Professional Development Workshop (PDW) “Academic-Practitioner Collaborative Research: Hands-on Experiences, Approaches, and Methods”

Academic-Practitioner Collaborative Research:

Hands-on Experiences, Approaches, and Methods
Collaborative Research

Samstag, 7. August 2010, 13:30 – 16:30PM im Hotel Delta Centre-Ville, Konferenzraum Cartier A


Rita Kowalski, Work Life Consulting LLC;  Stefan Krummaker, Leibniz University of Hannover; Holger Schiele; University of Twente; Jeroen Kraaijenbrink; University of Twente


Andrew H. Van de Ven, University of Michigan; Gerard P. Hodgkinson, University of Leeds; Anne S. Huff, Technical University of Munich; Holger Schiele, University of Twente; Klaus-Peter Wiedmann, University of Hannover; Kathrin M. Moeslein, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Petra Hoffman, University of Twente


Changing the conversations about academic-practitioner collaborative research at the Academy of Management is the intention driving this PDW. We want to move from a debate about its possibility and usefulness to actively learning about successful collaborative research approaches and practices. More precisely, this PDW will focus on the methods enabling academic-practitioner research collaboration. Building upon experiences from an internationally focused 2009 PDW and a 2008 symposium on collaborative research’s usefulness this year’s PDW purpose is to create again a relational space where participants are able to discuss and share methods and approaches that academics and practitioners use during different stages of collaborative research. The PDW will provide the participants with the opportunity to engage in reflection-in-action asking them to not only share experiences in conducting collaborative researcher but to notice, reflect upon, and learn how their backgrounds and experiences affect and influence their approach to the practice and craft of collaborative research. Collaborative research generates passionate discussion and requires learning how to build connections across differences. As in the previous year, participants will create the learning space to discuss the “how” of such research and to identify future actions that take into account the differences that we navigate as we contribute to the knowledge and applications of collaborative research in both the academic and practitioner worlds.

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