Archiv des Autors: Sarah Kanand

13th International Research Workshop „Methods for PhD“

Empirical research is seeking through methodological processes to discover, hopefully, nontrivial facts and insights. Beside choosing a topic and grounding an idea in theory, empirical research consists of gathering and analysing data as well as presenting results in scientific contexts in order to contribute new issues to the body of acquired knowledge – not only to someone‘s own but also to that of others.

Our workshop tackles these steps of your research project:

  • Gathering data via (un)structured interviews and analysing standardised survey data and
  • using the computer for qualitative data analysis and as a tool for statistics.

These steps will strengthen the cooperation in empirical research to boost and streamline one’s project.

The 13th International Research Workshop will take place at the Akademie Sankelmark (near Flensburg) and the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) – Campus Kolding from 15 – 20 September 2019. The workshop programme is online now. You are welcome to register for the Newsletter to get updated information on the International Research Workshop and other PhD related activities.

CfP: EGOS Sub-Theme 55 – Managers and managerial behavior in countries in transition

The 34th EGOS Colloquium takes place from July 5th-8th 2018 at the EBS in Tallinn. The convenors of this sub-theme (see below) call for papers that will enhance the understanding of management behavior in countries in transition, by considering various possible factors that may have impact on management behavior in these societies, especially those not well-elaborated in the literature yet. This leaves researchers space to combine different behavioral and leadership theories, research perspectives and methodological approaches, which investigate management behavior in considered societies.

Example issues:

  • Management behavior in countries in transition from various perspectives
  • Key drivers of management behavior in countries in transition
  • The role of personal values for shaping management behavior in countries in transition

Convenors: Zlatko Nedelko, Tiit Elenurm and Thomas Steger

Deadline for the submission of short papers: 08.01.2018

Further information

CfP: Special Issue of the Management Revue: Workplace Flexibility

The aim of this special issue is to increase our understanding of the aspects of workplace flexibility, especially from an organizational perspective. The guest editors Sascha Ruhle and Stephan Süß encourage empirical – qualitative or quantitative – submissions from various research fields, such as business administration, industrial and organizational psychology, work sociology and other disciplines dealing with the topic of the Special Issue.

Example topics:

  • What is the core of flexibility in organizations?
  • Which origins can be identified of the ongoing need for various types of flexibility?
  • What types of flexibility can be systematized and how are those different types related to organizational
    consequences, such as success or attractiveness?
  • […]

Deadline for papers: 31.12.2017

Guest editors: Sascha Ruhle (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) and Stefan Süß (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf).

Further information

CfP: EURAM 2018, Special track: Digital innovation: Strategies, competences, theories and practice

The EURAM 2018 conference takes place from June 20th-23rd in Reykjavik, Iceland. This special track will have a focus on digital innovations, including strategies, competences, theories and practice.

Questions/topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Organizational structure, ways of working and digital culture;
  • Change of workplace and work practices to develop digital innovation;
  • Transformation path in-between disruptive change and “gentle slopes”
  • […]

Convenors: Agusti Canals (UOC), Patrick Cohendet (HEC Montréal), Valérie Merindol (PSB), Francesco Schiavone (Parthenope University), David W. Versailles (PSB) Uta Wilkens (Ruhr University Bochum).

Deadline for paper submissions: 10.01.2018

Further information

CfP: EGOS Sub-Theme 27 – Mapping out a Diverse Career Landscape: Uncovering Unexpected Findings

The 34th EGOS Colloquium takes place from July 5th-8th 2018 at the EBS in Tallinn. This sub-theme invites papers which address one or several diversity-related issues such as: discoveries about different careers of different groups, careers of other occupations, career success, emerging alternative career paths as well as careers in very different work settings, and contexts. The papers can have a theoretical, methodological or empirical focus or a combination of them. Examples include, but certainly are not limited to the topics mentioned; in terms of scientific discipline, papers from all areas of career studies are welcome.

Convenors: Maike Andresen (University of Bamberg), Svetlana N. Khapova (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Thomas M. Schneidhofer (University Schloss Seeburg)

Deadline for the submission of short papers: 08.01.2018

Further information

CfP: GHRM Special Issue – Human Resource Management in Family Firms

Submissions are welcome that take the unique characteristics of family firms into account and that move beyond the idea of one-size-fits-all ‘best practices’ by addressing how family firms develop HR practices, take advantage of them, and bundle their practices into HR systems. By exploring these areas it is hoped to sharpen the theoretical underpinnings of the debate on HRM in family firms. Moreover, a contribution to an understanding of if/how family firms use HR practices to proactively address environmental dynamics, demographic change or innovation should be given.

