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Job vacancy at the Leibniz University of Hannover

The Faculty of Economics and Management invites applications for a university professorship (salary scale W 3 NBesO) in Human Resource Management starting 1st of April 2019.

Part-time employment can be arranged on request.


  • A research profile with international recognition in the context of strategic Human Resource Management 
  • Research should be identified through relevant publications in high ranking national/international journals 
  • The ability to connect to the research focus of the Faculty “Innovation and Learning” is desirable 

Application closing date:  31st of October 2018

For further information

Stellenausschreibung der Leibniz Universität Hannover

Am Institut für Personal und Arbeit der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät ist eine Universitätsprofessur (BesGr. W 3 NBesO) für Personal und Arbeit zum 01. April 2019 zu besetzen.

Auf Wunsch kann eine Teilzeitbeschäftigung ermöglicht werden.


  • Ein international ausgewiesenes Forschungsprofil im Rahmen des strategischen Human Resource Management 
  • Erwünscht ist die Anschlussfähigkeit an den Forschungsschwerpunkt der Fakultät „Innovation und Lernen“ 
  • Strategische Orientierung auf Personal und Arbeit könnte bezogen werden auf Innovationsverbünde, Netzwerke, Plattformen, digitale Vernetzungen oder Diversität von Personal und Führung 

Bewerbungsschluss: 31.10.2018

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Neues Special Issue des German Journal of Human Resource Management (GHRM)

Thema: “Organizational Working Time Regimes” 

Gast-HerausgeberInnen: Blagoy Blagoev, Sara Louise Muhr, Renate Ortlieb und Georg Schreyögg

Freier Zugang zu allen Artikeln bis zum 17. Oktober 2018


Organizational working time regimes: Drivers, consequences and attempts to change patterns of excessive work hours

Blagoy Blagoev, Sara Louise Muhr, Renate Ortlieb and Georg Schreyögg

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3+4): 155–167.

Abstract: A 40-hour working week is the norm in Europe, yet some organizations require 60 or more working hours and in investment banks an alarming 120-hour weeks are known to be worked. What is more, these organizations often require workers to be permanently on call and demonstrate high production rates. Consequences of such practices include frazzled employees, with their families’ and their own health under pressure. This article introduces our special issue of the German Journal of Human Resource Management. It tackles the many reasons behind excessive work hours and failed attempts to change working time arrangements in organizations. It first identifies three core ideas in previous research, namely the dispersed nature of regimes of excessive working hours, their high levels of persistence and their constitution at multiple levels of analysis. It then summarizes the contributions in this special issue. Finally, it proposes avenues for future research, such as focusing on the genesis and the historicity of organizational working time regimes, studying the interrelation of factors across multiple levels of analysis, and probing new theories to explain the extreme persistence of excessive working hours. The overarching aim of our special issue in this core area of human resource management is to contribute to an understanding of organizational working time regimes and the tenacity of excessive working hours in an effort to deepen our knowledge of how to change them.

Digital technology, work extension and acceleration society

Judy Wajcman

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3+4): 168–176.

Abstract: This essay is based on a keynote speech given at the Organizational Working Time Regimes conference on 30 March 2017 at the University of Graz, Austria. It challenged the widespread assumption that digital technologies are radically altering our perception of time: as if we are mere hostages to the accelerating drive of machines. Digital devices are sold to us as time-saving tools that promote a busy, exciting action-packed lifestyle. But all technologies are inherently social: they bear the imprint of the people and social context from which they emerge. Time is lived at the intersection of an array of social differences in which some people’s time and labour is valued more highly than others’, and where some groups gain speed and efficiency at the expense of others. Overall, then, the talk argued that while there is no temporal logic inherent in technologies, artefacts do play a central role in the constitution of time regimes. The design of technologies matters for how we work, live and communicate, which in turn sets the tempo and texture of social time. So, it is striking that the people who design our technology and decide what is made are unrepresentative of society. The most powerful companies in the world today are basically engineering companies and employ few women, minorities and people over 40. To control our time, we must not only contest the imperative of speed and workaholism, but also democratize the making of engineering. Only then can we harness our inventiveness to fashion an alternative politics of time.

How do differing degrees of working-time autonomy and overtime affect worker well-being? A multilevel approach using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)

Julia Seitz and Thomas Rigotti

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3+4): 177–194.

