Archiv der Kategorie: Call for Papers

CfP: International Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS 2020)

Smart products and services are about to transform both markets and companies. In 2019, researchers discussed corresponding managerial issues during the First Conference on Challenges in Managing Smart Products and Services (CHIMSPAS, find a short video here). Motivated by this fruitful first conference, we invite colleagues from diverse management fields as well as colleagues from engineering and practitioners to join us for a follow-up conference.
This second CHIMSPAS conference will take place in Bielefeld, a lovely town in the center of East Westphalia, which is the home of numerous highly successful SME with several of them being ‘hidden champions’ in their industries. Bielefeld University in particular hosts the Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) as well as the Institute of Technological Innovation, Market Development and Entrepreneurship (iTIME), which are concerned with engineering and economic issues of smart products and services.

We welcome conceptual, empirical, and analytical works to be presented at CHIMSPAS. Possible contributions should be submitted as extended abstracts. Both completed research and work in progress are eligible.

An award for the most influential conference contribution will be presented during the conference.

Topics of Interest
Conference contributions need to be related to challenges in managing smart products and services, which might arise in diverse fields such as those listed in the following:
• Business Information Systems Engineering (e.g. establishing smart service platforms)
• Entrepreneurship (e.g. collaboration with startups in developing smart products)
• Human Resource Management (e.g. new skills required, new working styles or cultural norms)
• Innovation and Technology Management (e.g. barriers to smart product adoption and diffusion, acquisition of required technologies)
• Logistics (e.g. continuous tracking of products w.r.t. location, current condition, environment)
• Marketing (e.g. finer customer segmentation, better after-sale service, novel pricing strategies)
• Organization (e.g. new organizational structures to coordinate units more closely)
• Production (e.g. predictive analytics enabling service innovation in manufacturing, industry 4.0)
• Services Management (e.g. smart service systems)
• Strategic Management (e.g. new business model, importance of data, open or closed system)

Abstract Submission
Authors should send their abstracts (as a pdf file with a maximum of 500 words) to the conference e-mail address by April 1, 2020. There will be no publicly available conference proceedings and, thus, abstract submission to the conference do not impede submission of the full paper to a journal afterwards.

Important Dates
Submission Deadline: April 1, 2020
Authors Notification: End of April 2020
Early Bird register closing date: May 31, 2020
Final registration date for all presenting authors: June 30, 2020

August 27–28, 2020

Conference Organizers
• Nicola Bilstein, JProf., Management of Smart Products, Bielefeld University
• Christian Stummer, Prof., Innovation and Technology Management, Bielefeld University

The conference takes place in the ZiF Building at Bielefeld University.

Conference Website
Further information and updates can be obtained from the conference website:

Call for Abstracts

CfP: 2nd Crowdworking Symposium

The 2nd Crowdworking Symposium will take place July 9-10, 2020 in Paderborn, Germany, focusing on “Ability – Motivation – Opportunity for Digital Work”. It offers researchers the opportunity to present academic research related to the emerging fields of crowdsourcing, crowd work, cloud work, gig work, online freelancing, and other forms of on-demand labor. Two WK Personal members (Astrid Reichel, Martin Schneider) are on the scientific committee. The German Journal of Human Resource Management is planning a special issue on the same topic, which will be announced soon.

Deadline for extended abstracts (2-4 pages) to the symposium: 15 February 2020

Weitere Infromationen

CfP: 7. Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung

Die Erforschung einzelner Dienstleistungen und ganzer Dienstleistungsbranchen hat national wie international einen zentralen Stellenwert erlangt. Der Forschungsbedarf ist aber weiterhin groß, da sich die bislang entwickelten Konzepte und Theorien zur Analyse von industriellen Aktivitäten nicht grundsätzlich auf den Dienstleistungssektor mit seinen immateriellen Gütern übertragen lassen.

Der Forschungsschwerpunkt des Instituts für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universität Rostock liegt daher im Bereich „Dienstleistungsmanagement und Dienstleistungsmärkte“. Zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Austauschs über diese Thematik führt das Institut deshalb – nun bereits zum siebten Mal – eine Tagung in Rostock über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Dienstleistungsforschung durch. Diese Tagung dient Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftspsychologie, Soziologie und auch anderen dienstleistungsorientierten Forschungsdisziplinen zum wissenschaftlichen Diskurs. Die Tagung wird von Prof. Dr. Andreas Pfingsten (Finance Center Münster, Institut für Kreditwesen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) mit einer Key-Note Speech eröffnet.

