable. The topic will stay relevant, and there is much to research in this context.

Submission Deadline: 15thJune 2019

For further information 

CfP: “Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey”

The International Conference will take place from July 11th– 12th2019 at the Freie Universität in Berlin.

Demands for creativity today range well beyond typically “creative” and cultural industries to most sectors of the economy and, as some would argue, even society at large. Seen as the basis for innovating new products, processes or services, creativity is no longer considered as an individual personality trait but as a subject of intentional organizing. Such organizing efforts not only occur within formal organizations like firms, schools, universities or (non-)governmental organizations, but increasingly cross organizational boundaries to include interorganizational networks as well as clusters, communities and crowds. Regardless of the context in question, central challenges for organizing creativity revolve around the following themes: When and in what ways do slack or constraints foster creativity? How do organizations allow for and even foster moments of serendipity, even in highly-structured innovation processes? Does the uncertainty that characterizes creative processes hinder or stimulate creativity? What is the role of rules and regulations in reducing or inducing different kinds of uncertainty? What are the social dynamics unfolding in physical and virtual spaces for creative collaboration?

They call for papers that address these and related questions for a conference convened by the DFG-funded Research Unit “Organized Creativity” at the School of Business & Economics of the Freie Universität Berlin. 

The International Conference is scheduled for two full days and will adopt a classic format with paper presentations and assigned discussants.

Deadline for papers:

Full paper by March 15, 2019

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CfP: Herbstworkshop 2019 der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Personal an der Universität der Bundeswehr München

Die Universität der Bundeswehr München lädt zur Einreichung von Aufsätzen und Projektzusammenfassungen für den kommenden Herbstworkshop der Kommission Personal ein. Eine Vielfalt an Themen, Theorien und Methoden ist erwünscht. Neben Forschungsergebnissen können auch Projekte in einem frühen Stadium und Aufsätze im Entwicklungsprozess präsentiert werden. Dafür haben wir die folgenden Kategorien vorgesehen:

1. Klassischer Vortrag (ca. 30 Minuten einschließlich Diskussion)
2. Kurzpräsentation (ca. 20 Minuten einschließlich Diskussion)

Einreichungsfrist: 07.05.2019

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