Abstract: Flextime, or Flexitime, leads to greater worker satisfaction and well-being, but evidence shows increased working-time autonomy also leads to a greater risk of burnout and overload. The aim of this study is to estimate the effects of working-time arrangements with differing levels of autonomy on job and leisure satisfaction as well as subjective health. It uses working excessive hours as the threshold moderator. Based on German data, hypotheses were tested using a balanced sample of 4019 individuals spanning 16,076 person-years. Changing to or remaining in autonomous working-time arrangements had a positive effect on job satisfaction. Advancing to self-managed working time (trust-based working time) had a negative effect on satisfaction with leisure time, although remaining in self-managed working time related positively to general health. This study shows that measures are needed to govern working-time autonomy in order to prevent employees excessively extending their working hours.

Resisting long working hours: The case of Spanish female teleworkers

Ana Gálvez, Francisco Tirado and Jose-Manuel Alcaráz

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3+4): 195–216.

Abstract: Spain has some of the longest working days in the European Union and this presents problems for women employees, especially with regard to their work–life balance. Teleworking has been introduced as a possible solution. Our article analyses this working relationship and shows how female teleworkers produce new interpretations of time, space and agency. When it comes to time, we conclude that there is ‘gendered time’ and ‘resistance time’. This (a) illustrates how women who telework deploy different approaches in the way they relate to their temporal, spatial and material worlds, and (b) defines a particular type of agency associated with teleworking that vindicates their condition as both female workers and mothers, and denounces a patriarchal labour model designed by and for men.

The impact of long working hours on the health of German employees

Anita Tisch, Grit Müller and Anne Wöhrmann

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3+4): 217–235.

Abstract: Excessive working hours have negative consequences for employees’ health. Looking deeper into this problem, this article examines how employers’ needs for more intense working or more flexible working hours affect their employees’ psychosomatic health. A German representative survey of 13,452 full-time employees found that long working hours, work intensity (deadline and performance pressure) and flexibility requirements (permanent availability, changes in working hours) were significantly related to psychosomatic health complaints. When considering future work design and practices, these findings show which unfavourable working conditions are to be avoided to maintain the psychosomatic health of employees.

The cost of shiftwork: Absenteeism in a large German automobile plant

Bernd Frick, Robert Simmons and Friedrich Stein

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3+4): 236–256.

Abstract: Using a balanced panel of some 400 organizational units in a large automobile plant, we analyse changes in absenteeism following a company innovation intended to improve worker health and well-being. During the period under consideration (January 2009–December 2011) the firm replaced its traditional shift schedule associated with high health risks for workers with an ergonomically more advantageous system. Our findings show that this innovation was accompanied by a statistically significant and economically relevant decrease in absenteeism. However, when workers started to express discontent with the new system, management after a few months implemented another shift system that was, from an ergonomical perspective, again associated with higher health risks than those associated with the second one. Absentee figures quickly returned to their initial levels. This suggests that short-term leisure preferences can override long-term health concerns in worker responses to the implementation of different shift schedules.

How social acceleration affects the work practices of academics: A study in Brazil

Lucia Rotenberg and Elisa Carlos

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3+4): 257–270.

Abstract: Applying industrial and market-driven logic has brought radical change to universities in the past few decades. Knowledge production and transmission as well as academics’ subjectivity have been substantially altered by neoliberal policies. This article introduces a social acceleration perspective and explores what happens to university teachers’ work practices in the face of increasing demands. The article draws on a study into the effect of social acceleration on a group of 15 professors in Brazil. Consequences include (a) producing ‘guilty subjects’ due to lack of time, (b) burnout from the feeling of ‘running uphill just to stay in place’, (c) an impact on work–life balance and retirement, (d) devaluing experience and expertise and (e) lack of identification with the work and workplace. The academics reported impossible demands on them, or even retiring. Reconciling their work practices with professional expectations generated a conflict of values: they no longer recognized themselves as good teachers, dedicated supervisors or innovative researchers. The article argues that the role of education is compromised by the accelerated university, which is transforming universities and academics into entrepreneurs in search of production.

Working time regimes: A panel discussion on continuing problems

Jana Costas, Susanne Ekman, Laura Empson, Dan Kärremann and Sara Louise Muhr

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3+4): 271–282.

Abstract: This article records a panel discussion at the Organizational Working Time Regimes conference on 31 March 2017 at the University of Graz, Austria. The discussion was moderated by Sara Louise Muhr and the panelists were Jana Costas, Susanne Ekman, Laura Empson and Dan Kärreman. The discussion both departed from yet centred on the concept of time itself: how we understand time as academics, employees and managers, and how the notion of time guides and controls all of us in various ways. Through the different perspectives that the panelists have on time and work regimes, it became evident that time – and discussions of time – is complex and context-dependent and needs to be researched as such. The discussion passionately weaved in and out of key questions on work intensification, inequality regimes and resistance to working time regimes that are deeply entwined with dynamic dialectics such as personal/professional, past/future, individual/organizational, worker/leader, good/bad. The panel in this way takes the reader through difficult discussions about what is ‘extreme’, for whom is it extreme and what interventions (if any) can be made by academics. Doing so, the panelists sensitively drew attention to our own line of work, academia, and the work regimes controlling academics.