Wir laden hiermit Interessierte ein, sich mit der Präsentation ihrer Forschungsergebnisse an der Tagung zu beteiligen. Vorgesehen sind sowohl Vorträge (30 min. sowie 15 min. für Diskussion) als auch Posterpräsentationen. Erwünscht sind Beiträge aus allen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, die sich mit der Erforschung von Dienstleistungen beschäftigen. Insbesondere sind Forschungsarbeiten in einem frühen Stadium erwünscht, damit die Tagung als Diskussionsplattform zur Weiterentwicklung der Forschung genutzt werden kann. Neben Arbeiten, die sich funktionalen Aspekten des Dienstleistungsmanagements widmen, wie z. B. der Arbeitsgestaltung, der Interaktion zwischen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern einerseits sowie Kundinnen und Kunden andererseits, der Gestaltung innovativer Dienstleistungen oder dem Dienstleistungscontrolling, sind auch Beiträge erwünscht, die Dienstleistungen aus der institutionellen Perspektive betrachten und Besonderheiten einzelner Dienstleistungen und Dienstleistungsunternehmen (wie bspw. Steuerberatung und Wirtschaftsprüfung, Finanzdienstleistungen, Tourismusunternehmen, Logistikunternehmen usw.) in den Vordergrund stellen.

Im Rahmen der siebten Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung wird wiederum die Jahrestagung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Dienstleistungsmanagement im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. als gesonderter Track stattfinden. Die Konferenzsprache ist Deutsch und bei Bedarf Englisch

Weitere Informationen über die Tagung, das begleitende Programm für Nachwuchswissen-schaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler sowie eine Formatvorlage für den Extended Abstract finden Sie im Internet unter

Die Einreichungsfrist endet am 31.03.2020.

Call for Papers deutsch

Call for Papers english

CfP: Science for Society? – Arbeits- und Organisationsformen der Zukunft

Am 14. und 15. Mai 2020 findet in Kiel die Tagung „Science for Society? – Arbeits- und Organisationsformen der Zukunft“ im Wissenschaftszentrum Kiel statt. Die Tagung wird veranstaltet von den unabhängigen Fachverbänden gfo – Gesellschaft für Organisation e. V. und GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V. in Kooperation mit der Fachhochschule Kiel, dem Institut für Innovationsforschung der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel sowie dem iaim Institute of Automation & Industrial Management und dem ipo Institut für Personal- & Organisationsforschung der FOM Hochschule. Weitere Informationen zu der Tagung und den Call for Papers finden Sie unter:

Die Einreichungsfrist endet am 06.01.2020.

CfP: EURAM 2020 Track 03_09 & management revue – Socio-Economic Studies Special Issue – Entrepreneurial Management

Track Proponents & Guest Editors:

Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark

Sylvia Rohlfer, Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Spain

Claudio Petti, University of Salento, Italy

Abderrahman Hassi, Al Akhawayn University, Morocco

To create growth and increase the effectiveness of new business venturing as well as small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) entrepreneurial management practices play a pivotal role in exploiting entrepreneurial knowledge and utilizing it towards opportunity exploitation (Goel & Jones, 2016), innovation (Hisrich & Ramadani, 2017) and talent development (Pinheiro & Stensaker, 2014). In line with this, the track addresses entrepreneurial management practices from interdisciplinary and multi-level angles as an important variable in the interplay between individual, organizational and institutional contexts. We invite empirical and conceptual research that contributes to a better understanding of behaviour and mechanisms constituting the formation and diffusion of entrepreneurial management practices. These managerial practices include a wide range of means (e.g. management structure, decision processes learning, knowledge management, human resource system) that help a firm to remain competitive and contribute to organizational and societal value creation.

According to Gupta et al. (2004), entrepreneurs need to fill entrepreneurial and leadership roles and guide the organization through change by implementing certain bundles of practices to build strong dynamic capabilities to sense and seize innovation opportunities, (introducing new products, processes or practices), to successful venture (entering new businesses) or to renew strategically (improving internal coordination; Teece, 2016). Previous research was mainly concerned with the different life cycles of new ventures and problems related to maturity (Gray & Ariss, 1985) and certain types of entrepreneurial leadership (Kim et al., 2017). Thus, a better understanding of the dynamics of entrepreneurial and managerial behaviour of entrepreneurs is crucial.

