Zeitschrift für Personalforschung – Special Issue

Zeitschrift für Personalforschung

Special Issue „Green Human Resource Management“

Colleagues interested in HRM and Environmental Sustainability may be interested in the German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management’s recently published Special Issue on Green HRM, which is now available free online:


Table of Contents

State-of-the-Art and Future Directions for Green Human Resource Management: Introduction to the Special Issue http://www.hampp-ejournals.de/hampp-verlag-services/get?file=/frei/ZfP_2_2011_Jackson

The Dynamics of Green HRM Behaviors: A Cognitive Social Information Processing Approach                                                   http://www.hampp-ejournals.de/hampp-verlag-services/get?file=/frei/ZfP_2_2011_Zoogah

Green Work-Life Balance: A New Perspective for Green HRM                                                                                                             http://www.hampp-ejournals.de/hampp-verlag-services/get?file=/frei/ZfP_2_2011_Muster

Environmental Management Activities and Sustainable HRM in German Manufacturing Firms – Incidence, Determinants, and Outcomes                                                                                                                                                                                                                   http://www.hampp-ejournals.de/hampp-verlag-services/get?file=/frei/ZfP_2_2011_Wagner

Management Learning and the Greening of SMEs: Moving beyond Problem-solving                                                               http://www.hampp-ejournals.de/hampp-verlag-services/get?file=/frei/ZfP_2_2011_Millard