Excessive work regimes and functional stupidity

Mats Alvesson and Katja Einola

German Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(3+4): 283–296.

Abstract: In order to understand why individuals accept and reproduce excessive time regimes, this paper addresses five key drivers: (1) intrinsic motivation, (2) extrinsic motivation, (3) organizational norms, (4) the principle of reciprocity, and (5) identity, including having the ‘true grit’ and belonging to the ‘elite’. It also points to how various elements in excessive work regimes – tendencies towards a closed occupational system, the combination of incentives and ego-boosting and limited time outside work – contribute to functional stupidity, making people disinclined to ask critical questions about work practices and norms, be self-reflective or imagine alternative forms of work organizations, careers or personal objectives.

Stellenausschreibung der Alanus Hochschule

An der Alanus Hochschule im Fachbereich Wirtschaft ist zum 1. November 2018 eine Stelle (Vollzeit) als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w) am Lehrstuhl für Arbeit und Organisationsstruktur im Handel zu besetzen.

Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 3 Jahre befristet. Die Option auf eine Verlängerung um weitere 3 Jahre ist gegeben.


  • wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit an Forschungsprojekten des Lehrstuhls
  • Konzeption und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen im Bereich Arbeit und Organisation
  • Betreuung von Seminar- und Abschlussarbeiten
  • Unterstützung bei Publikationen
  • Eigenständige Arbeit an Ihrer Dissertation
  • Organisation und allgemeine Verwaltung des Lehrstuhls und des Fachbereichs

Bewerbungsschluss: 01. Oktober 2018

Weitere Informationen

Stellenausschreibung der Universität Bielefeld

Für die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften sucht die Universität Bielefeld zum 1. Januar 2019 einen Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (m/w; E13 TV-L, 75%).

Die Stelle ist für die Dauer von 3 Jahren befristet.


  • Forschung im Bereich Personal, Organisation und Unternehmungsführung (i. W. akademisches Personalmanagement, auch empirisch), (60 %)
  • Unterstützung in der Lehre des Lehrstuhls im Umfang von 3 LVS sowie Unterstützung der Lehr- und Prüfungstätigkeit im Bereich Personal, Organisation und Unternehmungsführung (25 %)
  • Dienstleistungsaufgaben und Mitarbeit in der Selbstverwaltung (15 %)

Bewerbungsschluss: 05.10.2018

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Stellenausschreibung der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

An der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf ist am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Organisation und Personal (Uni.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Süß), voraussichtlich zum 01. November 2018 eine Stelle als Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (m/w) mit Möglichkeit zur Promotion zu besetzen.

Die Stelle ist zunächst bis zum 31.03.2021 (75% der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit) in der Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L befristet. Eine Verlängerung ist vorgesehen.


  • Möglichkeit zur Promotion
  • Breites Spektrum an Forschungsthemen
  • Kreative Mitgestaltung der Forschungsprozesse und enge Einbindung in die empirische Forschung
  • Mitarbeit an Publikationsvorhaben
  • Teilnahme an internationalen Konferenzen
  • Eigenverantwortliche Übernahme von Lehrveranstaltungen

Bewerbungsschluss: 21.09.2018

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Open position:
Full Professor of Human Resource Management

The goal of the advertised position is to strengthen Swedish HRM research by initiating, developing and conducting relevant HRM research via research collaboration within the framework of CGHRM. The professor will be required to be actively present in the Centre’s operations and take active responsibility for the Centre’s development.

The Centre for Global Human Resource Management (CGHRM) was established at the University of Gothenburg in 2014. The Centre is a collaboration between the Department of Business Administration at the School of Business, Economics and Law and the Department of Sociology and Work Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Work responsibilities

The successful applicant will be expected to:

  • Actively participate in the Centre’s operations and serve as its scientific director.
  • Initiate and coordinate multidisciplinary, externally funded research projects/programmes in the field of HRM from a global perspective.
  • Strengthen and develop HRM research and contribute to increased cooperation between researchers in the field of HRM at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg and thereby lead the development of a strong research environment around global HRM that extends across disciplinary boundaries.
  • Contribute to a sustainable research environment by supporting the establishment of externally funded PhD programmes and postdoc positions in the field of HRM.