The track provides an opportunity to take stock on these developments and to present research that addresses entrepreneurial management practices in combination with related fields (e.g. dynamic capabilities, internationalization). A critical issue is a better understanding of contextual factors. Mostly “Western“ theories have been applied and these theories may – to a certain degree – explain individual and organizational behaviour on a global level. However, institutional arrangements need to be considered as a driving force to explain the higher level of entrepreneurial activity in emerging economies compared to advanced markets, and, thus, the variation of entrepreneurial management practices.

European Academy of Management (EURAM) 2020

The European Academy of Management (EURAM) is a learned society founded in 2001. It aims at advancing the academic discipline of management in Europe. With members from 49 countries in Europe and beyond, EURAM has a high degree of diversity and provides its members with opportunities to enrich debates over a variety of research management themes and traditions.

Deadline for paper submission is 14 January 2020 (2pm Belgium time). Contributors are notified of acceptance on 19 March 2020. Further information about the deadlines and important other dates can be found on the EURAM homepage. Author’s guidelines and information about the submission procedure can also be found on the EURAM homepage.

Special Issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies

management revue – Socio-Economic Studies is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary European journal publishing both qualitative and quantitative work, as well as purely theoretical papers that advances the study of management, organization, and industrial relations. Management Revue publishes articles that contribute to theory from a number of disciplines, including business and public administration, organizational behaviour, economics, sociology, and psychology. Reviews of books relevant to management and organization studies are a regular feature.

All contributors to the EURAM track are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies. Full papers for this special issue must be submitted by September 30th, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind reviews. Papers invited to a „revise and resubmit“ are due March 31st, 2021. The publication is scheduled for issue 2/2022. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system using „SI Entrepreneurial Management“ as article section.

Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s homepage.

CfP: New Work Arrangements – A review of concepts and theories

Guest Editors
Ralph Kattenbach, International School of Management, Hamburg
Johannes Moskaliuk, International School of Management, Stuttgart
Barbara Kump, WU Wien

Special Issue
Much has occurred since Frithjof Bergmann‘s seminal thoughts on New Work (1994; 2004; 2019): Smartphones, virtual communication and virtual cooperation have entered the business world. Digitalization has brought forth a completely new economy, agile work processes, AI services, a digital start-up culture, cloud work, new employment relationships, leadership styles, co-working tools and an enhanced spatial and temporal flexibility. These changes in work context and job characteristics, summarized as New Work Arrangements call for a revision of work related concepts and theories. However, even in top management research outlets, the pervasive presence of technology in organizational work has been neglected (Orlikowski & Scott, 2017).

With this special issue on “New Work Arrangements”, we would like to provide comprehensive insights into the many ways in which digitalization influences how we organize, manage and learn work. We also aim to present approaches from various disciplines to incorporate characteristics of New Work Arrangements in existing theories, models, and concepts. In an attempt to categorize the various faces of New Work Arrangements and to provide a guideline for contributions to our special issue, we focus on three central aspects that are influenced by digitalization:

New Organization

Digital technologies enable new business models and strategies; however, they also come with numerous behavioural and organizaitonal challenges for firms: For instance, online markets for talent and labor allow firms to out- source complex tasks but may have implications for knowledge management and human resource management. Adoption of digital technologies may require complementary investments in rare skills to bring about the intended productivity improvements in full (Leiponen et al., 2016). Furthermore, through the advent of digital technologies, virtual work has become the new normal: Staff members work from dispersed locations and interact through their smart phones or other mobile devices (Raghuram et al., 2019). This situation poses a number of new, interesting research questions, for example:

  • What effects have agile work processes, ubiquitous working and virtual teams on an individual and organizational level?
  • What influence do digitalization and artificial intelligence solutions have on work and job characteristics as well as work engagement, performance and perceived autonomy?
  • What is the role of organizational culture and team norms in explaining the impact of New Work Arrangements?
  • Which business models are successful from both an economic (e.g. increased profit) and a psychological (e.g. meaningful work) perspective?