Example questions regarding practices of HRM in family firms:

  • Do family firms use different practices of HRM than non-family firms (e.g., more informal, cultural or complex)?
  • How do different bundles of HR practices relate to the pursuit and achievement of financial or non-financial goals?
  • Are family firms more effective in the design of high-performance work systems than nonfamily firms?
  • […]

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 31.10.2017

Editors of the Special Issue: Andreas Hack (University of Bern, Switzerland & Witten/Herdecke University), Franz W. Kellermanns (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, U.S. & WHU) and Christina Hoon (Bielefeld University).

Weitere Informationen

Stellenausschreibung der TU Kaiserslautern

Im Rahmen des durch das BMBF geförderten Projekts „Offene Digitalisierungsallianz für die Pfalz“ (ODPfalz) ist/sind am Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship (Prof. Baum) der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern vom 01.01.2018 bis zum 31.12.2022 folgende befristete(n) Stelle(n) als Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in: 2x mit 50 % der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit (1/2 TV-L E 13) (Ein Promotionsvorhaben außerhalb der Stellentätigkeit wird unterstützt) oder 1x mit 100 % der regelmäßigen Arbeitszeit (TV-L E 13) (Voraussetzung hierfür ist eine abgeschlossene Promotion) zu besetzen.


  • Begleitung des Verbesserungsmanagements bei dem Projekt „Offene Digitalisierungsallianz für die Pfalz“ (ODPfalz)
  • Erforschung neuer Methoden und Ansätze für ein Qualitätsmanagement des Wissens- und Technologietransfers
  • Konzeption, Identifikation und Darstellung von Best Practice und Impact Stories des Wissens- und Technologietransfers
  • […]

Bewerbungsfrist: 01.11.2017

Weitere Informationen


CfP: EGOS Sub-Theme 21 – Overwork, Identity and the Autonomy/Control Paradox in Professional Organizations

The 34th EGOS Colloquium takes place from July 5th-8th 2018 in Tallinn. The above mentioned sub-theme invites researchers who study the relationship between identity, autonomy, and overwork in professional service organizations.

Professionals have traditionally been theorized as enjoying higher levels of autonomy regarding the where, when and how of work. Yet, research also reveals that most professional workplaces are characterized by a persistent, autonomy-reducing regime of excessive working hours (60–120 hours/week) and escalating availability to clients and superiors. Even when firms try to alleviate extra-long hours regimes by promoting work-life balance and flexible work arrangements, overwork usually persists. This sub-theme seeks to advance current knowledge of the totalizing nature of professional work. It invites empirical and theoretical papers.

Convenors: Blagoy Blagoev, Freie Universität Berlin; Laura Empson, Cass Business School; Renate Ortlieb, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Deadline for the submission of short papers: 08.01.2018

Further information


VHB-Preise 2018

Wie jedes Jahr sollen während der nächsten Pfingsttagung vom 23. bis 25. Mai 2018 in Magdeburg wieder Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler für bemerkenswerte Leistungen durch den VHB ausgezeichnet werden. Jede Wissenschaftliche Kommission hat die Möglichkeit, folgende Publikationen zur Auszeichnung zu nominieren:

Nachwuchspreis: Eine bemerkenswerte Publikation von Jungwissenschaftlern (aktuelle Aufsatzveröffentlichungen in angesehenen Zeitschriften mit Begutachtungsverfahren und innovative Buchveröffentlichungen – nur Erstauflagen, sowie kumulative Dissertationen und Habilitationen).
Best Paper Award: Eine bemerkenswerte internationale Publikation (aktuelle Aufsatzveröffentlichungen in angesehenen Zeitschriften mit Begutachtungsverfahren und mit internationaler Ausrichtung).
Lehrbuchpreis: Ein herausragendes Lehrbuch (innovative Lehrbuchveröffentlichungen in deutscher oder englischer Sprache).

Bitte klicken Sie auf die o.g. Links, um detaillierte Hinweise zu den einzelnen Vergabeverfahren zu erhalten. Dort sind auch die Vergaberichtlinien als Download verfügbar. Eine Nominierung ist auch auf der Grundlage von Gutachten möglich (nähere Informationen finden Sie hier). Allgemeine Informationen zu der Forschungsförderung und Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses finden Sie hier. Die nominierten Beiträge müssen in einem der beiden der Preisverleihung vorangegangenen Jahre erschienen sein. D. h., in diesem Jahr können Beiträge aus 2016 und 2017 nominiert werden.

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Einsendeschluss ist der 01.12.2017.