management revue – Special Issue

Dritter Call for Papers zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit und Personalmanagement in der Mangement Revue

Special Issue:
„Sustainability and Human Resource Management“

Recently, the notion of sustainability has become increasingly popular in the field of management and specifically within Human Resource Management (HRM). The natural, social and  financial resources of the world are insufficient for all, or even most human beings, to have the material standards of living of the richest people. The access to and distribution of resources to people creates challenging dilemmas for politicians, commercial interests and to the overall human race. Additionally, human  resources are becoming scarce in some industrial sectors, too – even in the current troubled economic times many organizations are searching for talented employees. The focus of many HRM activities including reward, training and development as well as employer/ employee relationships appears to have become focused on immediate impact rather than long term viability. These issues make  the idea of sustainability relevant for organizations and for HRM.

Deadline: Full papers by 30th May, 2010.

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