New Leadership

New technologies enable arrangements that offer work-life flexibility. However, studies have shown that such arrangements do not necessarily benefit all groups of workers equally and may come with new challenges, such as promotion and pay schemes (Kossek & Lautsch, 2017). Moreover, such new work arrangements may require new forms of leadership (Banks et al., 2019; Sheniger, 2019). In addition, leaders may have to deal with changes in organizational identity, practice, and knowledge that need to be overcome when organizations become more and more digitalized (Kump, 2019). Possible questions for this special issue include:

  • How are leadership and communication in the workplace affected by digitalization?
  • How can we base trends like mindful leadership, holacracy or agile project management on solid research?
  • What are appropriate competencies, tools, styles or mindsets for leaders facing New Work Arrangements?
  • How can we use digital tools and methods to transfer knowledge, support self-reflection, and foster creativity?

New Learning

Digital devices, virtual reality and other innovative technologies offer new learning opportunities for workers at their workplaces (Noe, Clarke & Klein, 2014). At the same time, managers may need dynamic managerial capabilities in order to keep up to date with constant change (Helfat & Martin, 2014). These new situations require new management skills and may benefit from novel educational settings. Accordingly, new work arrangements come with manifold research questions regarding learning, for example:

  • Which influences has digitalization on learning and development in the workplace?
  • How can digital be used media to provide self-organized learning on the job?
  • How can we foster self-responsible learning competencies and a growth-oriented mindset?
  • What effects do concepts like micro-learning, nudging, and gamification have on learning motivation and learning success?

For the special issue, we invite contributions that consider the above mentioned or related topics of New Work Arrangements, both from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. Qualitative and quantitative research contributions are welcome. We also invite survey articles, best practice cases, didactical designs and book reviews.

Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by May 31, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due November 30, 2020. The publication is scheduled for issue 3/2021. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system ‘New Work Arrangements’ as article section:

Submission Guidelines
Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s website (

CfP: Employee Voice and the Digitalization of Work

Guest Editors
Simon Fietze, University of Southern Denmark
Sylvia Rohlfer, Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Spain
Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany

Seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik (April 20-24, 2020) & Special Issue
Over the past four decades, scholars from employment relations, human resource management, organizational behaviour and labour economics have published a vast body of literature concerning employee voice (Wilkinson & Fay, 2011). Employee voice is thereby understood as the opportunity to participate in organizational decision-making and to have a say to influence the own work and the interests of managers and owners (Barry &Wilkinson, 2016) or – in the case of employee silence – to withhold these views and concerns (Morrison & Milliken, 2003). Employee voice and silence have been linked to organizational performance and the development of competitive advantage (Barry & Wilkinson, 2016) and are a key ingredient for the positive relationship between strategic human resource management and organizational performance (Wood & Wall, 2007) which also implies a link between employee voice and innovation. Employees with the opportunity to communicate individual ideas to management and to participate in decision-making give them the possibility to express ‘creative ideas and new perspectives, increasing the likelihood of innovation’ (Grant, 2013, p. 1703; Zhou & George, 2001).

Recently, scholars are paying more attention to current topics and relate them to employee voice. One stream of research is addressing the advancing technologies and consider the digital revolution and its impact on employee voice. There is no doubt that digital technology is fundamentality changing the way we do business (Mennie, 2015) and in consequence forms, tools and channels ‘voice’. The few studies on employee voice and digitalization are mainly dealing with social media at work and its opportunities for management to get in dialogue with employees. Holland, Cooper, and Hecker (2019), for instance, discuss conceptually issues and opportunities social media provides in the development of employee voice. In a similar vein, Barnes, Balnave, Thornthwaite, and Manning (2019) show how a union’s use of social media might facilitate greater member participation and engagement. However, more empirical evidence and conceptual considerations are needed to better understand and explain digitalization and employee voice (or: ‘e-voice’).

Therefore, the purpose of this seminar and the aim of the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies is to focus on digitalization at work and its challenges and opportunities for employee voice and silence in cross-disciplinary discussions. Some context to discuss are listed below:

  • To what extent do technologies impact employee voice and silence?
  • To what extent do employees make use of technology to ‘raise their voice’?
  • What role do trade unions play when it comes to electronic (e.g., social media) employee voice?
  • What is the impact of electronic (e.g., social media) voice on traditional mechanisms of employee voice?
  • What is the effectiveness of electronic (e.g., social media) voice? How does it compare to the outcomes of traditional mechanisms?
  • Why do electronic (e.g., social media) employee voice systems fail?
  • What is the ‘dark side’ of electronic (e.g., social media) employee voice/silence?

