Call for Papers: Journal of Competence-based Strategic Management (JCSM)

Call for Papers of the Journal of Competence-based Strategic Management (JCSM); Volume 9: Approaching Dynamic Capabilities from a Multi-Level Perspective

General Information

The Journal of ‘Competence-based Strategic Management’ provides a forum for academic contributions to the issues of organizational competences and dynamic capabilities at the interface between strategic management and organization studies. All papers are to be submitted in English language and in line with the publication standards. Their publication prerequisites a successful double-blind peer-review process.

Volume Background and Scope

The 9th volume of JCSM gives emphasis to dynamic capabilities from a multi-level perspective. The purpose of the volume is to enhance the understanding of the interdependence between higher-level entities and lower-level entities that contribute to the development and deployment of dynamic capabilities.
Such a multi-level perspective includes both directions, micro-foundations of organizational phenomena as well as the organization itself as an entity of a higher-level construct, e.g. the regional ecosystem or the institutional environment. Micro-foundations give emphasis to issues such as leadership and individual behavior, managerial cognition and action, working systems and team interactions but also organizational structures, rules and routines. Treating organizations as entities of a higher-level construct includes the consideration of market-shaping activities, regional innovation systems and ecosystems as well as further aspects of the institutional or business System.

Deadline: December 2015

Further Information