Application closing date
14 September 2018

For further information 


Stellenausschreibung der Technischen Universität München

Am Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Organisation (Prof. Dr. Isabell M. Welpe) ist voraussichtlich ab 1. Oktober 2018 (vorbehaltlich Projektzusage) in einem durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Forschungsprojekt eine Stelle als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Doktorand, m/w) mit der Gelegenheit zur Promotion und Möglichkeit zur Unternehmensgründung zum Thema „Neue Geschäftsmodelle für personennahe Dienstleistungen“ zu besetzen. Das spezifische Thema der Promotion kann frei gewählt werden, weist idealerweise jedoch einen Bezug zu Geschäftsmodellen und personennahen Dienstleistungen auf.

Die Stelle ist auf 36 Monate befristet (m/w, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, 100%).


  • Entwicklung einer Plattform für personennahe Dienstleistungen
  • Durchführung einer Feldstudie zur Bedarfserhebung von Haushalten sowie begleitende Studien zur Entwicklung der Plattformlösung
  • Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse im Rahmen von Publikationen in internationalen Zeitschriften

Stellenbesetzung: voraussichtlich ab 01.10.2018

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Stellenausschreibung der Quadriga Hochschule Berlin GmbH

Die Quadriga Hochschule Berlin ist eine private für Management in den Bereichen Public Relations und Kommunikation, Politik und Public Affairs, Human Resources, Vertrieb und Marketing. Inter-disziplinäre Wissensvermittlung, ein hoher Praxisbezug in Forschung und Lehre und ein starkes Netzwerk zur Karriereförderung zeichnet die Quadriga Hochschule aus.

Die Quadriga Hochschule in Berlin sucht einen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (m/w) im Bereich der empirischen Forschung.


  • Mitarbeit an Projekten im Bereich der Auftragsforschung für Unternehmen, Institutionen und NGO
  • Erstellung und Durchführung von quantitativen und qualitativen Befragungen sowie Inhaltsanalysen in Zusammenarbeit mit den Professor(inn)en der Hochschule
  • Datenauswertung, Datenaufbereitung und statistische Analysen
  • Erstellung von Ergebnisberichten, Reports, Projekt- und Tagungspräsentationen, Mitwirkung an Fachbeiträgen

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CfP: Diversitätsforschung: Von der Rekonstruktion zur Disruption?

Seit über zwei Jahrzehnten findet in unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Feldern (z.B. Erziehungs‐, Geistes‐, Kultur‐, Sozial‐ und Wirtschaftswissenschaften) eine Auseinandersetzung um den konzeptionellenGehalt des Diversitäts‐ bzw. Diversity‐Begriffs sowie damit im Zusammenhang stehenden Praktiken (z.B. Diversity Management) statt. Dabei ist zum einen die Rekonstruktion dessen von Bedeutung, unter welchen Bedingungen identitätsbezogene Unterscheidungen relevant und inwiefern dadurch Ungleichheiten (re‐)produziert oder abgeschwächt werden können. Des Weiteren spielt auch die Perspektive der Dekonstruktion eine zentrale Rolle. Hierbei versuchen Diversitätsforschende, (binäre) Vorstellungen von unveränderlichen „Differenzmerkmalen“ und Gruppenidentitäten kritisch zu hinterfragen und theoretisch wie empirisch das Augenmerk auf Prozesse des (Un‐)Doing Diversity, also auf sich in Bewegung befindliche Identitätskonstruktionen, zu legen.

Vor diesem Hintergrund soll ein noch weniger erschlossener Raum, der unter dem Begriff der Disruption gefasst werden kann, in den Fokus rücken. Für die Diversitätsforschung bedeutet das, gemeinsam in den Austausch zu treten und konkrete Vorstellungen davon zu entwickeln wie ein „gelungener“ Umgang mit Differenzen bzw. „dem Anderen“ aussehen könnte. Hierbei geht es etwa darum, das Potenzial diversitätssensibler bzw. ‐affirmativer Praktiken auszuloten, über intersektional angelegte Identitätspolitiken nachzudenken und Konzepte wie Inklusion, Teilhabe oder Partizipation theoretisch wie empirisch zu fundieren.

Grundsätzlich sollen also Ansatzpunkte für disruptive Entwicklungschancen durch die Diversitätsforschung identifiziert und praktisch „lebbare“ Alternativen unter den Bedingungen des „Hier und Jetzt“ ausgemacht werden, in denen der Wunsch nach gerechterer Verteilung von Lebenschancen dem Bedürfnis nach Anerkennung bestimmter Identitätsentwürfe nicht polarisierend gegenübergestellt wird. Diese Absicht kann auch in den Kontext von Bildung und Bildungspolitik gestellt werden.


  • Laura Dobusch, Radboud University Nijmegen
  • Katharina Kreissl, Technische Universität München
  • Elisabeth Wacker, Technische Universität München

Deadline für Vollbeiträge: 01.12.2018

Deadline Forschungsskizzen, Positionen sowie Praxisbeiträge: 01.02.2019

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