Potential contributors to the seminar at the IUC Dubrovnik are encouraged to submit an abstract of five pages before January 31st, 2020 electronically via the online submission system of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies using ‘IUC Dubrovnik’ as article section:

Special Issue
All contributors to the seminar are invited to submit their paper for the special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies. Full papers for this special issue of management revue – Socio-Economic Studies must be submitted by August 30th, 2020. All contributions will be subject to double-blind review. Papers invited to a ‘revise and resubmit’ are due February 28th, 2021. The publication is scheduled for issue 1/2022. Please submit your papers electronically via the online submission system at using ‘SI Employee Voice’ as article section.

Submission Guidelines
Manuscript length should not exceed 8,000 words (excluding references) and the norm should be 30 pages in double-spaced type with margins of about 3 cm (1 inch) on each side of the page. Further, please follow the guidelines on the journal’s website (

CfP: Schwerpunktheft der Industriellen Beziehungen (Heft 4/2020): Tarifpolitik und Tarifautonomie

Gastherausgeber*Innen: Ingrid Artus, Reinhard Bahnmüller, Reinhard Bispinck

Der Umbau des Tarifsystems in Deutschland und Europa ist seit längerem im Gang. Als abgeschlossen kann die Entwicklung nicht betrachtet werden. In Deutschland geht die Tarifbindung der Betriebe und der Beschäftigten weiter zurück, konditionierte Tarifunterschreitungen mit Abkommen auch auf betrieblicher Ebene sind zu einem Dauerelement des Tarifsystems geworden. Im Dienstleistungssektor besteht ein Flickenteppich verschiedener kollektiver Regulierungen sowie komplett unregulierter Zonen. Wohin entwickelt sich das Tarifsystem? Welche Ansätze zur Stützung von unten und von oben gibt es und welche Effekte lassen sich ausmachen? Welche Funktionen und Effekte haben Verbände ohne Tarifbindung (OT)? Und welche Entwicklungen lassen sich vergleichend auf europäischer Ebene beobachten? Auch die Themen der Tarifpolitik und die Art ihrer Regulierung wandeln sich, etwa in der Arbeitszeitpolitik, der Entlohnung, der Leistungsregulierung, der Qualifizierung oder der Gleichstellungspolitik. Tarifpolitik, Mindestlohnpolitik und Sozialpolitik verschränken sich in neuer Weise. Streiks haben vor allem im Dienstleistungssektor zugenommen, aber auch in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie wird mit neuen Streikformen experimentiert. Welche Erfahrungen wurden gemacht? Wie entwickelt sich das Verhältnis von Konflikt und Kooperation – in Deutschland und europaweit? Ist die europäische Koordinierung der gewerkschaftlichen Tarifpolitik am Ende? Ist ein europäischer Mindestlohn ein zukunftsfähiger Ansatz? Und welche Chancen und Grenzen gibt es für eine Tarifpolitik in international agierenden Unternehmen? Erwünscht sind Beiträge, die folgende Themen bzw. Themenfelder adressieren:

Themenfeld 1: Tarifsystem

  • Wie entwickelt sich die Tarifbindung? Entwicklungstrends und ihre Ursachen (Branchen- und regionale Differenzierung, Fragmentierung der Unternehmen, OT-Verbände)
  • Was heißt Tarifbindung heute? Abweichungen von der Fläche: Theorie, Praxis und Perspektiven („Pforzheimer Abkommen“, Beschäftigungssicherungs-TV, Öffnungsklauseln, Anerkennungs-TVs, Firmen-TVs etc.
  • Stärkung der Tarifbindung als Programm und Politik.
    • Stärkung von unten (Erschließungsprojekte, Konflikte um Tarifbindung).
    • Stärkung von oben und die Rolle des Staates (Allgemeinverbindlichkeit, Vergabegesetze, steuerliche Anreize etc.).
    • Strategien der Arbeitgeberverbände (z. B. Annäherung an die Fläche durch OT-Verbände?)
    • Stärkung durch Differenzierung bzw. Modularisierung?
  • Gibt es neue Akteure der Tarifpolitik? Wie verändert sich die Rolle der Betriebsräte? Welchen Einfluss haben Gewerkschaften jenseits des DGB? Was passiert in Zonen jenseits des Tarifsystems?

