The aim of the 10th volume of the JCSM is to further explicate and understanding of „Digital transformation“ in relation to competence‐based strategic management. The editors invite contributions that adopt a resource and competence‐based lens and address the practical and/or context‐specific, theoretical and methodological challenges of digital transformation.
Example topics and approaches:
- Digital Transformation: causes, courses, and consequences
- Industry specific transformation such as smart mobility, smart living, smart energy, e‐ and digital health, industry transformation, “Industry 4.0”
- Theories of disruption and transformation, “Micro‐foundations of change”
- Process‐orientation in co‐evolutionary research designs, addressing one or more of the following attributes: multilevel, processual and/or longitudinal
- [. . .]
Deadline for the submission of papers: 31.01.2018
Editors of the issue: Prof. Dr. Martin Gersch and Dr. Janina Sundermeier (both Freie Universität Berlin)