Themenfeld 2: Themen bzw. Regulierungsfelder der Tarifpolitik

  • Arbeitszeit und Tarifpolitik: Arbeitszeitgestaltung und/oder Arbeitszeitverkürzung (Optionsmodelle, Work-Life-Balance)
  • Tarifpolitik und Entlohnung:
    • Tarifpolitik und Entgeltgleichheit – (k)ein Thema?
    • Entgeltstrukturpolitik und die Aufwertung von Care-Arbeit
    • Mindestlohn und Tarifpolitik: national und europäischer Mindestlohn
    • Agilität als Herausforderung für die Tarifpolitik
  • Tarifpolitik und Leistung (Leistungsentlohnung und Leistungsentgrenzung, Mindestbesetzung)
  • Tarifpolitik und Qualifizierung
  • Tarifpolitik und Sozialpolitik (u. a. Alterssicherung, Gesundheit und Pflege, Teilzeit/Vollzeit, Leiharbeit)

Themenfeld 3: Konflikt und Kooperation

  • Streiks: Formen, Themen, Häufigkeit, Beteiligung; Mobilisierungsformen; Organizing
  • Abschied von der „Konfliktpartnerschaft“?

Themenfeld 4: Europäische und grenzüberschreitende Tarifpolitik

  • Europäische gewerkschaftliche Koordinierung – (k)ein aktuelles Thema?
  • Vergleichende Analysen zur Entwicklung von Tarifsystemen in Europa
  • Tarifpolitik in international agierenden Unternehmen (etwa. Ryanair, Amazon); gewerkschaftliche Organisierung entlang von Wertschöpfungsketten
  • Regulierung auf supranationaler Ebene (z. B. ILO, Codes of conduct, Local Governance Policy etc.)

Die Einreichungsfrist endet am 10.01.2020.

Weitere Informationen

CfP: Schwerpunktheft der Industriellen Beziehungen (erscheint 2021): Interessenvertretung in (globalen) Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken

Gast-Herausgeber*Innen: Nora Lohmeyer, Jörg Sydow

Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke, die sich nicht selten über Ländergrenzen hinweg erstrecken, sind in der Regel durch komplexe Arbeitsbeziehungen gekennzeichnet. Ein Teil dieser Komplexität ist der geographischen Streuung von Wertschöpfung und der damit einhergehenden Vielfalt institutioneller Kontexte, inklusive rechtlicher und kultureller Unterschiede, geschuldet. Zudem tragen auch die für Netzwerke typische Desintegration von Arbeitnehmer*Innen und multiple Arbeitgeber*Innen sowie plurale Governance-Strukturen zu dieser Komplexität bei. Diese Bedingungen stellen die Interessenvertretung in und außerhalb von Betrieben und Unternehmen vor besondere Herausforderungen. Ausgehend von einem weiten Verständnis von Interessenvertretung, das neben den Interessen der Arbeitenden heutzutage auch jene anderer gesellschaftlicher Gruppen mehr oder weniger mit einschließt, stellen sich der Forschung und Praxis der industriellen Beziehungen u. a. folgende Fragen:

  • Wie lässt sich Interessenvertretung in (globalen) Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken angesichts dieser spezifischen Bedingungen organisieren? Vor welchen Herausforderungen steht sie angesichts geographisch verzweigter Produktionsstandorte und komplexer Arbeitgeber*Innen-Arbeitnehmer*Innen-Beziehungen? Führen etwa non-territoriale Arbeitsplätze zu einem Verlust von Gesprächs- und gemeinsamen Erfahrungsräumen in den Belegschaften und gibt es Ansätze für neue (auch virtuelle) Räume der kollektiven Verständigung? Und welche Möglichkeiten der Interessenvertretung bestehen angesichts gravierender und eher zunehmender Machtunterschiede zwischen den Akteuren und angesichts der häufig schwach ausgeprägten gewerkschaftlichen Strukturen, gerade im sogenannten „globalen Süden“?
  • Welche (Kollektiv-)Akteure spielen neben den traditionellen Partnern – gerade in globalen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken – eine Rolle? Welche Kooperationsformen und Konflikte ergeben sich aus neuartigen Akteurskonstellationen? Mithilfe welcher Praktiken lassen sich Kooperation zum Beispiel zwischen Gewerkschaften und auf nicht nur Arbeitsbeziehungen sondern auch Konsumverhalten gerichteten NGOs gestalten?
  • Welche Möglichkeiten bieten sich angesichts der genannten erschwerten Bedingungen sowie der Durchsetzung globaler neoliberaler Ideologien – die Standortwettbewerb, Individualität und Selbstorganisation betonen – für die Entwicklung neuartiger Formen der Interessenvertretung, wie z. B. Worker Participation Committees? Und wie verhalten sich diese zu traditionellen Formen der Interessenvertretung?
  • Wie lassen sich aktuelle Politik- und Governance-Ansätze (transnationaler) industrieller Beziehungen wie etwa „global framework agreements“ (GFAs) und „multifirm transnational industrial relations agreements“ (TIRAs) bewerten; welcher neuen Ansätze bedarf es und wie verhalten sie sich zu strategischen Ansätzen unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit und Verantwortung (CSR)?

Erwünscht sind folglich sowohl Beiträge, die sich empirisch mit den strukturellen Voraussetzungen, Grundlagen und Hemmnissen für Interessenvertretung in (globalen) Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken befassen, wie auch solche, die Praktiken der Interessenvertretung in den Blick nehmen und „promising practices“-Beispiele aufzeigen. Auch Beiträge, die die Interessenvertretung in (globalen) Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken aus theoretischer Perspektive betrachten und Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung entsprechender Forschungsmethoden ausarbeiten, sind sehr willkommen.

Die Einreichungsfrist endet am 15.04.2020.

Weitere Informationen

CfP: Intricacies of Organizational Stability and Change: Historical Imprints, Path Dependencies and Beyond (EGOS 2020 Hamburg – Subtheme 31)

Convenors: Christopher Marquis, Georg Schreyögg, Jörg Sydow

This sub-theme seeks to bring together researchers from all over the world who study how organizations deal with change when they are confronted with processes that promote stability, including imprinting, path dependence and inertia more generally. The aim is to foster exchange of fresh empirical insights and new theoretical ideas to further understand stabilizing and destabilizing mechanisms in organizations and inter-organizational relations. The sub-theme connects to the general theme of the 36th EGOS Colloquium – “Organizing for a Sustainable Future: Responsibility, Renewal & Resistance” – by examining the dynamics of resistance and renewal in and between organizations. It focuses on the dialectics of making use of routines, its reinforcement and unintended consequences in terms of rigidities, dysfunctional flips, organizational conservatism, and related processes.

The field of stabilizing dynamics – or more generally, the tension between stability and change – provides a particularly advantageous context for exploring the consequences of change efforts as they are developing on different levels: group, organizational, inter-organizational and organizational field, embedded in different institutional environments and numerous strategic contexts. At the same time, research on such types of processes and the evolution of organizational dynamics could benefit from EGOS, as the Colloquium provides a particularly fruitful context for bringing together research from a wide variety of disciplines, theoretical backgrounds, and institutional settings. The sub-theme wishes to attract both high-quality contributions that are ready to be submitted to a research journal as well as research in progress that explores these challenging issues. It seeks to provide an opportunity for engaging in constructive dialogue and to encourage mutual learning among participating scholars. We particularly invite contributions that focus on one or more of the following issues:

  • The role of initial conditions, internal and external to an organization, for triggering stabilizing dynamics in terms of imprinting, path dependence and inertial alignments
  • Making stabilizing dynamics reflexive in everyday organizing
  • Stabilizing processes as systemic forces that transcend individual routine compliance
  • Self-reinforcing processes as drivers of stabilizing dynamics
  • Diffusion of stabilizing and change dynamics and contextual factors that foster their emergence
  • Processes and interventions likely to modify or to stop stabilizing dynamics (e.g. external shocks, paradoxical interventions, charismatic leadership or unlearning)
  • Re-conceiving the tension between stabilizing and change dynamics as multi-level-phenomena

Papers studying such issues and related topics, empirically or conceptually, comparatively or monographically, with regard to recent or historical developments, are cordially invited.

Deadline for the submission of short papers: January 14, 2020

For further information